


2014-07-06 10:55:24 | Telegraph (UK)
Sweden slashes rates to avert deflation after Riksbank mutiny
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 4:57PM BST 03 Jul 2014
Central bank stuns markets by cutting Repo rate by 50 basis points to 0.25pc


Sweden's Riksbank has slashed interest rates to head off deflation despite surging debt levels, becoming a world laboratory for a radical monetary experiment.


The central bank stunned markets by cutting its Repo rate by 50 basis points to 0.25pc, abandoning efforts to curb asset bubbles by "leaning against the wind". Governor Stefan Ingves and his chief deputy were outvoted by the executive board in what amounts to a mutiny.


The move follows months of acrimonious disputes as Sweden became the first country in northern Europe to slide into full deflation. Inflation has rebounded slightly to 0.1pc but economy is still one shock away from a Japanese-style trap.


The rebels are taking a major gamble since the economy is growing briskly and house prices in Stockholm have risen by 7pc over the last year. The ratio of household debt to disposable income has reached 175pc, prompting warnings from the International Monetary Fund.


The Riksbank called for loan curbs and other macro-prudential measures to offset the effects of monetary stimulus. "The low interest rates are already contributing to a relatively rapid increase in household debt. A low repo rate makes it more urgent for other policy areas to manage the risks linked to household indebtedness. It is not enough just to take measures to strengthen the resilience of the banking system; measures aimed directly at the households' demand for credit are also required. If no further measures are taken, there is a greater risk that the economy will develop in a manner that is not sustainable in the long run," it said.


The rate cut is a vindication for Lars Svensson, a world-renowned deflation expert who resigned as deputy governor last year after accusing the bank of jumping the gun by raising rates. "But better late than never," he said on Thursday.


Professor Svensson said the attempt to cut leverage by tightening pre-emptively had made matters worse. "Low inflation has actually increased the households' real debt burden. Riksbank policy has thus actually been counterproductive," he told the Telegraph. Nobel economist Paul Krugman has been even blunter, accusing the Riksbank of "sado-monetarism".


The Riksbank - the world's oldest central bank - is no stranger to controversy but criticism has clearly got under its skin. In a recent paper it blamed the deflation on falling prices in the service sector, weak profit margins for companies due to weak demand, and lower food and energy costs.


The Riksbank's volte-face aligns it with the US Federal Reserve under Janet Yellen, who spelled out her opposition this week to monetary tightening to rein in asset markets - what Bank of America calls the "print and regulate mantra".


Mrs Yellen said higher rates during Lehman-era boom would not have choked off excesses in the credit markets, and warned that moves to tighten now would destroy jobs for little purpose. "I do not presently see a need for monetary policy to deviate from a primary focus on attaining price stability and maximum employment, in order to address financial stability concerns. A resilient financial system can withstand unexpected developments," she said.


The Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements has become the leading voice for the counter-view, warning that speculative froth is approaching levels last seen at the height of the mania in 2007. "A powerful and pervasive search for yield has gathered pace," it said.


The BIS has called on global central banks to take pre-emptive action before the bubble becomes unmanageable, insisting that deflation dangers are overstated. "Good policy is less a question of seeking to pump up growth at all costs than of removing the obstacles that hold it back".


The Riksbank has a prestige beyond its size. Its decision to ditch the BIS strategy and opt instead to ride out the credit boom adds fresh piquancy to the intellectual policy battle now ranging between Basel and Washington.


The institution is famed for its creative panache and its pedigree of top economists. It was one of the first central banks to turn radical in the early 1930s, successfully shielding Sweden from the full storm of the Great Depression with a reflation blitz. The central banking fraternity will be watching very closely to see how its adventure turns out this time.



