Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;首相、ドイツと連携強化に手応え 経済安保に関する協議体新設へ

2024-07-14 09:35:33 | Translation

Ref.>"NATO at 75 Takes On a Bigger, Dangerous World"

>"EDITORIAL | Use the Security Pact with the Philippines to Help Deter China"

>"Speaking Out | Democracies Need More Ammunition to Counter 'New Axis of Evil'"

> 憲法改正 自衛隊を行政組織に位置付ける危うさ

Translation; New economic security consultative body will be established = PM Kishida won good responses to upgrade cooperation with Germany

>"首相、ドイツと連携強化に手応え 経済安保に関する協議体新設へ"

> 岸田文雄首相は13日午前(日本時間同日午後)、ドイツ訪問を終えて帰国の途に就いた。
> ベルリンではショルツ首相と会談し、経済安全保障に関する協議体の新設に合意。
> 中国による経済的威圧をにらんだ連携強化に手応えを得た。
> これに先立ち米国で NATO首脳会議に出席し、インド太平洋地域への関与を訴えた。

On July 13 morning (on the same day afternoon in Japan local time), PM Fumio Kishida Fumio finished his visit to Germany and is on his way to return home.
In Berlin, he held a meeting with his German counterpart, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and they agreed to establish a new consultative body on economic security.
He won good responses in order for upgrading the bilateral cooperation in the face of economic coercion by China.
In prior to this, he attended the NATO summit in the U.S., and appealed engagement in the Indo-Pacific Region.

> 日独首脳会談では、閣僚を交えた「政府間協議」を来年ドイツで開き、外務・防衛閣僚会合(2プラス2)も早期に開催すると合意。
> 防衛分野の協力進展を確認した。
> NATO首脳会議には、韓国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドと共にインド太平洋のパートナー国として招待され出席した。

It's agreed at the Japan-Germany summit to hold an "intergovernmental consultation" including state ministers in Germany next year, and a foreign and defense ministerial meeting ("2+2") will also be held at the early date.
They confirmed to advance cooperation in the defense field.
He was invited and attend the NATO summit as a partner country in the Indo-Pacific Region, along with S. Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

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