Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (282)

2017-11-06 17:59:51 | 日記
06/11/2017, Monday, 18:01, warm, fine

Miyuki got up at 7:00, and she peeled the blue sheets, as soon as possible, because it's fine today. Today, she needs to accomplish the strengthening process by vinil tape, as much as possible. She started the job, after having breakfast, and unfortunately the last tape ended up. Thus, she started to do her errand trip.

It was a beautiful blue sky. Yes, we have duty to accomplish the task, however, at the same time, walking in the deep autumn under the sun shining blue sky was yarning from some idiric place. Thus, she began to go errand, searching the lowest priced vinil tapes in the village.

At first, at Benimaru-Yokomachi, she found that no suitable sized tape at all. Why? So so common basic object, it is. However, nothing at all. Just slim sized non suitable tapes on the shelves.

Thus, she decided to go to WASHIO, and there, she gained one for her morning job, at US$1. Then, she came back to the house, and started the job above. Good! HASUKAI was amusing process. Talking on the story of dirty stupid pimps so many, she ended up the tape, also.

The Pyramid Fhufu is now stable. Thus, probably, tomorrow, she would move half of pots into the Pyramid no.2. Already Team Leader Abacados and lemmons are preparing for the moving. OK, you already decided. They are expecting their new life in the pyramid. Plastic big cap, in short. yes. However, the prism shape is coolish! Thanks. And she could make three more pyramids, if it's necessary. Thus, no plastic sacs, in Shirakawa!

Miyuki, after lunch, went to Cainz Home Center to buy another vinil tapes. And found that the plastic "Multi" wrapping papers were no more there. Oh, the staff chose wrongly, again, Miyuki thought. OK, I will do with other products. How evil, they are!, Miyuki got shocked.

For her, putting up with the situation type wrongdoing, this "For Free" type wrapping papers' rafraining from the site. However, if some guy, like she, looks so messy, and wants to make some warming space with the plastic papers, this wrongdoing is fatal and cruel. If he were lonely begger, who comes to here to believe in the plastic papers, he would lose the chance to sleep tonight. Cold, and coldhearted, Shirakawa is.

Tokyo Metropolitan Office, in short. Jobless homelesses were nasty and dirty, thus, the office wiped up all of them, saying, "We are constructing moving pedestrian decks, conveirs type for visitors toward our office."

Then, the electric pedestrian deckes came. However, when Miyuki visited the office in 2015, the decks were not moving at all. Where were they? They were stolen by satans. Just for killing nasty existance, the moving pedestrian decks were used as reasons.

Always, "They are nasty, we prefer neat and calm guys. You, beggers, should get away from here!" No mercy at all on them? They are just unlucky, or rather, organizationally excluded. They should take a rest, and participate in our team, however, they can't, because they were attacked so many times. Up to Miyuki's use, the shopkeepers allowed for consumers to take them as they liked. Why Miyuki, just being a nasty guy, was prohibitted to take them? She wanted to use for her necessary task. Thus, Shirakawans refused her to use them.

They laught at Miyuki's appearance. Oh, we are selling plastic tapes and she couldn't gain any plastic papers at all! Satanic shopkeepers, they are!

However, for Miyuki, OK, thus, she would do in the different way. Thus, she bought three tapes for strengthen the pyramids, and she, after comming back, mainly strengthened the Pyramid Gize. And now, Gize is also ready.

She tried to buy another plastic products, however, so expensive, and the sustention, we need. Thus, plastic tapes are the correct answer. Anyway, stable!

Thus, probably, tomorrow, Miyuki can move almost all of pots type, except seeds collective pots type. They should be tapped as usual, under the blue sheets. In case of snow, they were wrapped so well, and now, good news!!!

What? TOMOCHI gained a baby!!! Oh, Oh, which tribe! Ours! Oh, human being? Twins!!! Oh, Oh!!! You did it!!! Big Gun!

Thus, double thunderbolt for them. Oh, X-rays...Miyuki was obliged to take X-rays so many times, and the medical doctors answers were always, no problem at all. However, TOMOCHI recognized the risk...Oh, you felt? A kind of. Presumption. We don't want to accept it. However, no chance to go back to Japan. Thus? If you can, stay in Portugal. Japan is nasty country. And non reliable and probably having babies in Japan is too too dangerous at all!

yes, costive, however, probably, Portugues is rather kind guys. They inform you the suitable place to reside for a while. In Coimbra, Kimiko SUZUKI, Ayano Shinzato, Andre Pereira, Alexandre Pereira, and so on, so many our friends are there! They would help you, Tomochi and her mate. And also in Lisbon, Pedro & Rosario Carvalhos, Jorge Miranda, and so on, so many good fellows there are. Portuguese are in reality, kind guys. Sentimental, yes, however, so so pragmatic, at the same time. And they know how to live in thrifty way without messy situation. Thus, consult with them. Andre Pereira, you can see on Coimbra Versity's site. He put his e-mail address, and you can write in English. And in case of necessity, after saying, "Call KIMIKO! Urgent!" you write, and then, Roman Letters Japanese writing you can do! Kimiko is always doing so. She is Japanese. They would understand your situation. They and their team mates would help you, TOMOCHI. Probably, Andre does know well on some good hospitals and medical staff, because his major is reproductive health related law. thus, don't worry. Probably, giving birth in Portugal is better than in Japan, especially now!!!

Evacuation, for you, TOMOCHI and your mate. Thus, knock the door! If you need, I will make a contact with them!

Andre is not now, however, Kimiko is now here in Portugual. OK, anyway, ask them how to reside in Portugal in this case! Hospitality country, Portugal. Thus, try, anyway!

Miyuki would visit, in the near future. Probably, she would meet you there, and your twin babies!!! Do you decided the names? Your babies would be EU residents! And if you two desire, you would do have the same status, probably!!!

Miyuki is now in Japan, precariously, however, this is in her precarious way. However, she needs to do her jobs, here. At first, she should monitor the decline of Shirakawa, as the whole degrading process of IDIOCRACY. Too too nasty, however, satans are surrounding here and there. However, their power reduced so much. They started to yell, "We are diceasing now..." in their wispering voice. Probably, our Paradise would be so near! Thus, we are waiting for you in Paradise called rural village Shirakawa, in the near future, despite of being actual Satanic Inferno, yes!!!

New Zealand refused Miyuki any special priviledge as parent of KIWI. And Miyuki found that NZ citizenship is valueless. NZ is also sunken like Japan, in short.

Miyuki decided to do her agro-forestry jobs at first in Shirakawa. And then, depending on the situation, in every towns and villages. Thus, pilot case, she is now attempting.

Appearance effects. And Miyuki ejects so so strong smell toward them. Satans only smell, probably. Thus, she is dislied by satans, because of her smell. And she is so smily, thinking of their future! Satans have no choice at all! They are so cruel, even now!

Faked shopkeeping job, as Alzheimer patients, they are doing, and with this serious brain disease, they are instinctively cruel. Thus, they should be burnt immediately! Thus, when Miyuki got out of the office in the evening, she smelt nasty burning smell. Snag burning? Miyuki thought.

A kind of smell, yes, however, not so much. Illusional smell, and even now, they control the sense of smell of ours all!!!Instinctively strange kinky guy, Miyuki is now in Shirakawa. However, no reason to catch her at all!

So kinkiest guys in Shirakawa now! yesterday, in the courtyard of residences run by the municipality, a family of three, young couple and their infant was digging the soil! Oh, what are they doing? The father digged with a big shovel like Miyuki. What happened?

Not in the courtyard of each residence. In the empty place between each courtyard. So so unusual! They can't recognize the difference between public domein and private one. Alzheimer family, they are!

And today, Miyuki found an old guy, at the same site, was measuring the land. Common passenger type, and his white van was on the north side. What is he doing, also? Why the same site, these strange guys do the similar movement? Digging and measuring, as if they were sellers of this land. Alzheimer patients, they are!

They imitate our movement. In Miyuki's case, YUKARI and HARUMI imitated her toilet cleaning movement, just as showing up appearance pose. Why Alzheimers immitate our movements?

Clare asked to her grand father. They have no brain, thus, only immitation, they do. And the totally different significance, they put. Sitting on the land and putting seeds, Miyuki did on the courtyard, and HARUMI picked up the plants, in the same sitting pose. On the contrary, yes, however, they think that they do the same.

Immitation, was Japanese strongpoint, they said. Miyuki has heard so many times that foreigners criticise Japanese as just imitation type, not creative at all. And generally speaking, yes, Miyuki responded, however, I am not so much. At least, I want to be creative, as always, she put.

yes, immitation is the first step to learn, however, then, gradually, we try to put our originality. Not just immitation, but more creativity. Thus, Miyuki is writing legal letters so many, up to inform all of satanic wrongdoings!

Miyuki found so many North Korean style buildings along the river side of YANTA, and presumed that they came already in 1970s, as second wave, probably.

At first, soon after WWII, and then, this wave. And the third, with WASHIO, in 1980s. And then, as the fourth, Beisia and Mega-Stage area, including MATSUKAZE complex. With several waves, Pyong Yang Tribe came and killed ex-residents, and now, so many killers are killing themselves in turn. Miyuki's advice was accepted by the snypers.

Miyuki adviced them to kill each other in turn, after being the top. At first, kill the actual boss, anyway, and then, the snyper who killed the boss, turns to be the top, instead of the boss, and then, the second snyper kills the top, ex-snyper, and then he turns to be the top. Etc, etc. To be continued.

Thus, so many snypers and snyper candidates did it. For Miyuki, better than dying as just a snyper of some boss. The end is the same. Total vanishing, yes. However, in this case above, the snypers accerate the process of sinking of the idiocratic state called Shirakawa. Thus, better than keeping the boss in safe with thier protection. Just one shooting can make the snyper the top. And Miyuki pledged to write the history of North Korea with the exact names of all tops, as much as possible. Thus, to be historical heros, they chose correctly.

Anyguy wants to be the boss, and snypers are near the boss. They all can be the boss, each other. And as historian, Miyuki wants to write the history, as exactly as possible. Thus, with their probably Chinese character names or Hangle names or English names, she would write the history. Long long list, yes, however, history should be exact, as much as possible. Thus, no man's land again. Snypers believe Miyuki's serious bledge on their names. As much as possible, she will write their names, all, in the exact way, without ridiculous expressions on it.

Yes, of course, in case of each wrongdoing, she can ridicularize their names, however, as top's names' list, she projects to write, she will write their own names, in the most exact way. Just trace the exact registered names, Miyuki promised.

It effects so much. For her, historian should be exact, and as a kind of snyper herself, she respects their choice. Dying as the top, rather than just a SP of VIP. Long long list, it turns to be. However, anyway, each guy can appear as the top, in several seconds or so. Thus, she would write all of their ex-snypers, or, the successive tops of North Korea, as the Rightous History of North Korea, actual.

Thus, they rely on Miyuki's pledge, and she tries to search their whole names, as much as possible. Then all prefered Korean Hangle Names. OK, I don't speak Hangle at all, however, their letters are not so difficult. Just shapes. Thus, as much as possible, Miyuki immitates the exact shape of their letters. Only less than 100 letters, aren't they? Probably just like HIRAGANA or KATAKANA. Thus, a kind of lesson of Korean Language. Thus, probably, as if "Caligraphy", Miyuki trains to write their names, in the correct way.

Miyuki's reliable at this point. And she is scholar, anyway. Thus, it works. The bosses, they turned, and they did as they liked, and they died, by the next boss's shooting. Effective. Better than continuing to be just a snyper of each boss. Thus...better than snyper TOP, they were called already.

In Rome, under TEMA system, so many military officers tried to be the emperors. And almost 50 emperors, ex-military officers, popped out in their history. Thus, it would be possible, in Shirakawa. And they did it! Good grief, also for them. At least, like as Roman Emperors.

North Korean laugugage is written in Hangle, and no exception at all. Thus, Hangle disliking movement was done in Shirakawa. Oh, I don't know it! Rather, in 2000s, ladies liked Korean Culture, including Korean dishes and culinary, films and so on. Thus, Miyuki thought that they were Hungle lovers, rather.

Not so difficult, however, a bit strange. Yes. Thus, in case of the names, so many points to learn. They are complicated. Oh, just LEGO block type letters, Miyuki thought. Not so different, however, only a few sign would make slight or big change. Oh, like O mark or + mark or ト mark and so on. Just combination. And each part is already so so limited. Thus, it worked so much. Difficult for them, however, for Miyuki, not so much. OK, better for both sides.

MASUZOE said that learning Hangle letters is rather easy, while leaning pronunciation of them is totally difficult. Thus, only writing is not so complicated job for Miyuki's side.

Probably to learn Korean Dishes, it would be useful! Menu would be read by so simplest way of learning. The round sticky rice cookies, at the diameter of 4cm were Korean type, Miyuki recently recognized. Miyuki rather liked the sticky rice. Smooth in the surfice, and effective. Just like cilinder cookies. Just make cilinder shapes, and then cut. Just like SUSHI, seaweeds wrapping type. 恵方巻 or EHOU-MAKI came from Korea, Miyuki presumed, however, from OOSAKA, satanic side said. Why they wanted to conceal their Korean Culture?

The ingredients are similar, while the result is totally different. And Korean restaurants increased so much abruptly in Tokyo. However, family home type flavour restaurants were rare, Miyuki thought. BBQ type, AKEMI brought Miyuki to one restaurant in AKASAKA. AKEMI paid for Miyuki, because AKEMI was breadearner, and Miyuki was graduate school student. Probably US$30, Miyuki and AKEMI ate there.

Exist chilly hot Korean foods, however, exist more soft non salty nor chilly type, rather hot body heating type kind delicious type, also. More simple, however, warm and delicate dishes. Sticky rice crackers are put in such soups.

And Miyuki tried to make SAM-GUE-TAN, or 参鶏湯 using chicken legs and a lot of gingers. More ingredients are preferable, yes, however, at least, Minimum Miyuki Sam-Gue-Tan, she made. Delicious in winter night.

Punching Korean foods, exist, however, more soft elegant type, also. In Japan, Korean Palace Story was popular, and ANIME version also. The girl's development process, in culinary area. Variety of palace dishes, she cooked. The two versions for adults and kids, NHK broadcasted. Double. Costive. Non creative. Japanese ANIME culture ended up already.

Palace type, Miyuki doesn't know yet. Miyuki thought of going to New Zealand by way of Korea, however, so so prolonged journey, it would have turned to be. Thus, she gave up the idea, and she has never visited Korea at all, even now.

So so popular, Korean journey in Japan, at that period. And Sonata in Winter was big hit. Sobstory and Pe Yong Jung were DDMic preferances. And Miyuki? Both, not in mind. For her, "Brrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee, Naoto DATE type. Tiger Mask, please put on the Mask, in front of me!" in short.

Pe Young is name of cup type instant fried wocesster sauce noodles. Strange coincidence! You turned to be actor, fried noodles?

KIRATA, her ex-collegue and actual professor of Self Defence Academy, said to her, "I love Pe Yong Jung, Because his body is well muscled." Oh, you like this type!
This is his career. He stopped writing almost 10 years ago. When he was in Kyorin Versity. And he criticised IZIYA, on his soft approach on North Korea. He was categorized Chiken Macho, by Miyuki, already. And inclination to male muscled body, also. Oh, Yukio MISHIMA type, yes!

Japanese nationalists are all this type. They love well muscled body. For Miyuki, better than plump only fat gleased body, yes. however, just muscled body is not the aim of her praise. Muscle is sufficient, while percentage of fat works in her case. Thus, no fat Miyuki, as much as possible. Thus, with gleasty image, she prefers lean body.

Professional wrestlers, they want, probably. And KURATA said that he started to learn boxing to make a good body shape. However, his body was rather three stories spare tyres, in short. Thus, not muscled so much.

"I restarted to go to Gym", KURATA yelled in front of the ex-colleagues, including Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki said so to the pupils. And the pupils responded, "It would be lie!".

The same thing happened in case of Kiwamu FUJIWARA, another ex-colleague of Kyorin versity. He said, "I started to go to gym to do exercise!" in front of other staff, including Miyuki, and then she informed it to the pupil, which said, "Oh, no! It should not be!", with the tone of total denial. "Look at the body shape! It talks so much!" And Miyuki entirely agreed with them.

Korean foods and culture are yet new to Miyuki. Thus, good chance to know it, through her Hangle study.

Compared with Korean Snypers, Youichi HIGUCHI related pimps are so so persistent. They are rural type, different from Tokyoneans. Thus, they don't know the esthetics of the vanishing. Adoration to decline, HIGUCHI had. He loved illusional theatorial Oh, Nou, Japanese traditional theatorical play. Illusion, anything is, the founder of Nou, called 世阿弥 or ZEAMI said. He wrote "風姿花伝" or FUU-SHI-KA-DEN, or The story of Wind, Appearance and Flowers. It means "We, show players could change any roles on the stage", appealing "I can do it, as you like, boss!" The Nou players were predicessors of KABUKI, thus, in short, purostitutes, male version.

Gay culture, Nou and KABUKI are. Thus, you know the inclination of HIGUCHI. Almost 800 years of tradition, Japanese theatrical play has, and also the same years of prostitutions.

Thus, 世之介 or Yonosuke is androgunos, metaphorically saying. He did it with both sex. And the same writer SAIKAKU or 西鶴 wrote 男色大鏡 or NANSHOKU-OOKAGAMI, or the reference book on gay culture. Not so unusual for Japanese, male gay culture is.

However, FEMI-LES culture is so new for us all. After 1970s, it started, and in the end, the main culture in Japan, it turned! DDMs have no culture, of course, however, the inclination of the DDMs on some cultures exist, yes.

Korean culture was liked by them. Pe Young Jung, also. Yon-sama, or Dear Sir Yong, he was called among them.

For them, wathing beauty catalogue was enough. HIMAWARI, a sister of Crayon Shin-chan expresses this inclination.And they loved Korean esthetics like AKASURI, or peeling of body skin, and so on. AKASAKA was Korean Town, in 1990s.

However, also in 2016, when Miyuki visited AKASAKA, near NAGATA-Chou, the center of lagislative power, yet, some Koreans were working there. At Convenience store, Korean foods were sold at that moment.

And in 1990s, Shin-OOKUBO also turned to be Korean Town. Appearantly, the number of Korean restaurants increased, and the shops related Korean esthetics.

Up to this period, Korean culture was disliked by Japanese. A rival, we presumed. And then, with broadcasting of Sonata in winter, DDMs all turned to be Korean fevers. At this point, Pe Yong Jung was great actor, we should adomire him.

Influencial, in short. Any DDMs dreamt sleeping with him. For Miyuki, synthetic flexible smiling forever type face combined with KIN-NIKU-MAN, or キン肉マン or Muscled Wresler, yes, thus, Naoto DATE, or the hero of Tiger Mask, thus, he was disliked by her.

Abruptly, Japanese females turned to be Korean culture fun. Probably, at this period, some alien tribes like DADAMERDAs popped out to devastate the earth.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (281)

2017-11-06 02:13:42 | 日記
She replaces her position as always. Thus now, Owner of this house, she is. Thus, she can pass time in every chamber in the three houses, from the main house, back house and the office, according to her selfish understanding. However, office users are limited. YUKARI is excluded. However, she wants to use it. Thus, repetitive attacking, so many times. Nasty, however, Alzheimer megalomaniacs, YUKARI and HARUMI are actually. Thus, always, "I can do it, as my ligitimate right!" fenomenum, they cause. Thus, twigs were cut by themselves.

And they were pushed away from our society. forgery was done by YUKARI, and she admitted, and just put, "Under my father's order". She thinks that any sign would be imitated by other family members, in short. Admission effects. HARUMI admitted already. And now, YUKARI did it!!! Hooley, Alex!!

Always some evasion was put. However, anyway, any sign should be substituted by others. YUKARI doesn't know the rule at all. Even with agreement with the targetted guy, sign should not be immitated. YUKARI did it. Thus, she should refrain from the society.

She did it before in HACHIOJI, Miyuki does know well. Always, school matters, Miyuki presumed. Not at all! Always, in every case, she immitated Miyuki SATOW, and now, so many rewards from us all to YUKARI!!! Satanic change performer no.1, Alex categorized her. Silent mode to threatening mode. Swift shift. And junky impatience. Mode change sould be triggered by some guy's nasty attitude. Always you should be my pet, Alex, because you are inferior to me, of course! I am superior to you, Alex, idiot! I am your Auntie, and I am superior in every moment! YUKARI is always like that. Thus, she was categorized monstrous Auntie no.1!!!

She couldn't stop her performance, after recognizing the existance of telephone calling with others. In public, she threatned Alex, and confessed the fact of forgeries. My number, not at all! Two names spaces! YUKARI didn't know which is which, and she just immitated the form according to the model form. Useless! In vain! Why they require others' signs?

Immitation is YUKARI's job, as always. In her chamber, YUKARI does, and nothing except it. Thus, only one functioning system, she adopted, we revealed. Now, thus, she is so irritated to be obliged to work for Alex, according to her tamer, HARUMI. YUKARI sometimes wrote false intestinate letters, requested by her mother. Thus, now, Miyuki's succession letter was witten again and again. Yukari learned succession so eagerly, and she was disliked by her father, and got illegitimate. And Miyuki agreed this illegitimate postition. For her primitive understanding, without any information, he can do this process, by himself. However, for Miyuki, the resistance against succession system, OK, I will help you to do iligitimatize me.

Thus, for Miyuki, no succession at all. Of course! I don't want others' property at all! I just protect my own property, whole!!!

For her, others' property is valueless, while mine is precious. Cheapish property, for her category. Thus, just protect my own things, whole!!! Thus, always protection mode. Not for others, but for herselves and her team mates! Natural! Thus, Miyuki should be pushed away from satanic society!

She was kicked off from their society, threatened, "Miyuki, which you prefer, KABUKI-CHOU or Kyorin Versity?" Thus, Miyuki responded immediately, "Of course, KABUKI-Chou, you stupid! In KABUKI-Chou, I will be able to earn money as bartender, in a britisy style pub restautant. However, at Kyorin Versity, I can't live as human being! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee!!!!" Thus, Miyuki was saved from INFERNO called Kyorin Versity.

KABUKI-chou is better than Kyorin, of course! Miyuki did know what is KABUKI-chou. Just bars and restaurants, and sometimes soap lands. Not so different from common towns. 新開地 or 新蔵 or Demi-Mund. Just adult pleasure place, not INFERNO. Thus, she gained the medal. Not unusual place. KARAOKE also. Miyuki expected much more adventures there, however, the workers are rather common guys, at that time, in June, 2015. Rather kind, and quicker than Kyorin staff. Human being like life would be possible among them, however, in Kyorin Campus, no future, no life. Just nominal zombie like death would be in the near future, Miyuki presumed. Thus, Miyuki fought agaist them as much as possible!!!

Alex did it on behalf of his own amusement. HOSSO adores to be witness of YUKARI's threatening mode. In front of him, "Sorry, sorry" mode, only. Obedient kind Auntie, a bit shy, and so loving the kids, YUKARI wanted to play, in front of the unusual visitor. However, Yukari was kinky, in short. Always tensed, and frustrated. Strange, and she was revealed as addicted. No choice at all. She is drunken, in short.

Every time, when she popps out, she is drunken. Thus, nodging toward Miyuki, as always, and for Alex, "Shoka, iko-iko" mode, at first, and with Alex's nasty remark, she turned to be satan.

鬼婆、Alex calls her, as usual. And HOSSO agreed in depth. 鬼婆 ir Satanic Old bitch, in short. In reality, the words for her!!!

Now, immediately! In front of me! No time for you! I don't want to spend any time for you, later! Only now! YUKARI was so in a haste. Hastings, was her name. Oh, Poirot?

Miyuki is ridiculously called her Broken Robbot, and Miyuki sang, "Cheer up, Robokon!" or "Beaton, my dearing!, the similar type Robbot training ANIMEs. YUKARI liked these Android or Robot type ANIMEs. Miyuki can sing the melodies, yes. And which is which? Robin-chan was for Robokon, while Beaton...Ummmmm...

Robin-chan, Miyuki remembers. Blond wig wearing baletina type android, as girlfriend of Robokon. Erroneous robots they were. Always failures and failures, however, they made effort to be better, not cold hearted selfish broken robots, they were. Just like not good at everything type pupils were their models, Miyuki thinks.

Takafumi liked it. However, not so much, erroneous! Forgetful, Miyuki and TOBE-SACHI were. Takafumi just didn't homework at all! Why Miyuki, you were so stupid to forget whole Randsel in your house? Why up to the begining of the first subject, you didn't recognize the absence of the Randsel?

Anyguy got in wonder of her intellectuality. Miyuki, "Oh, you don't? I did it. Thus, I am experient at this field. I am superior on this matter."

For others, shocking fact, however, for her, "I think some guys conceal the fact. I am just honest, while they are liars!" Takafumi says, "Not at all! We all really got shocked at her "Oh, probably, I forgot my Randsel on the back entrance of the house... I remember now that it was there...Thus...I need to pick it from there. Or, whole day long, no textbooks, no stationaries, no notebooks, and I would be get tired of this no no anything at all situation." Thus, even Kouichi YOSHIDA, the teacher responsible allowed her to go back to the house to pick it up.

Even for satans, astonishing fact...Up to this point, she was forgetful...

It happened in her 5th grade. Whole class got frozen. Exists? Exists...Unfortunately, Miyuki only...Oh, so???

Thus, Tales' tribe. Miyuki likes the story of him, on his falling into the ditch, during his satr gazing. Oh, this is phyllosopher, Miyuki really thought. Thus, I would be categorized as phyllosopher!

The same class. So so absorbed into something, thus, sometimes, "Oooops, I am...Oh, I passed my house, already..." happened. In her junior high, in the second grade, it happened. She was thinking of "True Man Show" like story, which had always been thought by her since she was infant. And when she recognized, Oh, I am already near the temple called Ryuuzou-ji. Ummmm...I passed already my house, however, anyway, on the same YAOYA-Chou block. I should turn now to the house...

It happens, Miyuki thought. My Uncle by Morio KITA and OCCHOKOCHOI by Inada NADA, are these types. Not attacker type, they were. And not rich. Always with several troubles. Why we fail so many times, as usual? They yell.

After recognition, we learn, by our own failures. Thus, Miyuki fails and fails, yes. Error and Trial, yes. Life is like that. Why not?

Thus, always informant, Miyuki is. She tries to be good and better, everyday. Thus, no man's land is near!!! Thus, planning and Be Pragmatist! Thus, Snow Protection, in the haste mode!!!

Tomorrow would be fine to experiment frost mode...Oh, my team members can put up with??? They should do it. Pathes are OK, and pots...Should be! Miyuki would peel the cover later, probably. With soil, OK, however, without soil, not at all! However, with nucleo of apple? Probably OK, and some twiggs, recently cut? They can survive, and can keep wetness, anyway. Anyway, strength for the green houses!!!! Thus, Miyuki should gain vinil tapes, more and more!!! OK, I will work for it, also!!!! Thus, see you tomorrow! VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly satans!!! You are always revealing your own dirty legs!!!! Go directly to INFERNO!!!

Thus, good night, Rightous Brothers! From Uncle Miyuki, and her supportets, Cyborg 009, with Big Big LOVE!!!

And today, whole day long, Clare was obliged to attand YUKARI, and Alex got so tired of his performance at Business school. Thus, to feel relax, he needs to hug his Tag-chan, Linus blancket, in short.

Thus, anway, he got relieaved, yes. Double, triple punched from the Alzheimer Twins. They are completely replaced by other satans, yes, and they want to attack us all, as they like, even now. Whole day, YUKARI wanted to kill Miyuki only, however, Miyuki is protected by us all, thus, YUKARI can't attack her at all, thus, YUKARI is in frustration.

YUKARI tried to teach cramschool study toward Clare, and Clare thought that YUKARI herself should enter into junior high again. And YUKARI agreed to do so, in the near future. Shirakawans would learn at junior highs, to cover their lack of knowledge on cramschool studies. No use, at all, however, they like to attack on others, thus, just to vanish, YUKARI is in, Clare spelled. Why YUKARI tries to attack us all? Just washing dirty clothings is so so easy task, and Miyuki would offer the better job, instead of her, as service, at the cost of staying in the office.

Miyuki herself wants to move toward more suitable site, like Alno Hill or HANNOKI-DAIRA. For fruits caltivation, along ABUKUMA river, north side of the river, would be ideal, and for the main site of her caltivating job.

YAOYA-Cho site would be just farming, would be fine. Vegitable cultivation for us all. Variety of vegitables, including roots type, potatoes and so on. And variety of rices and wheats, in a small patch, each. No rice fields, except YAOYA-Cho zone. Out of this small circle of the center of the village, all forests or mountains. Agreed.

In the forests, Miyuki caltivates or rather, assists the reproduction of the plants, in case of necessity. Natural producing is prefereble, however, sometimes, the time gap exists. For example, bees are not arriving yet, however, apples are blooming. Thus, in this precarious period, Miyuki sould play the role of Apple Fairy, or Pare Fairy. Little kid like cute clothings, she should wear! Kate Greenaway like old fashioned type wearing. OK, the green clothing, like, "Jack with Big Pea Trees". Peter Pan type! Mary-Lin would be fine to wear Tinker Bell, and Shirakawans should know their limit.

Today, Miyuki is talkative in the courtyard, as always. She told her stories as always, especially FUNATO's change from slow dumb assiatant to hyper idiot associate professor at Tokyo Versity, and so on. And Shirakawans adored the stories. Anyway, she can speak, and she doesn't want to speak to any guy of Shirakawa at all1!!

IWANAGA-HIME or Princess Rock, is the symbol of Japanese Emperial Family. Princess KONOHANA-SAKUYA or Tree Frowers are now Blooming, is enough for us all!!! Long life, and with pretty face! Yes, only several weeks, her flowers appear, however, each season, she produces beauriful sceneries, like green leaves period, fruit producing days, twig appreciation season and so on. Marilyn Monroe, as Rose at the corner of the Big Cross. Why we need "Just staying" type BUSU princess?

Robust, at first, this BUSU princess, however, now she is feeble. Good Grief. Miyuki prefers to be better in every meaning, and now, with Shirakawans, no necessity to be so. Thus, storm passed type hair, and not pretty wearings at all. She is prohibitted to use washing machine and veranda, and her clothings are almost all left in the main house. How she can wear in the neat mode? She feels cold, these days. However, if Miyuki enters into the main house, the Alzheimer Twins start to attack her objects in the office, because for them, entering into the main house is already intrusion into their wonderland, and Miyuki should be punished, because of her audacious illegal attacking.

Thus, no reason to live with them at all. Miyuki just wants to move from the main house, however, so many belongings are left there. Miyuki wants to retreave all of them!

YUKARI passes almost whole day in Clare's chamber today, and she returns to speel in the bed in her own chamber. Skewed, YUKARI's mind is, thus, for YUKARI, I have right to do so. Thus, with sun room type, she would be fine to stay, of course! For Miyuki, outside, and safe sleeping room, combined with her kitchen working, and receiving visitors. Outside, especially, under the blue sky! Thus, vast place, she needs to use. And her ligitimate kids are increasing so many. And Miyuki continues to her farming jobs, yes!

Citrus fruits are not good in this season. However, with some protection, they can survive. Thus, especially for them, the Pyramids were made, yes. However, for others, as much as possible, she would provide winter palaces for them, despite of the messy plastic materials.

Need to trim well the plastics. Anyway, heavy snow should attack them several times during winter. Thus, more and more protection for the two pyramids. Inclination is important, of course, and protection would be perfect. Thus, more and more vinil pacs, she needs. Fat type would be fine, however, she doesn't want to increase so nasty smelly materials, in the courtyard. Thus, as much as possible, less costive, and lot of plastics, yes!!!

Snow should be provided by her care, yes. In several times, during snowy days and nights, she would wipe the snow, all, yes. Thus, some brush like things or clothings or some suitable materials would be fine. Shovels would be heavier for them both. Thus, just a slight tap would be fine. And nasty wind, Miyuki would straggle against.

Anyway, strength, and more and more celotapes. Thus, she needs to buy several more tapes. And vinil cloth is expensive! She wants to gain for free, however...

Thus, a precarious use, tape with X marks, Miyuki decided. HASUKAI or 斜交い, in Archtectural term.

Snow is neavy, and the pyramids should be strong. And no choice for us all! Snow season is near! Protect your own goods, and russelling job should be provided by Miyuki only. OK, agreed.

For Miyuki, after 20 minutes, hot amusing jobs, with suitable long boots. And HARUMI would try to sell her faked kindness, when Miyuki uses the sky blue & yellow boots. She started to gain so much interest at her giving the boots to Miyuki. Miyuki didn't know that HARUMI was so earger to gain profit to force Miyuki to use some cheapish things, which were given by HARUMI. For Miyuki, anti-fashionable, however, anyway, can use, type. It costed only US$3. However, HARUMI tried to attack Miyuki's precious objects, during Miyuki's absence in the office, thinking that they were belonging to HARUMI.

Skewed illusion, however, for HARUMI, family should contribute to her, without reason. Thus, HARUMI is so monstrous to gain profit after giving something to others. Thus, Alex is now in pinch! He is now required to pay for US$1 sweets from Harumi. Alex refused to pay money for it, and the result? She tried to give them to Alex, however, put, "under the condition that you can allow us to all of your property", as usual.

For HARUMI's side, grand kids should pay toward gramma, of course! And Alex started to yell help to others. "I don't want to have your sweets, anymore, Gramma. Your sweets are so so expensive, and I don't want to eat any of your US$1 sweets. It's for Auntie, only, not for me!

Thus, old lady type, in short. They prohibitted to say, "Old ladies", thus, Alex used the replacement, "Aunties".

Miyuki, after her Pyramid making, went to make a short trip to do errand. At Washio, Miyuki bought a cup of sour cream, at US$1.5, and the shopkeeper treated the sourcream as if it were icecream, and put on it a plastic spoon.

No knowledge on the food, on the side of the shopkeeper, confirmed.

And she bought a plastic collective plant