


2017-01-20 10:37:40 | 英語特許散策


"1. An apparatus for measuring a parameter related to(関する)capacitance between a drive electrode and a receive electrode(受信電極)of a touch sensitive device, the apparatus comprising: an accumulator capacitor coupled at one end to a voltage measurement circuit and at the other end(*初出で定冠詞)to the receive electrode; control circuitry configured and arranged, during each(*初出でeach)cycle of a measurement sequence, to connect a reference voltage to a first node that electrically connects the accumulator capacitor to the voltage measurement circuit; and a discharge circuit configured and arranged to draw(得る、引き出す)current from a second node electrically connected to the accumulator capacitor and to the receive electrode during the measurement sequence, wherein the drive electrode and the receive electrode are co-located(同じ場所に配置)under the surface of a touch sensor." 


"In this illustrative example, two stage amplifier system 604 includes transimpedance amplifier 608 connected to limiting amplifier 610. Alternating current coupling capacitors(連結コンデンサ;*連結用)612 are used to connect transimpedance amplifier 608 to limiting amplifier 610. Alternating current coupling capacitors 612 may be selected to have a capacitance of about 0.01 microfarads. 

As depicted(図示のように), variable resistor 614 is connected to transimpedance amplifier 608. Variable resistor 614 allows two stage amplifier system 604 to be tuned for a desired Signal Detect (SD) sensitivity. For plastic optical fiber networks, the desired signal detect sensitivity(検知感度)level of optical receiver 600 may be a sensitivity having a value substantially equal to or less than about -32 decibel milliwatts" 

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