2017-11-10 23:01:21 | 日記

Unnecessary Monster creating project, Great Britain started, and gained the result...Three females' cells put gene without doing it. FEMI-LES world's grotesque Monster baby was in the seed, in short, according to NATURE, a British scientific magazine.

Miyuki remembered that MAGAZINIE is shop in Russian language, and TIENDA in Spanish. MAGAZANE in French. Loja, in Portugues. Armagen in Portugues is warehouse. All mean Catalogue Show, in short. Thus, review or magazine in English is showing new discovery to us all, is the ethimological meaning.

Miyuki remembered that she visited Tile Factory in Porto Alegre, when she was in Brazil in 1989. With her team mates, she visited, and she wanted to have some sample of the tiles, for free. Good to know it. In Shirakawa, the pottery soil would produce in any place. Oh, outside oven would be fine to her pottery job!!!

She is so excited to make variety of vases and bowls and dishes, as many as possible, according to necessity. Especially, teracotta pots, she needs to produce. Big Oven is easily made by some stones or blocks or so. Thus, no problem. And the soil, she wants to know where she can gain. In every soil, exists possibility. Thus, just make the shape, and then, burn it in the oven, and then, know the suitablity. Oh, Bernard Reach.

Old guy, who loved pottery in Japan, and old guy only Japanese style, and the inventor of 掘りごたつ or Sitting on the floor side of the deep ditch type Leg heating system. His leggs were longer than common old guys in Japan was the trigger of his invention.

For Miyuki, terracotta is brown soil only, as image. However, they can be made by black soil, also. Shirakawa soil is sticky, thus, just burning would be fine to the result.

YUKARI preachs so much. Oh, School Master, she turned to be! Thus, so nasty she is. Strange inclination she picked in each stage of her disease, and now, School Master period.

Now, YUKARI is shrunken, anyway. She should know the limit. She is wanting to be replaced by some guy. She doesn't work any more. Good grief. Miyuki is ready to cook and wash the clothings, yes!

However, she thinks that she is good at BLA-BLA-BLA, and she wants to be school master of the two kids. Give up, YUKARI. You are too too stupid, and you should not spend our precious time any more!!!

Miyuki thought of making one window in the living room in the main house. After taking the wall paper of the east side, she would check the materials and the strength of the wall and the poles, she would cut the hole and put sash window in the east side. In case of lack of strength, she added it, putting other lumbers and took one part of space for the window. Blightness is necessity for the living room. Thus, No Man's Land is necessity for her planing. DIY is not so difficult, and Shirakawans dislike these activities, unnecessarily.

They are so stupid, in short. Ivan's idiots land, in short. Shirakawa is Russian Idiots only country, yes!

Space Colony plan, KAKISHIMA believed. Oh, Cocoon for old ladies! Croning, including. BUSU mass production?!

For Miyuki, KAKISHIMA is an example of old flamboyant stupid selfish domestic ugly bitch, however, for satanic side, some model of life stage. KAKISHIMA is star among them. FAMI-LES world only croning, satans attempted. And they failed. So stupid?!, even satanic side, got in wonder. She was refused by her illusional lover, and separated from her husband, and then, she encountered with the fact that her illusional lover didn't want to get married with KAKISHIMA at all! However, KAKISHIMA wanted to attack him again, with her money of US$50 thousand, a


Miyuki was stolen the data by NTT communications. They should vanish immediately! Our rightous brothers punish this evilest company in the harshest way. Miyuki's precious time was stolen by them, in short.

her accusation was already caught by us all. Thus, she continues to write forward. Under the name of "Excessive letter number", already, twice, they stole her precious legal letters, without informing their system clearly. So selfish company, NTT is! VANISH! DDMs!!! Just like KYORIN, NTT is!

Probably, within her remarks stolen by this evil company, exist some guys, who have possility to be made fool of by the remarks. Thus, their related did the job. Thus, Beisia related, probably. Evil company, related North Korea, thus, as always.

Satanic illusion, Shirakawan zone is. Ultra Q effect, we call it. No reasonable explanation at all, and they did it, as they thought. Ragartes 5?

New Ragartes 5 also. Appaguard? Any artists should have brilliantly white teeth. HIGASHI.

Miyuki found that Malaysian Company is good at making cracker type sweets. Drying up process is their strongpoint. Not cookie type. Rather crispy lighter foods, their strongpoint act so much. Jelly sand type crackers also good. Coconut put type, also. Plain crackers are the big success, Miyuki really thinks so. However, the price is so expensive. In Brazil, only 30 cents or so. Why in Shirakawa, US$1, per package?

Cheaper than other products, however, in Malaysia, much more cheaper than this price. Intermmediate exploration was done by some Japanese inporting companies. Thus, Malaysians, revenge against these evil companies! You can gain more, and common Japanese like us would buy at cheaper price your products from your company directly!

Drying up process is so good, and crispy making skill also. Thus, probably, with good fat, pie making would be also recommendable for them. Tropical fruit jelly put type would be expected by us all!

The price in Malaysia is lower four times than in Singapure. Miyuki does know well the financial value's difference. In Singapure, Miyuki already caught the sight of after total vanishing. Tourist, she was, and the touristic points had not so many tourists, rather, so scarse, in every place, almost. Some exceptions existed yes. Mar Lion park is one. And the suvenior shop of Hotel Raffles, also. In some spots, there were populous sites, yes. However, generally speaking, the touristic buses had so few tourists, and famous big wheel for wathing panoarama view were almost empty. On the road, so many brilliant big modernized big buildings were built, however, so few guys were working. Tokyo Central zone was their equivalent. So broad roads, Miyuki passed, and they were so so silent, and few clients were there in each shop and shopping mall.

Just expensive, Miyuki thought. Each tribe's site was populous, yes. Indican town, Chinese one, and so on. And in the subway, sufiiciently many guys were there. However, in the upper surfice, so few guys were working. Populous, because the land is narrow, was Shingapure's explanation. However, not populous, compared with her imagination. No industrial country, it was called. And commercial only, they said. However, their commercial facilities were not so effective. So few tourists were obliged to pay so high, including Miyuki.

Big Wheel was US$48 for only 30 ride. And she wanted to pass time alone, however, they put her in a gondola with french family, composed by father and son. Why they put Miyuki in the same gondola? So many empty gondolas were. Miyuki thought that some safety reason or so. Or, they were thrifty to use gondolas?

Miyuki was different from the french family entirely. Thus, she was away from the family, and heard their french conversation. They split with the boy's mother, and they wanted to be alone also from Miyuki.

Unamusing experience. Why we are obliged with this strange Japanese guy, father? I don't know, however, we should put up with the situation. She is also putting up with our existance, probably.

They both prefered to ride the gondola, independently. However, they were all put into only one gondola, against their intention.

Miyuki wanted to take a picture of her naughty boy style. However, with infant, she couldn't behave in her own way. Thus, just she watched outside, and took so common photographs, avoiding to be accused "Strange guy!" by the boy.

Not spooky, however, so silent family, they were. French, they spoke, however, so so negative, and always, "Wait a minute. We will meet your mother, soon, boy", in his so calm way. Ending theme would be fine to this family, was Miyuki's expression. The boy was not enthusiasmatic on his experience. Why they came to this touristic point? Not latin type like...Calm, and impression is, suicide candidates, in short.

From the touristic busses, Miyuki found that so few tourists utilized them. Miyuki took whole route course. And watched the whole city, yes. And only in several points, many guys were there, appearantly. Monotonous, uninteresting city, was her impression.

She tried to walk along the city, later. And also, in the center of the city, the land was used in the most abundant way. Where is the narrow populous ally? Indian town, yes. Chinese temple, yes. Myammer restaurant, also. Ethnic sites, yes, in short. No commercial scene at all. Even most newly established touristic spots like beach side, so few guys were there.

Miyuki found that after Miyuki, emptiness increased, in commercial facilities in Shirakawa. After getting out of Beisia, Miyuki ate a cup of Salty Egg pudding, called 茶碗蒸し or CHAWAN-MUSHI, she again entered into the supermarket. Oh, so few guys are here! Less than I entered at first today!, Miyuki recognized.

And at Benimaru-Showamachi, so many cashing machines were not used by any one. And after Miyuki's recognition, satans started to use them, in their hush hush mode.

Exist some inclinations to disturb Miyuki's sight, as much as possible. Thus, No Man's Land, again and again.

The number of satanic guys reduced appearently, yes, however, satanic cars popped out, rather, intensively, when Miyuki appeared, was Miyuki's impression.

Semi-locked, satans prefer now. Thus, Miyuki checked the windows, and as much as possible, she locks them correctly. Satans can unlock by remote way, was Miyuki's presumption. Some shaking wave would be used. And now, only semi-locked situation is their maximum. For satans, stealing is not counted as crime. According to their understanding, just borrowing eternally, as Aletti, of Mary Norton.

Dwarfs under the floor, was the correct title. And Miyuki read the series, and liked yes. However, so so tiny guys, and they themselves worked and produced. Just they were obliged to use some bit of human beings foods or so. Like leftover of crackers. Not big properties, like intimate wears, Jeans and so on.

Terrible coincidence with their explanation of Gibre Studio's works. A bit a bit, they stole. They are big skin bag holders, called DDMs, not dwarfs at all. And they are all ugly and plump. Terriblly used the expression of the dwarf series.

DDMic subjective world is totally different from our objective one. So few tasks they can't do at all, and they themselves call hard workers. Terrible, and they require so much money to their non valuable working. Workers, they classify themselves, and they do just harmful attacking. It was prohibitted, however, they can't stop it.

So many Alzheimers in the world. This is the real proof:

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (289)

2017-11-10 09:42:34 | 日記
10/11/2017, Friday, 9:43 morning, fine

Last night, frosty morning was warned by Meteorology Agency, however, this agency at the same time said clearly that it would be warm morning beause of wiping of low pressure circle. ???, Miyuki got in wonder.

Double contrary discriptions at the same time, is actual Alzheimer patients' situation. Thus, only protection, as much as possible, is our choice.

In the morning, Miyuki found twiggs cut in a whole trank of Jimny vehicle. Full of twiggs with shoots of flowers! Who did it? Again, Aunties?

HARUMI and YUKARI are active today. YUKARI came with Alex to be brought to his high school, with black casual sweater and jeans, by the red car. She had a flat big bag in her hands. Oh, follower servant with a big bag, she turned to be for Alex? A crazy Mad Dog followed Alex and his grand father, in a car.

Good grief. At least, during Miyuki's farming time, this Jason Auntie would be away from Miyuki's courtyard.

Miyuki found the pots all liked their new Pyramid houses. Nice, and blight, and warmer than they expected. Whole pots came all together, and now, seeds cultivators should be moved in the old place.

Sun shining place would be fine, yes. And now, pot space is not so big. Thus, if shoot appears, Miyuki should move it in a pot in any of Pyramids. Thus, competition, and their choice to shoot in winter or in spring. Both are good, as you like, seeds!

Miyuki told the reason why she was caught and put into jail in Tokyo. Just she got disliked by MICCHIKU related, in the center of Tokyo. No other reason at all! At 16:46, on Day 6th of August, in 2016, she got caught at JP Tower, ex-Central Post Office of Tokyo, and soon, she was put into Detention of Tokyo Bay. Concentrated Camp, in short.

And she told how tough for her not to eat any meal. One meal loss would cause her fainting type. And she couldn't have dinner at the night in the police office of MARUNOUCHI. Miyuki asked a police man to feed her as soon as possible, explaining her hunger, and her body character. She dared to say, "I would pay, thus, please make an order of KATSUDON or かつ丼, A Rice Bowl with Stewed Milanese of Pork and spread Egg on it, with my own expense!", however, he refused it. "Any thing edible is OK. I am hungry!", Miyuki required, however, the police men refused!!!

So so hungry, she was there. No KATSUDON at all, like TV drama!!! Why the police men stayed there unnecessarily? They didn't do anything correctly. Just they stayed, waiting for something, watching TV. This is Japanese Police, probably. And a big shrine in the conference room of the police office. Oh, against "Separation between the politics and religion" principle, audaciously! They did as they liked, it means.

The police men always said, "This region is so safe. I have worked here for 5 years, however, no case happened at all, as far as I know", was the remark ejected by a police man in the police office beside West HACHIOJI JR stattion. Miyuki visited it to ask them to search her stolen bag in the train of JR CHUUOU line, at TOYODA station. And she was obliged too declare all of her belongings inside the bag, and the value, when she bought it. Terrible list making, they did. They wanted to make Miyuki's catalog of succession? It took 2 hours.

The next day, Miyuki went to another police office near HACHIOJI JR station, in the south side. Miyuki wanted to correct the information on her lost bag, because she remembered more objects were inside.

What happened on Miyuki there? The police men, two males, again, started to make whole list of her belongings! It took more 2 hours! The same thing, they did, and why inventory the did? Auction use? Yahoo Auction? MercaLi? What is their task? Strange Japanese police men, they were!

Useless, and attackers! Just like HARUMI and YUKARI. And now, organized criminal group turned to be a kind of Saint Nicholaus! Look at this article!:

Halloween Party sweets party provider, the most famous Japanese MAFIA called 山口組 or Yamaguchi-gumi. Oh, Crayon Shin-chan's kindergarden master, they turned? Or, HARUMI's team? Her maiden name was YAMAGUCHI. And Miyuki established Black Bears in HACHIOJI, a organized criminal group composed by Miyuki, Alex and Clare, 5 years ago. She bought 3 black mohair jackets at UNIQLO store, with the size of M, L, and XL. Once, they wore the jacket at the same time, and Miyuki yelled, "We are so famous strongest members of the criminal group called Black Bears in HACHIOJI. Hearing our team name, even crying babies would stop crying, because of our dreadful influence! Give us your ways, HACHIOJI residents! We are rightous brothers, you are all evil Alzheimer patients!"

Thus, HARUMI asked to established her own evil criminal group called YAMAGUCHI-GUMI, and they turned to be FEMI-LES group...YAMAGUCHI-GUMI, U2!!!

17:31, cold, fine

Look at this news! :

Unnecessarily, they want to increase the numbers of pilots, rather, flying saucers' crews. Now, 5,600 pilots, already! And more 1,500 are necessity, according to satanic side. Blue Impulse dropped so much, thus, new members should be fulfilled by human skin holders. Thus, despite of unpopularity, they want crews. Motory.

Why unpopular? Because the salary is lower than convenience stores' part time job assistants. It means no demand at all. However, on the contrary to the fact, supply would be required. Against market principle, MICCHIKU satans move, in short. Thus, they can't recognize the difference between gain and loss, and also, OMANKO journalists, either. Calculation ability would be reduced abruptly, after suffering from Alzheimer disease. Thus, no correct choice, they can't. Thus, always, depending on the majority's will. Thus, always brainless situation, they are in. Thus, today, at SHIRAKAWA III primary school, another traditional Japanese type festival music event was held.

In Business School, Alex was obliged to participated with "Harvest Festival" or 収穫祭 or SHUUKAKU-SAI, and he didn't know the existance of this event. Consecutive events, as always. For Miyuki's side, anyway, you two should run away from Alzheimer Twins, thus, in school, passing time with variety of events would be fine, rather than boredom cramschool studies, Miyuki presumes.

Yes, more active, however, anyhow, no previous information at all, thus, we are obliged to do improviso...Good training, yes. Idiocracy's residue, schools are. Thus, they are in the middle. Why we are comming here in the planet? Total lies, we are hearing every day. And they say, "This is the facts". Sleep well in the subject studies, and just do act in some interesting subjects. For Miyuki, OK, and for Alex and Clare, not at all???

They want to study hard. What? A kind of cramschool studies??? Math. Thus, study. Easy. Do exercises on the text books, which you gained in Primary School and Junior High. Enough to be good at math. Miyuki's logics is the equivalent of Junior High first grade class. Not so difficult.

Thus, they tried to study math during the class studies. OK, good exercise. However, it was difficult. Oh, from the first grade's book of primary school, you two start. In one week, you would finish several grades' textbooks' exercise questions, so easily. Up to feel easily, you study in the same textbook. If you feel difficult on the textbook of third grade of primary school, with slow careful reading, you try again the same questions. Up to feel so easily.

Thus, they try, anway, and now learned the fact...For them, forth grade's textbook is already difficult. It happens. Thus, read so slowly in loud voice, up to understand what in the book they explained so well. For Miyuki, not unusual, and for them, shames. Why? So many Shirakawans can't calculate well easy math figures. Thus, fourth grader's textbooks are difficult for all of Shirakawans, including teachers, in fact.

Thus, Miyuki gained their reliance. Fourth graders, they are, categorized in the class. Thus, they are studying in the same class, in fact. Well. Depending on the level. Not shame. Better pretending to understand what is entirely mistery for you, both! Don't lie toward yourself. Be honest. Fourth graders, yes. It would be normal, and rather than averege.

Thus, they regained the power. Why the fourth graders are trying to resolve the difficult questions? What is the most difficult question? Clare said math. Thus, what is in the math field? All. Thus, probably, you have problem in the third grade. Thus, Clare dropped into the third grader course. Better than being dishonest. You will understand better, after you failed in the fourth grader course.

Thus, one year better than Clare, Alex is in. And also, he is in the problem of the math. Thus, go to third grader's class. No problem. and at least, the study range of primary school's math would be used in the near future, as business guys. Thus, it's better to learn with the primary school textbooks.

Too too difficult, for them. Thus, from 1st graders' course would be recommendable. The sooner, the better. Probably, 1st grader course would be suitable for both of them. And soon, you will finish the course. And then, try the second graders' course.

Miyuki's advice is so clear. Don't be dishonest intellectually toward yourselves. Thus, they try to be honest to math level. And gained the power. First grader course is not difficult. Thus, you both graduated from 1st grader couse, now. Then, second grader course, you can start.

Now, in problem. Not so difficult at first, however, something unusual problem would be difficult. Thus, try to read so slowly up to understand the meaning of the explanation. If you feel difficult, you should stop in front of the question. You are in this level. Stop, and try to think differently, up to feel so easy.

Thus, all 2nd grader course is difficult for them both. From the begining of the textbooks, you should try to read in loud voice, to feel understandable of the discription.

No choice for them both. Too too difficult to learn the second grader course. Because all of the letters are difficult to read. Who are you, both???

Clare and Alex cried! Oh, they used our names, instead of their own names! Shame! We understand at least 2nd graders' books. OK, thus, you are the 3rd graders level. Try in the same way in the above.

Thus, they learned so much. Some guy uses their names, without their accordance. So so nasty result, they suffered now. Only 1st graders' books would be fine for them both, they were categorized by us all.

Thus, say exactly what happened on you two, and try to presume the reasons. Good exercise to find the real wrongdoers!

Alex could presume why and how. He was used as their targetted guy, of Sato Xth. And Clare, flamboyant lady like existance, namely DODOMERDA, or bitch.

Thus, they forgot their names. They should quit their wrongdoings, however, they attacked so many times. They said that "We feed you both, thus, you should work for us all!" Thus, they cut the lines all. They are satans, yes. And Alex wanted to know their all names, and he collects them, as many as possible. Better than nothings. Proofs, they are. Thus, Alex gained so many medals now! We are good at math, however, they put dirty names on us both. Math idiots, they called us both, and they themselves are the real stupid existance at all.

Math satans, they are. Thus, no choice for them all. Alex got upset that YUKARI came to attack him in a car. She entered into the car, without his agreement, and started her own preach, as much as possible, up to Business School. Stupid guy, she is! And Alex disliked her, entirely, again and again.

She wanted to enter into the school, again, to learn math only. Oh, how active, YUKARI the mad dog is today! And they refused her existance. YUKARI said, "I am mother of Alex, and my name is Miyuki Sato. I want to learn math here today with you all". Oh, YUKARI is now Miyuki, in her dream!

Thus, she immitates Miyuki's impressive clothings, all blacks, in short. for her, wearing like that means being Miyuki. And Alex thinks that YUKARI is mad, crazy, Alzheimer lady, in short. No necessary to come with me. You are not my mother. Just Auntie. Clare also yelled, however, the both Alzheimer ladies insisted that they were both MIYUKIs. Stupid version, they said. And it is forgery, we all said to them. They would not understand ever! No choice for them both!

Miyuki wants to do her own domestic effective working, yes, however, Alzheimer ladies disturb so much. Thus, no choice for them both. They just stay in the main house to torture us all. Snags, they are. Snags' house, they made the main house. Thus, the main house is in rage. Miyuki wants to clean up and reform the kitchen and so on, as much as possible. Too many possibilities, the main house has. However, with Alzheimer ladies, no hope, no future at all. They want new modernized warehouse type building, yes. Thus, they should leave here as soon as possible.

Portulaca also got in rage. They were allowed to live in the third patch, however, the Alzheimer twins picked out them, thus, Miyuki used their seeds as our marginal protection soldiers. In short, she put them in the countryside, near ex-KOJIMA's parking lots, actual white Pyong Yong Tribe's parking lot.

White car number 12-23 holders would be the wrongdoers, yes, however, KOJIMA female allowed them to behave as if their owners. Thus, now, ownership moved. Miyuki put the seeds as their revenge, yes. And sometimes, small feet having guys popped out on her patch, and did all wrongdoings, and Miyuki refused any of them. Thus, revenge only.

Why we are obliged to live with wrongdoers? Miyuki's domestic skills are superior to the Alzheimer twins, and she wants to work in the domestic world as business. Why we can't use her skills? Especially, the kitchen needs to be reformed so much. In Winter, the kitchen is so cold. However, with some wind protection and cleaning up service and floor repair and wall change, the kitchen would be nice place to cook. Sufficient for her experimental multi world cultural cooking. Not because of small space, but because of satanic occupation and usage, Miyuki doesn't want to work in the domestic world. She rather is good at domestic tasks. And YUKARI's way of washing is extremely slow, and erotic inclination of YUKARI is so so evident.

Today, Miyuki watched that HARUMI stack, in front of Miyuki, when she caught the sight of Miyuki. HARUMI was always so arrogant, and never did stick, even she watched Miyuki's appeatance. However, as if she were YUKARI, she stopped moving. Oh, just like YUKARI, one year ago, Miyuki categorized HARUMI's stage of the disease. It happened also on YUKARI, last winter, soon after Miyuki arrived here. What happened on this ugly bitch? YUKARI stopped moving, as if a woodedn domb doll. The same symptom, HARUMI started to show today. Thus, one year earlier, YUKARI's last stage was triggered, and now, HARUMI.

However, at the same time, considering YUKARI's behaviours, after the first recognition of this sticking process, she started to conduct violently. Thus, Mad Dog HARUMI would be near, Miyuki got chilled. Yes, we should run away from them both, yes, however, two monstrously violent cruel Mad Dogs, how we can survive?!!!

With tools, they both were already so violent. However, only YUKARI was violent, also without tool. She nudged, hit Miyuki, pushed Miyuki away from the corredor, and so on. Now, HARUMI also. Thus, physical direct attackers, in the most obvious way, they were classified.

Thus, only running away would be recommendable. However, Miyuki should work as farmers, of course. Thus, no time so much on the courtyard, yes.

And in the evening, Miyuki felt strong smell of lemon citrus, in her space. YUKARI came to attack here, and she failed, probably. Quinces smell so well now, and also, YUZU or Japanese Citrus, also. They are good combination, yes, and Miyuki will make both of suger soaked fruits, yes. In the glass bottle, she would make, yes.

YUKARI came so often, and she forgot something, as always. Just said, "Oh, I came here to do something. What is something?" By Impulse, YUKARI moves, and then, she forgets, and then, she started to find the reason of her moving. No brain, and so so attacker, she is now.

It's so dry in the air. Wind is stronger, thus, it takes the wetness by blowing. Crispy air, because of it. And good for our feeling, however, pots should be provided so much water, yes. Thus, Miyuki provided it, as much as possible, thinking of the possibility of cold freezing attacking. However, with taps, they could feel rather warm, than being chilled.

Miyuki bought potatoes called TOUYA, 5 pieces. Good for beginers' cultivation. Thus, she decided to eat some parts of the potatoes, and put all of the roots on the soil. Easty quick cultivation type, and they are so productive. Predicessors praised them. Smooth type. Thus, sticky, inside. Good as substitute of May Queens. And strong against insects, according to the discriptions on the characters of this tribe.

She would cut each YOUYA potatoe into three parts, upper, middle, and under. And she would eat only middle part, and the rests, she put into the soil. Thus, she would know the flavour, before cultivation.

Miyuki triggered Alzheimer Ladies' irritation against us all. However, it is necessity. They should know the fact, and in case of refusal of the disease, yes, they should vanish, without their own recognition.

Stop wrongdoings agains us, is our order. However, they fake not to recognize the existance of the order. Yawning from satanic site called INFERNO, thus, they did so wrong, recently. Unkind ladies, they both are, in reality. And for Miyuki, stupid feeble minded unintentionally erroneous disastrous guys, they were. However, now, they are both intentional cruel attackers, or satans, in short. Thus, they should refrain from our society, at all!!!

Stimulous, Miyuki's expression is. However, without it, they go without limit. Just behave as if they were precious Goddesses in the universe. Thus, they should refrain from whole our society, even without recognition, of course!

HARUMI refered to the journalist called Miyuki SATO, a associate professor of public HIROSHIMA prefectural versity, who had written a book called, "President in the smallest country in the world". Miyuki denied the book, saying, "Not my book at all. The different guy. Journalist. I am a scholar, not journalist". However, so so similar in her career. And HARUMI asked the same thing twice.

Alzheimer repetition, Miyuki recognized. Miyuki denied, however, she asked again and again. Always it happened. Even after Miyuki's refusal, up to gain HARUMI's preferable answer, she asked the same question so eagerly. Thus, always, as HARUMI liked, the world got round. Stupid. Just she believed differently, even after our resusal. Selfish ego-centric world, she lives, in short.

For Miyuki, nasty Alzheimer Queens, HARUMI and YUKARI are. And for others, just, "HELP! We are in danger of survival!" For Miyuki, runaway is the chance of survival. However, for others, they exist, thus we should follow them both, without saying. ???

They have no power. Just ignore their orders completely. Don't give them any money, products, charity, pitiness, mercy at all. Soon, they would vanish! Don't feed these nasty ugly snags inside the house. They should leave to Tokyo, immediately!

Thus, they tried to attack others, to earn money. In Tokyo, please. You can do it! You are brave Mad Dogs! You can do it in Tokyo, your dream city!

And they are chikens now. Thus, chicken soup, they provided for us. Instant soup, yes. And they think that they are supurb cooks. Alzheimer ladies should live all together in an independent modernized house. They should live as SEMI-GODs. They are different from us all!!!

Alex got chilled in the car. YUKARI is similar to Miyuki, he thought. Oh, she has no limit type. And Miyuki, as always, she is logical and reasonable. Effective, she tries to be, while YUKARI, just erroneous BLA-BLA-BLA, during her sraying in the car. Thus, inneffective stupid ugly bitch attacker, she is.

She came not to be stolen her precious things??? She is in the illusion of being stolen. Her precious things should be kept by herself, and she is now chased by wrongdoers. Oh, for Miyuki, the twins are wrongdoers. And for them, MIYUKI is attacker.

Yes, Miyuki attacks all of satans, including HARUMI and YUKARI, yes. And north Korean tribe, also.

Miyuki found two contradictional warning in the shops. One is 越後屋, or ECHIGO-YA, a lunch delivery shop, or catering service shop, along Route 11, near KOMERI Home Center. A warning said, "We are now outside. Please call to this number XXX", and another said, "We are in holiday recess". Which is which?

And another example is in WASHIO campus. A YAKITORI or 焼き鳥, pinchos shop Japanese style, saied, "Only on Wednesday, we recess", in an advertisement in front, while the shop was closed and another discription saied, "We are now in preparing the products, sorry". Which is which?

Probably, they can't read the discription at all, and just put some plates as some decoration of each shop. In the parking lots of GYOUMU super market, Miyuki found two strange big advertisements on the parking lots. One bigger said, "This is the parking lots of Night Club Route 289" and another smaller said, "This is the second parking lots of NIKKOU Mashroom Park". Ummmm...Is this turistic spot of NIKKOU, Tochigui prefecture? Or Night club?

Both not suitable for the supermarket, however, they put, and added more and more. The NIKKOU Mashiroom Park's seal is new for us all!

For us, laughing ridiculous, out of mind type contradictional discriptions, here and there. However, for others, always they are ridiculous, without exception. And Miyuki is too acute to accuse them all! Of course, this is my mission. And Miyuki wants to work more effectively. Thus, Miyuki triggered toward the Alzheimer Ladies. Your way of working is just harmful attacking, in short, Miyuki expresses every day.

We are not satisfied with their attackings of course. And Miyuki started to repair the toilet and the kitchen, at first. At least, the floor of the toilet should be protected by some plastic coating products. In some sites, there are so many suitable products to do so, however, Alzheimer queens disturb her working in every occasion.

They are just anti-clean ugly bitches. And Miyuki is concentrated on her own job, yes. Not for us all? As service at minimum, Miyuki already works for us all, yes. However, she is irritated with Alzheimer Queens' appearance. They should move to their suitable place, not here, at least!

Miyuki got upset at BENIMARU-Mega-Stage. She sensed Chinese Meat Pies called GYOUZA or 餃子 in the shop, and she approached to the site, providing some samples. An old guy was faking to buy several packages of Chinese meat pies, and only one sample was in a plastic white cup. Thus, Miyuki picked it, and then she got to recognize that it was half bite of Chinese pie, thus, already eaten by someone. Oh, how dirty! I took the eaten by others type sample. Vomitting! Thus, she returned to the site. She confirmed that no white cup was there. After she decided to go out, she again tried to watch the site, and found that no samples at all in the site. Oh, just inducing smell only type commercial, they provide. They don't want to advertise their product at all. Just trapping others, including Miyuki.

Nasty guy who just eats and doesn't buy, is Miyuki's reputation in Shirakawa. Yes, it's me! And she has no expectation on Super Markets at all. Thus, she invests on the seeds of her future foods, including vegitables.

On route 294, there is a shop of home heating equipment called IIMURA or 飯村, and its building, on the third floor, there were two really burnt black curtains hanging. Why satans want to show their proofs of wrongdoings?, Miyuki always gets in wonder, watching the curtains.

For satans, nothing at all. As usual. They came to attack the earth, and any guy claimed on it, at all, in Japan. Thus, for them, ideal, this country is. And now, they don't want to show up their wrongdoings any more. Oh, good grief. Thus, satanic ending, now.

Miyuki found her big hit class result of natural scientific experiment in the area of biology. She spilt the seeds of spinaches, and red raddish, at the same period. And then, they got combined. Thus, many bunches of spinaches popped out, and grew up so rapid, however, their leaves were all red raddish type, thus, with twigs, and not edible...Ummm...In their early stage, they get combined easily. Thus, a wild pattern, they prefered and for Miyuki, good experimental challange, and we produced new combination, anyway. Yes, they produced crorela, anyway, however, not edible, unfortunately, thus, in case of necessity to plants other products, they should move toward ditch to be fertilizer.

Thus, a failure, in short, yes. However, thus, Miyuki gained the prize. It should not be type experiences, here and there, and any one informed on it at all. Unusual according to biology, in school study type. Seeds get combined easily, was her real impression. Stingy Spinach, not for eating, just for knowing the easy combination. Why Miyuki can't gain any scientific prize, except IG-NOBEL prize at all???

For her, this result should be praised by so renoun prize with winning money, yes. However, any guy can't recognize the splended importance of her experiment. No needs of genetical change for vegitables, it means. Even after spilling seeds, two seeds get combined, and turn to be the new products. Thus, any labo type experiment is necessity to produce new type. Great Discovery, Miyuki praised herself, instead of others.