


2014-04-30 09:51:08 | Telegraph (UK)
BP and Shell exposed as US prepares first warning shot against Russia's oil and gas industry
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 1:28PM BST 27 Apr 2014
Firms may be forced to curtail operations as G7 powers prepare to launch new sanctions


Britain's top energy companies face an extremely delicate situation as the world's G7 powers prepare to launch the next wave of sanctions against Russia, and may be forced to curtail operations or freeze certain commercial ties with the country.


The US, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Canada have agreed to "intensify targeted sanctions to increase the costs of Russia's actions" – possibly as soon as Monday – unless the Kremlin takes immediate steps to defuse the crisis in Ukraine.


The G7 is for now holding back Iranian-style "stage 3" sanctions against the whole Russian banking system, mining industry, or the oil and gas nexus. This nuclear option will be deployed only if Russia escalates from black operations in Eastern Ukraine to an outright invasion, said Alastair Newton, head of political risk at Nomura.


Yet diplomats say the Obama administration has the means to choke Russia's bond market and greatly disrupt the energy sector even under limited "stage 2" sanctions, and intends to do so in a step by step escalation.


Sources in Washington say the US Treasury may soon extend the black list to Igor Sechin, president of the oil giant Rosneft, the biggest traded oil company in the world. Any such move would be a costly headache for BP, which owns 19.75pc of Rosneft's shares under a deal reached in 2012 ending its stormy misadventures in TNK-BP.


It is unclear whether BP could continue to operate in the United States or even carry out its global business smoothly if it continued to be a Rosneft shareholder with Mr Sechin still in charge, yet it would be difficult to find buyers for a holding worth $12.5bn in the midst of a crisis. America's Exxon Mobile would have to reconsider its drilling plans with Rosneft in the Arctic 'High North'.


The US Treasury is also eyeing some form of sanction against Gazprombank, the financial arm of the gas monopoly Gazprom. This would greatly complicate Shell's joint operations with Gazprom at Sakhalin Island and in the Arctic, though this would depend on the exact wording and how the US Securities and Exchange Committee chose to enforce it.


Both BP and Shell said they remain committed to their long-term investments in Russia but are monitoring the situation closely.


Centrica may also have to navigate with care as it launches a three-year gas supply with Gazprom for 7pc of British Gas's supply, to be delivered later this year. Other UK industrial groups also buy from Gazprom and might have to declare "force majeure" on their contracts in extremis.


Rosneft's Mr Sechin has long been a controversial figure. A former KGB officer in Africa and part of president Vladimir Putin's "siloviki" core of loyalists from the security apparatus, he has been the chief architect of Russia's energy policies for the last decade and is famously known as a fighter who takes no prisoners.


While the energy industry generates 52pc of Russian government revenues – some claim nearer 70pc – the lion's share of this comes from oil rather than gas (though gas is more valuable as a political tool). Rosneft was the biggest single source of state funding last year, alone paying $75bn in taxes, or a third of the total.


Oil is an obvious target for Washington since any disruption in oil output can be matched by supplies from elsewhere – up to a point – and does not expose Germany or the front-line states in Eastern Europe to particular damage. The US has already begun to draw down its strategic petroleum reserve as a symbolic gesture, and can flood the market for months if need be.


Rosneft is doubly vulnerable because it has $52bn of debts, mostly in foreign currencies. It has a large stock of 2-year to 5-year dollar bonds that has to be rolled over. This has already become much more expensive. The global bond market for Russian banks and companies owing $710bn in foreign debt is effectively shut.


Tim Ash from Standard Bank said the compliance departments of Western banks would compel their bond divisions to liquidate the debt of any company named in US sanctions as a precautionary measure, forcing a cascade of sales. If Mr Sechin was named but not Rosneft itself – the mostly likely formula – this would create legal confusion. That is exactly what the US Treasury wishes to achieve.


Mr Ash said Washington will go it alone against key Russian targets if the Europeans drag their feet, and it has hegemonic sway over much of the global banking and insurance industry to dictate the pace. "The US is determined to go ahead. They would like the Europeans with them fully, but if not they're willing to roll out tougher sanctions anyway," he said.


Alexander Medvedev, Gazprom's deputy chairman, said in London on Friday that Gazprom has a contingency plan if the US imposes punitive measures on any part of the company, but did not disclose details. "We will not sit still," he said.


Mr Medvedev said Russia and the West had avoided a clash over oil and gas even at the height of the Cold War. "We overcame the Afghanistan crisis, the South Korean airline crisis, and the economic default in 1998, and it was never a question of involving energy. Sanctions are not the solution to anything. They will push up the price of oil and gas and damage the competitiveness of Europe, so who does this help?" he said.


He was at pains to stress that Russia depends on its oil and gas revenues, and has no interest in disrupting supplies. Gazprom is continuing to supply Ukraine with gas even though the country has not paid its bills for months. "Ukraine is sending us signals that they are not going to pay. This situation is intolerable and unsustainable," he said.


Mr Medvedev said Ukraine now owes $18.5bn, a claim disputed as "economic warfare" by Kiev. In what amounted to an ultimatum, he said the country would face a total cut-off shortly after May 7 unless it pays $3.5bn in arrears. Thereafter it will have to pay cash in advance for any deliveries.


If this disrupts the flow of gas to the EU through the Ukrainian system – half of Gazprom's exports to Europe – the entire responsibility will lie "on the shoulders of Ukraine". If Europe wishes to secure its supplies, it might wish to dig into its pocket and settle Ukraine's debt, he suggested.


Rosneft produces 2.5m barrels of oil a day, comparable to a major producer in the Persian Gulf. It can over time switch more of its sales to the growing market in China.


The great unknown is whether Chinese leader Xi Jinping would lend a helping hand to Mr Putin, or cleave quietly to American policy. The pietistic rhetoric of Sino-Russian solidarity in these circumstances tells us little. China is likely to be very cautious.



