

Zero Library BookE [R]

2010年05月15日 07時40分17秒 | 生命生物生活哲学
Zero Library BookE [R]

Radinsky, L.B. 1987. The evolution of vertebrate design. xi+188pp. University of Chicago Press. [OUL487]

Raff, R.A. 1996. The Shape of Life: genes, development, and the evolution of animal form. xxiii+520pp. The University of Chicaga Press. [B991025, $29.95+53.80/4]

Rapport, D., Costanza, R., Epstein, P.R., Gaudet, C. & Levins, R. (eds.) 1998. Ecosystem health: new goals for environmental management. xii+372pp. Blackwell Science. [W981027, y12495]

Reaka-Kudla, M.L., Wilson, D.E. & Wilson, E.O. (eds.) 1997. Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting Our Biological Resources. v+551pp. Joseph Henry Press. [B970130]

Real, L.A. & Brown, J.H. (eds.) 1991. Foundations of Ecology: Classic Papers with Commentaries. xii+905pp. The University of Chicago. [B920629 y5562]

Reiss, M.J. 1989. The allometry of growth and reproduction. xv+182pp. Cambridge University Press. [W, y8373]

*Rensch, B. 1971. (tr. by Sym, C.A.M.) Biophilosophy. Columbia University Press. [Translation of "Biophilosophie auf erkenntnistheoretischer Grundlage"; Amazon 20030515 out of stock, y5086]

Rescher, N. 1987. Scientific Realism : A Critical Reappraisal. xiii+169pp. D.Reidel Publishing Company. [B990927, $51.50+5.95]

Rescher, N. (ed.) 1990. Evolution, Cognition, and Realism: Studies in Evolutionary Epistemology. 129pp. University Press of America. [B990921, $21.50+36.75/5]

Rescher, N. 1993. Pluralism: Against the Demand for Consensus. viii+208pp. Oxford University Press. [B990921, $19.95+36.75/5]

Rescher, N. 1997. Objectivity: The Obligations of Impersonal Reason. ix+230pp. University of Notre Dame Press. [B990921, $16.00+36.75/3]

Rescher, N. 1998. Communicative Pragmatism and Other Philosophical Essays on Language. ix+213pp. Rowman & Littlefield. [B990921, $23.95+36.75/5]

Rescher, N. 1998. Complexity: A Philosophical Overview. xviii+219pp. Transaction Publishers. [B990921, $32.95+36.75/5 ]

Rescher, N. 1999. The Limits of Science. Revised edition. xii+282pp. University of Pittsburgh Press. [B000104, $19.95+5.95]

Rescher, R. (ed.) 1987. Scientific Inquiry in Philosophical Perspective. viii+300pp. University Press of America. [B991220, $2600+$5.95]

Resetarits, W.J.J. & Bernardo, J. (eds.) 1998. Experimental Ecology: Issues and Perspectives. xvii+470pp. Oxford University Press. [W990818, y16800]

Reyment, R.A., Blackith, R.E. & Campbell, N.A. 1971. Multivariate morphometrics. 2nd Edition. vi+233pp. Academic Press Inc. Ltd. [PL]

Rhodes, O.E., Jr., Chesser, R.K. & Smith, M.H. (eds.) 1996. Population Dynamics in Ecological Space and Time. viii+388pp. University of Chicago Press. [W971003, y3990]

Richards, O.W. & Davies, R.G. (ed.?) 1977. Imms' general textbook of entomology. 10th ed. Volume 1: Structure, physiology and development. viii+418pp. Chapman and Hall Ltd.

Richards, O.W. & Davies, R.G. (ed.?) 1977. Imm's genteral textbook of entomology. 10th ed. Volume 2: Classification and biology. viii+1354pp. Chapman and Hall Ltd.

Ricklefs, R.E. 1973. Ecology. x+861pp. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. [B, y3080]

Ricklefs, R.E. 1976. The economy of nature. v+455pp. Chiron Press Inc.

Ricklefs, R.E. 1990. Ecology. Third edition. xii+896pp. W.H.Freeman and Company. [W920309]

Ridley, M. 1985. The problems of evolution. viii+159pp. Oxford University Press. [B910823, y2650]

Ridley, M. 1995. The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature. ix+405pp. Penguin Group. [B960516]

Ridley, M. 1996. Evolution. (CD-ROM) Blackwell Science. [W990203]

Rigler, H.F. & Peters, H.R. 1995. Science and limnology. xxvi+239pp. Ecology Institute. [B950921]

Riney, T. 1982. Study and management of large mammals. ix+552pp. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. [P]

Robert, J.S. 2004. Embryology, Epigenesis and Evolution: Taking Development Seriously. xvi+158pp. Cambridge University Press. [B20080424, y3677]

Rochelle, J.A., Lehmann, L.A. & Wisniewski, J. (eds.) 1999. Forest Fragmentation: Wildlife and Management Implications. xiii+301+16pp. [W990920, y16485]

Roff, D. 2002. Life History Evolution. vii+527pp. Sinauer. [B20031105, y6928]

Roff, D.A. 1992. The evolution of life histories: theory and analysis. xii+535pp. Chapman & Hall. [OUL467.5]

*Rohde, K. 2005. Nonequilibrium Ecology. ix+223pp. Cambridge University Press.

Rollin, B.E. 1985. The unheeded cry: animal consciousness, animal pain and science. xviii+308. Oxford University Press. [B910829, y2500]

Rollo, C.D. 1994. Phenotypes: their epigenetics, ecology and evolution. xiv+463pp. Chapman & Hall. [B960419]

Rolston, H., III. 1988. Environmental ethics: duties to and values in the natural world. xiii+391pp. Temple University Press. [W930210, y3010]

Rose, M.R. 1998. Darwin's Spectre: Evolutionary Biology in the Modern World. Princeton University Press. [B990715, $19.57]

Rose, M.R. & Lauder, G.V. (eds.) 1996. Adaptation (paper). xiv+511pp. Academic Press. [W970905, y5740]

Rosenberg, A. 1994. Instrumental Biology or the Disunity of Science. x+193pp. University of Chicago Press. [B990803, $38.00+59.75/5]

Rosenberg, A. 1985. The structure of biological science. xi+281pp. Cambridge University Press.

Rosenberg, A. & McShea, D.W. 2008. Philosophy of Biology: A Contemporary Introduction. xii+241pp. Routledge. [B20080424, y4023]

Rosenzweig, M.L. 1995. Species diversity in space and time. xxi+436pp. Cambridge University Press. [B950720, y4130*0.9*1.03=y3821]

Ross, R.M. & Allmon, W.D. (eds.) 1990. Causes of evolution. xiii+479pp. The University of Chicago Press. [B950908, y3735]

Roughgarden, J. 1995. Anolis lizards of the Caribbean. xi+200pp. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. [B960306]

Roughgarden, J., May, M. & Levin, S.A. (eds.) 1989. Perspectives in ecological theory. vii+394pp. Princeton University Press. [B890605, y5088]

Royama, T. 1992. Analytical population dynamics. xvi+371pp. Chapman & Hall. [W930125]

Rubenstein, D.I. & Wrangham, R.W. (eds.) 1986. Ecological aspects of social evolution: birds and mammals. x+551pp. Princeton University Press. [OUL]

Ruffa, A.R. 1983. Darwinism and Determinism: The Role of Direction in Evolution. ix+173pp. Branden Press. [B961202]

Ruse, M. 1979. The Darwinian revolution: science red in tooth and claw. xiv+320pp. The University of Chicago Press. [B980122, $14.95+9.85/3]

Ruse, M. 1985. Sociobiology: sense or nonsence ? Second edition. xiii+260pp. D. Reidel Pubnlishing Company. [B981110, $62.95]

Ruse, M. 1988. Philosophy of Biology Today. x+155pp. SUNY Press. [State University of New York Press ?***] [B991007, $16.95+30.85/5]

Ruse, M. (ed.) 1996. But is it science?: the philosophical questions in the creation/evolution controversy. 406pp. Prometheus Books. [B980122, $18.36+9.85/3]

Ruse, M. 1997. Monad to Man: The Concept of Progress in Evolutionary Biology. x+628pp. Harvard University Press. [W980113, y9439]

Ruse, M. 1998. Taking Darwin Seriously: A Naturalistic Approach to Philosophy. Prometheus Books. [B990715, $15.16]

Ruse, M. 1999. Mystery of Mysteries: Is Evolution a Social Construction. Harvard University Press. [B990715, $19.25]

Ruse, M. 2000 (2001 paper). The Evolution Wars: A Guide to the Debates. (Foreword: Wilson, E.O.) xviii+326pp. Rutgers University Press. [B20021217, y3508]

Ruse, M. 2003. Darwin and Design: Does Evolution Have a Purpose? x+371pp. Harvard University Press. [B20040210, y3269 or y2779*1.05]

Ruse, M. (ed.) 1989. What the Philosophy of Biology Is: Essays Dedicated to David Hull. xi+337 pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [Psep200309]

Russell, B. 1935, 1997. Religion and Science. (Introduction by Michael Ruse). Oxford University Press. [B990715, $11.16]