


2015-07-01 22:43:26 | Telegraph (UK)
George Osborne spearheads assault to stop Greece 'suicide'
By Matthew Holehouse, Brussels, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Justin Huggler, Berlin and Steven Swinford
Telegraph: 10:49PM BST 29 Jun 2015
Athens told that a vote in this weekend's referendum to refuse austerity would catapult the country out of Europe


George Osborne on Monday led attempts to strong-arm Greece into voting for a bail-out package as he warned that a Greek exit would threaten Britain's financial stability.


Britain joined Germany, France, Italy and the European Commission in telling the Greek people that refusing austerity measures in next Sunday's referendum would catapult them "from the eurozone and from Europe".


Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, warned the Greeks – who are on Tuesday night expected to default on a €1.5 billion (£1.1 billion) loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – not to "commit suicide" by rejecting the proposed €12 billion loans-for-reforms package. The threat comes despite voters being asked only whether they support the bail-out.


Some £36 billion was wiped off the value of major British companies on the FTSE 100 as markets slid around the world, while Greeks queued in their thousands at cash machines, petrol stations and supermarkets for a third day.


It emerged on Monday night that British taxpayers could be tapped for hundreds of millions of pounds to support Greece if it leaves the currency, under emergency plans prepared by the EU.


Treasury sources conceded that Greece could request help from a balance of payments support system available to all 28 EU members to relieve its public finances. Britain pays into the scheme, which has previously been used by Hungary, Latvia and Romania.


The cash-strapped Greek government will also be hit today with a €1.9 billion bill for public salaries and pensions.


On July 13, another €465 million is due to the IMF. Most crucially, on July 20 it must find €3.5 billion to pay the European Central Bank. Failure to do so would be likely to result in €88 billion of emergency loans to Greek banks being withdrawn, resulting in collapse and 'Grexit', the exit of Greece from the euro.


Greece on Monday published the ballot paper for Sunday's vote, with No, or Oxi, at the top. The word carries powerful resonance in Greece from the day in October 1940 when it refused Mussolini's ultimatum.


Mr Osborne told the Commons: "I don't think anyone should underestimate the impact a Greek exit from the euro would have on the European economy and the knock-on effects on us.


"The eurozone authorities have made clear that they stand ready to do whatever is necessary to ensure financial stability of the euro area and we welcome that commitment to the currency.


"Equally the British Government and the Bank of England stand ready to ensure our financial stability in the UK," the Chancellor said.


Mr Juncker said: "I will say to the Greeks, who I love deeply, you mustn't commit suicide because you are afraid of death."


"You must vote 'yes', independently of the question asked. The whole planet would consider a Greek 'no' to the question posed as meaning that Greece wants to distance itself from the eurozone and from Europe."


In a rambling and self-pitying address in Brussels, Mr Juncker railed against Mr Tsipras's "betrayal" and accused the "egotist, populist" of jeopardising "my major life's work".


"I will never let the Greek people go down, never, and I know that the Greek people don't want to let down the European Union," he said. "I have done everything, and we don't deserve all the criticism being heaped upon us."



Mr Juncker, who in a previous crisis said, "When the going gets tough, you have to lie" – was accused of a "preposterous lie" after claiming that the proposed bail-out contained no pension cuts.


Angela Merkel, who is under intense pressure from German taxpayers infuriated by bail-outs, said she could not soften the "generous offer" made to Greece.


"If the euro fails, Europe will fail," she said. "That's why we have to fight for these principles. We could maybe say we'll just give in. But I say: in the medium and long term, we will suffer damage that way."


François Hollande, the French president, said France had "nothing to fear" from Grexit, while Matteo Renzi, the Italian premier, wrote on Twitter: "Euro vs drachma. This is the choice."


Greece said the ultimatum was illegal because the European treaties contain no mechanism for a euro exit. "We are taking advice and will certainly consider an injunction at the European Court of Justice. Our membership is not negotiable," Yanis Varoufakis, the finance minister, told The Telegraph.


The Kremlin, which offered Mr Tsipras a hero's welcome a fortnight ago and is a potential new lender, said it was "watching developments very closely".


"We are concerned about the possible negative consequences for the whole of the EU," a spokesman said.



2015-07-01 22:42:57 | Telegraph (UK)
Greece threatens top court action to block Grexit
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:52PM BST 29 Jun 2015
Exclusive: European leaders warn in concert that a 'No' vote on Sunday means Greece will be pushed out of the euro


Greece has threatened to seek a court injunction against the EU institutions, both to block the country's expulsion from the euro and to halt asphyxiation of the banking system.


"The Greek government will make use of all our legal rights," said the finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis.


"We are taking advice and will certainly consider an injunction at the European Court of Justice. The EU treaties make no provision for euro exit and we refuse to accept it. Our membership is not negotiable," he told the Telegraph.


The defiant stand came as Europe's major powers warned in the bluntest terms that Greece will be forced out of monetary union if voters reject austerity demands in a shock referendum on Sunday.


"What is at stake is whether or not Greeks want to stay in the eurozone or want to take the risk of leaving," said French president Francois Hollande.


Sigmar Gabriel, Germany's vice-chancellor and Social Democrat leader, said the Greek people should have no illusions about the fateful choice before them. "It must be crystal clear what is at stake. At the core, it is a yes or no to remaining in the eurozone," he said.


Chancellor Angela Merkel – standing next to him after an emergency meeting of party leaders – was more oblique, but the message was much the same.


She praised hard-liners in her own party and insisted that the eurozone cannot yield to any one country. "If principles are not upheld, the euro will fail," she said.


The refusal to hold out an olive branch to Greece more or less guarantees that it will not repay a €1.6bn loan to the International Monetary Fund on Tuesday, potentially setting off a domino effect of cross-default clauses and the biggest sovereign bankruptcy in history.


Any request for an injunction against EU bodies at the European Court would be an unprecedented development, further complicating the crisis.


Greek officials said they are seriously considering suing the European Central Bank itself for freezing emergency liquidity for the Greek banks at €89bn. It turned down a request from Athens for a €6bn increase to keep pace with deposit flight.


This effectively pulls the plug on the Greek banking system. Syriza claims that this is a prima facie breach of the ECB's legal duty to maintain financial stability. "How can they justify setting off a run on the Greek banking system?" said one official.


Mr Varoufakis said Greece has enough liquidity to keep going until the referendum but acknowledged that capital controls introduced over the weekend were making life difficult for Greek companies.


Money is being rationed by an emergency payments committee made up of the key agencies and the banks. "We are having to prioritize spending," he said.


The one-week closure of the Greek banks and the drastic escalation of the crisis over the weekend caught investors by surprise. Most had assumed that a deal was in the works.


Yields on Portuguese 10-year bonds spiked 47 basis points to 3.17pc before falling back as hedge funds look more closely at other EMU crisis states suffering from political dissent and austerity fatigue.


The sell-off ripped though debt markets in southern and eastern Europe. Yields jumped 24 basis points in Italy and Spain, and 22 points in Romania. German Bund yields dropped 13 points to 0.79pc on safe-haven flight.


The iTraxx Crossover index measuring risk on European corporate bonds jumped 42 basis points to 332 in one of the most violent one-day moves since the Lehman crisis in 2008, an ominous sign that any fall-out from 'Grexit' may be harder to contain that supposed.


European leaders insist that there is no longer any serious risk from contagion now that the EMU bail-out fund (ESM) is in place and the ECB has full power to act as a lender of last resort, if necessary by buying the bonds of vulnerable states on a mass scale.


This insouciance is not shared by the US Treasury or the US Federal Reserve. Britain's Chancellor, George Osborne, warned that Grexit could be traumatic. "I don't think anyone should underestimate the impact a Greek exit from the euro," he said.


The clash between Greece and the creditor powers has become deeply personal. "Goodwill has evaporated," said Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission's president.


He lashed out at the radical-Left Syriza government, accusing premier Alexis Tsipras of failing to tell his own people the "whole truth" about the terms on offer. "Playing off one democracy against 18 others is not an attitude worthy of the great Greek nation," he said.


Mr Juncker said angrily that he had "tried again and again" to stick up for the Greek people but warned that there is little he can do to stop events running their fateful course. "A 'No' would mean that Greece had said 'No' to Europe," he said.


"This isn't a game of liar's poker. There isn't one winner and another one who loses," he said, adding that he felt betrayed by the "egotism, and tactical and populist games" of the Greek government.


Yet at the same time, Mr Juncker intruded deeply into the internal matters Greek democracy, exhorting voters not to "commit suicide" and kicking off what amounts to a referendum campaign by the Commission itself.


He denied that the creditors were demanding pension cuts as part of the deal, a claim dismissed a "preposterous lie" by one Greek official. In fact Brussels wants a cut equal to 1pc of GDP by next year, including a phasing out of the low pension supplement, and other indirect measures.


One Syriza MP, Dimitris Papadimoulis, caught the mood in Athens. "Juncker is calling for the overthrow of the government," he said.

SyrizaのDimitris Papadimoulis議員はギリシャ政府のムードに染まっていました。


2015-07-01 22:42:35 | Telegraph (UK)
Greek debt crisis is the Iraq War of finance
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:29PM BST 19 Jun 2015
Guardians of financial stability are deliberately provoking a bank run and endangering Europe's system in their zeal to force Greece to its knees


Rarely in modern times have we witnessed such a display of petulance and bad judgment by those supposed to be in charge of global financial stability, and by those who set the tone for the Western world.


The spectacle is astonishing. The European Central Bank, the EMU bail-out fund, and the International Monetary Fund, among others, are lashing out in fury against an elected government that refuses to do what it is told. They entirely duck their own responsibility for five years of policy blunders that have led to this impasse.


They want to see these rebel Klephts hanged from the columns of the Parthenon – or impaled as Ottoman forces preferred, deeming them bandits - even if they degrade their own institutions in the process.


If we want to date the moment when the Atlantic liberal order lost its authority – and when the European Project ceased to be a motivating historic force – this may well be it. In a sense, the Greek crisis is the financial equivalent of the Iraq War, totemic for the Left, and for Souverainistes on the Right, and replete with its own "sexed up" dossiers.


Does anybody dispute that the ECB – via the Bank of Greece - is actively inciting a bank run in a country where it is also the banking regulator by issuing this report on Wednesday?


It warned of an "uncontrollable crisis" if there is no creditor deal, followed by soaring inflation, "an exponential rise in unemployment", and a "collapse of all that the Greek economy has achieved over the years of its EU, and especially its euro area, membership".


The guardian of financial stability is consciously and deliberately accelerating a financial crisis in an EMU member state - with possible risks of pan-EMU and broader global contagion – as a negotiating tactic to force Greece to the table.


It did so days after premier Alexis Tsipras accused the creditors of "laying traps" in the negotiations and acting with a political motive. He more or less accused them of trying to destroy an elected government and bring about regime change by financial coercion.


I leave it to lawyers to decide whether this report is a prima facie violation of the ECB's primary duty under the EU treaties. It is certainly unusual. The ECB has just had to increase emergency liquidity to the Greek banks by €1.8bn (enough to last to Monday night) to offset the damage from rising deposit flight.


In its report, the Bank of Greece claimed that failure to meet creditor demands would "most likely" lead to the country's ejection from the European Union. Let us be clear about the meaning of this. It is not the expression of an opinion. It is tantamount to a threat by the ECB to throw the Greeks out of the EU if they resist.


This is not the first time that the ECB has strayed far from its mandate. It forced the Irish state to make good the claims of junior bondholders of Anglo-Irish Bank, saddling Irish taxpayers with extra debt equal to 20pc of GDP.


This was done purely in order to save the European banking system at a time when the ECB was refusing to do the job itself, betraying the primary task of a central bank to act as a lender of last resort.


It sent secret letters to the elected leaders of Spain and Italy in August 2011 demanding detailed changes to internal laws for which it had no mandate or technical competence, even meddling in neuralgic issues of labour law that had previously led to the assassination of two Italian officials by the Red Brigades.


When Italy's Silvio Berlusconi balked, the ECB switched off bond purchases, driving 10-year yields to 7.5pc. He was forced from office in a back-room coup d'etat, albeit one legitimised by the ageing ex-Stalinist EU fanatic who then happened to be president of Italy.


Lest we forget, it parachuted in its vice-president – Lucas Papademos – to take over Greece when premier George Papandreou merely suggested that he might submit the EMU bail-out package to a referendum, a wise idea in retrospect. That makes two coups d'etat. Now Syriza fears they are angling for a third.


The creditor power structure has lost its way. The IMF is in confusion. It is enforcing a contractionary austerity policy in Greece – with no debt relief, exchange cushion, or offsetting investment - that has been discredited by its own elite research department as scientifically unsound.


The Fund's culpability in this fiasco is by now well known. As I argued last week, its own internal documents show that the original bail-out in 2010 was designed to rescue the EMU banking system and monetary union at a time when it had no defences against contagion. Greece was sacrificed.


One should have thought that the IMF would wish to lower the political temperature, given that its own credibility and long-term survival are at stake. But no, Christine Lagarde has upped the political ante by stating that Greece will fall into arrears immediately if it misses a €1.6bn payment to the Fund on June 30.


In my view, this is a discretionary escalation. The normal procedure is to notify the IMF Board after 30 days. This period is a de facto grace period, and in a number of past cases the arrears were cleared up quietly during the interval before the matter ever reached the Board.


The IMF could have let this process run in the case of Greece. It has chosen not to do so, ostensibly on the grounds that the sums are unusually large.


Klaus Regling, head of the eurozone bail-out fund (EFSF), entered on cue to hint strongly that his organisation would trigger cross-default clauses on its Greek bonds – 45pc of the Greek package – even though there is no necessary reason why it should do so. It is an optional matter for the EFSF board.


He seems to be threatening an EFSF default, even though the Greeks themselves are not doing so, a remarkable state of affairs.


It is obvious what is happening. The creditors are acting in concert. Instead of stopping to reflect for one moment on the deeper wisdom of their strategy, they are doubling down mechanically, appearing to assume that terror tactics will cow the Greeks at the twelfth hour.


Personally, I am a Burkean conservative with free market views. Ideologically, Syriza is not my cup tea. Yet we Burkeans do like democracy – and we don't care for monetary juntas – even if it leads to the election of a radical-Left government.


As it happens, Edmund Burke would have found the plans presented to the Eurogroup last night by finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to be rational, reasonable, fair, and proportionate.


They include a debt swap with ECB bonds coming due in July and August exchanged for bonds from the bail-out fund. They would have longer maturities and lower interest rates, reflecting the market borrowing cost of the creditors.


Syriza said from the outset that it was eager to work on market reforms with the OECD, the leading authority. It wants to team up with the International Labour Organisation on Scandinavian style flexi-security and labour reforms, a valid alternative to the German-style Hartz IV reforms that have impoverished the bottom fifth of German society and which no Left-wing movement can stomach.


It wished to push through a more radical overhaul of the Greek state that anything yet done under five years of Troika rule – and much has been done, to be fair.


As Mr Varoufakis told Die Zeit: "Why does a kilometer of freeway cost three times as much where we are as it does in Germany? Because we're dealing with a system of cronyism and corruption. That's what we have to tackle. But, instead, we're debating pharmacy opening times."


The Troika pushed privatisation of profitable state assets at knock-down depression prices to private monopolies, to the benefit of an entrenched elite. To call that reforms invites a bitter cynicism.


The only reason that the Troika pushed this policy was in order to extract money. It was acting at a debt collector. "The reforms were a smokescreen. Whenever I tried talking about proposals, they were bored. I could see it in their body language," Mr Varoufakis told me.


The truth is that the creditor power structure never even looked at the Greek proposals. They never entertained the possibility of tearing up their own stale, discredited, legalistic, fatuous Troika script.


The decision was made from the outset to demand strict enforcement of the terms agreed in the original Memorandum, which even the last conservative pro-Troika government was unable to implement - regardless of whether it makes any sense, or actually increases the chance that Germany and other lenders will recoup their money.


At best, it is bureaucratic inertia, a prime exhibit of why the EU has become unworkable, almost genetically incapable of recognising and correcting its own errors.


At worst, it is nasty, bullying, insistence on ritual capitulation for the sake of it.


We all know the argument. The EU is worried about political "moral hazard", about what Podemos might achieve in Spain, or the eurosceptics in Italy, or the Front National in France, if Syriza is seen to buck the system and get away with it.


But do the proponents of this establishment view – and one hears it a lot – really think that Podemos can be defeated by crushing Syriza, or that they can discourage Marine Le Pen by violating the sovereignty and sensibilities of a nation?


Do they think that the EU's ever-declining hold on the loyalty of Europe's youth can be reversed by creating a martyr state on the Left? Do they not realize that this is their own Guatemala, the radical experiment of Jacobo Arbenz that was extinguished by the CIA in 1954, only to set off the Cuban revolution and thirty years of guerrilla warfare across Latin America? Don't these lawyers – and yes they are almost all lawyers - ever look beyond their noses?


The Versailles victors assumed reflexively that they had the full weight of moral authority on their side when they imposed their Carthiginian settlement on a defeated Germany in 1919 and demanded the payment of debts that they themselves invented. History judged otherwise.

FAQ:Greek bail-out(よくある質問:ギリシャ支援策)

Total debt pile:€320bn 債務総額: 3,200億ユーロ
Greece still owed:€7.2bn 債務残高: 72億ユーロ
Debt settled by:2057 支払期限: 2057年

How did Greece get here?(どーしてこうなった?)
In January left-wing government Syriza promised to end years of austerity measures but remain a member of the eurozone

What went wrong?(どこでこけたの?)
Negotiations descended into acrimony. Creditors want economic reforms in return for more aid, but Syriza won't budge on key election promises

When is the deadline?(デッドラインは?)
June 30 - when Greece's bail-out programme expires and it owes €1.6bn to the IMF

What if they don't pay?(しなかったらどうなるの?)
Greece will still be in the eurozone, but will get no further aid. The central bank could stop providing money to Greek banks forcing the government to issue an alternative currency


2015-07-01 22:42:17 | Telegraph (UK)
China shakes off deep slump as credit soars again
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:16PM BST 18 Jun 2015
Forward-looking gauges of consumer confidence are rising at the fastest rate since 2007 in China as output picks up on almost every front


China's housing market is roaring back to life in the biggest cities while local governments are issuing bonds at a blistering pace, the latest signs that the world's second largest economy is finally pulling out of a deep downturn.


Output is picking up on almost every front as the effects of credit easing begin to feed through, with the 'expectations' component of consumer confidence soaring to the highest level since the glory days of 2007.


Rail freight, electricity use, and even sales of diggers and earthmovers are all recovering at last from recessionary levels.


The apparent inflexion point has major implications for the world's commodity markets and for struggling resource economies in Latin America and central Asia that depend on feeding the dragon.


The China Activity Proxy published by Capital Economics – deemed more accurate than the official GDP data – suggests that the underlying growth rate slowed to 4pc in the first quarter. This was the slowest pace since the 1990s, excluding the brief episode of the SARS epidemic in 2003.

キャピタル・エコノミクスのChina Activity Proxy(中国政府の公式GDPデータより正確とされる)によれば、成長率は第1四半期に4%まで減速したみたいですね。

The economic cycle has now clearly turned as authorities step up stimulus, clearly worried that efforts to clamp down on the shadow banking system and rein in excess debt may have gone too far for comfort.


The crucial shift is an expansion of the country's debt swap plan, intended to clean up the Augean Stables of China's local government finances. The regions have switched from bank lending to bonds, issuing $65bn in the first two weeks of June alone.


Mark Williams from Capital Economics said frees up borrowing for other purposes, even if the extra lending is disguised. "The value of these bonds is not included in the central bank's measure of total social financing," he said.


Fresh data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that home prices in the "tier I" cities jumped 2.8pc in May, the largest one-month rise in over five years.


Property continued to lag in the rest of the country – with a glut of 4.3m unsold units still hanging over the market - but prices have at least stabilized after sixteen months of declines. The sharp contraction in sales earlier this year has given way to a new burst of optimism, with transactions up 15pc in May.


Bo Zhuang from Trusted Sources said the government's attempt to navigate a "controlled slowdown" nearly went awry earlier this year as curbs on local government spending led automatically to fiscal tightening – what some called a "fiscal cliff".

トラステッド・ソーシズのBo Zhuang氏曰く、政府の「管理減速」チャレンジは今年先に地方自治体の支出が自動的に財政引き締めを生じてオジャンになりかけたそうです。

Cuts in the reserve requirement ratio – the central bank's pain policy tool – merely offset the contractionary effects of record capital outflows. They did not add extra stimulus.


The result was an ugly squall, with a crash in fixed investment and several months of outright contraction in industrial output. It amounted to a minor shock that sent ripples the world. Lombard Street Research estimates that China's real domestic demand plunged by 2.1pc in the first quarter.


Bo Zhuang said Beijing has now pulled a set of stimulus levers, reverting to the same 'stop-go' pattern of past years. The benchmark market lending rate (7-day repo) has dropped abruptly from 5pc to 2pc, flushing the market with liquidity.

Bo Zhuang氏は、中国政府は遂に刺激策のレバーを引いて、過去数年間の「ストップ&ゴー」様式に立ち戻ったと言います。

The country is still in the grip of powerful deflationary forces, with excess capacity in steel, cement, chemicals, and swathes of manufacturing. Factory gate inflation remains stuck at minus 4.6pc and has been negative for 37 months.


Yet there is little doubt that the Communist Party has blinked once again, putting off the day of reckoning. "They want a correction without actually having to go through one," said Patrick Chovanec, a China veteran at Silvercrest Asset Management.

「連中は調整を実体験しなくても良い調整がやりたいんだよ」とシルヴァークレスト・アセット・マネジメントの中国ベテラン、Patrick Chovanec氏は言います。

Beijing is winking at a vertiginous stock market boom that has lifted the Shanghai composite index by 150pc over the last year, fuelled by margin debt that eclipses even the final blow-off phase of the Wall Street bubble in 1929.


Mr Chovanec said China's leaders are now in much the same position as Japanese officials in the early 1990s when they discovered that it was already too late to escape the consequences of a credit bubble and systemic over-capacity.


"In the end, they will have to turn on the fiscal taps to prevent a collapse of GDP, just like Japan," he said.



2015-07-01 22:41:55 | Telegraph (UK)
Greek central bank is playing with political fire
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:17PM BST 17 Jun 2015
Threats that Greece will be forced out of the EU and spiral into economic collapse without a rescue deal are crude intimidation


Greece's central bank has issued a last plaintive scream before the axe falls, as if delivering an Aeschylean curse.


The plagues of the earth will descend upon the Greek people if the radical-Left Syriza government of Alexis Tsipras persists in defying Europe's creditor powers and opts for default. They will eat dirt for the rest of their lives. They will freeze in rags. They will moan and wail, forever.


"Failure to reach an agreement would mark the beginning of a painful course that would lead initially to a Greek default and ultimately to the country's exit from the euro area and – most likely – from the European Union," it asserted.


"A manageable debt crisis would snowball into an uncontrollable crisis, with great risks for the banking system and financial stability. The ensuing acute exchange rate crisis would send inflation soaring."


The central bank did not present these as potential dangers in a worst case scenario - something we might all accept - it asserted that they would occur unless Mr Tsipras agrees to terms imposed by Brussels before the Greek treasury runs out of money.


"All this would imply deep recession, a dramatic decline in income levels, an exponential rise in unemployment and a collapse of all that the Greek economy has achieved over the years of its EU, and especially its euro area, membership. From its position as a core member of Europe, Greece would see itself relegated to the rank of a poor country in the European South."


Never before has such a "monetary policy" report been published by the central bank of a developed country, or indeed any country. It is a political assault on its own elected government.


Zoe Konstantopoulou, the speaker of the Greek parliament, rejected the document as "unacceptable". Furious Syriza MPs called it an attempt to strike terror.

ギリシャ議会のZoe Konstantopoulou下院議長はこの文書を「許されん」と蹴っ飛ばしました。

Yannis Stournaras, the central bank's governor, is not a neutral figure. He was finance minister in the previous conservative government. His action tells us much about the institutional rot at the heart of the Greek state, and why a real revolution is in fact needed.


Where does one begin with the clutter of wild assertions in his report? It is not true that Greece would "most likely" be forced out of the EU following a return to the drachma. Such an escalation is extremely unlikely, despite a chorus of empty threats along these lines by Brussels.


The decision would be taken on political and geo-strategic grounds by the elected leaders of Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Poland, and their peers in the European Council, with Washington breathing down their necks.


If they want to keep Greece in the EU, they will do so. European treaty law does not give categorical guidance on this issue. It is famously elastic in any case.


The Swedes, Poles, and Czechs remain outside EMU, though "legally" supposed to join. The issue is finessed in perpetuity by a vague promise to join when the time is right. The same can be done for Greece, with a flick of the fingers.


There may be some in the EMU power structure who wish to make life hell for Syriza in order to show that no country can buck the EU power structure and get away with it, or to scotch their own rebel movements, above all Spain's far-Left Podemos.


Bitter recriminations will certainly fly if Greece defaults on $340bn to EMU governments and institutions, inflicting direct losses on the peoples of Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Portugal - all in varying degrees of trouble themselves.


This is the moral choice that Syriza has to make. It is the poisonous legacy of the EU-IMF Troika bail-out in May 2010, when EMU leaders roped in their own taxpayers to bail out German and French banks and save the euro.


The transaction was disguised as a loan to the Greek state, by then bankrupt. This fatal decision - amplified by a second botched bail-out in 2012 - transformed a conflict between Greece and north European banks into a fratricidal conflict between the EMU nations themselves.


So yes, it is possible to imagine the worst. Yet if Europe was to act on this punitive impulse, it would compound the disaster. As Mr Tsipras warned two weeks ago, the creditors risk setting off a process that may "entirely transform the economic and political balances throughout the West."


Interpret that as you want. It sounded to some like a warning that Greece would shift into Russia's orbit if pushed too far. The south-Eastern flank of the Nato military alliance would unravel, just at the moment when Vladimir Putin is redrawing borders by force and shattering the post-War order of Europe.


It may also be the moment when Nato must invoke its Article V solidarity clause in the Baltics to defend the very states pushing for the harshest treatment of Greece. Do the Baltic finance ministers and defence ministers actually talk to each other about their Greek NATO ally?


"If some think or want to believe that this decision concerns only Greece, they are making a grave mistake. I would suggest that they re-read Hemingway's masterpiece, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"," he said.


Throwing Greece to the wolves altogether would inflict incalculable damage on the European Project, its solidarity creed exposed as humbug. "Nobody would have any more faith in Europe if we break apart in the first big crisis," said Germany's vice-Chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel.


Such folly could happen, but I doubt it as long as Chancellor Angela Merkel remains the leader of Germany and pre-eminent statesman of Europe. It is a fair bet that she would go to great lengths to keep Greece in the EU family, inside the euro or out, knowing just how enormous the stakes really are.


As for the mechanical claims of the Greek central bank, they are fatuous. Grexit might "send inflation soaring", might lead to an "exponential rise in unemployment", and might lead to a "collapse of the Greek economy", (as if the latter two had not occurred already), but there is no necessary reason why any of this should happen.


The claim that all Greece's gains since joining the EU in 1981 - whatever they may be, measured against the counter-factual - is so preposterous that one can only laugh.


The fall-out from Grexit would depend entirely upon the policies pursued by Syriza, the European Central Bank, the EU powers, the US, and the IMF, after the event.


If it were a "velvet divorce" along the lines advocated behind closed doors by German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble, the outcome might be benign. Under such a plan the ECB would stabilise the drachma at an equilibrium level, perhaps 20pc below the current real effective exchange rate (REER). There would be a 'Marshall Plan' to refloat the economy and reverse the collapse in investment.


A study by Panteion University in Athens concluded that even if the drachma devalued by 50pc it would not in itself trigger an inflation spiral. Trade competitiveness would recover quickly.


Claims of runaway inflation are invariably made by defenders of the status quo when fixed exchange systems break down. It was the mantra of 1931 before Britain left the Gold Standard, and again in 1992 before leaving the Exchange Rate Mechanism. It was eyewash on both occasions.


Gabriel Sterne at Oxford Economics says capital flight from Greece has reached 60pc of GDP. Much of this is sitting in foreign accounts, waiting to return once the devaluation risk is out of the way. "The first few months would be chaotic but the money would come back. Greece is probably economically better off outside the euro, so long as it pursues sensible policies," he said.


What is clear is that current state of affairs is intolerable. Mr Tsipras lashed out at the creditors this week for "pillaging" his country, and accused the IMF of "criminal responsibility". This was a step too far, but he was right to protest that the current demands on Greece are the worst of all worlds.


"We find ourselves in a situation where the IMF prevails when it comes to strictness of austerity, but the EU prevails on the refusal to accept debt restructuring," he said. This is the nub of the matter. It is IMF austerity without the IMF cure.


There may be many powerful reasons why Greece should stay in the euro - I neither advocate for, or against - but these have nothing to do with economics. They are political, almost spiritual. They hang on an existential debate about the country's proper home: is it fully part of the West or should be looking to its Eastern, Orthodox, "Byzantine" roots, as so many of its greatest artists suggest.


The relevant question is whether can Greece pursue its own course within the euro, or whether tragic events have shown that it should retreat to drachma for the sake of its sovereign soul.

Greece's endgame: timeline of upcoming events(ギリシャ大詰め:今後の展開)
June 5:IMF loan repayment: €305m (missed) IMF返済期限3.05億ユーロ也(滞納)
June 10:Greece due to sell €1.6bn in Treasury bills to refinance maturing debt 満期到来国債用に16億ユーロのギリシャ国債発行予定
June 12:IMF loan repayment of €312m due IMF返済期限3.12億ユーロ也
June 16:IMF loan repayment of €573m due  IMF返済期限5.73億ユーロ也
June 18:Eurogroup Meeting in Luxembourg ユーログループ蔵相会議
June 19:IMF loan repayment of €343m due  IMF返済期限3.43億ユーロ也
June 19:Greece owes €85m to the ECB for bonds the central bank bought  ECB返済期限8,500万ユーロ也
June 19:European Union finance ministers meet EU蔵相会議
June 25 and 26:European Union leaders Summit in Brussels EU首脳会談
June 30:Greece due to pay €1.5bn wage and pensions bill by month-end  賃金年金支払日15億ユーロ也
June 30:Greece's current bail-out deal expires 現行のギリシャ支援策、終了
Greece must also make all its IMF payments by this date or it will be in arrears to the Fund IMFへの滞納分耳を揃えて払う日