Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (300)

2017-11-16 18:49:42 | 日記
16/11/2017, Thursday, 18:50, cold, fine ⇒ extremely coldest and fine

Now, Miyuki found that YUKARI had forgotten to use toilet! YUKARI, at first, met Alex in front of the toilet, and she entered into the toilet. Then, she got off from the offie to the main house. Alex came to the office room with some foods in a tray. YUKARI, bringing a carton of juice, and served at her "Shoka-IKO-IKO" mode. Then she used the toilet, again, and entered into the office room to check Alex, and she refrained from the scene, without saying. Twice!

yes, sometimes, guys are obliged to use the toilet consecutively, like Miyuki's first VIRGIN Olive Oil experiene. However, YUKARI, once served to Alex in the so common quiet mode, among the two times of toilet use. Thus, Miyuki presumed that YUKARI forgot her toilet doing, entirely.

Probably she is accustomed to use the toilet, when she comes to the office. A kind of "Automatic response" for Alzheimer patients' training. And YUKARI is now in quiet mode.

This morning, she nudged Miyuki again, when she passed the corredor of the office. Miyuki was standing in front of the fredge, waiting for the milk's heating up. She can't put up with the impulse to hit Miyuki, at all.

Thus, Miyuki presumes so correctly that YUKARI would not put up with the impulse to do it. Sexual desire causes her so impulse related acts, entirely. Thus, Ryouji KOISO would be fine to get married with her. She is now so difficult to refrain from attacking others with her useless BLA-BLA-BLA. Clare claimed so many times, however, YUKARI is satanic existance, and she just can't put up with do so, she confessed. Always, no man's land, yes, and the system of empty house use would be good inducing point for satanic arrival.

Any guy would use the empty house, without any payment, the Shirakawa municipality declared, and they came, and killed the residents, before their moving. Thus, empty houses were filled with satans with human skin bags.

Miyuki started to plant icones today. Miyuki got so upset at the wiping job done by satanic side under the oak treas. Beautiful symbplic trees are obliged to vanish! Now, we need to save them, as much as possible.

And KUNUGUI is indanger, also. Miyuki does know that several trees are in Magpie Mountain range, and now, Miyuki is searched by all of satans! Oh, as usual. Miyuki is so cool at this point.

Oh, debt chaisers would like the phone call number and the address, thus, they were concealed entirely. And Miyuki was calculated as one of debt chasers, probably.

Non reliable, it means. No responsible guy exists at the versity, it means. It would work? Of course, not at all!

So strange spooky rumours on INOGASHIRA new campus. Ghost Versty, it is!!!

Satanic replacement system is just emptiness invasion, in short. They came, and attacked us all, and now, we should learn that satanic replacement is sometimes so ridiculous, at all!!!

Miyuki perceived the possiblity of suffering chilblain, already in his right foot, in some parts. Thus, treatment would be necessity. Massage previous to suffer from it, and oil massage. After her taking bath would effect, however, without bathing, also good. Oil massage is necessity. Oh, thank you! Yes, we need to prepare for the coldest winter days!

Suddenly cold weather, Shirakawa turned. In the morning, it was rather warm, however, gradually, it turned to be Feburary Winter, the coldest, among whole year. Thus, Miyuki decided, that she would work outside even in the coldest days, if it is fine, blue sky day! Against coldness, she would put more and more fat clothings, and it works so much. Thus, she would put as she likes, and then, she gets out of the house, of course! Thus, Autumn Icorn picking weeks now! Thus, NANKO public park, she would revisit now!!!

She liked to visit there, yes, however, Mad Dogs started to chase her inside the forests, thus, she prefered to walk arround the streets, and now, drastically mad dogs reduced. However, some really feeble minded Alzheimer attackers can be seen here and there. Their faces talk so well on their mental condition. Always enqury mode. No ligitimate right at all, however, they require our reply, with threatening! Thus, in case of encounter with Alzheimer mad dogs, just run away, Miyuki decided.

Vegitable garden, she is enhancing, and spinatch almost liked it! However, not so much water today. Because Miyuki got afraid of freezing of the water, thus, wait up to tomorrow, and in the morning, she would provide, if it would not be so cold like today, she said to the spinatch.

Ruccola is happy in the hill. anyway, warm and so fertile, near the ditch. It worked so much. Ruccola is always welcomed Miyuki's visit, and Miyuki would have some special washing tool for their eating. Ruccola is also good at soup, Miyuki found. Not so distinctive, like cerly. Cerly is distinctive even in case of soup usage. Cerly soup, it turns. Yes, delicious, however, others turn to be back stage dancers.

Fresh Ruccola is star type, yes, however, in case of soup use, a member of chorus group it turns. Thus, probably it would be fine to cook with others, also. And Miyuki is now thinking of green paste sauce of variety of green guys only. The model is Grune Sauce, in Frankfurt. Fresh Sauce, not cooked type, and it combined with veal and boiled eggs. Thus, probably, olive oil type would be another selection for it. Variety of impressive vegitables, Miyuki is collecting now.

Today, she gained KIKUIMO or some potatoes combined with gingers, at JA store. There Miyuki bought a package of KIKUIMO at US$1, and BENI-AZUMA or 紅あずま sweet potatoes at US$1 per package, and a big green PAPAYA at US$2. PAPAYA, she couldn't eat up to now in Japan. And green type. So rare, and it was cultivated in this region. Thus, she can cultivate PAPAYA in her courtyard, yes.

KIKUIMO came from Canada, originally. So many coldness OK type vegitables came from this region. So cold place, Miyuki got to know from some discriptions on the county. Almost 2/3 of the country is covered with ice, and brizzard place, thus, so cold, rather than the image of turistic point of view.

Thus, "LOVE Letter from CANADA" works. Youko HATANAKA.

Cold place, and Inuit or Esquimo or AINU place, probably. AINU is Inuit, probably. Gylliark, also. Existed a dancer with this name. Gylliark XXX. Strange long name, Miyuki remembered, and heard a tale of Gylliark tribe on the radio. Gylliark lady was obliged to chase a Japanese soldier in Manchurian empire, and she was sold to Brodel, or Club of Prostitution, and she met the soldier there.

The series, and Miyuki heard in the middle. However, she was stronger than Miyuki imagined. And she wanted to get out of the brodel, as soon as possible. However, the officer was in the middle type. Anyway, they got married.

For Miyuki, a kind of positive version of Macalhanse girl's story, who turned to be a Goddess in Macao.

For Miyuki, raping story. She was obliged to run away from some guy in Fu-keng or 福建, and she bit to make a travel in the ocean, and the fishermen provided her the service to Macao, however, they raped, and died, on the way to Macao, thus, she was buried in Macao, and turned to be a Goddes.

吉祥天女 or Kisshou-Tennyo, also. A girl was raped and killed, and turned to be a super power holder ghost to protect other girls.

So many stories on rapist stories, and the males attacked females yes, and famales accepted rapes, sometimes, and the worse is, females assited rapes toward other females by males. Anyway, rapist attackings were concealed by satanic females, in short.

The victims sometimes asked to be helped by others, however, satanic guys refused it, and supported others' side, yes.

Against the will of vistims, they acted, and supported the satanic team, in short. JIZOU includes also such type of raped kids. Mainly killed by the attackers, yes.

Miyuki remembered 地獄変 or JIGOKU-HEN or Infernal Change, written by Ryuunosuke AKUTAGAWA or 芥川龍之介. Unusual story, cruel, up to the extreme point. The famous painter lit his daughter to sketch the scene of INFERNO. And Miyuki perceived that existed some stimulative case, and AKUTAGAWA picked up only the artistic side, and deformed the spare, only.

Probably, MICCHIKU's father raped his daughter, and she was killed by him to be concealed the fact. MICCHIKU is incest type family. Thus, it happened so often, and infernal, AKUTAGAWA felt, thus, he wrote, as if it were feudal era's story.

AKUTAGAWA's role is similar to Gougori. Spooky, in his novels, and he was killed also. Sharp, in his writing, and liked his acute sarcastic way of discription. Atsushi NAKAJIMA is also in the line. Scholar of Chinese literature at Kyoto Versity, and the writer of "Tiger".

Cruel, however, it forgets, after its wrongdoing. MICCHIKU beast, it turned. Thus, Alzheimer, in short. And for FUJIGAKI, teacher responsible of IZUMI-san and MAKIKO's class in high school, criticised it, "He recognized the sadness, thus, he was concious what he did, at least", and for Miyuki, now, oh, even Alzheimer does some primitive sensation by wrondgoing!, is rightous answer.

Not concious, in a certain meaning, however, satans feel something inside, and thus, they want the facts to be concealed. In instinct level, thus, they behave just by impulse, like doll with mechanical control.

Inside their body, they feel something, thus, downward eyes, they show, and at the same time, they behave audaciously. Forgetful, as if after drinking alchool so much, thus, Turning to be Tiger or 虎になる is Japanese way of expression to describe this condition. Semi drunken, and sometimes they do wrong so much, including homicide and raping.

Thus, 山月記 or SANGETSU-KI, or The diary of Mountains and the Moon. The Tiger like beast chose to live in the mountain range not to attack others.

MICCHIKU life ended up already. However, Shirakawans want to continue in this line. So many guys are attacked even now. Thus, so many twigs were cut, and they were obliged to move to regain the power. Nasty, however, Alzheimer attackings, satans do, even now.

Thus, furnish well with fat clothings, and go to walk arround the mountains. At the same time, Miyuki decided to come back to tap the patches in the bright day time. Or, she would stomp her team mates, with her careless misses. Thus, probably, up to 16:00, at max, Miyuki decided, and she planed to make an errand after tapping the sheets in the patches.

Thus, several more vinil transparent sacs, she would try to put it in the second patch tomorrow morning.

Today, especially in the afternoon, so many cars chased her, in the coldest air. Why today it turned to be so cold? Just like Feburary, the coldest season of winter. And so many vehicles came to attack her. A light track, Hijet type, turned left, and almost killed Miyuki, near the TAMACHI bridge, at the side of YOKOMACHI, and Miyuki was saved, because it moved so slow.

Consecutively so many cars came, Miyuki recognized, and felt strange. In these weeks, the number of the faked residents reduced. At Supermarkets, almost vacant situation came back. However, on the contrary, the number of the running vehicles increased, especially today. Why at 16:00, so many family type cars are going to pass Miyuki? Not yet commercial time's end at all. Shirakawan time is difficult from others, probably.

Strange, however, not anti-natural science. Fass invades vacant space, in short. Thus, vacant brain, vacant heart, vacant vehicle, vacant house, vacant box, vacant skin bag, vacant courtyard, vacant big facility, vacant station, vacant train, vacant bus, vacant egg, vacant sperm, vacant bust, vacant inner organ, etc., fass occupies, and it transmits the disease called Alzheimer, and then, it turns to be the faked existance of original one. Protorype, the original one, and for satans, just model. Thus, they immitated it, and learned from it, and then, it replaced all of them.

Similar, however, too small, and their behaviours are totally different, and so forgetful, Miyuki did recognize it. And NISHIMO started to chace them. She put DNA marking on a really satanic material, and tried to trace the targetted guys. And then, she found that it effected, however, not necessary, the super creative inovation turned. Oh, Nobel prize in the field of biology, probably!, NISHIMO herself thought. However...Ummm...satans are by themselves the mark, in short. They popped out and we feel so strange at their appearance.

Miyuki suggested that KOJIMA's the most southern courtyard turned to be public parking lots, for free. Thus, she stomped it with her feet, singing a song. "This is a good place for Alzheimer driving lesson!" ♫ in her cheerful voice.

Miyuki got shocked that Minako HOUNDA, a singer of "Dancing Night" had been killed on behalf of the lyrics of the song...So soft type, "Boy, I want to dance with you tonight!" type song. Miyuki likes to shake with the melody, and she yelled, "You should be more sexy, Minako! This is so so soft, like "Sorry, Boys, however, you are chickens, and I want to do it. Thus, at least, I want to go to dance club with you, boys!" message. You should be more punching. If Miyuki were you, she would have said, "Boys, let's do it together! Tonight, I want to do it, because I am in a good mood. How about this idea, boys?"

For her, so so soft, and necessary to be more audacious to be distinctive. However, some bosses disliked her slightest sexy way. For them, scandalous, in short. For Miyuki, so primitive? Like PTA mothers!!!

Thus, Minako HONDA got in wonder, also. Exists? Exists...unfortunately.

Good in shaking. A kind of pink lady type. Younger than the duo called Pink Lady. Thus, much more promissive, in her career. Big hit, thus, for Miyuki and Kyou, any guy allowed the soft inducing extression. However, now, the fact got revealed. The PTA type guys pointed this song, "Bad Song", and then, they ordered to kill her...Thus, almost all of rock music would be targetted in the world. Oh, Rockers, you would have been killed by Japanese DDMs, all in a body! Vanishing of Rockers in the world!

Oh, Kiyoshirou IMAWANO, at near period, died, yes. Rocker type famous musicians was killed at that age. Tsuyoshi NAGABUCHI, also? Ann LUIS, you killed him???

Ann is semi blooded, and she speaks Japanese completely. She can speak in English, yes. And she is now accused as being semi-blooded???

We all categorized mixed blooded. And fass only is fass. Mono existance. Thus, marking is not necessary. Thus...Ig-Nobel prize, NISHIMO gained! Congratulations!!! You are genus, it means!!!

Thus, NISHIMO got reluctant to search the satanix army. So many, and all of them are evil wrondgoers, even now.

Yes, Miyuki met the terrible scenes in Alno Hill...On the slope side, so many woods were cut, already. In several places, Miyuki caught the scene. They can't stop their wrongdoings, entirely, yes. And how we can manage the situation?

Thus, as much as possible. Thus, Miyuki yelled, directly to the faked workers, namely satans, "Go directly to INFERNO! Stupid! Idiots! Acepharos! Snags! Death, you should deserve! Vanish, immediately, all in a body!!!" so many times, in a loud voice, to be heard by satans. They ignored Miyuki's yell, yes, however, at least, Miyuki said so directly to them all!!!

Terribly also, the construction companies, FUJITA and FUKAYA played the role of public power, by themselves. They put the warning advertisement plates so many, with the disctiomtion of "Stop, you are prohibitted to enter into this road, because we are now in construction of a new bridge."

Oh, ONIROKU and carpenter! DAN, your turn!

Shiro KOMINE was killed by satans, as sacrifice, in short. In any town, we have so similar stories. London Bridge, also.

Thus, satanic technic of replacement. They want to bury some fair lady's dead body under the bridge. Thus, Miyuki already caught the sight of dead nakid oak like tree, lied under TAMACHI bridge.

Miyuki thought that her mate was killed in her young age, by erotic satans, after being drunken. And now, they want to do it with some targetted guy.

Miyuki is out of mind, because she is appearently not female. Just dirty jobless working class uncle, she is now.

However, so many kids are candidates of this project. Satanic existance can't stop the evil plan at all. Thus, Miyuki just yelled in a loud voice. Satans should know the limit, and they can't. Thus, they should vanish at once!!!

Miyuki picked out a package of icorns from the Gym Park in ASAHI-CHOU area. And she found that it is really difficult to collect icorns actually even in the rural village. Oak trees vanished so many, and satans wiped so many icorns already. Reproduction process is disturbed like that. Thus, artificially, we need to assist their reproduction process. Thus, anyway, now, we need to cultivate the icorns, and to have more and more shoots, and then, caltivate the shoots in the suitable places, according to their inclination.

Thus, as test case, Miyuki buried the packageful of icorns in the first patch. Today, Miyuki already put her YUZU Japanese lemon seeds on the patch. Probably not so bad to cultivate tree shoots in the first patch. Trees take more time to shoot, comapered with vegitables and weeds, and this is similar to human beings! Carli did know it! Oh, thanks,Carli, for suggesting it! You would deserve, Nobel prize, with or without IG. Thus, Carli loves to teach the lessons. In this area, almost all of wrongdoers turned to be satans, and now, Miyuki, you are targetted guy no.1 again! ????

Icorns are orks, yes. And Ork land, Shirakawa was. So many books refered to it. However, no oak land, now.

At the same time, now, reddish beautiful autumnal scenes we appreciate so much. It means that so many leaf falling type trees, or Broad Leaf type, live in the mountains. Thus, OAK would be able to survive, with our assistance. Thus, no man's land again and again.

クヌギ or Chestnut like ORK is also in danger, thus, Miyuki should appreciate the autumn walking in NANKO park, yes. In fine or cloudy day, she would walk arround, and find so many nuts type seeds, and she would spread them in the suitable place.

Thus, caltivation field would be fine. Thus, No Man's Land, again and again.

Miyuki thinks that probably for her tiny stomach, two patches are enough, and the one patch would be used for tree caltivation only. And after the trees grow up, they would be moved to the suitable mountains, and participate into the rainge activities.

Thus, more and more cultivation fields are necessity for our activities.

Yesterday, some guy, presumably YUKARI, moved Miyuki's bed clothing, fat type, from habitual place to the top of the 柳ごおり or YANAGUI-GOOU, old type clothing case, long squre type of 80cm x 40cm x 35cm. Tiny change, however, it did it. And her towel was moved also. Each time, they enhance the vacant space in the office room. Before this month, Miyuki could use on the back side of the electric piano to put several paper bags full of vinil packages. However, now, so many times, it dropped them into the floor of the bottom of the space. And reeds cartain also. Why they want to increase their space, without necessity? Fass devastation process, in short. Nothing at all for satans, however, they do it!

Convenience has two different sides. Positive side is ommision of time, and it is welcomed by busy workers, yes, while Negative side is inducing indulged satanic life. Thus, the target of accusation is not convenience. Rather, empty easy and quick only inclination of non workers. For busy guys, time is gold, yes. However, non productive type should pay their time to be thrifty. Why they can gain convenience, at the cost of others' money? Thus, Japanese house wives should die, immediately. And faked workers, also! They just do their faking job, and not real working at all. They are betrayers of both sides. For us, dull faked useless harmful attackers, while for satans, less costive shame collecting work performers, all!!!

Satans now degraded so much. Plump ass type, they are. Terribly ugly bitches with diapers!!!

Miyuki corrected two broken sticks of Pyramid Khufu. She did plastic surgery, petit type for him. His nose was broken, in short. Thus, he should be performed the plastic surgery, and Miyuki put the iron bar, so tiny type of 10cm, which was gained in her digging job in the courtyard, and then, put another stick from outside. And her "Ooops, oh, sorry. I broke another stick. Don't worry, I have quick rescue kit now, thus, we would do the second plastic surgery." And she corrected it immediately. And now, they are so strong, with new two poles, in two directions.

And the petit Pyramid called CUSCO FUJIWARA had member change. A big chickweed pot moved toward the KHUFU, and from KHUFU, KIWI patch pot came to be the symbol trees. Triangle type, CUSCO is. Thus, KIWI liked the shape, anyway. Narrow, yes. However, selective terracotta pot members only. Thus, a kind of secret club type, yes! And this triangle is stilish yes! Slender, and sharp, and easy to make! Big type would be also OK, it all depends. Vegitables come gradually, and the second patch and the theird patch would be vegitable garden, including herb type. And now, the team top leader Cool Robin Mint extends his hand horizontally. Miyuki recommended to be tall and long, and they did, and the result....Oh, her famous "Oooops! I...fell down the support stick, big type! Sorry. anyway, I escaped to cut your root. Yes, your bottome root appeared in nakid, thus, quick burying, I need to do! And Miyuki buried it anyway.

And she took so many shoots of spinach from the first patch toward the third patch. And she prayed Madam Cresson would support them to grow up. Unfortunately the second patch, they turned to be Spinach-Turnip, and non edible, only chlorella, they produced. Thus, now, new challange. She put a tiny chicken bone to fertilize them. And they are now consulting. Shrunk spinach is so delicious, and Lotus shape type. So similar to Madam Cresson. And Madam Cresson's coulour is the same as the shrink type spinatch.

Probably they survive in the best way, and turn to be delicious vegitables. Probably, except commercial mass production type, vegitables live for so many years. Not only one year, but also so many years, they produce the result, and they reproduce incessantly, in the suitable seasons, and no necessary to take so many cares on them. Just enquiry for them sometimes if they are in good condition or not. In case of necessity, they teach how Miyuki should do for them, and Miyuki assists them to survive, only. Thus, easy job for her. And Miyuki is now expecting her kitchen job days in the near future.

YUKARI should get married with Ryouji KOISO. Yuuji, oh, sorry! Ryouji is his father! Oh, sorry. Doubly. So similar, the names of KOISO family are. Thus, OK, Yuuji KOISO would be her ideal husband. And Miyuki can make full of episode of their illusional wedding. Already YUKARI would dream to get married with some guys, and she failed, and now, her dream would be realized so soon!!!

INFERNAL, and now, the end. Thus, all fass story, like UROBOROS, in KOISO Family. Oh, Ryouji, you would get married again? Yuuji, his son! Don't worry, their names are so similar!!!

Miyuki made already a story of their wedding, and she played the role of presentater, and she did her introducing job, singing, dancing, and she is now prepared for show up her BIKINI wearing in the wedding party, as a kind of amusement. So excited for the wedding of both of them. YUKARI would wear a white dress with a tiny lined bunches of pink flowers as a bride, and the broom, a black suites, frock coat type, yes. Thus, designer, Miyuki would be. Miyuki could drow the design yes, and she did already. She dreamt it on 2nd of January, in 2014, and got worried about her wallet. "I don't want to participate into any wedding party at all! They stole my money!", however, to earn, yes, Miyuki participates into the wedding as a kind of artists, including presentater, dancer, singer and model, etc.

RAKUGO speach, also. "Ladies, and Gentlemen! Thank you for comming to this wedding party! We appreciate your appearance of course, kind guys! Now, we would enjoy this party, and Miyuki, presentater, will introduce her closist friend and comedian called BANANA MATSUO. Here she comes!" and Miyuki changes the personality, and she started to talk as comedian. Thus, she would earn, at least 4 times more than only one presentater, yes!!!

Professional, she is. Thus, the reward is so so tremendously big!!! Thus, good work, she should provide, as professional. Pledge!!!

Thus, it worked.

Japanese government said that even after graduating from versity, their first salary is almost two times lower than that of high school graduates of Shirakawa region:

ZOZOTOWN provedes US$3.7 thousand per month for graduates of high school of KOUNAN, while in Tokyo, generally speaking, only US$2 thousand per month, companies pay.

In this situation, who would like to work for the companies in Tokyo, as versity graduates? Why they enter into versity? Unnecessary? No! Harmful for their financial life, entirely!!!

Micchiku or Ikkyo, which is which, type matter. In case of MICCHIKU related, workers gain twice more, even with their low academic degree. Thus, 除染 or Radium Exclusion job workers gain US$8.7 or more, with junior high degree, while Miyuki, Tokyo Versity's Doctoral degree holder, whose major is Lega Studies, gained only twice lower salary, when she worked for Kyorin Versity.

Miyuki is not IKKYO nor MICCHIKU, thus, she was obliged to work in this cost. Not MICCHIKU would be enough to be categorized as lower salary workers. And now, no income system, they adopted. Thus, Miyuki survived. Just in the name type professors on PC net sites, and they themselves don't know where they are working at all!

Changeable, and the versities errase the site, as they like. And Miyuki's site also vanished, however, her graduate school site maintain her site. She never had gained with the name of professor of the Graduate school of Kyorin versity, however, she obliged to teach there. No pay, at all.

Kyorin staff skipped to take a measure to run away from our society.

Dead or Alive, the president of Kyorin School is?, was prohibittion word among Kyorin guys. Miyuki didn't know the prohibittion, thus, she asked directly to the secretary to make contact with him, Horiharu MATSUDA. And they said, "You have no chance to call him at all. He has no e-mail address, either. You can't make contact with him, entirely!"