


2008-02-14 08:36:32 | Telegraph (UK)

'Britain should apologise to Aborigines'
By Nick Squires in Sydney
Britain is facing demands to join Australia in apologising to Aborigines who were snatched from their families as children, after Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, spoke of removing a "great stain from the nation’s soul".


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In a speech in parliament in Canberra, Mr Rudd delivered an historic apology to the tens of thousands of Aboriginal children who were forcibly taken from their parents under an official policy of racial assimilation from the 1880s to 1970.


Using the word sorry three times in his address, Mr Rudd apologised for "the indignity and degradation inflicted on a proud people" and spoke of "one of the darkest chapters in Australia's history".


The motion he put to parliament recommending a formal apology to the so-called Stolen Generation was unanimously passed by MPs.


As the former colonial power until the Australian colonies came together as a federation in 1901, Britain should also apologise for Aboriginal children being sent to foster families and institutions, said prominent human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, QC.


Mr Robertson, an Australian based in London, said Britain bore a "heavy historic responsibility" because colonial authorities had created an office known as the Protector of Aborigines, which oversaw the removal of mixed-race children.


The policy was based on the belief that "full-blood" Aborigines would eventually die out and that "half-caste" children could be integrated into white society. Aboriginality would be bred out over successive generations by pairing indigenous women with white men.


"The point I make in calling on the British government to endorse the apology is not only were the British responsible, for example, in wiping out the Tasmanian Aborigines, which was the worst form of genocide, but [so were] English intellectuals who inspired the assimilation policies that led to the Stolen Generation," Mr Robertson told Australian Associated Press.


"The assimilation policy was well intentioned but it went wrong. Britain has to share responsibly for the thinking behind the Stolen Generation."


He said the fate of Aboriginal children wrenched from their families should "touch a guilty nerve" in the UK.


Aboriginal leaders supported the call for British atonement.


"It’s something we would welcome. The British should acknowledge the role they played in the dispossession of Aborigines and in the policy of removing children," said Michael Mansell, a prominent Aboriginal lawyer and activist from Tasmania.


"The English have certainly got blood on their hands and owe Aborigines an apology for the way they treated them. They shot our people and hunted them on horseback. A country is all the richer if it can face up to the wrongs of its past."


Mr Rudd received a standing ovation at the end of his speech, which was watched by millions of Australians on television and on giant outdoor screens in cities around the country.


He said stories of children being forcibly taken from their sobbing mothers, as documented in an official report in 1997, were deeply poignant.


"There is something terribly primal about these first-hand accounts. The pain is searing, it screams from the pages - the hurt, the humiliation, the degradation and the sheer brutality of the act of physically separating a mother from her children is a deep assault on our senses and on our most elemental sense of humanity. These stories cry out for an apology."


The prime minister said he hoped the apology would open a "new chapter" in Australian history. But there is profound skepticism over whether it will make any practical difference to Aborigines’ lives, and fears that it could prompt huge compensation claims.


"The government has just handed Aborigines ammunition to sue for millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money," said security officer John Wardle, watching Mr Rudd make the apology on a giant screen in Sydney’s Martin Place as crowds cheered and waved Aboriginal flags.


"I reckon every barrister in the country is going to be jumping on the bandwagon.


"Aborigines get enough hand-outs as it is."


Legal experts said, however, that the apology would not make it easier for Aborigines to claim for damages because it did not admit to any illegality or negligence.

"The removals were not unlawful under the legislation at the time," said class action specialist David Burstyner, from a Melbourne law firm.


"The government has apologised but it hasn’t said it is liable for what happened.


"It’s an absolute fallacy to think it will open the floodgates of compensation."


Only one member of the Stolen Generation has so far successfully sued for damages.


Bruce Trevorrow, 51, won A$775,000 (£357,294) in the South Australian Supreme Court last year after proving he had been treated illegally and with negligence when he was taken from his parents as a baby.






