

Geoffrey Hodsonによる胚発生の透視研究

2014年03月28日 22時59分11秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
Geoffrey Hodsonによる胚発生の透視研究

 1929年出版の『The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of Prenatal Life』には付録が無いようだが、Quest edition(1981)の『The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of a Human Embryo』には、Appendixがa、b、cと三つある。

a. The World Mother    ......................... 75
 (Chart?Part of the embryo and their
  corresponding principles and colors).... 78
b. Descent into Incarnation ........................ 81
c. Development of the Embryo?
 New Attitude ............................................ 91

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1929[First Quest edition, 1981]. The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of a Human Embryo. 98pp. [B19850817] [Rh19850820]
[My Citation:
「The consciousness of the ego wa beginning to touch the emotional level and to influence directly the building of the emotional body. (...). / The line of communication between the ego and the fetus has gradually become broader. (Hodson 1929: 42)」
「The shape of hte physical body is decided by that of the etheric mold into which it is built by the nature-spirits. This mold is produced partly by the formative power of the "sound" vibration emitted by the zygote and permanent atom, *[= see Chapter 5] and partly by the Lords fo Karma, who model it according to the karma of the individual. (Hodson 1929: 43)」
「The end of the shaft ...
 At the moment of fertilization a flash of light descends from the highest spiritual level of the ego into the spermatozoan, gives it its creative impulse and energy...(Hodson 1929: 45)」
「Appendix b. Descent into Incanation pp.81-90」
「Appendix c. Development of the Embryo pp.91-95」

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1955[Fourth printing1977]. Occult Powers in Nature andin Man: Lectures Delivered in 1953 at the Summer Sessions at Olcott, Wheaton, Illinois, Headquaters of the Theosophical Society in America. xxviii+145pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850817]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1980[1952]. The Kingdom of the Gods. xxiii+272pp+3 charts+29 illustrations (color plates). The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850817] [at Cover page: 'As to the proof of the existence of these beings the author points out that, while there can be no demonstrable proof of the fruits of mystical experience, test by personal research is possible and he says, 'That test I have attempted to apply, and this book is in part a record of my own findings.' '.]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1982[First Quest edition]. Fairies at Work and at Play observed by Geoffrey Hodson. 126pp. [B19850817]

Hodson, Geoffrey. The Miracle of Birth: A

 Clairvoyant Investigations  Science