


2017-10-21 14:57:17 | 英語特許散策

"15. A water-abrasive suspension cutting facility according to claim 1, further comprising an abrasive agent reservoir with an exit and a movable closure element arranged in the exit, wherein the lock chamber is connected via the entry side shut-off element to the exit of the abrasive agent reservoir, wherein said closure element has a hollow configuration(中空に形成)that is open to an upper and to a lower end, wherein the closure element lower end closes the exit and with upper end extends beyond a maximal filling level for the abrasive agent."

"The present invention relates to a ball-striking device (1), in particular a tennis, squash, or badminton racket, having a head frame (2), which comprises a striking surface, is of a hollow design(中空に形成), and is produced from plastic, in particular from a fiber-reinforced plastic, and a shaft formed thereon with grip, wherein the striking surface (12) is defined by at least one string (8)"

"10. Support structure according to claim 1, characterized in that the support element (9) has a hollow design(中空に形成)for a buoyancy function."

"Preferably, the shaping part is configured to be hollow(中空に形成)in the longitudinal direction of the two hollow bodies. In this way, it is possible to make do with a particularly simple shaping part, which can furthermore be configured to be cylindrical in its longitudinal direction."

form to be hollow
having a hollow form/shape

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2017-10-21 12:00:00 | 表現

耳鼻咽喉科...耳oto...鼻rhino...咽喉pharyngo/laryngo...department of otorhinolaryngology ( /tˌrnˌlærənˈɡɒləi/ )

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