Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 7/14)

2024-07-14 19:43:03 | Translation

Ref.>"The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to America"




Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 7/14)


> トランプ大統領、暗殺未遂の背景

The background to the assassination attempt on (* former) President D. Trump.
In a conversation with Manabu Matsuda broadcasted on July 10, I commented on an assassination of Trump -- "If things go normally, Trump will win the presidential election. However, we never know what will happen. I don't think Trump will win at all. The reason why is that four years ago was the same."

> トランプにカスリ傷を負わせた狙撃犯は屋根の上から撃ったという目撃者の証言を BBCが伝えたと、CNNが言っているが詳細は不明。
> 先日松田学さんとの対談で述べた予想通りになった。
> トランプは明日の党大会に参加と言っている。
> NYTの昨日の狂った社説はこの米国の惨状そのものだ。

CNN said that "The BBC reported that an eyewitness testified that the sniper, who inflicted Trump a scratch, fired from a rooftop." However, details are unclear.
This is just what I said and predicted in my recent conversation with Manabu Matsuda.
D. Trump says that he will participate in the party convention tomorrow.
The crazy New York Times editorial on yesterday is a perfect example of this dire conditions of the U.S.

> 日本時間今朝のトランプ大統領暗殺未遂事件。
> 開場時から生中継をしていた独立系メディアが別アングルから撮った中継が見られる。
> 一般人の米国人有権者の咄嗟の危機への対処の仕方や、VIP警護の武装など日本人は学ばなければならない。
> 銃撃直後にこの中継でも、屋上のスナイパーに放送は言及した。

The assassination attempt on (* former) President D. Trump in this morning (Japan local time).
You can watch a live broadcast from a different angle by an independent media outlet, that was broadcasting live from the time of the gate open.
Japanese people must learn from the case = the way ordinary American voters respond to sudden crises, how VIP guards are armed, etc.
Even right after the shooting, this broadcast commented on the sniper on the roof.

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翻訳;西村博之(ひろゆき)の X(on '24. 7/14)

2024-07-14 17:17:55 | Translation


>"公明・山口代表、9月引退を示唆 「任期終了を基本に考えたい」"

>"沖タイ・阿部岳氏、ひろゆき氏の言説の検証でファクトチェックアワード 2024優秀賞「今後も差別から生まれ差別を生むデマの検証を続ける」"

>【週刊文春】東京の火葬場が中国人に乗っ取られる… マネーロンダリングも画策!?|#花田紀凱 #月刊Hanada #花田編集長の週刊誌欠席裁判

Translation of X (* tweets) by Hiroyuki Nishimura (aka Hiroyuki, on '24. 7/14)


> 東京の火葬場を中国系が寡占して役員報酬7億円貰ってる問題。
> 厚労省は「区長の権限」と言い、新宿区長は「知らないのに、知ったかぶりで発信するのは止めてください。」と否定。
> 厚労省と新宿区長の責任転嫁合戦はどちらが勝つのか?

The issue that a Chinese company have a monopoly on crematoriums in Tokyo and they receive annual \700 million executive remuneration.
The MHLW says that it is "the ward mayor's authority," but the Shinjuku Ward mayor denies it, saying that "Please stop dissemination as if you know something when you don't."
Who will win in this buck passing responsibility battle between the MHLW and the Shinjuku ward mayor?



> 自民党に支持された小池さんがほぼ何もせずに選挙に勝った。

Sitting Gov. Koike, who was supported by the LDP, won the election while almost doing nothing.
The danger of this visualisation of the fact that -- voters who think "we must change Japan" are a minority even in Tokyo -- is being overlooked.



> 映画のポスターのようなトランプ氏の写真。
> 不屈の大統領というアメリカ人の大好きな状況。
> バイデンさんを降ろしてもトランプ氏にはもう勝てないでしょ、、、

A photo showing D. Trump that looks like a movie poster.
It's the situation of the indomitable president, which Americans love.
Even if Biden is removed, (* the Democrats) is no longer possible to beat D. Trump.

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翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 7/14)

2024-07-14 13:44:25 | Translation


>"【速報】トランプ氏の演説中に発砲音、耳のあたりから血か… 米・ペンシルベニア州"



> Eyewitness: The crowd 'went nuts' when Trump pumped his fist

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 7/14)


> 昨日は金沢で国政報告会を開催しました。
> 地元の市議、県議、そしてお隣の福井県からも駆けつけていただき、質疑応答もとても盛り上がりました。
> 安倍晋三元総理の三回忌があったばかりということで、安倍先生の暗殺についてのこと、今後の総裁選について(続く)

Yesterday, I held a national policy briefing in Kanazawa.
Local city and prefectural assembly members, as well as members from neighboring Fukui Prefecture, rushed and attended it, and the Q&A session was also very fired up.
As it was just after the 2nd anniversary of the death of former PM Shinzo Abe, I received many questions and requests (to be continued)

> そして今日、トランプ前大統領銃撃のニュースが飛び込んで来て、大変驚きました。
> 民主主義に対する暴力は絶対に許せません。
> 強い憤りを感じます。

(to continue) about his assassination and the upcoming LDP presidential election.
And today, I was very surprised to hear the news of the shooting of former President D. Trump.
Violence against democracy is never acceptable.
I feel strong indignation.

> トランプ前大統領はご無事(ママ)とのことですが、集会に参加され、亡くなられた方に心からお悔やみ申し上げます。

Former President D. Trump is allegedly suffered only a minor injury (* precisely speaking , he isn't safe), but I offer my deepest condolences to the one who attended the rally and died.
There is information that "the person suspected of firing the gun has died," but I await further information.



> 決してあってはならないこと。
> トランプ前大統領のご容体が気になります。
> 犯人は確保されたのでしょうか?

This is what never must've happened.
I'm concerned about former President D. Trump's condition.
Has the culprit been restrained?

>"トランプ氏、演説中に発砲音 東部ペンシルベニア州で"


> どんな恋愛ドラマよりも切なかった…(涙)

#Famous lines I want to remember in special effect history;
"Hey Shigeru, one day when all the bad monsters are gone away and the world is at peace..."
"When it's at peace?"
"I want to go somewhere far away, somewhere beautiful together."
"That sounds great, I want to go too."
"Will you really promise me?"
"Yes, I promise."
It was more heartbreaking than any romance drama... (tears)



> 蓮舫氏もそのことは充分承知していらっしゃると思いますが…。

A person who "doesn't wan to be a punching bag" isn't suited to be a politician.
I'm sure Renho is well aware of that...



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翻訳;新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '24. 7/14)

2024-07-14 12:49:53 | Translation


>"【動画】トランプ前大統領に発砲した容疑者死亡… 集会参加者が流れ弾で1名死亡か"

>"トランプ氏の選挙集会で複数の発砲音、右耳あたりを負傷 → Xで『自作自演』がトレンド入り"

>'【動画】先日、"トイレ問題"について持論を語った元男性「オムライスにお◯◯◯マーク」→ あおちゃんぺさん「長年女やってるが…」'


> Shots fired at Trump rally

Translation of X (* tweet) by Minato Ward councilor Kana Shindo (Ind., aka Princess Yuzuka, on '24. 7/14)


> ご無事(ママ)でよかった…。
> もう、やめて欲しい。
> 言論を暴力で押さえつけようとする行為。
> 民主主義に対する冒涜だ。

I'm glad he wasn't seriously injured (* precisely speaking, he wasn't safe).
Enough is enough.
It's an act to suppress freedom of speech with violence.
It's a blasphemy to democracy.

>"【速報】トランプ氏の選挙集会で複数の発砲音 トランプ氏は避難し「無事」"

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翻訳;台湾有事を想定、研究フォーラム 民間シンクタンク主催

2024-07-14 10:45:32 | Translation

Ref.>"岸田首相、ドイツ経済紙に寄稿 中国にらみ日独は対立より協力を"

>"( ´_ゝ`)石破元幹事長、党総裁選の争点に防衛費見直しを提起「地方創生も最重要の課題」 ※元地方創生担当大臣"

>【日本の窮状】中国大使を国外追放しろ! 外務省は中国の手先?

Translation; A simulation meeting is held promoted by the private think tank, "Japan Forum for Strategic Studies"

>"台湾有事を想定、研究フォーラム 民間シンクタンク主催"

> 元幹部自衛官らでつくる民間シンクタンク「>"日本戦略研究フォーラム"」は13日、台湾有事を想定したシミュレーション会合を開いた。
> 小野寺五典元防衛相ら自民党の国会議員や米国の元政府高官らが参加。
> 場面ごとの課題や対応を検証した。
> 14日まで行う。

On July 13, >"Japan Forum for Strategic Studies," a private think tank made up of former senior SDF officers and so on, held a simulation meeting supposing a Taiwan contingency.
LDP Diet members, including former DM Onodera Itsunori, and former high-ranking U.S. governmental officials articipate in it.
They examined the issues and response-measures for each scenario.
It will be held until the 14th.

> 会合後、小野寺氏は記者団に「実態に即した訓練で、課題も浮き彫りとなった」と意義を強調した。
> 13日は、東シナ海で中国軍の活動が活発化する中、北日本で震災が発生したと仮定。
> 災害派遣と、東シナ海での警戒監視への自衛隊配置を協議した。
> サイバー攻撃に対抗する「能動的サイバー防御」も検討した。

After the meeting, former DM Onodera said to reporters and emphasized the significance, saying that "It was the drill based on the actual circumstances, and it highlighted the future problems too."
On July 13, a hypothetical scenario was set in which an earthquake occurred in northern Japan, while increasing Chinese military activity in the East China Sea.
They talked about the deployment of the SDF for "disaster relief" and "vigilance and surveillance in the East China Sea."
They also considered "active cyber defense" to counter cyber attacks.

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