Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (284)

2017-11-07 19:11:29 | 日記
07/11/2017, Tuesday, 19:12, warm, fine, sun shining blue sky

Miyuki accomplished two Pyramids, Gize and Khufu, today! She started to use them as Super Protection for her team mates Abocados and Lemons, and Olives, apples, chestnuts, and so on! Now, only tree shoots type in each Palace against coldness. Not so difficult, however, not so sufficiently strong, is Miyuki's impression. However, as soon as possible, Miyuki wanted to move them, to observe the promise. Probably, they are warm and wet, thus, semi-tropical paradise, with a bit smell of plastic sacs. Thus, good for tropical and semi-tropical types.

She found that she lost so many kiwi patch friends, today. They got chilled by some shocking disaster. And she found the reason. Under the reeds curtains, which Miyuki used as floor mats, so many snags were there!!! The biggest one had the length of 8cm, and so so fat and hard. It was killed, so hard. However, Miyuki could kill it completely! So persistent, as if it were hard rubber or so!

And another two snags, rather smaller ones, she killed also! Terrible nasty indulged fat guys they were. They should not have existed, however, they came!

Anyway, we killed them, and the rest, if they popped out, Miyuki would kill, as soon as possible!!!

Nasty with touching, however, without touching, she is likely to kill the snags easily! No touching is enough for her!

She dried up the biggest floor mats for the two pyramids, and now, the pyramids are in rage???

Miyuki is out of mind. Not against her. She did well, however, the Shirakawa III related want to steal them both. For their home, they thought. Do your robbery job at Home Centers! You can gain the materials, easily, and would be able to vanish smoothly! VANISH! DDMs!!!

The tiny pots were put in the same places on another new smaller reeds cartains. Not so good as before, however, anyway, clean, rather than the previous ones. Dangerously big snags, they turned. Monstrous! And the biggest did shit, during Miyuki's carring it to the execution site in Shirakawa III parking lots.

Dirty nasty drops, it put down. And it was so so resistent to be killed. HARUMI like existance, Miyuki really thought of.

This afternoon, she did one of the worst wrongdoing, this year. When Miyuki came back from the south courtyard, Miyuki found a back of figure in working uniform for pysical workers, whitish one, and it vanished near the north courtyard beside SHIBUKI. Miyuki tried to check the identity of this existance.

Immediately, HARUMI popped out from the ally between KOJIMA and the office, and scolded Miyuki, in her harshest way, "He is a pysical worker. He came to repair the bath, you stupid!" Thus, Miyuki got chilled. Bath is all OK, and no problem at all. Incapable HARUMI wanted to protect the thieve, Miyuki thought. Thus, Miyuki dashed to take the picture of his face, and she could do it. Appalled face, in the most vacant expression, this short body with flat face type showed. So stupid idiot, he is! Alzheimer figure, of course!

And HARUMI yelled, "Oh, Mr.NISHIMAKI, please continue to do your work!" Thus, Miyuki felt necessity to behave correctly. She dashed into the bath room, and closed the window, and locked the door of the office. And she got relieved, drinking her cafe au lait. She did it, singing the song of "Absolutely Alzheimer patients!" in the melody of Jetter Mars, and "Chishou, Chishou, Ninchi-shou!" in the melody of Funicri Funicla, in a loud voice.

HARUMI soon came to claim her locking the door and the window, knocking the door, in rough sound. She said to so called Mr.Nishimaki, "Oh, my daughter likes to take pictures, sorry, her hobby!"

Both Alzheimers, yes. And this old guy came to invade our territory, however, HARUMI treated him as if a ligitimate worker. No previous information at all, and she thought so, and she protected him, and accused Miyuki.

Always, she is in favour of satanic males. Thieves, they are, however, for HARUMI, they are likable kind guys.

Miyuki accused the both, saying, "Both Alzheimers, thus, your contract is entirely inneffective. Thus, the payment should not be required at all. After the service, just the worker would be ignored the money requirement.

Thus, so called NISHIMAKI vanished immediately. Miyuki decided to get out to avoid nasty result. And she found a light track on the parking lot of the office, with the discription of 西牧設備工業株式会社  or NISHIMAKI Equipment Company. Oh, the rotten killer company beside the supermarket WASHIO! And it was entirely just superficial type!

And Miyuki remembered Hiroto NISHIMAKI, ex-Testacles Pet in Shirakawa III. Is it he? So old, however, flat face, yes, and short, also. One year older than Miyuki, yes. However, for Miyuki, with 70 years old or so, and his vague gaze expressed that he is the real Alzheimer.

Miyuki took two pictures on the car. NISHIMAKI was not near the car.

Miyuki, yesterday, found that two plastic tubes in the bin in the office room, near Alex's desk side. What is it? Air conditioner's tube? And why they are in the bin? Unusual. Plastic material trash should be throwen in the different site. Some Alzheimer patient put them in this bin.

And today, also, she found a pair of blue winter type slippers, under the piano, near Miyuki's space in the office room. For some male, Miyuki perceived.

And she, this morning, found some strange brownish dust on the floor of the toilet, when she was wiping the toilet. And she recognized that some guy really entered into the toilet, with his dusty shoes.

Probably, HARUMI's Alzheimer suffering is registered at some sites, like the police stations, supermarkets, public facilities and so on, and the satans came to attack Sato family, taking advantage of her brainless condition. They came to steal Miyuki's objects, and vanished immediately. Thus, the blue slippers were put near her space.

The NISHIMAKI satan wanted to enter into the office from the window of the bath room, and HARUMI assisted him so much. For HARUMI now, any male guy would be her supporter. She easily loves these males. KAKISHIMA's condition, she is in now.

Just subjectively, they fell in love with some targetted guys, and started to dream the new life with one of them. New lover selection project, HARUMI and KAKISHIMA were passing and they both failed because of their shameless desires.

yawning to do it, in short. Satanic eroticism, in short. And Miyuki really thinks that HARUMI is so similar to DADA aliens!! Oh, my mother is DADA aliens, so dirty and so ugly. Fat lips, and lean body. Bob cut, of course. And her impression is terrible, in short.

And she found the real Bell Alien, at Benimaru-Yokomachi, and took a picture. The guy, with totally brushy big head with short hight, and plump body. Miyuki met her always at Benimaru-Yokomachi, and she resides near ex-IZUMI-san's house. Junko OOUCHI like big sun glasses are worn by her, as always. However, through the black glasses, Miyuki could see her eyes, with appalled vague expression. Alzheimer's characteristic facial expression, it is.

HARUMI is DaDaMerda, in short. They induced her team mates into the house, including NISHIMAKI guy. HARUMI was already revealed as satanic snag, and now, as DADA alien.

Thus, ugly and persistent. And so erotic, and selfish, unreasonably! Only prohibittions, she declared, and she failed completely! She wanted to show up to be superior to us all, however, no chance at all! Her hair style is the real DADA alien type. So so similar, her face is! Misteriously ugly face, she has. However, how Miyuki could express her ugly face? and now, Miyuki found the rightous answer. "My mother is DADA alien".

Thus, YUKARI would be BELL alien. They got combined, and gained the strength, and did the worsest attacking, and now, they should know the limit. Their time is abundant, and their hobby is torturing us all. Nasty ugly combination, they were. And they split after today's accident.

Who is the guy? He aso is patient of Alzheimer disease. And they got along with each other, soon, then, they decided to replace Miyuki's house to establish the new NISHIMAKI company.

DADA aliens attacked our village like that. No time for them both. They were so strange for us all, however, according to them, they both are totally normal!

Attackers inside the house. And HARUMI recently changed her appearance, so often. Thus, no reason, she has now. And they are all Alzheimers, thus, their contracts are all innefect. Miyuki remembered the theory, which she had leaned when she was under graduate of Faculty of Law, saying, "Two conterparts are necessity for the contract at least, and if one counterpart gets combined with another one, the contract would be innefect. Only one guy can't make any contract at all." Thus, any contract would be effective by satans at all! They are totalitarians, and they could not have had contracted at all in our society!

Just faked contracts, all of them are. Thus, also 心裡留保 or Shinri-Ryuuho, or lies only between the two parts, would be applied.

Any judicial theory can use to get all contracts inneffective entirely. Thus, it worked. HARUMI is just a caramily, and unkind so much. Thus, HARUMI should refrain from our society. No choice for her, at all!!!

She already forgot who was her family. And Miyuki turned to be a photographer. Oh, 金正男 or Masao Kim, she turned to be.

Masao was killed already, while HARUMI, as Alzheimer illusionist, is here. However, she would be assasined, presumaby. So many shames, here and there, and recently, she can't watch the TV not at all. Only several times, she needs to be consulted, and now, no necessity at all, on her site.

Youji ⇒ SANKIN ⇒ NISHIMAKI:This is HARUMI's illusional lovers' list.

She is just frustrated ugly bitch, means she is DADA alien. Miyuki revealed the fact now, so delayed.

VANISH! DDMs! HARUMI, you are ugly DADA alien! Go to INFERNO!!!!

DADA aliens are similar to Mummies, Egyptian dead bodies, wrapped in white cloth bandage. Gize and Khufu are tumbs of them. Mummy's pronunciation is alike of Mammy. Thus, mothers came to attack on Miyuki's pyramids. Ridiculous, however, they are such a level, intellectually. Flat, and OYAJI-GAG level. CHIHARA and KUSUYA, in short.

Cold and frosty morning turned to be hot summer day, today. For Miyuki, nice to work for out team members. And the Imperial Soldiers, also. Thus, forever green forts, they could gain the success. Miyuki gained the prize of honesty. Anyway, she accomplished the pledge, Forever Green Forts, at least. Yes, she wanted to make glass type, however, it was difficult, considering the situation, thus, now, two pyramid type sun rooms. Sufficient for one winter, and it is worm, sufficiently. More strength would be necessity, however, just put other transparent plastics, as much as possible, they yelled.

Anyway, not so messy, as they got afraid. Sometimes, Miyuki's wearing is out of mind type for them all. She came to the courtyard, just in the same clothings of yesterday, sometimes, they got dissapointed. However, no choice so much. Now, the main house is disaster, in short. HARUMI is out of control, while YUKARI, also. Preach and preach and preach, they do to others.

These three days, Alzheimer occupation increased in Shirakawa. The family which was digging the public facility's courtyard is an example. NISHIMAKI is also. And in front of Eleking Tree, Miyuki found a young guy was measuring the site with his equipment, wearing working uniform. Oh, their movements are the same. Thus, they failed. They came, and like this, they started to occupy the regions. Shirakawa is only one of these sites. So many aliens came to attack us all, already.

Eleking tree was green, at least, and Miyuki goodgrieved. Anyway, he survived. Green stings substituted the leaves, as provider of crorela, at least. They yelled, to Miyuki, Good Grief, yes. Anyway, survived. And they watched how they were evil in the region.

Almost rice field, arround the tree. And one abandoned factory, beside him. And a hut. The guy, measuring the site, wanted to attack the site, of course. Thus, Miyuki took the picture of his face, from the front side. How andacious! Eleking Tree yelled. It would be fine to check their identities! NISHIMAKI also. And the prototype of human skin wearing BELL alien, also. Miyuki started to identify the boss type of Shirakawans.

Distinctively ugly, is the common character of them. Degraded skin bag holders, they are. Ugliness for them all. Beauty for us all!!! BUSU factors were collected by them!!!

Last night, Miyuki checked the window of the bath room to be locked. It worked so much! She found it opened one night before, thus, she got warned so well. Cautious, in short. HARUMI tried to belive that it were so safe now for us all, and we couldn't believe her words at all. In the most worst dangerous period, HARUMI and YUKARI recommended us to remain opening the door, unlocked. Thus, they were revealed as enemy, both. They are evil eating machine called Rice Eating House Wives, or 米喰い女房 like FUKUSHIMA prefectural legend.

Miyuki wanted to buy crackers, however, DAISO-Shouwamachi shop refrained from putting them on the shelf. She took the picture of this situation. Basic for US$1 shops, however, to torture us all, they refrained. Miyuki said clarely to shopkeepers, "Your choice. You failed again, Aunties!"

The fenomenum that Miyuki's wanting products were refrained by Shirakawan shopkeepers. They are all DADA aliens. They use neuro inducing and marketing. And chose wrongly. Stupid idiots, they are, as always. And they tried to trap her, again. When Miyuki entered, the buzzer sounded in loud. A kind of training?, Miyuki got in wonder, however, she contined to search crackers. And found the fact. No cackers, in this shop any more.

Miyuki's mirror was stolen, again. It was recognized yesterday. So many mirrors vanished in her residences, up to now. Satans should pay, of course! Indemnization would be tremendously expensive! Inconvenient, in short. For satans, mirrors should be avoided, because their faces are really ugly at all. However, we love to check our face entirely. Thus, mirrors would come back soon!!!

And at Cainz Home, Miyuki caught the total vanishing scene of two satans. They were passing in front of Miyuki, and vanished, like mirrage. Oh, this is total vanishing of human bodies, in the slow motion! Miyuki, now, could see the scene!

Not mozaic transportation of Star Treck. Rather, skewed mirror reflection, was her impression. Like mirrage, they went to vanish. On the contrary of popping out. Shirakawans reduced so much. We are winning as always. However, so many flying saucers came to attack us all!!!

Miyuki remembered that YUKARI is Pig Penn, dust producing machine. A handful of dust, a name of British novel. All failure, my life is, was the message. HARUMI produces fine sand like particles, and each time, she shrinks with the ejection of them. Mummies, they are.

Egyptions had Bob Cut, Miyuki now remembered. Obedience, they liked. And they made mummies, believing in their post death life. However, they vanished. Inner organs were taken to dry up the bodies. Only kings and their relatives were allowed to be made as mummies.

Egyptian traditional math loving came from aliens. Magis, they accepted, and learned mathematics from them, and made Pyramids, as tumbs. Miyuki's usage of them is productive, while, Egyptians, anti-productive. So so costive to make a new tumb. Thus, they prefered to make pyramid shape tumb, instead of cube shape one. Thus, less costive. However, so many workers were killed during the process. Gize and Khufu laught at Miyuki's usage. This is the real way of life. Tap for plants. Tumbs? Why?

Miyuki remembered that she met the same glass pyramid, in front of Pompideau Center in Paris. It would be a good model of glass usage, cut type. Plants garden, it should be. However, emply glass, it was at that day.

Miyuki planted gingers this morning. Near the hedge stones, she wants to make herb protection line with garlics and gingers. Smell is tasty, and good to know the fact. TOMOCHI gained their affection of Portuguese residents!!! Oh, congratulations! you can give a birth to your twin kids in the near future!!!

Only for several months, the couple decided, and now, they decided to live forever! Oh, you can live in the site with ocean view? Miyuki adores to see Portuguese Sea!

White wall, and so nice to feel cool here!!! Oh, enjoy your stay there fully!!! Portugal is a good country to take a rest yes. And they want to live from Shirakawa, also. Of course, I would do so, if I can! However, Miyuki has now duty to assist reproduction process of Fauna & Flora of this region. And of course, she herself would produce more and more! Creative life, she is trying to spend. Yes, she wants to enjoy the stay in Portugal, however, not yet. Now the quantity of satans or fass is reducing drastically. Thus we are in good mood. Thus, we need to fight against satans, as much as possible, here in Shirakawa, also.

Without satans, any places are all paradise, yes. Thus, Miyuki wants to invite all of Portuguese residents to Shirakawa, of course. However, not yet. After satans' total vanishing, as tribe, all in a body. Thus, wait for a while, Portuguese residents!

In Shirakawa, no ocean at all...However, exist lake and rivers. Thus, water front, in a certain meaning. OZE or 尾瀬 is famous wetland in Japan. And no guy expected us all to gain the power like that. Not sufficient, however, a bit a bit, birdies come back to us, fortunately.

The brillience of the feathers of the crows, for example. Probably, they ate sufficient animal protain in the rice field. Some frogs or insects, they gained. Snags also.

At Shirakawa III primary school, sometimes, divine silence visits there. Thus, total vanishing of the school would be near! Rotten, and private school called MANABI-YA is one of the worst providers of IKKYO kids in Shirakawa.

Today, in various site, many workers and faked old patroling guys were doing their faked construction jobs or faked monitoring jobs, in collective. So slow in moving, and some of them were devoted into their plants cutting jobs.

Civilization means twig cutting for them all! Flying Saucer type tribe taught them how to trim the twigs. And HARUMI said, "Experts of gardening taught me how to trim the twigs". In their understanding, they learned from morning dreams.

Some guy digged her garlic field. Miyuki found a piece of garlic, and a ditch also. Why satans are so jealous, and try to devastate others' productive patch? Satans are not productive, and just wanted to peep what was goind inside. Terrible. Thus, inner organs were stolen, after being killed by them!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (283)

2017-11-07 01:39:06 | 日記
Shirakawa is only one of the examples of their arriving, and MITAKA also. In MITAKA, exists 日本無線 or Japan Radio Company's site. Look at this Home Page:

Miyuki got shocked that Kyorin new campus in INOGASHIRA or 井之頭 is beside this site of DADAMERDAs, and this company has Brazilian branch also. Watch out, Brazilians! You easily turns to be DADAMERDAs!!!

DADAMERDAS live all in a body, in big complex. Thus, in Tokyo and in Shirakawa, so many complex type buildings were established. Hospitals are kind of their complex, and the life style in the hospital is the same as other DDMs.

HARUMI and YUKARI are already replaced by DADAMERDAS, entirely. Thus, with so so nasty spooky eyes, they are wandering here and there near the main house. Monitoring machinery, in the degraded version, they are!

And Kyorin Versity already turned to be all DADAMERDAs. Thus, Bob cut hairstyle was liked by female staff of Kyorin. Nanako HARADA, Kyouko TAKATA, AOYAGUI, and so on. AOYAGUI is an example of DADAMERDA bob cut, and her cosmetics usage was unusually thick. Eye focusing cosmetics, she adopted. Mascara was their MUST item. And so many girls were attacked by DADAMERDAs, and they turned to be DADAMERDAs.

OBATA was also DADAMERDAs. OBOKATA, also. All thick black bob cut hair and thick eye focused make up were impressive. Watch out! And Look at their ugly appearance!:

The image is exactly the same of those Japanese ladies. And their fat lips! Miyuki and Moriko and OKINO remember that in 1980, there was a rumour on 口裂け女 or KUCHI-SAKE-ONNNA or Woman with Split Mouth. It was called just a lie, however, considering of the situation, they came and started to fake to be human skin holders, by way of usage of big masks.

The urban legend or 都市伝説 or Toshi-Densetsu, it was called. On this rumour, an unknown woman stopped a passenger, on the road, abruptly, and asked him, "Am I pretty?" and then, she took the mask, saying, "How about in this real me?" and he got shocked, and ran away!!!

BUSU bitch after plastic surgery, is the real answer. And so many DADAMERDAs came to attack Japanese. When Miyuki, Moriko and OKINO were in high schools, it happened. So impressive, and so spooky.

They were liked by Japanese males, because they did oral sex, as their pleasure. A substitute of Testacles Pets, in short. And they behaved as if they were obedient. And recently, they took advantage of the vanishing of male type DDMs, and increased their FEMI-LES world. Thus, so so nasty, dirty, ugly, and persistent.

Rural bitches, in short, DADAMERDAs. And the worse is, in JAPAN, DADAMERDAs are not lean, but short and plump. ZEBRA like slender body, they had before, when they arrived here. However, they ate so much rice, and they got fat. Thus, BUSU bitch fat version, they turned. Thus, SHIRAKAWANs, they turned.

Rice eating monsters, they are. Thus, 米喰い女房 or KOME-KUI-NYOUBOU, they were called in FUKUSHIMA region. So old, their first arrival is.

YUKARI was bob cat when she was infant and pupils at Shirakawa III primary school. HARUMI liked bob cut, and she tried to force Miyuki to have bob cut hair style, and she failed to do so. Miyuki's swirl on the front resisted against the bob cut, and turned to be 7:3 cut, spontaneously.

Despite of the existance of the swirl, HARUMI ordered to Miyuki to do bob cut, and it was impossible. Miyuki explained the situation so many times, however, HARUMI insisted to do so, without understanding the situation.

In these several dacade, HARUMI prefers bob cut hairstyle. Clare was obliged to do so, and she cut the hair, however, she has small swirl, thus, it is impossible, also. Alex got good grieved. At least, these DDMs don't ask him to do bob cut at all! Bob cut lovers, they are. And Obedience only type inclination, they have also.

Sayoko was the name of Japanese model, who worked internationally. She was Japanese doll type, and with bob cut. However, she performed Japanese doll, intentionally, to show up in the cat walk, especially in Paris. Equixotique, she appealed, as performer. And she died almost 10 years ago. Active, she was. And yet 50s, probably. She wanted to be designer, and learned fashion in a specialist school in Tokyo, and her colleague thought of using her as model, and she gained a big success as professional model. She was her own esthetics, yes. Acute in fashion. She herself was not obedient lady, however, she gave an illusional dream to foreigners by way of performing obedient Japanese doll, without any inclination inside.

DADAMERDAs got combined with Bell Aliens. Bell aliens are plump. Look at this:

Japan Radio Company or JRC is the site of Bell Aliens. Thus, they love KARAOKE. Miyuki thought that KARAOKE is one of the rare chance for Japanese to eject their emotion to outside to avoid the explosion of their frustrated feeling. However, exist other factors. Existance of Bell Aliens. Shakes on the waves, in the air, they love. Thus, KARAOKE is one of good tools to produce Bell Aliens more and more.

Yodel is good to attack Bell Aliens! Oh, the shaking of the sound effects? a kind of. Shaking of vivlation would be fine to be disliked by them all. Thus, Miyuki would be invited to the contest of Yodel in Wien!!! Oh, I will participate in it! And her Yodel is...Yo-Da-Lehi-Lehi-Hoo! Song!

Youldel, Heyhoo, probably! Thus, probably fine for the participants who want to know Japanese Yodel. Minnna-no-Uta, or みんなの歌 or Music for everyone, Miyuki heard this song. Foreign song, yes.

 今日もまた、囁くよ、故郷の昔を ♫

 The snow monutain, with so white snow, standing under the morning sun shine,
It wispers the old song of the country, even today ♫

 Miyuki thought it were Switzerland or Austry song, because Alps song.

Miyuki likes to sing songs, and Yodel is one of the musics she loves, yes. High and low, abruptly. Thus, her throut feels tickled. And satans? Miyuki doesn't know. They are totally different existance, and cruel and nasty.

Shirakawans have no style. Alex went to KARAOKE, and liked so much Yodel song. Oh, too rare here Yodel is sung.
Thus, Yodel Club, they started to run. As you like. And their theme song is "Yodel, Yodel, Yodel, Yodel, Yodel chocolate!" Radio commercial song of chocolate.

Miyuki never has eaten this famous name put chocolate in any place. However, some Switzerland admiror put the name on the product of its company. Tirol Chocolate is famous, and it was 20 cents per each. Thus, to do exchange, sometimes, adults bought the small tablet. Miyuki did it, so rarely. And the taste? Thinking of the emergency, not so bad, however, considering of so small quantity, Miyuki wants to claim it to pur more chocolate cacao powder in the tablet!

Each package has its own colour of the symbolized mountain. Oh, that's it! And the papers? Good for collection, yes. And sometimes, despite of their cheapish impression, so beautiful wrapping papers, they have, yes. Thus, it works. Some guy collects the papers. Yes, some guy, such a type. However, Miyuki's main purpose is exchange of money. At the same time, regaining power by Guts sweets. Thus, more cocoa powder and cocoa butter please!

Last night, Miyuki checked the window of the bath room. It was already semi-locked, when she found it. And when she got up at 7:00, it was opened entirely! Why, who, when?

No guy has any habit to open the window after the bath room. As cleaner of the office building, only Miyuki open after some guy's usage. And at night, to protect herself from attacking of outside, Miyuki should lock it entirely. Semi-locked is open toward DDMs, probably. Thus, their team mates tried to enter from the bath room.

Thus, Miyuki should check all the windows if they are locked or not. And she prefers dying up the bath room, to avoid nasty mossy wetness. Thus, she remains the window back the washing mashine open. It is located in the high position, thus, it is difficult to enter for human beings.

Semi-open, YUKARI prefers, and HARUMI, just on the contary to the guy who does before her. Both has their own rule. YUKARI, rough always the same type, while HARUMI, on the contrary to accuse others type. Both, DADAMERDAs now.

Satanic change they do, so often. And this morning, Clare was attacked by both, and in the evening, YUKARI attacked the back house, again.

Miyuki heard some of the preaches done by YUKARI. "What is versity? For entering into versity, you need to study hard!" type expression, the preacher YUKARI did. Terrible disaster! She is the failure, and her preach prolongs so many hours. Miyuki thinks that YUKARI just wants to warm up in the oil heater put chamber like Clare's. Thus, the end. Nasty, YUKARI is, and she uses amphetamine today again. Thus, ring-ring bell sound in the ears of Clare. Nasty and YUKARI's speach sounds in the head. Double, triple disaster for the back house residents.

Caramity, we call the twins. Jane?

Miyuki is free from their attackings, however, they hate Miyuki at max. Thus, they cut the twigs, instead of Miyuki, mainly. Nasty bitch, Miyuki is always. and now, she is monster. Thus, Miyuki was promoted as her ranking. So stronger, in short, inside them. Thus, we started to yell, "Alzheimer ladies!" in front of them. They dislike to be yelled like that. Alex tried to say so, in his charming loud voice. And they are so forgetful, and they started to attack him again and again, thinking that Alex said something wrong to them both.

Even after their revenage, they forget that the fact that they had already attacked others. And they started to claim again and again, and repeated their own revenge. Oh, YUKARI's attacking method, it is!

Suddenly, after even several years, she thinks of the past nasty experience, and she starts to attack her own revenge, again and again. Strange negative girl, she was in her infancy. And now, the disastrous result. Alzheimer Ultra Q like expression here and there. YUKARI's preach is so impressive, thus, Clare likes to memorize the strange stories, however, after YUKARI's leafing, she forgets. Probably it would be fine for you, Clare! Communication with YUKARI would be anti-productive. Thus, only with her presence, you can enjoy in your belly. Non valuable remarks, they are. Thus, you forget them easily.

Alex tried to write his own conte based on the Alzheimer Queens' special remarks. Good training as information system, and you would be playwriter, like Miyuki.

Thus, Alex is now collecting the ridiculous jokes they produced. Good habit. Enjoyable!

Both attitudes would be fine, for Miyuki's side. She herself accumulates their shames in this blog.

And now, she is sleepy. Thus, see you tomorrow! It's cold tonight! Have a nice sleeping, Rightous Brothers!
VANISH! DDMs! You are ugly snag Alzheimer satans.

Then, good night! From Uncle Miyuki with Cyborg 009, with our Big Big LOVE!!!