


2008-08-20 13:47:01 | 宇宙論

火星から来たというブリスカ君!!(English PRAUDAより)2弾!!




《翻訳開始 文責:

 ボルゴグラードの地域の北部、一般的に"メドヴェデスカヤ・グラヤダ(Medvedetskaya gryada)"…と呼ばれた場所で、秘境遠征のメンバーからブリスカ(Boriska)という珍しい少年の話が、もたらされた。

 『夜のキャンプファイアーの周りに座っているとき、ある小さな少年(年の頃は7歳)が突然、みんなの前に注目を引きながら質問をするという光景イメージできるだろうか。身を翻して(?)、少年は火星での生活や、その居住生物、地球への飛来について事ごとくを語ることを望んだ。』 このことは、知性に満ちた情報であった。沈黙が続いた。それは信じがたい素晴らしい話であった。大きな愛くるしい目をした小さな少年は、火星人の文明や、巨石に作られた都市に関して、様々な星に向かうための彼らの宇宙船や飛行について、素晴らしい国レムリアについて、彼が火星から来訪して知った、そこ(レムリア)での詳細な生活ののついてや、そこで得た友人について等....語った。









【転載開始】Boriska?boy from Mars


Boriska, boy from Mars, says that all humans live eternally

Sometimes, some children are born with quite fascinating talents, unusual abilities.

I was told the story of an unusual boy named Boriska from members of an expedition to the anomaly zone located in the north of the Volgograd region, most commonly referred to as “Medvedetskaya gryada”…

“Can you imagine, while everyone was sitting around the campfire at night, some little boy (about 7 years of age) suddenly asked everyone’s attention. Turned out, he wanted to tell them all about life on Mars, about its inhabitants and their flights to earth,” shares one of the witnesses. Silence followed. It was incredible! The little boy with gigantic lively eyes was about to tell a magnificent story about the Martian civilization, about megalithic cities, their spaceships and flights to various planets, about a wonderful country Lemuria, life of which he knew in details since he happened to descend there from Mars, had friends there…

Logs were cracking, night's fog enveloped the area and the immense dark sky with myriads of brightly lit stars seemed to conceal some sort of a mystery. His story lasted for about an hour and a half. One guy was smart enough to tape the entire narration.

Many were stunned by the two distinctive factors. First of all, the boy possessed exceptionally profound knowledge. His intellect was obviously far from that of a typical 7-year-old. Not every professor is capable of narrating the entire history of Lemuria and Lemurians and its inhabitants in such details. You will be unable to find any mentioning of this country in school textbooks. Modern science has not yet proved existence of other civilizations.

Second of all, we were all amazed by the actual speech of this young boy. It was far from the kind kids his age usually use. His knowledge of specific terminology, details and facts from Mars' and Earth’s past fascinated everyone.

“Why did he start the conversation in the first place,” said my interlocutor. “Perhaps, he was simply touched by the overall atmosphere of our camp with many knowledgeable and open-minded people,” continued he.   

“Could he make this all up?”

“Doubtful”, objected my friend”. “To me this looks more like the boy was sharing his personal memories from past births. It is virtually impossible to make up such stories; one really had to know them.”

Today, after meeting with Boris' parents and getting to know the boy better, I begin to carefully sort out all the information obtained around that campfire. He was born in Volzhskii town in a suburban hospital, even though officially, based on the paperwork, his birthplace is the town of Zhirnovsk of Volgograd region. His birthday is January 11th, 1996. (Perhaps it will be helpful for astrologers).
His parents seem to be wonderful people. Nadezhda, Boriska's mother, is a dermatologist in a public clinic. She graduated from Volgograd medical institute not so long ago in 1991. The boy’s father is a retired officer. Both of them would be happy if someone could shed the light onto the mystery behind their child. In the meantime, they simply observe him and watch him grow.

-After Boriska was born, I noticed he was able to hold his head in 15 days, recalls Nadezhda.  His first word “baba” he uttered when he was 4 months old and very soon afterward started talking. At age 7, he constructed his first sentence, “I want a nail.” He said this particular phrase after noticing a nail stuck in the wall. Most notably, his intellectual abilities surpassed his physical ones.【転載終了】

