


2014-04-06 09:03:48 | Telegraph (UK)
Gazprom uses gas to tighten noose on Ukraine
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:34PM BST 01 Apr 2014
Move will push Ukraine's energy costs to crippling levels, far above average EU costs


Russia's Gazprom has begun to tighten the noose on Ukraine, raising the cost of gas deliveries by 44pc and threatening to claw back billions of dollars of previous discounts.


The move came as military tensions between NATO and Russia continued to escalate on several fronts, belying claims that the world's most serious geo-political clash since the Cold War is subsiding.


Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen denied claims by Moscow that Russia is withdrawing its 40,000 troops concentrated near the Ukrainian border. "This is not what we have seen. This massive military build-up can in no way contribute to a de-escalation of the situation, so I continue to urge Russia to pull back its troops," he said.


The alliance suspended "all practical civilian and military cooperation" between NATO and Russia at a closed-door session in Brussels. Poland's foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, called for two heavy brigades with 10,000 NATO troops to be sent to the Polish-Ukrainian border as a show of force. German fighter jets have been sent to Lithuania to bolster air defence in the Baltics, where tension is also high.


Markets appear to operating in a parallel universe, betting that the worst is over. The RTS index of Russian equities has regained most of the ground lost at the outset of the crisis in late February, while yields on Russian dollar bonds have dropped 70 basis points to 4.82pc.


Gazprom said it had raised the price of gas for Ukraine from $268 to $385 per 1,000 cubic metres, a tariff that may soon jump to $480 as the Kremlin ends the lease discount for Russia's Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol, rendered null and void by the annexation of Crimea. This will push Ukraine's energy costs to crippling levels, far above average EU costs. Gazprom claims that Ukraine owes $16bn for unpaid gas bills, equal to 11pc of GDP.


The EU is drawing up emergency plans to cut dependence on Russian energy. It is searching for ways to funnel gas to Ukraine at a viable cost if need be, but there are serious doubts over whether this can be done quickly.


Citigroup said it would be a complex task to set up a "reverse flow" of gas to Ukraine from western Europe though Slovakia. Nor is it clear where the immediate supplies would come from. The global market for liquefied natural gas (LNG) remains tight, despite a largely symbolic move last week by the US to open an export terminal. There have been interruptions in supplies from Norway.


Bank of America said Europe has no viable means of freeing itself from Russian gas and said that risk of serious sanctions against Russia is fading in any case as Mr Putin seeks to "de-escalate" tensions. It even issued a "buy" call on Gazprom, saying the stock is already priced for the worst - a loss of all sales to Ukraine - and is now the "cheapest stock in our universe", trading at 3.5 times its price-to-earnings (PE) ratio this year.


Market euphoria has been further fuelled by a report in Russian newspaper Kommersant suggesting that the US and Russia are close to a "framework deal" that would give the Kremlin what it wanted, ratifying the seizure of Crimea and agreeing to self-government for the Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine – a demand seen by Kiev as a ruse to break up the country.


Sources in Washington have denied the report. The White House shows no sign of softening its position and has authorised two sets of NATO military manoeuvres with Ukraine this summer, Rapid Trident and Sea Breeze. The Ukrainian Rada approved the joint exercises by a vote of 235:0.


The core dispute between Russia and the West runs deeper than Crimea and has yet to be resolved. Mr Putin's red line is a "politically neutral" Ukraine, outside the EU and the Western security apparatus.


Yet Ukraine signed an Association Agreement with the EU two weeks ago that not only binds the country into the Western economy but also includes a military and foreign policy alliance.


Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform, said Mr Putin aims to reduce Ukraine to a "vassal state" by pushing for a loose federation in Ukraine under his control. He has upped the ante with a new strain of ethno-nationalism, laying a claim to all areas abroad deemed to be "historic Russia".


Tim Ash, from Standard Bank, said the US is quietly ratcheting up stealth sanctions, contrary to accusations of retreat. The latest move is suspension of talks with Moscow over the Financial Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA), which could trigger tax penalties for Russians. "US regulators are aiming to make life tougher for Russian companies, and there is a lot they can do," he said.


Mr Bond said US President Barack Obama and other Western leaders have made a "serious mistake" in categorically ruling out military action in Ukraine on the grounds that NATO's guarantee does not cover non-members.


"In doing this, they have reassured Putin that the West's reaction will be diplomatic and economic; knowing that so far the EU has been split on imposing tough sanctions, he may feel that the price of further intervention is worth paying.


"Western leaders should follow the Royal Navy motto: "Si vis pacem, para bellum" - If you want peace, prepare for war. They should state publicly that if Ukraine were attacked and called for assistance in exercising its right to self-defence, they would be ready to deploy NATO forces," he said.

「西側首脳陣は英国王室海軍のモットー『Si vis pacem, para bellum』に従うべきだ。平和を望むなら戦いに備えよ。ウクライナが攻撃されて自衛権行使の支援を要請すればいつでもNATO軍を派遣すると彼らは公言すべきだ」


