


2013-03-31 10:56:36 | Telegraph (UK)

Lord Turner forms unlikely alliance with Soros
By James Quinn
Telegraph: 7:25PM GMT 30 Mar 2013
Lord Turner – the man who wanted to be the next Governor of the Bank of England – is to work alongside George Soros, the man who famously broke the Bank two decades ago.


Lord Turner, the outgoing chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), is to join a New York-based think tank founded by Mr Soros.


The regulator, who stands down from his role at midnight tonight when the FSA is split into the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, is to join the board of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. The body was established by Mr Soros – who made a profit of £1bn betting against sterling in 1992 – in 2009 with an initial endowment of $50m (£33m).


Lord Turner made it on to the shortlist for the new Governor's post late last year, but the role was given to Mark Carney, of the Bank of Canada. As part of his pitch for the role, in his final Mansion House speech last October he called for "unconventional" economic policies to be employed in order to revive Britain's stagnant economy.


It is thought that the new role will be announced as early as this week, with Lord Turner taking up his post almost immediately. One City source pointed to the irony of the outgoing FSA chairman wanting to work with Mr Soros, given his role in the UK's economic history, and Lord Turner's own recent ambition.


Although senior members of the regulator traditionally have to endure a period of "purdah" between leaving the regulator and starting a new post, in this situation this will not be the case.


The "purdah" period is enforced when a senior member of FSA staff is leaving to take a job at a financial services firm, as in the case of former FSA chief executive Hector Sants, who had a six-month period of leave before joining Barclays as head of compliance and government and regulatory relations.


But in Lord Turner's case, because he is joining a not-for-profit think-tank, no gardening leave is required despite the high office he has held since September 2008. However, critics may question his ability to jump directly into a new role so soon, a role which was negotiated while he was still chairman of the FSA.


The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is run by Robert Johnson, former managing director of Soros Fund Management, the Hungarian-American billionaire's hedge fund.


It was founded in the wake of the financial crisis, and is intended to promote economic thinking to ensure such a global disaster is not able to recur. Mr Soros is a founding sponsor of the body, alongside William Janeway, of private equity firm Warburg Pincus, and Jim Balsillie, co-founder of BlackBerry maker Research in Motion.

ソロス氏は、Warburg PincusのWilliam Janeway氏、RIMの共同創立者のJim Balsillie氏と共に、設立時の出資者になりました。

Other donors include Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman, who has been instrumental in crafting the US's legislative response to the banking crisis.


An FSA source suggested Lord Turner's decision to join INET was to "think big thoughts" and write "more learned papers" on the economics of the crisis and the aftermath. Other board members include Amartya Sen, the Harvard professor who won the Nobel prize for economics in 1998, and Joseph Stiglitz, the Columbia professor who won the same honour three years later.


Last month, Lord Turner gave a lecture at the Cass Business School, London, for INET in which he attempted to answer the question: "How do we get out of this mess?"

先月、ロード・ターナーはINETのためにロンドンのCass Business Schoolで講義を行いましたが、その中で彼は「どうしてこうなった?」という疑問に答えようとしました。

He said that since the current mix of government policies has failed, "we must think fundamentally about what went wrong and be adequately radical in the redesign of financial regulation and macro-prudential policy to ensure it doesn't happen again".


In addition to the post at INET, it is thought likely that Lord Turner will seek a senior academic role either here or in the US. He may also seek a number of non-executive directorships, having previously sat on the boards of Standard Chartered, UBM, Siemens and Merrill Lynch Europe, among others.


An FSA spokesman confirmed Lord Turner's appointment.



