


2017-05-01 14:06:18 | 英語特許散策

"1. A transfer tape, comprising:
a template layer having a structured surface;
a backfill layer disposed on at least a portion of the template layer, the backfill layer comprising a thermal- or radiation-curable material having a planar surface opposite the structured surface; and
a diffuser layer disposed adjacent the planar surface,
wherein the diffuser layer is capable of adhering to(貼り付け可能)a glass surface, and the template layer is capable of being removed from the backfill layer."

"9. The method of claim 8, wherein the coupling(結合)of the second layer to the first layer comprises laminating, wherein the laminating further comprises:
sequentially attaching(貼り付け), conformaliy(共形的に)pressing, and plate pressing(プレート圧迫)three buildup layers."

"RFID labels blend with a branding color, a branding pattern or a branding color and pattern of an item of merchandise or packaging to which it (=*RFIDラベル)is attached(貼り付け)in order to provide inventory control and security functions, which are digitally printed onto a label substrate having an RFID inlay. When desired, the printed label has UV ink dots applied in a useful orientation and can provide a glowing code attribute to the label, Defined label shaping can be provided by digital cutting. Digital adhesive application can be included on the label substrate, which can be combined with digital cutting to provide for self-adhesion of the label, and the digital cutting and digital adhesive placement can be arranged so as to include dry tab characteristics to the label."

"29. An encapsulated switchable film comprising: a. a layer of switching material between a pair of parallel substrates, the switching material in contact with a first and a second electrode disposed on a first surface of a substrate; a first seal surrounding the layer of switching material; b. first and second encapsulating layers affixed to貼り付け)a second surface of the substrate; c. a second seal disposed between the first and second encapsulating layers, and
separated from the switching material by the first seal."

affix vs attach?
DHC J-E Standard Course, Lesson 4

attach: より一般的な響き、取り外し可能、付ける、ペタンと
affix: 専門的な響き、恒久的、固い、固定、しっかり

"15. A method according to claim 14 wherein folding of the pack blank to form the pack comprises overlapping(重ねる)respective pairs of panels of the blank to form the first and second side walls respectively, and bonding the overlapping panels of each pair together with adhesive接着剤で貼り付ける)."

"3. A flexible substrate adhered to(接着された)a rigid substrate with an adhesive comprising:
(A) an hydrogenated polybutadiene acrylate with no urethane linkage having a number average molecular weight of about 500 to about 10,000;
(B) a radical photoinitiator capable of initiating polymerization at wavelengths of 300nm and above, selected from the group consisting of alpha-aminoketones and mono- acylphosphine oxides;
(C) a diluent selected from the group consisting of a monofunctional low polarity acrylate having 6-14 carbons in a linear or branched alkyl chain, and a non-polar linear or branched alkane with a boiling point ranging from 95° to 200°C; and
(D) optionally, an adhesion promoter."

"5. A method for temporarily adhering(貼り付ける)a plastic substrate to a rigid substrate using an adhesive comprising"

"1. A busbar tape comprising:
a conductive metal foil; and
a nonconductive thermoset adhesive;
wherein the tape is solderable and
wherein the tape is capable of adhering to(接着可能)a porous nonsolderable aluminum surface."

"8. The busbar tape of any of the preceding claims, wherein, when the busbar tape is applied to(貼り付け)the rear aluminum surface of a photovoltaic cell, the photovoltaic cell is capable of enduring at least 200 cycles of thermal cycling (-40°C to 90°C) and damp heat (85°C/85% Relative Humidity testing) for at least 1000 hours with less than 5% increase in resistance of the electrical connection."

"10. A photovoltaic solar cell comprising:
the busbar tape of any of the preceding claims,
a silicon wafer comprising a front surface and a back surface,
a porous nonsolderable aluminum surface adjacent to the back surface of the silicon wafer, and a busbar tape,
wherein the busbar tape is bonded to(接合)the porous nonsolderable aluminum surface adjacent to the back surface of the silicon wafer via the nonconductive thermoset adhesive."

"A dispenser, and associated method for producing such dispenser, for interfolded(相互折込された)disposable sheets includes a dispensing container(取り出し容器)defining an interior volume sufficient for receipt of(受容)a clip of interfolded disposable sheets, the container including a first wall with a dispensing opening defined by a removable panel. At least a portion of an adhesive material is disposed at a location on the removable panel such that the adhesive is not exposed to the interior volume of the container in an adhesive state. A clip of interfolded disposable sheets is inserted into the interior volume of the container. After insertion of the clip, the adhesive material is exposed in an adhesive state to the interior volume of the container and contact is made between(接触)the adhesive[50] and the uppermost sheet of the clip of interfolded sheets such that the removable panel[22] is attached to(貼り付け)the uppermost sheet[28]."

Merriam-Webster Unabridgedによる定義
apply: place in contact, superpose, "apply an anticeptic to a cut"

attach: make fast or join (as by string or glue), "attach price tags on each article"

affix: attach physically (as by nails or glue), "affix the label to the package"

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2017-05-01 12:26:30 | 英語特許散策

"The present invention concerns a dosage form(剤形), preferably for immediate release(即放性), comprising siponimod, a moisture-protective-agent防湿剤)and further pharmaceutical excipients(医薬品添加物)and methods for producing said dosage form."

"[0014] The methods described herein may further comprise storing a formulation in a container means. Any suitable container means may be used to store the encapsulated formulations(カプセル封入処方物)described herein. In one embodiment, the container means may be, for example, a bottle. A bottle may be, for example, an amber-colored bottle in order to minimize exposure of the encapsulated formulations to ultraviolet light. In another embodiment, the container means further comprises a dessicant(防湿剤)packet to control moisture content of the container means."

"128. Use according to any of claims 13 to 127, wherein the deep eutectic solvent further comprises at least one additive selected from a colourant, a dye, a detergent, a quaternary ammonium salt, a saponin, an anti-microbial, a dessicant(防湿剤), a probe, an internal control, an antioxidant, a ribonuclease inhibitor, a buffer, a chelator, a dissolved gas, an alcohol, and a protein precipitant."

"4. The assembly of any one of claims 1-3, at least one of the vial and the insert includes a desiccant(防湿剤)plastic material."

"21. The substrate container of claim 1, 6, 7, 8, or 9 wherein the getter comprises a polymer, a channeling agent and a desiccant(乾燥剤)."

"8. The deposition system of claim 7, wherein the electrode forming mixture comprises an electro-active material, a binding agent, electro-conductive material, a drying agent(乾燥剤), or combinations thereof."

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2017-05-01 11:52:19 | 英語特許散策

"[0007] For sunscreens to be used effectively, they need to be applied evenly and as directed. Misuse of sunscreens by improper(不適切な)or inconsistent application can result in grave roblems. Ineffective application due to defects in the formulation's ability to be applied properly(適切に塗布)can be similarly problematic. Users may feel they are protected from the sun's rays and may take lesser steps to avoid exposure by physically covering the body by clothing or shade. "

"As a result, the spray may not be applied properly(適切に塗布)to a target object. Thus, it would be desirable to provide(望ましい)better temperature control of fluid flows, such as liquid or gas flows transferred through conduits."

" Previous flowable substance application methods and assemblies have generally been unable to properly apply(適切に塗布)a suitable amount of the flowable substances in a substantially uniform fashion. What is needed are(求められ、必要、需要)methods and applicator assemblies for applying flowable substances to substrates, such as substrates comprising tow fibers, for example, in the correct amount and in a substantially uniform fashion."

"3D glasses having an RFID tag (embedded in one or more temples) are rented to theater or other venue operators. The glasses are shipped to a venue for distribution to patrons and collected from patrons in the trays. Inventory and other measures are implemented by RFID scanning while the glasses are in the trays (e.g., upon delivery to a theater, on collection from the theater, upon inspection at the 3D rental company, etc). Data gathered from RFID scanning and inspections allows the rental company to properly allocate(適切に割り当て)rental costs to various venues based on shrinkage which includes, for example, extraordinary wear, breakage, or theft which is attributable and traceable to the specific venues. The theater or venue may also independently scan the trays upon delivery and pick-up to maintain their own records. The invention includes 3D glasses with RFID, a washing rack, and rental systems."

"13. The system of claim 12, wherein the processing unit is configured to determine whether the flow sensing element is suitably positioned(適切に配置)within the vessel based on flow measurements obtained during rotation of the flexible elongate member about the central longitudinal axis."

"Combined(複合型)sterilization indicator incubator and reader system"

"16. The system of claim 1 wherein the system further comprises a separate cover for each incubator block, wherein the cover and the incubator block are configured so that the cover is closeable only when each well is either unoccupied or occupied by a properly placed(適切に配置)and activated sterilization indicator vial."

"82. A wound closure device, comprising:
a stabilizing structure for insertion into a wound, the stabilizing structure having a length, a width transverse to the length and a thickness transverse to the length and the width, wherein the length and width are greater than the thickness, and wherein the stabilizing structure comprises an outer perimeter comprising at least one o ter wall ;
a first porous layer pre-attached to only part of the outer perimeter of the stabilizing structure; and
a second porous layer separate from the first porous layer configured to be attached to a remaining outer perimeter of the stabilizing structure after the stabilizing structure has been appropriately sized適切にサイズ設定)."

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2017-05-01 11:27:25 | 英語特許散策

"2. The polishing pad of claim 1, wherein the light-transmitting region is discolored about 45% or less at one or more wavelengths in a range of 395 nm to 800 nm upon ultraviolet light irradiation(紫外光照射), as measured according to ASTM D1148-95."

"2. The article of claim 1, wherein the material is curable by exposure to ultraviolet light(紫外光照射)."

"14. A method of forming a cured silicone anti-dust coating composition comprising:
(a) mixing a silicone resin having the general formula:
((CH3)3Si01/2)x[(RSi03/2)a( Si02/2)b(RRRSi01/2)c]y(Si04/2)z
wherein each R is an epoxy group, R and R are each independently an alkyl group or an aryl group, x, y, z >0, x+y+z = 1 , a+b+c = y, 0 < a < y, 0 < b < y, and 0 < c < y,
with a cationic photoinitiator to form a UV-curable silicone composition; and
(b) applying the UV-curable silicone composition onto a substrate to form a liquid coating thereon; and
(c) curing the liquid coating by ultraviolet radiation(紫外線照射)to form the cured silicone anti-dust coating composition."

"6. The method of claim 1, wherein the environmental stressor selected from the group consisting of ultraviolet radiation(紫外線照射)(UV), cigarette and cigar smoke, ozone, combustible engine exhaust, smog, surfactants, and radiation from a computer, telephone, or television monitor."

"4. The method of claim 2, further comprising providing additional energy during the step of maintaining by at least one of: (i) heating the substrates and the cavity therebetween, (ii) generating a radio frequency (RF) plasma proximate the cavity, (iii) generating a corona discharge proximate the cavity, and/or (iv) irradiating the substrates and the cavity with at least UV radiation(紫外線で照射)."

"29. A process for producing a gradient low refractive index coating, comprising:
coating a photoinitiator on a surface of a substrate;
coating a dispersion on the photoinitiator, the dispersion comprising:
an ultraviolet (UV) radiation curable material;
a solvent; and
a plurality of nanoparticles;
irradiating the dispersion with UV radiation(紫外線で照射)to at least partially polymerize the UV radiation curable material, forming an insoluble polymer matrix binding the plurality of nanoparticles, and including a plurality of nanovoids, the plurality of nanovoids being filled with the dispersion depleted of the polymerizable material and the nanoparticles,
wherein a first volume fraction of the plurality of nanovoids proximate the surface of the substrate is greater than a second volume fraction of the plurality of nanovoids proximate an opposing surface of the insoluble polymer matrix; and
removing a major portion of the solvent from the dispersion after at least partially polymerizing the polymerizable material."

"A method according to any one of claims 6 to 8 comprising illuminating the channel with visible light or UV light(可視光または紫外光で照射)while obtaining the images."

"6. The method of claim 5, wherein the adhesive is an ultraviolet-curing adhesive, the method further comprising irradiating at least the first face with ultraviolet light(紫外光で照射)to cure the adhesive."

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2017-05-01 11:01:47 | 英語特許散策

"1. A process to cleanse and deodorize an environmental space, comprising: deodorizing a space with an ozone treatment for a pre- selected time; and thereafter, automatically and without human intervention人手を介さず), exposing the space to a nebulized liquid, said liquid having ozone quenching properties and comprising an odor neutralizing or air freshening agent."

"The result is that a bilayer is created automatically, without manual intervention人手を介さず), over multiple electrodes in an array of individually controlled electrodes in response to a stimulus and in a deterministic manner."

"However, efforts to modify conventional immunoassay techniques to improve sensitivity and specificity often yield(生み出す、つながる、結果となる)more complex, labor intensive人手を要する)protocols that can be hampered by inefficiencies at each step that can greatly impact the sensitivity and specificity of an assay."

"Once the master reference is unavailable and since there are no alternative references available, then human intervention may be required人手を要する)to correct or reset the timing of the network node. However, human intervention can be time consuming and costly to implement."

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