

秘教文献6b[0.9版]/洋書 abc順

2014年03月23日 14時06分19秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
秘教文献6b[0.9版]/洋書 abc順


Abraham, Ralph, Terence McKenna, and Rupert Sheldrake. Trialogues at the Edge of the West: Chaos, Creativity, and the Resacralization of the World. xxv+175pp. [$14.95] [B19960920, paperback]

Anonymous [a contituance of the earlier work published in 1925 by E.P. Dutton and Company]. 1951. The Theosophical Movement 1875-1950. xiii+351pp. The Cunningham Press, Los Angeles. [B19841109]

Bailey, A.A. 1922. Letters on Occult Meditation. 375pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $26.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1925. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. xxvi+1367pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $60.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1927. The Light of The Soul: A Paraphrase of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: with Commentary by Alice A. Bailey. xvii+458pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $35.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1932. From Intellect to Intuition. vii+275pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1934. A Treatise on White Magic. xiv+705pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1936. Esoteric Psychology I. xxv+460pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $27.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1950. Telepathy and The Etheric Vehicle. xi+219pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1951. Autobiography. xi+316pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $26.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1951. Esoteric Astrology. viii+742pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1953. Esoteric Healing. ix+771pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1954. Education in The New Age. xv+174pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [20B000901, $18.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1957. The Externalisation of The Hierarchy. vii+744pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $33.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1960. The Rays and the Initiations. xii+820pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $35.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1968. From Bethlehem to Calvary. ix+292pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $21.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1982. The Labours of Hercules : An Astrological Interpretation. 230pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $12.00+39.00/20]

Bailey, A.A. 1998. Twenty-four Books of Esoteric Philosophy. [B20001205, $180.00]

Bailey, A.A. & Khul, D. 1974. Ponder on This: A Compilation. 431pp. Lucis Publishing Company. [B20000901, $14.00+39.00/20]

Barbanell, Sylvia. 1940. When Your Animal Dies. 194pp. Spiritualist Press. [B19841105]

Barker, A.T. (transcribed and compiled). 1979. The Mahatoma Letters to A. P. Sinnett from the Mahatomas M. and K. H. xliii+524pp. The Theosophical Publishing House. [B19850123]

"HPB" [Blavatsky, H.P.]. 1980[reprint of the 1889 ed.]. The Voice of Silence. 110pp. The Theosophical Publishing House. [B198708, $2.50]

Blavatsky, H.P. 1892[1973= A photographic reproduction of the original edition, as first issued at London, England: 1892]. The Theosophical Glossary. 5+389pp. The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles. [B19841109]

[Blavatsky, H.P. et al.]. 1923. Transactions of the Blavatsky Losge of the Theosophical Society. Discussions on the Stanza of the First Volume of the Secret Doctrine. xxiv+149pp. The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles. [B19841109]

Blavatsky, H.P. 1939. The Key to Theosophy, Being a Clear Exposition, in the Form of Question and Answer, of the Ethics, Science, and Philosophy for the Study of Which the Theosophical Society Has Been Founded. xii+310pp. London: The Theosophical Publishing Company, Limited / New York: W. Q. Judge. [B19850317]

Blavatsky, H.P. 1939. Index to the Secret Doctrine. x+172pp. The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles / Theosophy Company (India) Ltd., Bombay. [B19841107]

Chaudhuri, Haridas. 1974. Being, Evolution, and Immortality: An Outline of Integral Philosophy. xv+204pp. The Theosophical Publishing House. [B19850123]

Crosbie, Robert. 1974. Answers to Questions on the Ocean of Theosophy. 4+249pp. The Theosophy Company. [B19841109]

de Purucker, G. 1977[2nd & revised. Edited by Grace F. Knocke; 1941 1st ed.]. Man in Evolution. xii+365pp. Theosophical University Press. [B19841016]

de Purucker, G. 1972[originally published in1933]. Occult Glossary: A Compendeum of Oriental and Theosophical Terms. 8+193pp. Theosophical University Press. [$3.50] [B19841016(?)]

de Purucker, G. 1973[1945]. Studies in Occult Philosophy. xv+744pp. Theosophical University Press. [B19841016] [$6.50]

Edge, Henry Travers. 1975. Evolution: Who and What Is Man? viii+71pp. Point Loma Publications, Inc., San Diego. [B19841016] [$2.00] [Rh19841122]

Edge, Henry T. 1979. Design and Purpose: A Study in the Drama of Evolution. 24pp. Point Loma Publications. [R19841207] [Rh19851103]

Ellwood, Robert. 1986. Theosophy: A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages. xi+226pp. The Theosophical Publishing House. [B19861226]

Fortune, Dion. 1935. The Mistical Qabalah. viii+306pp+3 diagrams. Sumuel Weiser, Inc. [$8.95] [B19871028]

Fortune, Dion. 1987. Esoteric Orders and Their Work and the Training and Work of the Initiate. 176pp. The Aquarian Press. [B19871028(?)]

Fox, Matthew and Rupert Sheldrake. 1996/6. Natural Grace : Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spiritualiy and Science. x+210pp. Doubleday, New York. [$22.00] [B19960920, $19.80(?) hardcover]

Green, Glenda. 1998[second printing 1999/2]. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks... . 13+350pp. Heartwings Publishing, Forth Worth. [B19991203, $15.16+17.65/7] ["In organic life, DNA is constructed to conduct the complex and mysterious function of love." (Green 1998: [iii]) "Unity is the instrument of all goodness. Division is the instrument of all evil."(Green 1998: [iii]]

Hills, Christopher. 1980. The Christ Book: What Did He Really Say?. ix+1 figure+206pp. University of Tree Press. [B19900627, y1,800]

Hitchcock, John L. 1982[A Quest original. First edition, 1986]. Atoms, Snoflakes, & God: The Convergence of Science and Religion. xiii+211pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton. [B19861226] [$6.75+(postage & handling)10.98/9]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1929[First Quest edition, 1981]. The Miracle of Birth: A Clairvoyant Study of a Human Embryo. 98pp. [B19850817] [Rh19850820]
[My Citation:
「The consciousness of the ego wa beginning to touch the emotional level and to influence directly the building of the emotional body. (...). / The line of communication between the ego and the fetus has gradually become broader. (Hodson 1929: 42)」
「The shape of hte physical body is decided by that of the ethric mold into which it is built by the nature-spirits. This mold is produced partly by the formative power of the "sound" vibration emitted by the zygote and permanent atom, *[= see Chapter 5] and partly by the Lords fo Karma, who model it according to the karma of the individual. (Hodson 1929: 43)」
「The end of the shaft ...
 At the moment of fertilization a flash of light descends from the highest spiritual level of the ego into the spermatozoan, gives it its creative impulse and energy...(Hodson 1929: 45)」
「Appendix b. Descent into Incanation pp.81-90」
「Appendix c. Development of the Embryo pp.91-95」

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1955[Fourth printing1977]. Occult Powers in Nature andin Man: Lectures Delivered in 1953 at the Summer Sessions at Olcott, Wheaton, Illinois, Headquaters of the Theosophical Society in America. xxviii+145pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850817]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1980[1952]. The Kingdom of the Gods. xxiii+272pp+3 charts+29 illustrations (color plates). The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850817] [at Cover page: 'As to the proof of the existence of these beings the author points out that, while there can be no demonstrable proof of the fruits of mystical experience, test by personal research is possible and he says, 'That test I have attempted to apply, and this book is in part a record of my own findings.' '.]

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1982[First Quest edition]. Fairies at Work and at Play observed by Geoffrey Hodson. 126pp. [B19850817]

Jinarajadasa, C. (transcribed and compiled). 1964[Fifth Edition, Sixth Printing 1973; First Edition 1919]. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom 1870-1900. First Series. xi+183pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850323]

Jinarajadasa, C. (transcribed and annotated). 1925[First Edition, Third Printing 1977]. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom. Second Series. vii+189pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850123]

Jinarajadasa, C. 1995(?)[Sixth edition; Fifth edition 1938(?); First edition 1921(?)]. First Principles of Theosophy. xi+465pp+132 figures. [B19961105] [This ISBN 1-56459-535-8 seems to be published 1995 according to http://www.gettextbooks.com/isbn/9781564595355] ['What we note as the death of the organisms if the withdrawal of its life, in order to exist for a while dissociated from the lowest or phsical forms of matter.' (Jinarajadasa 1995: 17.)

Judge, William Q. 1946[Semicentennial Edition; Book I 1891, Book II 1905, Book III 1946]. Letters That Have Helped Me. x+300pp. The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles and New York. [B19850317]

Judge, William Q. 1971[Tenth edition(?); First edition 1893]. The Ocean of Theosophy. xii+153pp. [B19841109] [William Q. Judge: b1851-d1896]

Judge, William Q. 1978. An Epitome of Theosophy with an Historical Note. 30pp. The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles. [$0.50] [B19841109]

A student [=Jurriaanse, Aart]. 1971[First Printing; Second Printing 1974 (First Paperback edition); Ninth Printing 1996]. Ponder on This [Compiled by a Student Who Has Imposed His Own Punctuation on the Original Text From the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul]. 14+431pp. Lucis Publishing Company, New York / Lucis Press, Lts., London. [B20000901, $14.00+39.00/20]

Jurriaanse, Aart. 2001[revised edition; First published 1978]. Bridges. 527pp. Bridges Publishing. [B20021030, y4224*1.05; 2 copies] ['Scientists and esotericist have at last reached one point of agreement and that is the truth of the age-old postulate that "All that IS, is Energy".' (p.42) 科学者と秘教徒は、ついに一つの同意点に達した。それは、〈存在するすべては、エネルギーである〉という、古えの前提の真理である。[20140321試訳]]

["K. H." (=Koot Hoomi)]. 1980[First Edition 1941]. The "K. H." Letters to C. W. Leadbeater. 110pp.

Leadbeater, C.W. 1933[First Adyar Edition, Revised & Enlarged; First London Edition 1895]. The Astral Plane. xxiv+183pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19851028]

Leadbeater, C.W. [Jinarajadaza, C. (ed.)] 1941[Reprinted 1976]. The Soul's Growth through Reincarnation. I and II The Lives of Erato and Spica. 148pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850123]

Leadbeater, C.W. [Jinarajadaza, C. (ed.)] 1946[Reprinted 1975]. The Soul's Growth through Reincarnation. III The Lives of Orion. vi+202pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. [B19850123]

Leadbeater, C.W. 1978[Thrid Quest Printing 1983]. The Inner Life. xxvii+383pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton. [B19850317]


Powell, Arthur E. The Etheric Double abd Allied Phenomena.

Powell, Arthur E. The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena.

Powell, Arthur E. The Mental Body.

Powell, Arthur E. The Causal Body and the Ego.

Powell, Arthur E. 1930[Reprinted 1971]. The Solar System. xix+371pp. The Theosophical Publishing House Ltd., London. [£2.00] [Z19841005]

Roerich, Helena. 19**. Leaves of Moriya's Garden Vol I (The Call). Agni Yoga Society, New York. [B19860421] [$12.00+8.00/8]

Roerich, Helena. 19**. Leaves of Moriya's Garden Vol II (Illumination). Agni Yoga Society, New York. [B19860421] [$12.00+8.00/8]

Roerich, Helena. 19**. Heart. Agni Yoga Society, New York. [B19860421] [$12.00+8.00/8]

Roerich, Helena. 19**. Fiery World I. Agni Yoga Society, New York. [B19860421] [$12.00+12.00/8]

Roerich, Helena. 19**. Fiery World II. Agni Yoga Society, New York. [B19860421] [$12.00+12.00/8]

Roerich, Helena. 19**. Fiery World III. Agni Yoga Society, New York. [B19860421] [$12.00+12.00/8]

Roerich, Helena. 1971. Foundations of Buddhism. 2pp+1 figure+157pp. Agni Yoga Society, New York. [B19860421] [$8.00+shipping charges $8.00/8] [Shipped 19860228]

Rudhyar, Dane. 1975. Occult Preparations for a New Age. 8+275pp. The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton. [B198708??] [$5.50+]

Scott-Elliot, W. 1962[Revised & Reprinted; Reprinted 1984/8; 1925]. The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria. xi+6 maps. The Theosophical Publishing House Ltd., London. [The Story of Atlantis first printed 1896; The Lost Lemuria first printed 1904] [B19841126] [£3.50+0.41]

Sheldrake, Rupert. 1981[1995]. A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance. 272pp. Park Street Press, Rochester. [$14.95] [B19960920, $13.45(?) paperback]
シェルドレイク,R. 1984(幾島幸子・竹居光太郎 訳 1986/3).新装版 生命のニューサイエンス:形態形成場と行動の進化.345pp.工作舎[1,900円][B?][Sheldrake, R.]

Sheldrake, Rupert. 1988[1995]. The Presence of the Past : Morphic Resonance & the Habits of Nature. xxii+391pp. Park Street Press, Rochester. [$16.95] [B19960920, paperback]

Sheldrake, Rupert. 1991[1994]. The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God. xii+260pp. [$12.95] [B19960920, $12.60(?) paperback]

Sheldrake, Rupert. 1995[First American Edition]. Seven Experiments That Could Change the World : A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science. xvi+288pp. Riverside Books, New York. [$24.95] [B19960920, hardcover]
シェルドレイク,ルパート.1994(田中靖夫 訳 1997/3/19].世界を変える七つの実験:身近にひそむ大きな謎.286pp.工作舎.[本体2,200円][B19970328]

Sherman, Hugh. 1980. Charles Webster Leadbeater: A Biography. iv+39pp+2 pls. The St, Alban Press, London - Ojai -Sydney. [B19851028]
