


2016-10-11 21:05:55 | 表現

Optical spectrometer(分光計)(Wikipedia)

"Spectrometers are used in many fields. For example, they are used in astronomy to analyze the radiation from astronomical objects and deduce chemical composition. The spectrometer uses a prism or a grating to spread (広げる、分散)the light from a distant object into a spectrum. This allows astronomers to detect many of the chemical elements by their characteristic spectral fingerprints."

"In the original spectroscope(分光器)design in the early 19th century, light entered(入射)a slit and a collimating lens transformed the light into a thin beam of parallel rays(平行光線). The light then passed through a prism (in hand-held spectroscopes, usually an Amici prism) that refracted the beam into a spectrum because different wavelengths were refracted different amounts due to dispersion(分散、分光?). This image was then viewed through a tube with a scale that was transposed upon the spectral image, enabling its direct measurement."

"A spectrograph(分光器)is an instrument that separates(分光する?)an incoming wave into a frequency spectrum. There are several kinds of machines referred to as spectrographs, depending on the precise nature of the waves. The first spectrographs used photographic paper as the detector."

"Spectroscopy /spɛkˈtrɒskəpi/ is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation.[1][2] Historically, spectroscopy originated through the study of visible light dispersed(分散、分光?)according to its wavelength, by a prism."

「spectroscopy の語は、元々はプリズムあるいは回折格子でその波長に応じて展開(disperse?)したものをスペクトル (spectrum) と呼んだことに由来する。」

What is Spectroscopy(分光法、分光学)? (Spectroscopy)
"Spectroscopy pertains to the dispersion(分散、分光?)of an object's light into its component colors (i.e. energies)."

How does a Spectrometer work?
"a collimating mirror, which parallelizes(平行化)the beam of light," ..."diffraction grating! This optical element disperses(分散;分光する?)the parallel beams of light into their component colors/wavelengths/energies."

Monochromator (Wikipedia) (発音:マナクロウメイタ)
"A monochromator can use either the phenomenon of optical dispersion(光学分散)in a prism, or that of diffraction using a diffraction grating, to spatially separate(空間的に分散;分光する?)the colors of light. It usually has a mechanism for directing the selected color to an exit slit. Usually the grating or the prism is used in a reflective mode. A reflective prism is made by making a right triangle prism (typically, half of an equilateral prism) with one side mirrored. The light enters through the hypotenuse(斜辺)face and is reflected back through it, being refracted twice at the same surface. The total refraction, and the total dispersion(分散), is the same as would occur if an equilateral prism were used in transmission mode."

「モノクロメーターは広範囲の波長の光を空間的に分散(disperse, separate)させ、それをスリットなどで狭い範囲の波長のみを取り出す分光器である。初期のこの型の分光器はスリットを通った光をレンズミラーにより平行光にしたのち、プリズムを通すことで光を分散(disperse)させた。プリズムを通るときに光は波長により異なった角度で屈折するので、光を分散(disperse)することができる。」

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