


2009-11-19 02:35:58 | Telegraph (UK)

Core deflation in the US continues to gather pace
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:17 Nov 2009
Core inflation for factory goods in the US fell to minus 0.6pc in October from a year earlier, edging the country closer towards Japanese-style deflation despite massive monetary stimulus.


Factory gate inflation typically leads consumer prices by six months or so. The “core” measure favoured by the Federal Reserve strips out energy costs.


Janet Yellen, the head of the San Francisco Fed, said emergency measures had prevented the US economy from sliding into a “black hole of deflation”, insisting that it is still far too early to talk of tightening policy.


A combination of “enormous slack in the economy” and fading fiscal support raised the risk that prices could fall below the Fed’s safe level. “It seems probable that core inflation will move even lower over the next few years,” she said.


Unemployment has reached 10.2pc and the average working week has fallen to a record low of 33.0 hours, creating powerful deflation headwinds.


Gabriel Stein from Lombard Street Research said the US “output gap” is currently at 6.2pc of GDP. The last time it was near this level ? in 1982 ? producer price inflation fell by 300 basis points over the next year. A repeat today would cause it to spiral to dangerous levels below minus 3pc.


While the Fed appears split over its exit strategy, even arch-hawk Richard Fisher of the Dallas Fed said the sheer scale of excess plant will curb prices and wages for a long time. Capacity use in manufacturing is near a post-war low of 67.6pc.


Mr Fisher said the “peak impact” of the Obama fiscal blitz has already come and gone. “Several recent sources of strength are likely to wane as we head into next year. Cash-for-clunkers and the first-time-homebuyer tax credit have both shifted demand forward, increasing sales today at the expense of sales tomorrow. Neither of these programmes can be repeated with any real hope of achieving anywhere near the same effect. The more demand you steal from the future, the less future demand there is for you to steal,” he said.


“Chastised by recent experience, businesses will continue to run tight ships. It may be some time before significant job growth occurs and even longer before we see meaningful declines in the unemployment rate.”


Bank credit has been shrinking at an accelerating pace since May, though bonds and commercial paper have partly stepped into the breach. “I haven’t been this bearish in a year,” said bank guru Meredith Whitney on CNBC.


The M3 money supply has been shrinking at a 7pc annualised rate since June. Paul Ashworth from Capital Economics said it is not yet clear whether this is the harbinger of a crunch next year, or a blip caused by portfolio shifts. “We think deflation is still a bigger risk than runaway inflation,” he said.




