Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (318)

2017-11-28 18:23:36 | 日記
28/11/2017, Tuesday, warm, fine

-At 18:25, Miyuki is writing

Hi, Dr.Miyuki SATOW came back to our site again! She got illed for two days. One day before yesterday, she gor really chilled during night, and she vomitted and had a big headache. She passed nasty two days, and today, she regained her original power and its added one, and came back here!!!

And, she got chilled again at YUKARI's extraordinarilly crazy threatening with total confession of their dirty monitoring jobs. She, this afternoon, declared directly to Miyuki as follows:

"Miyuki, you don't be happy at all! You are cheerful, beyond our limit! You should be killed at the police station, being informed us, of course! You should be killed by shooting! BANG! Only one shooting would be fine to kill you, stupid!

We monitor all of your life! You have not known it at all, you stupid! We all know what you did wrong!
We have all of the proofs of your abuse of addictive medicine, which you gained from your team mates. You should be killed at the police station immediately!"

Thus, YUKARI died immediately. She confessed her worst wrongdoings in her life. Informant of Miyuki for her own life. YUKARI had lived for it, only. Just informant, she turned to be, and No Man's Land's symbol, she turned to be.

YUKARI had nothing to do, during these 30 years, however, she insisted that she were useful. Why? Because she was appointed to be a monitor of Miyuki's life. And she did her best, according to her side.

Today, Miyuki got in fury, when she recognized that all of the peper boxes and the milk cartons were stolen, during her farming job. From 11:00 to 13:45, she was in the courtyard, and they came to take these useful subjects for her. Thus, Miyuki yelled outside, "Crazy ladies contributed Miyuki's objects again! They stole my properties, yes! " and Miyuki made a song for them/


 The old J-pop called "Beyond the sun", she sang like that:
"Bring it away, SANKIN, toward the sun!"

She got in rage, and HARUMI popped out to the north courtyard near the office, and in her stupidest vague way, "How are you doing?", she asked to Miyuki. And Miyuki got in fury more and more at her attitude. Thus, just she ignored her, and continued to yell, "Alzheimers, they are! They stole! They sell our lives, and they contribute to SANKIN! Stupid idiots, they are!" in loud voice.

Soon after Miyuki's entering into the office, YUKARI popped out into the office, and started to yell in her dirty nasty YAKUZA immitating rough voice, in short, in mad dog mode, said as Miyuki wrote above.

Miyuki lost warmth protection, in short. Thus, she expressed how she had got astonished by YUKARI's threatening. "Unnusual! Why she believes that the police has execution power? Why I was decided to be addicted guy? I am free from any adictive medicine at all! I believe that vebitables, fruits, meat and dairy foods are good for my health. I hate any Lipovitan D, or Oronamin C like drink also. Whey YUKARI has such strange illusion and threatens based on her own mad illusion? She is always strange, however, this time, out of tune, in any meaning! Criminal, she is! The real attacker on common guys like me!"

However, he said nothing on the matter. On the contrary, he said that "On behalf of your exstance on our office, we need to refran from continuing proprty managiment job." Thus, Miyuki said, "No relation at all with my case. As you like, you can refrain, yes. However, not on behalf of me, but of you, father!"

And he said, "They say that they prepare for you the fat clothings in the main house. Why don't you bring them from there?"

Thus, Miyuki replied, "Why they didn't put me them in my most worsest moment? They did know well how I was illed these two days, however, they didn't bring them at all. Why they say like that? Just they fake to be kind to us all, as usual. If Miyuki comes to pick them out from the main house, they would try to attack her, in the moment! Trapping, in short. Thus, I don't."

At the same time, Miyuki's father said to her, "And if you bring the fat clothings, the space not would look as suitable office. " Thus, Miyuki replied, "OK, thus, I will look the space as office, yes. Easy quick job."

"What I want is prohibiting the crazy ladies to enter into the office room, just it. Not any more. They are dangerous attackers, and they stole my precious things so often. On behalf of them, I can't make my plan correctly. Just disturbance, she does, without necessity. Cruel unkind stupid Alzheimer illusional attackers, they both are!"

"As a matter of fact, I want to borrow a suitable site for my farming and residence. Do you have good idea on it?" Miyuki continued. And her father replied, "It all depends. For it, you should pay in the suitable price".

Thus, Miyuki quietted to discuss the matter on him. No gain at all. He is even now attached to the MICCHIKU price, in short. Thus, Miyuki said clearely to him.

"I am specialist of law, father. My career is over 30 years. I do consulting job and lectures for free for my team mates. My oral ability and knowledge on these matters are absolutely superior to you, Father, you know. Thus, you should refrain from the matters, probably. You can't do it, in short. You can't manage the situation, I know already. The Alzheimer ladies are out of your controle, from the begining. Stupid Mad Dogs, now. And in concrete cases, just Alzheimer illusion,they have, and act based on it. You should remember it, at least."

They monitored us to kill, in short. The police was their organ to errase our precious lives. For Alzheimer ladies, no other lives were allowed, yes, because they chose to be so. Thus, Alzheimers, they are now.

I am more intellectual rather than you, when I am a kid, Father, you remember?, was Miyuki's killer words. Thus, she turned to be Judicial Consultant now, for free type. And she is good at mind, even after her physically illed situation, in precarious way. Thus, she attends others, as much as possible, for free. Chinkoro's stragegist, also. Chinkoro's tactics are suberb, yes, however, sometimes, he is too too exigent to others. Good boy type's fate, Miyuki presumes, and Chinkoro recognizes it...Idealist, he is. Thus,up to this point, he started to plan soon, however, his idealism is so far from others, sometimes. Thus, a bit of chocolate for them, is Miyuki's advice.Some guys are not so good in averege as you, Chinkoro King! You are good as king, yes, however, to move others, a bit of tolerance is necessity, and they develop with this tolerance, if they were rightous brothers. Not indulging, just praise or gift for them. Sometimes, you allow their slow way. They are not slow, just not quick by some reasons. Just different. Thus, observe well how they attend. And you should put them in the suitable place.

Tribe classification is also good, however, exist some guys, which are not so getting along with their own tribe. These guys are workable rather, like us all. Just shifting their team would work sometimes. A kind of SEMI-Blooded type. They would work better in the suitable place. Thus, think differently, if you can't order well. They all rely on you, CHINKORO KING, thus, just be better! You can do it! Harsh, animals' army's inclination is. However, to gain more and more confidence from them, tolerance would be fine, and it is good for you, CHINKORO KING. More less energy, you can consume on your conductor job, and you can regain power from your rest of energy. Good to think of other recipe of chocolate. You would be King of COCOA, in some day, thus, plan on it already.

Miyuki wanted to have Glass Green House, this winter, however, she refrained from the idea. However, she gained the power of plants by her attempts. Lotus shape would be fine for winter growing. Thus, winter garden, anyway, she could make it, and everyday, a bit a bit, new members, she welcomes.

She gained two small slender Japanese Raddishes, and already put in the east hill. All roots type hill, this is. Gilbert, he was called. Gilbert Hill...Not Gill, anyway, Gilbert.

Yesterday, Miyuki got upset in the morinng. All the leaves of the Japanese leeks were cut by some guy, and taken them all from the hill. Terrible stealing job! Why they did so? They just threw it into the ditch, without doubt. Miyuki wanted them as they were, because they produce chlorela, in the vivacity. However, satanic cutting happened.

Without any appearant job, they cut, and they pretend not to be done at all. This is Shirakawan way of life. Thus, dumb society, it turned.

They stole, and they consumed, and they pretended not to be conscious of anything at all. Their choice, and we are different from Shirakawans. Thus, no chance for Shirakawans, all in the body.

Miyuki gained a hut and a related lot at Chesnut Hill, and she agreed to move from the office to the hill. Thus, for her, good.

Now, no fire system, no heating system, however, the phone line would be used, thus, probably, it would be easy to use INTERNET line from the hut.

Yes, in case of necessity, we would provide other measures on the communication, however, probably, INTERNET would be more effective on her side.

Alex insisted to peel all of the patches for car parking. And Miyuki scolded him harshly, "You are Agricultural School pupil, and you have not learn anything at all, even after half year of schooling at all!" and he offended Miyuki with asking his always "concrete date, please!" tactics. "You stupid! You don't know how precious, the plants' lives are! They came to save us, however, you want to kill them! Stupid idiot, you are! You are no legitimate guy at all, on this matter, and you insist as you like! Legal study would be difficult for your stupid head, of course! You are descategorized as our pupil, Alex!"

Miyuki is so nasty, not at all! Alex is indulged DADAmerdic kid, revealed, just it. And for her, anyway, independence. And good for her next working.

She needs to prepare for her foods, and comodities. Her DIY work would be trained here! Her departure, yes. This office is not suitable place for her. And her property should be minimum? No, no! She needs to have some strage for her property, anyway. Thus, more and more sites, she needs to have.

Anyway, to sleep well, probably, fine. No disturbing guys pop out from the main house, anyway.

Bath taking would be thought, in different way. However, no necessity at all now. Anyway, she would check the site, and what is necessity, she would learn. And two huts, at least and she needs to know how to use the RENTAN or so. MINIMUM cost, however, inside the house, we needs to prepare to lit the fire. Cooking place, it would be.

At least, Chestnut Hill came to her. And she is thinking of her near future. What is good for her moving tools? Probably, a bit a bit, with cleaning up system, Miyuki presumed.

System changed, and her preference is no paying at all type. Thus, Chestnut Hill, as a result. So many products were waiting for there. Windy or not, what is necessity to live without any nasty wind? Concealing the wall, yes, and HIBACHI or 火鉢 is also good for her. She wants to watch YOUJI's dead body inside. She would put it in the ditch to make furtilizer.

Miyuki wants to live in a cozy house. Thus, a tiny house would be fine. And in the near future, she would combine more parts on the first hut, in case of necessity. The second would be connected with the first, also. And green glass looking ally would be appear soon. Investment in this case.

Alex didn't understand the providence of the nature. Thus, he lost in the battle. How difficult to make these patches, he couldn't presume at all. Thus, he was categorized that non brain working at all at Business School. Agricultural Course, he chose, however, no respect for the nature at all. Thus, stupidest pupil at the course, he turned. He has no ability to understand the providence, thus, judicial study is out of mind type. Just "I think so, just I do" type DDMic society's existance as his old Alzheimer ladies!!! Thus, no chance for him at all! The end of his KING's day! Moitoring job he did, and gained so much, and lost his own spitit at this point.

However, for Miyuki good at all! Because she has lots of ligitimate kids, natural and adopted, and her own team mates. Thus, she attacked him in harshest way. "You have no legitimacy at all on this point. Not your matter, however, I heard your opinion so well, Alex!" thus, Miyuki decisively iletigimatized him, already.

Not our mate, at all, and no, as you like. Thus, for Miyuki, no son, in the end, as human being.

Deligent worker, she wanted him to be, however, he couldn't. Thus, he failed. And he excused so many times, and for Miyuki, OK, I will survive, and my human beings' family, I don't know!!! I don't want to be killed by them, anyway!

And they want to chase Miyuki up to the hill? Probably not. They vanish, soon. Thus, precarious camping live, she would enjoy! Thus, MOCHI is also fine to make. So much time to cook in every thing.

YUKARI is so cruel and confessed her wrongdoing in her nasty rough way, however, they chose to conceal the mad dog in the main house. She wants to inform Miyuki to the police, saying strange kinkiest remarks on medical addiction. YUKARI is illusionist, in the softest mode of saying. And she is nasty dirty Auntie of the both kids. And Miyuki wants to show how she would live alone in the coziest way. Adrable tiny resort house,she wants to make. Thus, a kind of camping,she would do. Refugee, in short. However, more good to know the lives with our mates. Our mates lives in the front. Magpie tribe are our neighbours.

Monitored by the Alzheimer ladies, in short. They considered that they were working by this way. And they were decisively refused by us all. No reason to exist anymore. No working class, they are in, and they disturbed our working, yes. Why they want to exist? Just to give torture for us all!!

At least, living in the office is dangerous, because MAD Dogs in rage would attack Miyuki in every moment. For them, Jason type killing job would be admirable. Thus, harshest type, they are. Thus, they were disliked by any guys in our universe. Even DDMic Shirakawans, didn't get along with them at all. So so nasty, selfish guys, with arrogance, they were!

Thus, they would know well, how they were evil among their world. Miyuki welcomed agreement. It means that the life on the hill is better than being near the main house. Dangerous anyway. "Only one informing would kill you, stupid! The police would shoot your brain, at the police station!" YUKARI declared. Thus, she should be killed like that. Mad Dog like life, she continued, and the end, threatening with their own death prediction. Addictive, and put the nasty name on Miyuki. Thus, Tokyo ended up. Earlier, all versities, including Kyorin and Todai. AOYAMA, TSUDAJUKU also. All, already ended up, and now, the real end of YUKARI's life.

"Why I would be informed by medical addiction to the police? No factual base at all, on the matter. Just her problem, not mine!", Miyuki yelled. How, she doesn't know, however, Miyuki wants to run away to the more safer place, yes!!!

At least, less populous, and quiet. Farming only. Runaway is out of mind type, she could spent as her own life. A kind of nice trimmed type camping she images now.

Anyway, better than last year's repetition. For Miyuki, new life with self confidence. Yes, last year would be difficult to move there, however, now, good to do so.

Mad Dogs were trained to fight against us, even after the big war. They continued to be the monitors of the enemy's side, and YUKARI confessed audaciously today directly to MIYUKI. "Your life is in the hands of us all!", YUKARI, as representative of DDMs, declared to us all. And how impolite her way was! DDMs should be polite, at least, according to their belief, however, this Mad Dog couldn't do it. No choice at all!!!

Mad Dogs were feeded by feeble minded guys, in short. Japanese history was like that. Thus, any stupid guys would be yelled DAME-OYAJIs, now!!!

Miyuki is so cruel to her own son, yes, because human beings' golden rules he should have learned and he couldn't. Thus, no excuse at all!!!

Monitoring sytem, even now, YUKARI believed and continued the wrongdoing, without necessity. Thus, they behaved so arrogant. No ligitimacy at all, however, they faked as if they were superior to us all. Just stupid Alzheimer unkind mad dogs, they were, was revealed.

Thus, memorial day, it is today.

SANKIN contributors, they were. And they lost spirit like this. Probably, YUKARI was hired for the Fundation related with JR on behalf of her aproximity to Todai related. Miyuki was graduate school pupil at that moment. And she participated into MICCHIKU related. Thus, the chance for her, and she sold her spirit finally.

Already rotten type, Miyuki categorized her, however, not yet before the critical moment. However, practically saying, YUKARI sold Miyuki a bit a bit, already, from the begining. And HARUMI also.

Thus,for the two, present from Gods of Justice. No memory at all, however, YUKARI remembered Miyuki's record in the police, and she believed that she could kill Miyuki immediately by her one call information to the police, and she did it so many times, and she failed so many times. And now,she believed that this time, she would have gotten a big success.

Pysically feeble after putting amphetamine on Sunday. Miyuki felt so much amphetamine in the office, when she came back from the courtyard, and before she went out to the errand to JA store. So nasty, however, YUKARI or HARUMI came to the space, Miyuki felt because of this ampetamine feeling, and at night, she felt so so chilled and started to vomit and feltheadache. Cold even with any bedclothings, and no any more fat clothings here. Miyuki couldn't eat at all, and she tried to take a rest. One day whole, Miyuki was in the bed, and then, she felt just head ache, yesterday. Thus, she started to eat apples, Johnathans, yes! And a bit a bit, she wanted to drink milk, and then, this morning, nasty feeling was not left at all. Just coldness caused slight headache in her left brain, and she ate so many Johnathans and drank several cups of hot milks. And she remembered that she had duck meats, and ate them. And she ate also Duck Soup with sausage with couryard plants, mainly small leeks and Madame Cressons, and Rockets. Sheina?

Almost already to act for the new mission. And Miyuki decided to walk arround a bit to gain some products for investment and milk. And she did it, singing "北の宿から" of Harumi MIYAKO or KITA-no-YADO-kara or From the hotel in the north counrty, in the distinctively ENKA like way called KOBUSHI.

女心の未練でしょうか? あなた恋しい北の宿 ♫

 Perhaps because of the dodomerdic yawning for you, I think. I miss you, I am here in the north place. ♫

 Miyuki sang in front of CHUUOO junior high, and she liked the way of singing. Good, anyway. Don't like the frases at all, however, good singer, with this sound!

ENKA performer MIYUKI, now! "I hate you, ENKA, however, I like my singing of ENKA!"

Thus, double performer. Contemptious way, put type ENKA singer. Not all of ENKAs she hate. Exist positive ENKAS like 365 steps march, Cabo ERIMO and so on. They are cheerful yelling song for us all.

And negative ENKAs are "You separated me. I miss you." in short. Miyuki's advice is, "See the next target. This guy was not for you", in short.

Thus, happy separation song would be fine for both side. Why they want to live all together, despite of their disliking with Miyuki? Too too strange! Clare already suggested Miyuki to live a hut alone, and Miyuki said yes, however, she couldn't move there, because no toilet, no space at all in the hut. For Miyuki, standing pose sleeping would be fine, the two laughted at, in HARUMI's chamber. Oh, Madame Tasseaou? Miyuki is alive, and needs to sleep well in the suitable pose.

Punishment, they talked as their everyday's plan. And they got amused at the plan to push out Miyuki from the main house, and they did it. And they wanted to push out from the residence of YAOYA-chou, now. OK, however, my property is all mine, of course! Thus, they failed.

They didn't know how to classify Miyuki's objects and theirs. Thus, just "contribute to SANKIN" and go dash to the police, was their catch frases. No brain at all, however, just wanted to attack us all. Thus, they wanted to attack Miyuki in the end of their lives, and failed in the worst way.

With politeness, please, they yelled, however, YUKARI pretended to be Ms.Responsible or YANKII. Thus, the last remarks were like above!!!

Thus, Miyuki's camping in winter version. Cold, however, she would protect herself from the coldness, probably. And the sun would provide her the power. Electricity is not necessity, and she would gain some search light, at US$1. She already bought it, however, it's difficult to find it. Thus, nasty repetitive life again and again.

In case of necessity, of course. Not for her priority. however, just candle would be fine for her? In the dark, she would not want to break anything at all. Thus, probably some petit light would be a kind of necessity, she presumes.

On the cold place, she put meat and dairy foods, as natural fredge. And the cortyard job is necessity for her, every day. Alex dislikes Miyuki's patches, however, he is not interested at all. He is just so selfish, and doesn't think of others. YUKARI's like, he is now. Thus, he would learn more and more, if he wants to live in this world. Just stupid is enough to get them in rage. Thus, Miyuki got a big success for her independence. Stupid guys' society, Shirakawa is. And Miyuki does know well that she is always most cleverest guy in her family. Not superiority, but objective appreciation. Thus, nasty, she is!!!

Bye for nasty two Alzheimer Queens, in short. So so coldhearted ladies, they are. And their preference is always majority. Thus, now, they are alone, thus, vanish, as moajority!!

Easy goer, she is. And so many night type guys here and there. And they want to consult their own problems. Rightous brothers, only! And for them, of course, for free!!! Consultant, she is now. In every themes, she can attend, as much as possible.

And she would gain brightness sufficiently from her HIBACHI works. Mantle piece subsitute. Oh, Rosebelt!

Thus, no fear at all. Magpie tribe is early bird type, and some guys are nightingale type. Thus, pretty singers, they are! Thus, concert, they will hold!!! Thus, Miyuki would perticipate in their misic scene!!! Oh, MTV!!!

Michal Jackson, as shadow work...2D Jackson...Anyway, better than flat broad hip...小尻連盟 or KOJIRI-RENMEI or small hip LEAGUE, we are called now. Thus, OK for us. GUTs, KATSUMI, MIYUKI and TAKAFUMI...hatred of all teachers type. A kind of failure of their education, we were, in short.

For us, pride to be so. However, for them always, "problematic kids" according to their category. Thus, no chance at all for the teachers. Promissive kids were killed by plain DDMic guys, in short. For them, "Non-Politically related" or NON-POLI, and "apathy" or no intention to act, were both ideal to maintain their IDIOCRACY. Thus, good for us all, to make more percimon, dried up. Oh, we have a lot of time to do so. And lots of threads, of course.

Nasty smelly bitches, they are. And they are not kind at all. If they were kind, just feeble minded poor ladies, they were to be. However, already they were revealed as nasty cruel attackers, and they confessed their own monitoring jobs and proof gaining activities. The latter should be called stealing, in our soticety, however, they insisted as if they were so rightous, even to drink the milk. Thus, nasty thrifty sly dirty bitches, they turned to be, in short.

Miyuki needs to take electricity in some places. Public facilities, probably. Photo taking jobs, she continues to do. Thus, some necessity. Thus, how...some commercial facilities or public facilities, yes. Generator type, she would find in some place. Energy is necessity, however, she needs to move, anyway, to appeal that "I am independent of course!"

Thus, from the begining, she would be fine to do so. And she leaned at lot. Thus, anyway, toilet, it has. And sufficient for precarious use.

Now, monitoring system's inducing point's example:

Silicon vally learned this way from Japan, in short. Suicide related matter would be monitored with the highest level. Thus, if you dislike the guy, say something wrong related with suicide and send the mail to the guy's address. This guy would be marked forever!