Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (297)

2017-11-14 20:06:14 | 日記
14/11/2017, Tuesday, 20:08, cold, cloudy, sometimes rainy

Miyuki found that even under the residue of IDIOCRASY, Japanese guys are upset at Stupid Satanic ABE government, especially, in financial area:

Just Micchiku related and IKKYO believers support ABE government, and they are now minority, yes! 85% of people don't believe the ABE's advertisement of "We are all OK, as always. Trust me!" policy at all! OMANKO ASAHI reported it, just picking up the figures collected by way of phone calling enquiries.

Thus, we wan, confirmed. No reason to economic upward mode, however, ABE said, OK, OK, OK for us all, as usual. Thus, he lost any reliance of Japanese people, however MICCHIKU and IKKYO continue to be in favour of him. Probably, machinery, they are. Thus, automatic answer mode, in short. Thus, we don't need to count their so so happily positive answer on ABE's economic policies at all!!!

Victory for us all, confirmed. And ABE's side, as usual. With this highest points, ABE is always, OK, OK, OK, trust me, policy only. Stupid idiot, confirmed again and again. DEKUNOBOU, GOKUTSUBUSHI, KUSOTAWAKE!!!

BELL alien, ABE is. Akiko is DADA Merda, and her husband role was played by BELL, fat guy with stupid face, and BELL ringing voice. 素っ頓狂声, or SUTTONKYOU-GOE, Miyuki categorized his voice, and now the reason, she found. BELL Merda's superficial pronunciation, he adopted. Thus, always his voice was so so nasty for us all!!!

BELL Merda's voice's character is faked artificial voice. And these days, their sound producing system doesn't work well. Thus, one day before yesterday, Miyuki caught the site of a helicopter with the sould of SESUNA airplane.

Today, two cases were found by Miyuki. One is, in the toilet, Miyuki heard the strange sould of opening of windows in the second floor of the main house of Sato Family. Oh, Shibuki produces the same sound of Sato House, and this place is the office, not the main house, no 2nd floor at all. Too too strange!

Another happened in case of HARUMI's departure to pick Alex up to Mac'donald humberger store. She made an engine strike, and her yellow car cried with the sound of Brazilian warning against stealing job!!! Exists? Exists!!! So so confusional comical sound producing errors inside the house, yes!!!

The final stage, yes, we are in. And satanic team is so persistent in every field.

This morning, Miyuki was warned to keep the line of the usage of the south courtyard. Miyuki's pyramids, Khufu should be moved, Miyuki was suggested. Thus, Miyuki asked the reason, and the reply was, "For vehicles, we need rotary. We need to bring something in winter season by a big car." ???

anyway, Miyuki claimed, "Oh, now, Alzheimers can drive, thus, they need so much place to turn, in short, father? For us, only who can do parking in the vertical way in the suitable parking lot, could drive, as necessity. Who is the Alzheimer drivers, who require so much space for turning? They would be Alzheimer patients, confirmed. Youji? Or other relatives, or family members, or you, father?", in her hilarious way. And she sang the song, the ending theme of Gyaatles, the Primitive Family, by Shunji SONOYAMA.

Empty, Vacant sky, a star was born in.
In the sky, there are nights, and then, the sun shined, and they have days, also. ♫

 星には夜があり、やがて朝が訪れた ♫

 The birth of a new star. Emptiness is for satanic side, and they love total abandonment or DANSHARI. DANSHARI and empliness of 虚空 or KOKUU belong to BUDDIST conseption. Satans desire total vanishing, thus they should be killed immediately. Their desire should be accomplished, and it would be fine for both sides. They would gain pretty appearance with it, and we, the opening for our happy future. Satans have no past, no future, no actuality at all! We have all! Thus, they agreed on total vanishing, it means!!!

Miyuki yelled the contents above in a loud voice, also. We should be productive, and we should not refrain from satanic desire of enhancing their own territories. They should refrain from our beautiful society. Thus, Miyuki said, clearly, "Oh, you said so, thus, I would move the pyramid a bit. However, I am hungry now. Thus, after eating meal, I would arrange it." and he replied, "OK, later."

Thus, Miyuki, just took a new tiny piramid from the most north part of the south courtyard. Anyway, Miyuki took one pyramid. And she put it inside the blue sheets of the first patch to protect several pots near sheeds planters.

Thus, Miyuki's pledge got accomplished. Miyuki did the good job. She thought that she covered all of pots already, and blue sheet tapping were a kind of protection for these several pots. However, they claimed. and Miyuki found the rightous usage of the Pyramid Cusco. They produce some other shoots inside the pyramid! Oh, Cusco, U2?

Thus, San Flower Cusco gardan, it would be called. Petit, however, not so superficial. The same type. and all of the pots were covered, anyway. Thus, perfection!!! Oh, we did it!!!

Anyway, doubly they are protected now. Miyuki got in wonder of this morning's unusual wamth. White snowy, however bright white couldy sky, Miyuki found. And then, at 13:00, it started to get colder abruptly.

Miyuki felt chilled fingers in her hands. Thus, snowy, again, she presumed. Yes, seasonal snow we should accept, and it is not bad for us all. A kind of stimulation, and in Shirakawa, last year, it was unusually cold, and she really thought that when she was pupil of Shirakawa III, it was not so cold. Yes, sometimes snowed, She remembers. However, recently, so so unusual abrupt change of weathers is common, and especially, temperature change is often, and it would cause so many farmers, in this region!!!

Thus, the end of satanic weather report agency. Useless, IWATE people yelled. Miyuki suggested the possibility of betrayal of MORIOKA meteological department. They betrayed all of our reliance, and they sold us all to Japanese government. They wanted to attack our farms with frost, by way of their artificial coldness, caused by satans. Unusually chilled weather, we yelled, and we traced their history of the weather. All lies. We put the weather in each diary, and we compared each other, and the meteorogical agency lied so much, we found.

Better than SENDAI counterpart, we believed, however, it was trapping. Trust me, they yelled, and the result, betrayal. Thus, they should be punished, harshly!!!

Reliance, would cause the vast damage, in case of betrayal. Thus, betrayers should be punished so hard. Thus, reliance gaining performance would be the most evilest work, in the world. Thus, they should be punished, all in a body!

This morning, Miyuki found YUKARI was spreeing to the south door of the main house, with a spree can. What? At 9:30, in the morning. And YUKARI said clearly her disliking of chemical products in Spree cans, almost 15 years ago. Now, she spreed, in the quickest way, for long time, to the door. What is she doing? Killing flies in this cold autumn day? Wax putting on the door? Some smell ejection? So strange, thus, Miyuki took the photo, from her back.

Unusual, Miyuki thought. She is doing her DIY, suddenly? Why the old broken door was chosen to be spreed? What is she doing?

Miyuki remembered clearly that when Miyuki tried to stop ejection of fluffy hair like meterials in the air of the kids' bedroom, acutual Alex's chamber, and bought 6 cans of sprees to coat the materials on the surfice of the wall. She paied almost US$100, however, YUKARI criticised Miyuki, saying, "You, stupid! Chemical products, these sprees include! You should take care of the health of the kids! Yes, fluffy hair would be ASBEST, thus, you should take all of them, as your paternal duty. However, these products are out of mind, you stupid! We sleep in the same chamber, and it would be aspirated by us all. All poisoneous chemical products, they are! We would be in danger with your spreeing, you stupid! Irresponsible mother no.!, you, stupid!"

Thus, Miyuki recognized the possibility of her kids' health problem, she gave up to use these cans at all. And instead, she decided to tap the wall by papers, and after her counting, she decided also to use 障子紙 or Shouji Papers to conceal the wall, to protect the kids and Miyuki herself. Thus, she bought papers and tapes with sticky paste in both sides, at the cost of US$300, at total. And she took more than one week to conceal all of the wall of the kids' bed room, actual Alex's chamber, yes. She did the DIY work, by herself, and didn't ask any assistance at all. She only worked, because it would be fine for all of her family. Others' assistance is erroneous and costive. Thus, she chose to go by herself.

Miyuki was indecisive to use the 6 spree cans. Chemical products included, yes. However, some guy would make advantage of them. However, she doesn't like to use auction sites, because they are not reliable, especially on privacy information. Thus, she just kept them inside the bottom part of the shelves in the office room.

YUKARI prefers chemical products, now. So many variety of detergents, she bought, and she didn't use them at all. She bought, and soon, she forgot. Thus, as a proof, Miyuki took the picture of her collection of detergents, which were kept under basin cabinet in the washing room.

YUKARI is chemical products addicted, probaly, incluing medicine maniac. And she acts abruptly in her own sensation. Why she started to fake some DIY activity? She can't do anything at all, however, her movement and the sound were similar to DIY performer's ones.

Always just to frustrate others' hope and desire, was DDMic technic. And YUKARI is now, maniac of immitating some guys.

No Man's Land's protectioners, they are. YUKARI is nasty guy no.1 in Shirakawa, yes. However, she is a sister of Miyuki, the super power holder of both sides. Thus, YUKARI wanted to think that YUKARI were superior to Miyuki, in every field, and failed so many times.

Your Auntie is super maniac, HOSSO yelled to Alex. Yes, maniac, she is. Crazy, in short. And all of Alex and Clare's team members got astonished her abrupt change. So so superficially, they change. Just spreeing means "I am good at DIY", for satanic team. Thus, super liar, YUKARI is.

Poison spredding guy, she is now. Any spree would be fine for her. Hair spree is equal to DIY painting spree. Thus, No Man's Land, again and again. Insectcide, she wanted to put on the door, because she dislikes the tiny fruits flies. and she took totally different can and started to attack the flies. "I am so useful, different from MIYUKI! She produces the flies, thus, I kill. Match & Pump. Miyuki is nasty and harmful. I need to protect kids from Miyuki's insect feeding jobs!" Worrier YUKARI, as always. Miyuki dislikes insecticide, of course! And YUKARI should drink all of insecticide as much as possible!!! Commit suicide!!! Show your bravery, YUKARI!!!!

Too too ugly guy's face would be, her death mask! Go directly to INFERNO!

Their technics are so so common. To steal others' precious products, they pretended to bring some gifts or letters from others, in hand, and visited the targetted guy.

In the building F of Kyorin Campus in Hachioji, Miyuki met OKAMURA and KUSODAMARI in the same day in August. Unnecessarily they visited Miyuki, and handed so cheapish gifts, saying, "I came back from Thailand", in case of OKAMURA, and "I came back from HOKKAIDOU", in case of KUSODAMARI. Too too strange, Miyuki thought. Thailand is the targetted country by KITAJIMA and KIMURA, not OKAMURA. And HOKKAIDOU is IWAKUMA's place. Why her ex-colleagues were so confusional? Because they have no conception of individual existance. Just the difference among skin bags, thus, no difference at all in their side. Thus, information is in common among them all!!!

Thus, HARUMI is so eager to gain the notebook of deposit of Bank of MIZUHO, because she does know well the identification number of Miyuki's deposit. She made the notebook, instead of Miyuki, when she entered into Tokyo Versity. Thus, for HARUMI's understanding, "I have right to draw all of money you deposit in the bank, you, stupid!"

Oh, thus, US$100 thousand, HARUMI wanted to add for Miyuki's new apartment gaining in Tokyo! Oh, she thought that Miyuki's money would be disposable by HARUMI! The riddle was solved, today!

For Miyuki, how HARUMI planed to offer Miyuki to add US$100 thousand to increase one more room for her future apartment?, was a big question. She is not rich, and no such amount of money at all. However, HARUMI said so, almost 5 years ago, when Miyuki was thinking of buying an apartment in Tokyo area.

And perceiving the risk of receiving some big money from others, Miyuki, of course, refuse HARUMI's offer, entirely! No, thanks. Then, Miyuki changed the topic at all!!!

For HARUMI's primitive understanding, HARUMI has right to use it on behalf of Miyuki, now. Because Miyuki is mentally illed, and she has no right to use it at all. And HARUMI is superior to Miyuki, thus, she drives in a yellow car, recently. Showing up her power is necessity for satans.

Brainless, from the begining. And now, super unusual sound was heard from the microwave oven in the office. When Miyuki heated up her royal milk tea in it, and took the cup from it, it started to make the sound of "Shiiiiii..." and after several seconds, it stopped. Like gas using sound. In case of microwave oven, yes, sometimes, from the dishes, the SHIIIIIII sound can be heard by us all. However, after taking a cup, from the electric instrument, it sounded. Too too unusual!

Miyuki checked the cressons are so suitable in the actual soil, and they turned to be low short leave spreading on the soil type. And the leaves are strongly dark punching green, and the flavour is super nice!

Miyuki a bit got afraid of possibility of their turning to be shirunk spinach, another speacies. However, when she took a bit of leaf of the cresson, and tasted it, "Oh, realy cresson, not spinach! Spinach like appearance, yes, however, rather, more punching really cresson like flavour, it has! and she smiled. So good for her meat dishes!

They came as water cultivation type, yes. However, after put in the soil, they changed the shape. Not so long stalk curled type, just like earth spread type, they turned. and the flavour is more likable for Miyuki's side. Chinkoro liked the flavour so much!!! Delicious! Big success!!! For meat lovers, good selection, the cressons are!!!

It costed US$1.7, a bit costive, however, had fine toots, thus, Miyuki invested them, and now, they spread the roots so much. Mint's kin, probably. And their shape is totally different now! Before the cultivation, yes, however, now, rather, the colour and punching smell are similar. shepe is totally contrary!

On the Slope, Miyuki put them. Because already the hill is located there. And now, oh, good news!!! Coliander survived also!!! Oh, good! 香菜 or KOUSAI or SALSA or Coriander and Pakti, they are called, and it would be fine for noodles and for other super vegitable lover's soups, also! 芹 or SERI is also good, however, Serly is also put near, and MITSUBA is so easily found in Magpie Mountain. Thus, some other different begitables, Miyuki wanted to have more and more.

Price is also important. May Queen potatoes would be fine to cultivate there. and now, in Beisia, the packages of May Queen would be taken off. Just by way of neuro marketing, probably. Beisia hates Miyuki, and in several cases, they already did. Vinil sacs, Orange lemon of Chili, and this time, May Queen potatoes. They don't want to sell them to Miyuki. And Miyuki is not so regretting of it. She would gain it in some another place, in the cheaper value, probably.

Thus, No Man's Land, already. Beisia is IKKYO related Supermarket, and their products are super lies. They said, "Olive oil 100% potate chips" and they had no olive oil at all. 0%, in short. However, they continued to sell them, after our recognition.

They should not have participated in their own games. Fass enhancing game, it should be. And now, all fass are sleepy, already. No physical power at all, and no Police world would come soon, presumably. Good grief.

Today, HARUMI like figure came to the office room up to Miyuki's site, and after checking Miyuki's existance, it refraiend and entered into the toilet. Miyuki, then, found, an electric feet heater on the fordable table. Oh, KUSODAMARI and OKAMURA's way, HARUMI has done, up to now, Miyuki recognized.

Miyuki relied on HARUMI, however, just a thief, she is. And Miyuki is a kind of "Ducking with long leeks" or ネギ背負ったカモ in short for her and her daughter YUKARI. One guy, who entered into Tokyo Versity means they all could eat by way of this stupid Tokyo Versity degree holder. Miyuki should be treated by them both, as mentally illed guy, and her all belongings should be disposed under their control, they calculated.

In the future, they calculated, also. However, they accelated the process, by way of Medical forced hospitalization. Thus, they got combined with Kyorin versity, and they turned to be Miyuki's medical doctors, in short. And now, they were revealed that just Alzheimer satans or fass, in short.

Thus, no man's land again.

Look at this article. Kindergardens earn more money than industrial companies. Terrivle contradiction:

Kindergardens are supporters of workers, thus, it should not be, type joke like fenomenum. No industry in Japan, Japanese government confessed, confirmed.

KURODA, the president of Central Bank of Japan says as always, "We should reach 2% of inflation as purpose!", however, MUJI betrayed! KURODA, you should shot it!:

IKKYO mass suicide hotel is now established in OKINAWA! :
Just devastation of beautiful ocean. Crash this plan, immediately! MEGA-DEATH only type Hotel, no more!!! Die for now, by our way of execution. Quick and easy! Total Vanishing! No room for losers! We are champions, in the end!

Why they put a Chapel on the plan? Because they all are IKKYO believers! Death on the belly is their ideal way of being killed. Thus, bye for now, hotel related property management companies!!!

Individual OSECHI or New Years only special dishes?!:

Oh, now one coin means US$1, not US$5! Oh, value conception changed for our side. Miyuki thinks that One Coin is US$1, while satans, US$5. Slightest way, they changed the system, without saying. Sly!

And "Individual New Years' Party dishes!" Too messy. One guy only party. Probably, their mates were dead, already, thus, only one guy suicide party would be held in each IKKYO individual room in their complex, it means.
On the belly type death, they wanted, however, failed. Thus, now, Oh, by yourself type death, they will perform. Oh, Musturbation Death, instead of Death on the belly. Ummm...anyway, Death during sex, yes it is.

Now, big family news.

"Toilet Smart phone is so dangerous, thus, I will put anti-bacteria liquid medicine near the toilet, thus you should use it and wipe it by the liquid, OK, Alex?" YUKARI ordered Alex, suddenly, at 23:30, entering into the office room. Alex asked, "Why, Auntie?"
YUKARI responded, "Because it is dangerous.You would catch a cold." Alex asked, "Do you can proove the relashonship between toilet smartphone using and germ related disease?"
YUKARI replied, "TV says so." Alex said, "Oh, I can't believd it!" And YUKARI insisted, "Noro virus, you would catch.Liquid medicine, you should take!" Alex responded negatively. And YUKARI refrained from the scene.

However, 3 minutes after, YUKARI popped out into the office room, and said to Alex," Gargling and teech brushing, you should do. Recently, you ommit it." And Alex responded, "Oh, I prefer meeting dentists, rather!" And YUKARI said, "Yes, your dantists are looking forward to seeing you." And she refrained from the office room again.

Probably, YUKARI just wanted to warn on usage of smartphone use in the toilet, however, YUKARI couldn't think of the reason, thus, she put vague reason namely, "On behalf of your health", and she tried to bring virus counterattacking medicines, however, she couldn't. Thus, strange replasement, YUKARI did. Germ turned to be calies, and the medicine, for gargles and tooth brushing, she started to prepare for Alex.

In the softest way, "Protectinist", Alex yelled to Auntie. And repeatedly YUKARI tried to persuade to do teeth glooming jobs, toward Aelx.