Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (310)

2017-11-21 22:44:27 | 日記
-at 22:55

DADAmerdas invided Japan, in short, and it was not informed at all. Thus, we perceived from clues which we had gained by our team mates, and sometimes, by DADAmerdas yes.

So cheapish, and miserable, for us all, their way of life is! And Fass, they were revealed. HARUMI counterattacked us, as Semi-Goddess in rage, this evening, taking advantage of YUKARI's sbsence in the main house. She came to claim Miyuki's wrongdoings from the begining of her birth. Oh, repetition! And Clare deeply sighed. Alex got astonished. HARUMI said, "I should have killed her, when she was in my belly. I failed, thus, we need to learn more and more on her life." ???

For Miyuki, ???, and the kids got apalled. Again, Gramma! Alzheimer disease, confirmed.

Alex and Clare got to suffer so much. Indemnization, they require, vastly. Yes, of course! And she is hired by the enemy, from the begining, yes. Anti-humanistic, they all thought. And Miyuki, thus, got to be lucky guy, as counterattacking.

The goddess of fortune asked Miyuki, which do you prefer, gold, silver, copper oxes? And Miyuki, responded, in her quick ability, "Oh, all, Goddess! I want to have all!".

The Goddess asked her previously, "Which ox, did you drop? Steel, gold, silver, copper, platinum, and so on." Thus, Miyuki responded, "Yes, common one. Thus, steel, probably." Thus, the Goddess praised Miyuki so much, because of her honesty. Thus, as reward, she asked to her like above. Thus, Miyuki, with her greediness, she replied like that above.

The Goddess smiled, and gave her all...Anyway, honesty, and she is so greedy. Better than liars. Thus, only stupid guys gain so many rewards, is the proverb.

正直は三文の得. Honesty induces richness. Thus, any guys whould be honest to be richer!

However, DADAmerdas and IKKYO believers chose differently. Thus, just punishment, they gained. Miyuki thinks that the Goddess gave the rewards because of her honesty, not of her quickness. And she allowed Miyuki to be earger to have whole!!!

欲深、欲深, she was yelled by satanic side. However, we have big dreams, yes. Thus, just ambitious, we should say on the matter. Greedy, yes. However, harmless type. Incentive. Stimulous trigger. They are all the same. To gain rewards, more and more.

Thus, Miyuki felt that she gained hight, in reality now. The sticks looked so high, however, when she stands beside, not so much.

Yesterday, she bought a bunch of 10 sticks of 1.8m, and they are not sufficient for the purpose. Thus, a kind of guideline use, Miyuki thought. And she would put steel sticks, in the pibots of Forever Green Fort, she decided. Thus, more and more deep digging would be necessity for the heavy steal. And She would be fine to do it. One stick per day, would be fine. And at first, guidelines would be put, and then, after deepthening the hole, she would put. Deeper, the better, to avoid nasty disaster, caused by falling of heavy steel stick.

Thus, more and more digging, she would do. It would be better to know the soil, and the history of the family. Oh, coins! Of hot water! SPA, she would gain!!!

At least, 20cm would be fine for the actual sticks. However, she can't stand inside the fort. She wants to do preach among her soldiers, every morning, in the fort. However, with so modest pose...Thus, just like service handy man, she would be impressed by others, in the fort...

Easy, however, not sufficiently high. Thus, precarious Green Fort, she plans now. Thus, only 10 sticks would be fine, in this precarious period. and then, each year, deepthen the hole, and put iron poles in deapth.

Thus, servicer pose, to ask her soldiers, "Do you have any problem? Oh, lemmon! You want to be furnished more by warmer cloghing protections. OK, I will provide you more thick cover!" Like attitude would be liked.

At the same time, she can write some letters or do craftwark, at the table and on the chair inside the Fort. Good to feel how the plants in the Fort, in this winter.

Zugspisch Mountain like coolishness, probably. Not warm, however, not so cold like in the office room.

Strangely to say, this office is so so cold, especially, Miyuki's side and the bath room. She put so many bed clothings, however, needs more and more protection against coldness.

and Miyuki wants to do her DIY job to avoid coldness in the bath room. It's difficult to wash her body outside the bath tab. Why so cold?

Window should be protected by special material, in case of taking a bath and boiling water. Energy stealing was done up to the point. Thus, wamth, we should be provided by satanic team!!! Cold cold days in Shirakawa, they planed, and did in this line. And the reward? No Man's Land. Cold hearted ladies, with shemes. Senseless, in short. In case of their rage, they spoke on us all to the police, directly. They sold out precious life to the organization with guns. Thus, No Man's Land.

ETE HARUMI, we all yelled. She thinks that she were not so ugly, however, for us all, so ugly bitch! She would be ashamed by her own ugliness!!!

Just disturbance was fine for the Alzheimer ladies. No recognition ability at all. Thus, Miyuki is nasty, only. Yes, nasty. Thus, HARUMI and YUKARI, you shall die, immediately!

Max coldness, they requested, and they gained. And strong wind wiped their nasty snow clouds. Russell job, would be fine, however, for farmers, protection against coldness is so so important. Russelling on the road is the second matter. However, HARUMI and YUKARI obliged to do so, without necessity. Always, the others are their liking guys. Families, should be contempted as much as possible, because they are so nasty, the Alzheimer Twins thought like that.

No choice for them all. Don't disturb us, at all!, they were requested, and they couldn't. Just feeble minded guys, for us all, however, how nasty they were. We got to know the fact...Alex found a paper, on which, YUKARI wrote in the correct way, "I, Dr.Miyuki SATOW, would commit suicide. Thus, please kill me!" Easy way to fake suicide. YUKARI did her final forgery, and got tired. Thus, No Man's Land, in the end.

YUKARI is so nasty, however, Miyuki doesn't do forgery at all! No value at all, the guy is! My precious writing ability is to enjoy our beautiful life, not to make others unhappy. And for satans, not forgery. Just punishing, it is called. Thus, "Yukari KOISO, ex-Yukari SATO, would be killed emmediately, all in a body! Never return, the Alzheimer Queens! You are so ugly, nasty, dirty bitches!!!

Miyuki, when she was washing the vegitables yesterday, found two green Uroboros nasty worms in the dish. It popped out from some where, and they shrank, immediately. When they were recognized to be satans, they shrank. The shrinkage is the proof of satanic existance. HARUMI and YUKARI shrank so much. Thus, they were confirmed as satans, yes.

Almost 3 years ago, Miyuki recognized that HARUMI shrank so much. Just like tiny guy, Miyuki perceived. And YUKARI, also confessed that she shrank at 3cm, to the kids. "Because I am a diligent worker" was YUKARI's explanation. How nasty, Miyuki thoguht.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (309)

2017-11-21 18:07:20 | 日記
21/11/2017, Tuesday, cold and fine, while day long, sometimes, strongly windy

-at 18:08 Miyuki writes:

Miyuki did her digging job today. Only one hole and a half, she digged, and she got to know that the 1.8m sticks are too short for her standing job. She buried almost 20cm, and thus, she couldn't work in the future Green Fort with her standing pose.

Thus, Miyuki chose so so correctly. She would buy the steel sticks at US$2 per each, in several crutial holes, and the rest, cheaper plastic sticks would be used. And she would take advantage of the inclinarion to put the plastic paper roof on the sticks and the wall. More broader than she thought, the patches are, is the reason.

And Big Hit clue, she found. A tyny glass bottle, with broken part, and it was produced in some not so industrialized country or at the period of not so industrialized, namely, in primitive industrial age of each case.

She found almost 10 cm at deapth, near the back house, in the south courtyard. There, an old abandoned hut, long from east to west type existed. It was broken, when ONOZAKI house was taken in two days. And it was surrounded by so many relatively big pebbles. It was buried, and could be kept the appearance, in a whole body, relatively.

It has measuring marks for medical use. However, so big for Japanese medical injuction standard. And on the bottom, the number "20" was put to identify the glass product. Narrow neck type, and no tap. It was filled with soil, and the soil was taken after Miyuki's water flushing, however, some small amount of soil was so sticky in the bottle, and Miyuki couldn't take it. Probably some ingredient caused stickyness, and it was left in the bottle, in the horizontal way, and got combind with soil, and the situation was kept for almost 10 years.

ONOZAKI house's residue, or, some another crime's proof, in the earier time. Miyuki presumed that it is the bottle for animal killing for domestic animals, and it was easily abused in Shirakawa. The guys used it to kill human beings, and after killing the targetted guy with the poison, it was left in the site of the hut, unconsciously, and some guy mixed with stones, and at the moment of attaking of ONOZAKI house, the bottle was buried under the soil, with the hut.

Not completely inductrized country's product, because on the glass bottle, the surfice is inclined evidently. In the process, some manual force was put for the production. And the font of "20" is old type. Thus, 100 years earlier, it happened, or 10 years ago, the case was done with the guys from North Korea.

Animal farm related would be the candidates of the wrongdoers. The artificially inclined to get animals to drink the poison. The inclination causes heavy part of the bottle, and in the certain point, it stopped rolling.And exactly, the number 20 disctiprion is able to read in the totally correctway with this stopping pose. Intentionally, it is inclined. Thus, upper part was broken by the weight of the object, mainly soil, which were put on. And no pieces of broken glass near the site. Already spread, the part was, before the 10 years ago case. Some guy, concealed it in the hut, after breaking, and buried it with stones.

During Miyuki's digging of this bottle, HARUMI approached to the courtyard, however, when she recoginzed Miyuki, she refrained from the site. Is she related with the case, personally?

Miyuki remembered that HARUMI kept two brown tiny bottles of KINOHORM, the pain killer, which causes skewed shape of body on fetus, and its death, on behalf of the old needles' keeping in the ssewing set. HARUMI likes to keep bottles, even after being empty, yes. Some collection, in her case. Now, she has no such a custom, or rather, likes to abandon all of these trash to contribute for SANKIN.

Medical use only type, and in the early stage of industrization, it was produced. Mass Production age, HARUMI came to Shirakawa. Thus, older then HARUMI's age, the guy encountered with the breaking the bottle case.

Plastic white caps, the KINOHORM bottles had, yes. In this bottle, putting cork or rubber type, no screw type. Thus, more scientist type, it used before. The same effect to kill fatus of some guys? Some professional came to the house, in short, and used it, and then, they abandoned it, and buried it. Probably, residents near here concealed it in the abandoned hut, taking advantage of the existance. It was so easy to put it in the abandoned it, because no rope gate system was adopted. Some wringdoing medical staff abandoned it, taking advantage of the location of the hut. Beside public school Shirakawa III, and on the back of ONOZAKI house. It was difficult to find the bottle there. No guy wants to touch the old so dirty hut, they thought.

And Miyuki recognized that on the bottle, the thick root of GOYOU TSUTSUJI, a precious slender white cherry like brossom type flower floureshed in their hay day. It came after the ONOZAKI incidence. It coincided the locations of each.

Probably, even after cutting the beautiful big tree, the roots remained so strong, thus, it sustained the soil so much, thus, the bottle was kept untouched. Thus, Miyuki could find the proof of some killing case. And Miyuki apporogized to the root, by having damage a bit, touching with the Japanese shovel.

Yesterday, Miyuki found that the common type scoop was concealed by some guy, and today, also, no scoop type at all. Thus, Miyuki was obliged to use the Japanese small shovel, instead. Probably, HARUMI took it to disturb Miyuki's working.

Now, HARUMI is in rage against Miyuki's side. Because she locked out HARUMI, in front of HARUMI's nose. HARUMI dashed into the office, when Miyuki was in the corredor, and it happened twice, today, coincidently.

In both cases, HARUMI, felt Miyuki's existance in the corredor, refrained from enter into the office, for several second.

Thus, at first time, Miyuki tried to lock the door, however, HARUMI opened it before Miyuki's attmpt, thus, MIYUKI couldn't lock it, unfortunately.

Later, at the second, Miyuki could lock the door of the office from the inside, and HARUMI got in rage, and unlocked with the key, and entered into the office.

HARUMI's face is so ugly now. Miyuki nicknamed her already ETE, and now, the second meaning of it. Extra Terrestre of Evilness. Satans, she belongs to, it means!!!

Not only cheapish mad monky called ETE-KOU in Japanese, worldwidely, she is ETE! Thus, famous old bug in the universe!!!

Chinkoro would admire Miyuki's audacious contemptious work against ETE HARUMI. For CHINKORO, the parents or ancestors should respect, in any case, thus, too too nasty result happens, sometimes. However, MIYUKI yells easily, "Go to INFERNO!" to her own mother, from the bottom of her heart. Too too rare in his tribe.

In Japan, not so rare, CHINKORO. So many guys yell like that. Alex and Clare yell to Miyuki, in the same way. A kind of gas ejection process to put up with the evil situation. No respect at all toward adults, it means.

HARUMI's face is so ugly, in short, for Miyuki. Punishable, because of Public Nusance for us all!!! And so many times, HARUMI popped out in Miyuki's crutial moment today.

And YUKARI came so many times to do her useless washing job. Today, so few clothings were left for washing, and it is so cold. However, YUKARI collected the clothings unnecessarily from the kids' chambers, and washed without necessity. She wanted to provide high value service for the kids, she explained. And the kids, smiled in the sly way. Yes, you are. Maid play, you love to do, Stupid Auntie!

Thus, just bringing something is her choice. Errand is bringing, not calculation included. Cooking is mish-mash only. Cleaning is total abandon, in short. Oil supply, when she is in good mood. Superb, in short, in her subjective way.

YUKARI participated in the satanic female domestic team, however, she couldn't attend the visitors, thus, she was desqualified. Thus, she was handed the poison to be killed, immediately. However, for her selfish understanding, MIYUKI would be killed, not she. Thus, she put the medicine a bit a bit on Miyuki's DANGO and so on. And now, she recognized that the lack of quantity causes no use for commiting suicide. Thus, she would be killed, of course, by total vanishing.

Mozaic, we all prefer. And for the two, yes. Public would be fine for our memory. Thus, they should be videotaped their whole life, in nakid.

What they did during their lives? Just watching TV and peeping others, in short. Rice eating so much, also. And they required so much, without working at all!!!

They insisted to do their best effort, in every moment, however, we don't calculate their subjective remarks at all. So selfish, and even now, they try to reduce our happiness, in every moment!!!

This afternoon, Miyuki watched a silver light van with the discription of 宇都宮動物園 or Zoo in UTSUNOMIYA came to the parking lots of Shirakawa III, and a young SARUSHI male popped out from the van. With fat hip, he walked. His body was rather slender, however, his hip was fat. Feminine, Miyuki got impressed. And remembered Yutaka HOSHINO, a rapist no.1 in the graduate school days in Miyuki, NOMURA and NOZAKI.

He always wore SARUSHI, cheapish navy blue type, as his uniform, and it was so worn out, and it got glittering because of worn out situation. Any SARUSHI lovers should avoid this situation, any book of mode for conservative type says, and Miyuki, as much as possible, tried to avoid this situation, despite of her poverty.

His body was skewed. Big head, plump, shorter than averege, and short legs with inward inclination. Not attractive at all, however, he himself considered that he were popular among girls!!!

And he came to attack any of these female targetted students. Miyuki was caught several times, when Miyuki was working as substitute of security service for the library of Faculty of Law with WATANABE, a country boy from OKAYAMA, who intended to be lawyer, and was son of a local prefectural politician. Frank, and not so quick, however, understandable, his explanations were. Human like guy, Miyuki categorized. He targetted his class mate, a cute squearl like girl student, who wanted to be a lawyer also, and induced her to do fishing with him, and gained a big success. "Oh, good! You did it! Big Gun!", Miyuki celebrated them as common guy.

HOSHIHO sometimes showed his contemption against others. And the second worst scene was as followed:

He told the tradition of the second intimate party of wedding couple. Only closest friends type. One male guy, arranged so variety of flascos, glass tubes, in front of the bride, and forced her to smell each, and to choose the correct tube, saying, "Among these sperm put bottles, only one is your husband's. Which is it?"

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....type disctiption on the party. According to HASHINO, it is so common among them. What kind of group, he belongs to?, Miyuki got in wonder, however, she was working as part-time worker, thus, she refrained from commenting anything, and waited him to vanish.

After his vanishing, WATANABE expressed his nausia against his attitude, "Is he the worst guy, isn't it?", and Miyuki kept to comment on him, at all.

Even male common guys, he was nasty, in short. Too too dirty stories, he provided in front of us, two.

Another episode, also, disliked by both of us was as follows:

He praised that he was paid by his precious expensive dinner by Moon Seng Ming' group. Intentionally, he got trapped, and the group paid, and he escaped to be the member of them. Thus, "I am so strong and skillful!", he praised himself, at that moment.

Oh, even now, exist recruiters of United Church, Miyuki got in wonder.

And later, in the Kyorin campus, she was suggested the existance of the group. Gospel or Sport or Volunteering, they pretended, and approached to the pupils. SEYA was trapped several times, and once he participated in volley ball game, and then, the group quitted to approach him, thus, he escaped from the worst disaster, anyway.

He was responsible, according to Miyuki's qualification. Reliable, compared with others, yes. At appearance, already TOHOHO type. And he was cut his appentif intestine twice, in his locality, and in HACHIOJI. He came from IBARAGUI, and he played Ping-Pong, or table tennis. He claimed so many times, "Oh, Prof, I feel I am reducing my intelectuality gradually here. After entering to the versity, I got more and more stupid!" to Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki consoled him, like that. "ME, also. My highest intellectuality age was 17, and then, degraded a bit. Thus, I am now trying to regain the intellectuality again. You are normal, SEYA. Probably, university would cause your degradation...try not to be a dumb, anyway."

Deeply impressed, SEYA says. So so common among us. Thus, he should have run away from Kyorin versity, as soon as possible, yes. However...anyway, could survive. Convenience store like matching com. Business he started. And Miyuki, oh handy man business, you chose. Me too, in this case, also.

Stupid, Miyuki thought. After 4 years of versity degree gaining process, he couldn't gain any position in Tokyo. Miyuki said that "Be ambitious, SEYA! Some guy would understand your real quality! Thus, anyway try!"

And he, returned to his local residence, and started to assist his families. He admired his sister because of her total victory of Othero game or REVERSI. Oh, she won againt me, in the perfect game! Thus, he lost, in short, it means. However, anyway, he contributed her perfect victory, thus, only choice is applause her triumph. Miyuki said, "Yes, guy! This is human being."

TOHOHO, from the begining. And why he entered into this goddamnit versity? Because his teacher responsible recommended it. Just it. Unfortunately, he recommended. No choice, for his side. And he came...and failed to accomplish his dream...anyway, he could survive...

When Miyuki says, "Oh, you are so responsible, thus, you should be hired by some good company!", with her positive yell, the targetted guy loses the chance. Strange fenomenum called "Miyuki is not furtune teller. Rather, unfortune teller, despite of her cheerful yell", all of satans think so deeply.

Always, at Supermarkets, some guys touch her, pretending as if the slight crash were not intentional. And they say, "Excuse me!", thus, Miyuki says, as always, "Not at all! Go directly to INFERNO! Stupid! Idiot! BUSU! Die for now!", in her in rage mode.

Why we should be isolated so much?, Alex asked to Clare. And she replied like that: "Because we are rare guys in this world. All TOHOHO army, we are in. The rest, all satanic team members. Thus, isolation means not so bad. We are at least in Rightous Brothers' assistents."

Thus, so so troublesome, everyday. Why they oblige us to do some strange habit, according to their line?, Clare asked to her grand father. and the response, because they are all Alzheimers.

Miyuki thinks that they forget everything so easily, thus, each day, their standard changes. Now, just attacking others is their job. Thus, just searching others' slightest errors, whole day long. Their own big errors were already forgotten. Thus, any guys don't feel any pain in their hearts at all. Thus, even the extreme proofs of the wrongdoings would not be effective at all. Thus, Flasco turned into Fiasco, Big Disaster!!!

They feel some nasty sensation among their primitive brain substitute function. And the flasco glass was nothing for both of them. ONOZAKI family obliged her to take it, was their explanation. Poison for suicide, in short.

Mini bottle, and the inclination would be for the last resort. Whole should be taken, without any drop rest.

And now, Miyuki found a mark of allow on the bottom. Just in the horizontally right from the figure "20", the mark is put. Just on the countrary to the measure lines, it was put. Probably, in the dark place, to feel the correct position by finger touch. Well calculated just for the last resort. So called "Collection of North Korean's final resort".

A kind of total vanishing substitute. For them, living long would cause problem so much. Skin bag should be young and attractive. Thus, ugly bitches should be killed by their own poison.

The flasco was provided by some North Korean guys, and the targetted guys should take it, without any explanation, after they were gaining it.

White plump hand lady handed some envelope to YUKARI, through the double windows in the office, last winter. And any of satanic twins did commit suicide at all. Rather, they trapped us all, and tortured us all.

These guys are the real betrayers. They wanted to take advantage of their so so arrogant shameless choice. They trapped us all, however, they don't want to commit suicide. Thus, just total vanishing, only!!!

Miyuki now is making KARIN or Marmelo sugar soaked sylop. She

YUKARI preached so much today in the office room to Alex. All of her preaches turned in vain. So so ridiculous, and childish. These are her preaches:

Sketch A
YUKARI : You should brush your teeth. Or All of the effort of the medical treatment would turn in vain.

Sketch B
Alex: Where did you buy the frozen package, at Banimaru?
YUKARI: No, at Beisia. I made an errand today there.
Alex: Why at Beisia?
YUKARI : Because it was so much cheaper than at others, in Beisia.
Alex: How much the difference of money between at Beisia and at Benimaru?
YUKARI:....(refraining from expressing) Probably 20 cents, per each.
Alex: Oh, so much? More than 10 cents' difference per each package causes big difference at total!
YUKARI:...Not at common price. Just discount price, Beisia provides us under 20 cents per each.

Sketch C
YUKARI: Didn't you eat this egg dish, did you? Why?
Alex: Because it is salty.
YUKARI: Are you all right not to eat it?
Alex keeps silent.

Sketch D
YUKARI: Alex, you should hand me Mayonase tube now!
Alex: Wait a minute, I want to use it to put in the dish.
YUKARI: Alex, eat all the dishes right now! I need to go back with the mayonase tube! Mayonaise should not be warmed up in the room with the heater, at all!
Alex: Wait only for 30 seconds!
[Then, Alex ate it in 30 seconds, exactly. Disastrous, however, better to be accused more beside me, by Auntie!]

Sketch E
[Alex called to YUKARI in the main house from the office room on the phone]
Alex:Please bring me something to drink, Auntie!
[Then, YUKARI appeared, reluctantly in the office]
YUKARI: Alex, you should not use the oil heater. It is empty.
Alex: Then, put the oil in the heater, please, Auntie!
YUKARI: You are allowed to use the petroleum for your study in the office room, not for your watching TV nor playing games. You should study hard, stupid boy!
Alex: Oh, I need to download DOUBUTSU-no-MORI now. It's important for me.
YUKARI: Study, Alex!
Alex: I will study after my downloading job. Prepare the oil heating system, please, Auntie!
YUKARI: For study. OK, I will prepare it.
[Then, YUKARI, reluctantly, put petroleum into the oil heater's tank, and brought it into the office. She lit the fire, and she stayed beside Alex for 15 minutes, without doing anything, and then, she started to ask on his dinner request.]
YUKARI: Now it's almost 21:00. What do you want to eat for dinner? We have variety of ideas for today's dinner.
[Alex said something. Yukari said something. Miyuki was absorbing in her KARIN cuttin job, and she found that KARIN fruit is so hard, thus, she couldn't listen to their unusual conversation during her concentrated job.]
YUKARI: HARUMI bought so many frozen dishes. You can choose as you like, Alex!
Alex: Thus, the most delicious dishs please!
[YUKARI, with some mourmour, came back to the main house, and after 30 minutes, she came back with something edible in a tray to the office room to feed Alex.]
Alex: Oh, I prefer Baisia's frozen XXX dish, because it is so good for lunch box! This is not the product. However, edible, anyway.
YUKARI: Yes, we have sufficient variety of frozen dishes! We are good cooks!

For us, laughing torture, YUKARI's ridiculous remarks. For her, seriously she ejects her own feeling like that. For the two Alzheimers, frozen dishes are so so precious treatment for the kids. For the kids, Good grief, better than poison!!!

YUKARI obliged Alex to eat so fast, because of not damaging the mayonaise! YUKARI protects Mayonaise rather than Alex's healthy body. Their ordinal days are like that!!!

日常 or NICHIJOU, Alex watches often. TV ANIME series, and for Miyuki, Oh, our every day life is more and more ridiculous gags, rather than this NIHIJOU ANIME. Non stopping Bla-Bla-Bla, today, YUKARI showed in front of Alex, and Miyuki felt so so strong LSD smell, in the washing room in the evening.

Addictive, and she likes to preach to the kids, after taking LSD. Maniac, she is. And showed how she is so stupid idiot! Consecutive laughing sketches, their conversations are! NICHIJOU is so so simplest pattern. Just exaggaration of every day's life. And in Shirakawa, every day's life is already so so exaggarated, thus, no necessary to put extra for accomplishing gags!!!

They lived like that. As they liked, and they failed. In the last remarks, probably. They wanted to impress us with their stupidity, probably. Mad Dog and her tamer, YUKARI and HARUMI were. and now, they both are prisoners in Shirakawa, again and again.

Today, at Shibuki' side, several times, Miyuki heard the voice of a male. In the morning, she got chilled in the toilet at the voice, so near to her, while in the afternoon, the same voice, she heard from the SHIBUKI's side.

Thus, she dashed into the site, and took the picture. A male in worker uniform was taking petroleum from the tank of Sato Family, pretending to pour into SHIBUKI's contener. However, already Miyuki knows that SHIBUKI has no tank in the same site, between Sato Family and SHIBUKI.

Thus, stealing job, they did. And SHIBUKI stole oil and electricity to sell to others.

And this job was so so common in every towns and villages in Japan, in short. The electric companies were allowed to buy electricity, and IKKYO believers sold it, after stealing it from others. Any enegy was stolen like that!!!

Terrible liberalization of basic products in Japan. It was for IKKYO believers' stealing jobs!!!