


2008-12-18 17:43:06 | Telegraph (UK)

Sterling fall is a life-saver for UK economy
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:17 Dec 2008
The sharp slide in the pound has been a godsend for the UK economy and may have helped Britain avert a much more serious crisis, according to the German bank Dresdner Kleinwort.


"If the currency had not gone down so far, think how much worse it could have been. A weaker sterling is just what you need in the current situation," said David Owen, the bank's chief economist for developed markets .


He said exporters taking advantage of the 20pc fall in sterling to boost profit margins, giving them a vital cushion to help survive the collapse in lending. This is the same pattern seen after the ejection of the pound from Europe's Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992.


"Export margins are going through the roof, and this helps not just manufactuiring but also service exports. Profits are holding up surprisingly well. With banks threatening to cut off credit lines, these companies need all the help they can get," he said.


"We have been in a train-wreck since August 2007 and it is going on and on. Credit insurance is drying up. We are hearing anecdotal evidence that banks are telling custormers not to rely on them for finance next year. If credit lines are cut off, even good companies will go into receivership," he said.


The concern is that there may be two more shoes to drop in this crisis. The wave of corporate defaults has hardly begun, and inventories are still too high for this stage of the cycle.

"The good thing is that the authorities have thrown an awful lot of ammo at this problem. We're effectively moving towards zero interest rates in all the major economies. But we know from Japan that the central banks can pump liquidity into the system but that doesn't guarantee recovery if the banks won't lend," he said.


The risk is that foreign investors stop buying Gilts and other forms of British debt, setting off a pound exodus that could spin out of control - as happened to Iceland's krona. UK bond auctions have held up well so far.


Mr Owen said newspaper columnists fretting about a sterling crisis should remember what happened early 1930s when Britain was the first major economy to leave the Gold Standard and reflate through devaluation (and rate cuts). While the episode was humiliating at the time, it was a key reason why the UK economy contracted by just 5pc during the Great Depresssion compared to 15pc for France and 30pc for the US.


Stephen Jen, currency chief at Morgan Stanley, said sterling is a "high-beta" currency, meaning that it is highly-geared to the global economic cycle. It shoots up during good times and plunges during bad times. It should return to health if and when the world emerges from economic winter..


The Bank of England's view is that sterling has served its purpose well in this crisis, acting as a shock-absorber.



