


2013-04-04 23:10:12 | Telegraph (UK)

Bank of England holds QE at £375bn despite new mandate
By Emma Rowley
Telegraph: 12:10PM BST 04 Apr 2013
The Bank of England held back from pumping fresh money into Britain's struggling economy on Thursday, despite a new remit that gives it extra leeway to disregard above-target inflation.


Some economists had thought that this could mark the week when the minority on the nine-strong Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) who are calling for more quantitative easing (QE) would hold sway.


George Osborne, the Chancellor, tweaked the central bank's mandate two weeks ago, giving it stronger backing to continue ignoring inflation when it overshoots its target due to one-off factors.


However, after a crucial economic survey tracking the vast services sector came in above expectations earlier on Thursday, the MPC kept interest rates at their record low of 0.5pc and held the QE programme, under which the Bank buys up government bonds, at £375bn.


The survey eased fears that the economy failed to grow in the first three months of the year, threatening a recession. Some economists only see more stimulus materialising once Mark Carney - currently Canada's central bank chief - becomes governor of the Bank in July.


UK inflation has mostly been above the 2pc target since the start of the financial crisis due to one-off price shocks - for example, higher VAT - and the Bank's desire to avoid a surge in unemployment by tightening policy prematurely.


Inflation rose to 2.8pc in February, and the bank does not forecast it to fall below 2pc until early 2016. Meanwhile, the economy has effectively flatlined over the past two years.


The conflicting pressures from high inflation and stagnant growth - the "stagflation" problem - help explain why the MPC has been unusually split at recent meetings.


Governor Sir Mervyn King, markets expert Paul Fisher, and external MPC member David Miles all voted for an extra £25bn of bond purchases at the March meeting, but failed to convince their other six peers. The minutes of the latest meeting will be published on April 17.


David Kern, chief economist at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said the lobby group supported the MPC's latest decision.


"However we are concerned that pressure is mounting for more QE later in the year, and an increase in the next few months is looking likely," he said. "Adding to QE would also weaken sterling further, and the damage caused by higher inflation and more expensive imports would outweigh the small benefits to exporters from a lower pound."


Separately, the European Central Bank also left its interest rates unchanged, in line with expectations.



