


2013-01-31 11:32:34 | Telegraph (UK)


Greek deal frays as IMF threatens walk-out on debt buy-back impasse
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:14PM GMT 29 Nov 2012
The eurozone's debt relief plan for Greece has hit serious trouble within days as banks and pension funds balk at fresh losses, raising fears that the package could unravel before a deadline in mid-December.


The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday that it would not disburse funds under its part of the EU-IMF package unless the eurozone delivers on a bond "buy-back" scheme, which is supposed to cut Greece's burden by 10pc of GDP and is deemed crucial for restoring long-term viability.


If the IMF withdraws, Finland and Holland will also pull out of the programme. "This has become a really big problem," said Raoul Ruparel from Open Europe.


The dispute comes as Moody's said the EU-IMF deal to unlock ?44bn in bail-out payments to Athens merely papers over cracks and does little to alleviate Greece's "extreme economic and social fragility".


"We believe that the country's debt burden remains unsustainable," it said. Moody's warned that there can be so lasting solution until EU states and official creditors agree to write down their holdings, now the lion's share.


Private investors are furious at demands that they take a second "haircut" of 70pc on residual holdings, after already taking a 53.5pc loss earlier this year, while official creditors still refuse all loses.


Greek banks told finance minister Yannis Stournaras on Thursday that they cannot take part in the "buy-back" plan unless the Troika-imposed terms of Greece's bank recapitalisation scheme are relaxed. They still hold ?22bn of Greek bonds, mostly used as collateral for raising money under the European Central Bank's emergency liquidity assistance (ELAs).


"It is our patriotic duty to make the scheme succeed. It must succeed," said Mr Stournaras, although he also alluded vaguely to a "Plan B".


Mr Ruparel said the burden will have to fall on foreign pension funds, insurers and banks with some ?30bn of bonds, but it is unclear how they can be made to comply. The scheme is supposed to be voluntary. "Most want to hold the debt to maturity and have no interest in crystalising losses," he said.


Under the buy-back plan, investors sell their bonds back to Greece at a 70pc discount - last week's market price. Greece in turn borrows the money from the eurozone bail-out funds.


The Institute of International Finance (IIF) said it would be an outraged if its members are forced to take further losses.


"Debt restructuring was clearly explained to investors as a one-off, as unique, not to be repeated. If they do restructure again, their own credibility is at risk," said the IIF's Hung Tran.

「債務再編は投資家に対して、一回限りの単独のものであって繰り返されないとはっきり説明された。再び債務再編を行うなら、彼らの信頼性を危険にさらすことになる」とIIFのHung Tran氏は言いました。

In theory, the plan could cut Greece's ?301bn debt by ?20bn, but the IMF has been sceptical from the start. Without it, Greece cannot come close to meeting the agreed debt target of 124pc of GDP by 2020.


Leaked documents have already cast serious doubts on that target, much to the irritation of the IMF, which fears that its own credibility is being damaged by the continued fudge over figures that appear to be extracted out of thin air and have repeatedly proved wide of the mark over the past two years.


There is mounting irritation among the Asian and Latin American members of the IMF Board - as well as the US - at the failure of the Europeans to deploy their full wealth to clean up an internal EMU problem.


Gary Jenkins from Swordfish said there is a risk that the deal will "fall apart" over coming months. "It is a long way away from the permanent fix that the IMF had been insisting upon. It is just one more big kick of the can down the road."


Dario Perkins from Lombard Street Research said the convoluted deal aims to veil the fact - until after Germany's elections next year - that German taxpayers are facing real losses for the first time since the crisis began. "In the meantime, Greece's Greater Depression will just get greater," he said.


Mr Perkins said the package inflicts serious humiliations on Greece. The Troika will confiscate all privatisation revenues and the primary surplus at source for debt payments, yet offers no real change in strategy. "The plan to 'save' Greece shares the same fatal flaw as all the others. Rather than recognize that its policy prescriptions are fundamentally wrong - that austerity is no solution to a depression and Greek debt must eventually be written down completely - the Troika has stuck to its view that lack of success reflects poor Greek effort."


It is far from clear whether Greek society will accept yet more cuts as the economy contracts a further 4.5pc next year. Youth unemployment is already 58pc. The anti-Memorandum Syriza movement is running at 32pc in the polls.


While there is no doubt that the German Bundestag will back the deal for Greece in a vote on Friday, it is becoming hard for Chancellor Angela Merkel to disguise the mounting cost.


FT Deutschland said the process had become a charade. "Almost everybody knows Greece will need debt restructuring in the long run. It will remain cut off from capital markets and dependent on the international community for aid, and European citizens should be made aware of this. Political integrity from the eurozone-IMF talks are long overdue. Instead they are maintaining the illusion - especially in Germany - that the whole thing won't cost taxpayers much."


Die Welt said the Chancellor's office is still trying to "play down" the awful truth that the eurozone is turning into a "transfer union". The newspaper said it will soon be clear to everyone that the ultimate red line has been breached.



