


10 Facts the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About the War in Syria

【ANTI MEDIA】 August 3, 2016 | Darius Shahtahmasebi

  1. Bashar al-Assad has a higher approval rating than Barack Obama


    Despite Obama’s claims Assad is illegitimate and must step down, the fact remains that since the conflict erupted in 2011, Assad has held the majority support of his people. The elections in 2014 – which Assad won by a landslide with international observers claiming no violations – is a testament to the fact that although Assad has been accused of serious human rights violations, he continues to remain reasonably popular with the Syrian people.
    (アサドは正当ではなく、辞任すべきだというオバマの主張にもかかわらず、2011年に紛争が勃発して以来、アサドは大多数の国民の支持を得ているのが事実だ。2014年の選挙で、国際監視団が違反はなかったという中で、アサドは圧勝した – アサドは深刻な人権侵害で非難されているとは言え、シリア国民の間では、そこそこ人気を保っている事実の証拠だ。)

    Obama, on the other hand, won elections in 2012 with a voter turnout of a mere 53.6 percent of the American public; only 129.1 million total votes were cast. This means approximately 189.8 million American people did not vote for Obama. His current approval rating sits at about 50 percent.


  1. The “moderate” opposition has been hijacked


    There is no longer such a thing as “moderate” opposition in Syria – if there ever was. The so-called Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) has been dominated by extremists for years. The U.S. has known this yet has continued to support the Syrian opposition, despite the fact the New York Times reported in 2012 that the majority of weapons being sent to Syria have been ending up in the hands of jihadists. A classified DIA report predicted the rise of ISIS in 2012, stating:
    (シリアには、かつてはあったとしても、“穏健”反政府派などというものは、もはや存在していない。いわゆる欧米が支援する自由シリア軍(FSA)は過激派に支配されて久しい。ニューヨーク・タイムズが、2012年に シリアに送られる大多数の兵器は聖戦士の手に落ちていると報じた事実にもかかわらず、アメリカはこの事実を知りながら、シリア反政府派を支持し続けている。2012年、機密のDIA報告書は、ISISの台頭を、こう予言していた。)


    “If the situation unravels, there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria… and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime.”


    Further, an FSA commander went on record not only to admit his fighters regularly conduct joint operations with al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria), but also that he would like to see Syria ruled by Sharia law.

    Apparently, moderate can also mean “al-Qaeda affiliated fanatic.”


  1. Assad never used chemical weapons on his own people


    A U.N. investigation into the first major chemical weapons attack committed in early 2013 — an atrocity the West immediately pinned on Assad — concluded the evidence suggested the attack was more likely committed by the Syrian opposition. A subsequent U.N. investigation into the August 2013 attack never laid blame on anyone, including Assad’s forces. In December 2013, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh released an article highlighting deficiencies in the way the situation was handled:
    (2013年始め行われた最初の本格的化学兵器攻撃 – 欧米が即座にアサドのせいにした残虐行為に対する国連調査は – 攻撃はシリア反政府派によって行われた可能性がより高いことを証拠が示唆していると結論づけた。その後の国連調査も、2013年8月の攻撃は、アサドの軍を含め誰のせいだとも言っていない。2013年12月、ピューリッツァー賞を受賞したジャーナリスト、セイモア・ハーシュが状況の扱う上での問題点を強調する記事を発表した。)


    “In the months before the attack, the American intelligence agencies produced a series of highly classified reports…citing evidence that the al-Nusra Front, a jihadi group affiliated with al-Qaida, had mastered the mechanics of creating sarin and was capable of manufacturing it in quantity. When the attack occurred al-Nusra should have been a suspect, but the administration cherry-picked intelligence to justify a strike against Assad.”



  1. Toppling the Syrian regime was part of a plan adopted shortly after 9/11


    According to a memo disclosed by 4-star General Wesley Clark, shortly after 9/11, the Pentagon adopted a plan to topple the governments of seven countries within five years. The countries were Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Iran.

    As we know, Iraq was invaded in 2003. American ally Israel tried its hand at taking out Lebanon in 2006. Libya was destroyed in 2011. Prior to this intervention, Libya had the highest standard of living of any country in Africa. In 2015, alone, it dropped 27 places on the U.N. Human Development Index rating. U.S. drones fly over Somalia, U.S. troops are stationed in South Sudan — Sudan was partitioned following a brutal civil war — and Syria has been the scene of a deadly war since 2011. This leaves only Iran, which is discussed below.
    (イラクが2003年に侵略されたことは周知の事実だ。2006年に、アメリカ同盟国のイスラエル、レバノンをやっつける腕試しをした。2011年に、リビアは破壊された。この介入以前、リビアはアフリカのどの国よりも高い生活水準だった。2015年だけで、国連人間開発指数評価が、27位も落ちた。アメリカのドローンは、ソマリア上空を飛行し、アメリカ軍が南スーダンに駐留している– スーダンは残虐な内戦の後、分割された – そして、2011年以来、シリアは破壊的な戦争の現場だ。そこで残るは、イランのみとなり、それについては、以下で論じる。)


  1. Iran and Syria have a mutual defense agreement


    Since 2005, Iran and Syria have been bound by a mutual defense agreement. The Iranian government has shown they intend to fully honor this agreement and has provided the Syrian regime with all manner of support, including troops, a $1 billion credit line, training, and advisement. What makes this conflict even more dangerous, however, is the fact Russia and China have sided with Iran and Syria, stating openly they will not tolerate any attack on Iran. Russia’s military intervention in Syria in recent months proves these are not idle threats – they have put their money where their mouth is.
    (2005年以来、イランとシリアは相互防衛協定で結ばれている。イラン政府は、この協定をしっかり尊重する意思を示し、シリア政権に、軍隊、10億ドルの与信枠、訓練と助言を含む、あらゆる種類の支援をしている。しかしながら、この紛争を一層危険にするのは、ロシアと中国がイランとシリア側についていて、イランに対するいかなる攻撃も決して許さないとはっきり言っている事実だ。過去数カ月のシリアへのロシア軍事介入が、この発言がこけおどし脅威ではないことを証明している – 彼らは口で言うだけでなく行動で証明するのだ。)

    Iran has been in the crosshairs of the U.S. foreign policy establishment for some time now. George W. Bush failed to generate the support needed to attack Iran during his time in office — though not for lack of trying — and since 2012, sanctions have been the go-to mantra. By attacking and destabilizing Iran’s most important ally in the region, the powers that be can undermine Iranian attempts to spread its influence in the region, ultimately further weakening Iran.
    (イランは、長い間、アメリカ支配層の外交政策によって照準が定められている。ジョージ・W・ブッシュは、任期中にイランを攻撃するのに必要な支持を作り損ねた – 試みなかったわけではないが – 2012年以来、経済制裁が、大黒柱のスローガンだ。地域におけるイランの最も重要な同盟国を攻撃し、不安定化させることで、権力者連中は、地域において、影響力を広めるというイランの取り組みを損ね、究極的には、更にイランを弱体化することが可能になる。)


  1. Former Apple CEO is the son of a Syrian refugee


    The late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, was the son of a Syrian who moved to the United States in the 1950s. This is particularly amusing given the amount of xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism and hatred refugees and migrants seem to have inspired — even from aspiring presidents. Will a President Donald Trump create the conditions in which future technological pioneers may never reach the United States? His rhetoric seems to indicate as much.
    (アップル創設者の故スティーブ・ジョブスは、1950年代にアメリカ合州国に移民したシリア人の息子だった。大統領候補でさえ、外国人嫌い、イスラム教徒嫌い、人種差別や、難民や移民に対する憎悪が高まっていることを考えると、これは特に興味深い。ドナルド・トランプ大統領は、未来の技術的先駆者が決してアメリカ合州国に入国できないような条件を作るのだろうか? 彼の言辞は、それを示しているように見える。)


  1. ISIS arose out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, not the Syrian conflict


    ISIS was formerly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq, which rose to prominence following the U.S.-U.K. led invasion of Iraq in 2003. It is well-known that there was no tangible al-Qaeda presence in Iraq until after the invasion, and there is a reason for this. When Paul Bremer was given the role of Presidential Envoy to Iraq in May 2003, he dissolved the police and military. Bremer fired close to 400,000 former servicemen, including high-ranking military officials who fought in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. These generals now hold senior ranking positions within ISIS. If it weren’t for the United States’ actions, ISIS likely wouldn’t exist.

    ISIS was previously known by the U.S. security establishment as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), but these fighters ultimately became central to Western regime change agendas in Libya and Syria. When the various Iraqi and Syrian al-Qaeda-affiliated groups merged on the Syrian border in 2014, we were left with the fully-fledged terror group we face today.


  1. Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia wanted to build a pipeline through Syria, but Assad rejected it


    In 2009, Qatar proposed a pipeline to run through Syria and Turkey to export Saudi gas. Assad rejected the proposal and instead formed an agreement with Iran and Iraq to construct a pipeline to the European market that would cut Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar out of the route entirely. Since, Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have been staunch backers of the opposition seeking to topple Assad. Collectively, they have invested billions of dollars, lent weapons, encouraged the spread of fanatical ideology, and helped smuggle fighters across their borders.

    The Iran-Iraq pipeline will strengthen Iranian influence in the region and undermine their rival, Saudi Arabia — the other main OPEC producer. Given the ability to transport gas to Europe without going through Washington’s allies, Iran will hold the upper-hand and will be able to negotiate agreements that exclude the U.S. dollar completely.
    (イラン-イラク パイプラインは、地域におけるイランの影響力を強化し、もう一つの主要OPEC産油国、ライバルのサウジアラビアを弱体化する。アメリカ同盟諸国を経由せずに、ガスをヨーロッパに送れる能力を得れば、イランは優位にたち、アメリカ・ドルを完全に締め出す契約を交渉できるようになる。)


  1. Leaked phone calls show Turkey provides ISIS fighters with expensive medical care


    Turkey’s support for hardline Islamists fighting the Syrian regime is extensive. In fact, jihadists regularly refer to the Turkish border as the “gateway to Jihad.” In May 2016, reports started emerging of Turkey going so far as to provide ISIS fighters with expensive medical treatment.

    Turkey is a member of NATO. Let that sink in for a moment.


  1. Western media’s main source for the conflict is a T-shirt shop in Coventry, England


    This is not a joke. If you follow the news, you most probably have heard the mainstream media quote an entity grandiosely called the “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” (SOHR). This so-called “observatory” is run by one man in his home in Coventry, England — thousands of miles away from the Syrian conflict — yet is quoted by most respected Western media outlets (BBC, Reuters, The Guardian, and International Business Times, for example). His credentials include his ownership of a T-shirt shop just down the road, as well as being a notorious dissident against the current Syrian president.
    (これは冗談ではない。もし皆様がニュースを読んでおられれば、誇張して“シリア人権監視団”(SOHR)と呼ばれている組織のものを大手マスコミが引用するのを見聞きされている可能性が高い。このいわゆる“監視団”なるものは – シリア紛争から何千キロも離れた – イギリス、コベントリーの自宅で、たった一人で運営しているものなのに、大いに知られた欧米マスコミ(例えば、BBC、ロイター、ガーディアンや、インターナショナル・ビジネス・タイムズ)が引用している。彼の信用を保証するものとして、街のTシャツ屋経営者で、現在のシリア大統領に異を唱える悪名高い人物だということがある。)

和訳 : 「マスコミに載らない海外記事」より

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