Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (276)

2017-11-02 22:50:45 | 日記
22:56 Oh, Japanese announcers are really dumb speakers! Look at the real proof:

The first frase, especially, tells so much. "The next news on the weather report for fishers only." it says, in the written mode. Some guy wrote for oral expression. Already, these so easy improviso type expressions were written by some guys, and the announcers just read as monotonous mechanical voice.

Sleepy tone. Just for kids to sleep? Sandman???

Snakeman Show! Wolf Man Jack! Monotonous sleepy voice sounds like tape recorder, for Miyuki's side. On the radio, WoWow, on the radio! ♫ Roberta Flack again!!!

Just exactness the announcers were required, and not exactness of the contents, but that of perfect dumb BLA-BLA-BLA. Thus, they wrote the composition before the broadcasting, and offered it to the boss, and the boss said yes, they could read out on the radio! Oh, Oh!!!

Japanese exactness weigns just superficial beauty. Not the contents. Even in the talking on the radio, just repeating episodes would be required by NHK and another channels.

The composition mode. Terrible expressions here and there. No error, IKKYO kids! You should be killed, if you make a mistake! Satanic mode, they adopted, already, and they are hearing the yawning voice from their side, already.

No guys were there in YUKARI's chamber, and the sliding doors between the chamber and the corredor was open, and the scene was shockingly dirty. Why YUKARI is allowed to live like that? Because her Alzheimer is already recognized by others all level.

However, YUKARI popps out so often. No place for the skin bag of Broken Robbot.

Miyuki found the team leader Cool Mint. Robin! Robin, who crawls on the wedge bush, was his name, in short, just Robin. Hood?

Not thieve, he is. Stronger than others, and persistent for Miyuki's rough treatment. And nice refreshing smell ejects. And basils gained Robin's way. The shapes are so similar to him, and their way of life, also. In the same pot, Miyuki put, because basils were weak at that moment. And the basils turned to be similar to Robin, gradually. Thus, they could put up with Miyuki's "Oooops, sorry, I fold your stalk!" thus, 90 degree men, they are.

Two stalks of Basils, Miyuki bought at KANEKO seeds shop, and so many old bitch shopkeepers were there. They had no knowledge at all on plants. And any visitors to the shop also. Agricultural type, Miyuki thought, however, in the middle, just tulips' bulbs on the shelf. ???? And in front, just onion bulbs. ?????

Spooky mono-culturization, we are experiencing now in Shirakawa. Only Pansies, and NICHI-NICHI Sou and Mary Golds. ?????, in Tokyo. In HACHIOJI, in the center of Tokyo, also! So few simplest and too too common garden plants were cultivated. And it happened also in the big vinil houses of Endou Flower World. Astonishingly cheapish and monotonous! Infernal scene, we caught the sight of. Anyway, monotonous! No variety, satans prefered.

Total empty is their desire. Primitive yawning. Thus, total banishing only. DANCHARI world, they are in Shirakawa. Thus, leaves and twiggs were taken and brought to somewhere in big tracks. Unusual autumn, Miyuki thinks, however, for satans, as usual. No leaves would be suitable for their life. Thus, for their death, we should declare. For us, each leaf weigns a lot. Satans, you can't stop your cutting mode. No reason for us to have YOUJI, the Jasons. Who did it? When did it? War, yes. And satans should go to inferno, immediately!!!

Satanic Alzheimer umbalanced cutting done by satans, in short. Dirty and nasty way of cutting. YOUJIs and MISAEs, in short.

Three days off for kids' side. And Alex wants to take a rest a bit. He should work for three days, consecutively. And he? He likes to earn money. Easy money. Just waiting for consumers. And so rare to receive them. Thus, fried potatoes get colder, thus, he can eat it. Ideal for him!

For him, yes, and sometimes Clare visits him to fake a consumer. Miyuki? Not at all! You know, your parent is jobless, and no income at all!

Thus, no choice at all. Alex and Clare perceived that their grand father degraded also. Shirakawan, he is, yes. And he refused Miyuki's kind offer. She just wanted to buy the vinil plastic to take advantage of the existance to work in tomorrow morning. And for her, not so difficult to buy substitutes. However, some guy's belonging, not mine, thus, I can't provide it for you. Refusal, and Miyuki accepted easily. The reason unknown, however, he has right to refuse Miyuki's kind offer, thus, Miyuki refrained from the scene.

At the same time, whose plastic sacs they are? Not his, thus, HARUMI's or YUKARI's? Why in front of the entrance of the office? What is the reason to put them untouched there? Nasty for visitors, Miyuki perceived. Whose ones?

Thus, too too stupid! For no one's, Miyuki can use it, yes. however, it would be fine to perceive that some guy's. Thus, she refraiend to insist her kind offer.

For Miyuki, untouched should be disposed, in the most useful way. However, for Shirakawans, only for the guy who pays so much. And no man's land again and again.

For her, going to some suitable places would be fine, yes. And now, she targets the suitable site. Cainz home center. Thus, No Man's Land, again and again!

For her, yes, I can use them! Thank you!, is so so natural response. and for Shirakawans, not at all! "For free, as you like!", they induced, thus, Miyuki took, as she liked. And then? Nothing, except one of them vanished.

This is Shirakawans, in short. For any guys, Miyuki is nasty, yes. Thus, they played the role of nasty vinil plastic sac??? Total vanishing, they want? Do it! Geno-Suicide, please! Immediately!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! See you, Rightous Brothers, tomorrow morning! From Uncle Miyuki with her supporters Cyborg 009, with Big Big LOVE!!!

PS.Quick Information:

For two stupid big heads, our precious money is going to ditch. Mr.Slump and his Pet Dog ABE, will do golf, in Saitama, prefecture. For this stupid reason, 18,000 police would be used in vain.

Miyuki caught the same scene in May, 2016, at the moment of Summit of ISE-SHIMA. Too too stupid guys came to Japan in vain. No common talk session at all, just hotel meeting, useless. ABE is so stupid, and he continues to pretend to exist. Satanic Acepharos, they are! Go back to INFERNO, satans! Alzheimer Big No Life KINGs. Trio?

With whom? Trio Los Panchos!!! With Putin? Big Belly Type, yes! Go directly to INFERNO!

Illogical judgement:

The judge admitted that the criminal was done by other personality, however, he wants to think of respponsibility of the crime. Unusual! Already he declared on the another personality's crime, however, at the same time, he accuses the guy of another personality's behavour! Replacement OK type, the judge was revealed! Alzheimer illogical judgement! Japanese Judges' example, he is!! Marvelous judgement! You show up your Alzheimer disease holding in public! how shameless, and how audacious! You should have quitted your job, earlier, Tax Robber, Judge!

Our hypothesis was proved as totaly factual:

Used Ambulance cars are sold and re-used by common guys. In this case, to be sold for another country, according to OMANKO online journal. For the police, so common. Just burnt. A simplest accident.

Faked police, satans run now even in Tokyo. Thus, so monotonous response from satanic side. NHK also. No emotion at all. Satans are dumbs, thus, non talkative. Monotonous TV only life makes satans mroe and more stupid, without bottom!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (275)

2017-11-02 17:56:40 | 日記
02/11/2017, Thursday, 18:14

Miyuki did her vinil plastic papers and sacs putting job on the two pyramids. One is almost whole wrapped by them, and another, one half accomplished situation now.

during her job, too too strange thing happened. A vinil plastic paper, big type, gained at Cainz Home Center yesterday, vanished, in several seconds, when she was absorbed in talking on her unusual experience with Kyorin FUSSA High School team.

Only several minutes of absence in mind, for Miyuki, however, the paper, almost 1 meter x 1 merter at size, vanished completely! No wind at all there, today was at that moment. What happened? Miyuki searched it near, however, no where she couldn't find.

Oh, satanic YOUJI wind brought it with it to INFERNO! The contrary of Gods' wind. Thus, already, the new blue sheets and her semi-transparent big plastic sac were stolen!

SETSUNA, in Buddist term. 1/1 hundred millions seconds, in short. So short moment, it happens. Satanic time, in the quickest version. Thus, total vanishing in object version!

Exist some spot of total vanishing sites in Shirakawa, Shirakawans believe, and they want to avoid the nasty spots. And it is near Miyuki's house. Thus, it happens, they explain.

Thieves, in short. They do in the quickest work, and it is called, "Gone with Wind". Unhappy end, for Miyuki, the film is. And so so long for Miyuki. However, AOKI liked it so much, and YUKARI praised that the film is praised by any film related guys, because of usage of new technics. Revolutional, they praised, YUKARI explained, and Miyuki read the explanation in this line.

However, for Miyuki, their kids died, after falling from the house, and the couple got divorced. Even though, the heroine decided to get married with some new guys in the new future, was the message of the film.

So cold hearted, she would be. After the kids' death, Ret got coolder to attend her. It means that she killed the kid, intentionally, predicting the separation between both. Terrible selfish story, for us all! Thus, nasty story, for Miyuki.

Miyuki was the kid, probably. Thus, nasty, long long unattractive film, for her. And AOKI recommended to watch "Pretty Woman" of Julia Roberts, and Miyuki, coincidently, when she was in Funabashi, as Graduate School pupil, watched it, on TV. Kenichi ISHIDA is stupid!, was Miyuki's impression. And Purostitute's success story! Oh, Assisted Love Affair, itself! Julia is big, and SHIBUYA girls are short. However, both are prostitutes.

Thus, Miyuki didn't like the film at all, however, she liked that the impressive scene of Julia and the hero. Oh, bubble bath! Two adults, all together! Sexy!

Just it. Thus, she really wanted to take a bath with her supposted boy friends, any of them, anyway. However...with human beings, no chance. Thus, with marine creatures, in a bubble. not, "Help! I am now drowning!" situation, nor, "Oh, whale, your ejection of spermatozoide is so bubbly...I am filled with the bubbles!" situation.

Thus, no chance for Miyuki, at all! Miyuki's joke made marine animals get upset!!! So so nasty dirty jokes only. ADACHI like! She should know her limit! How she is audaciously starting to thinking of us as candidates of her lovers! She is just...enthusiasm trigger, in short. A kind of feromone, probably. They like her smell, only. No, her expressions. Don't make a mistake on the point! Miyuki would have never boyfriends forever, satans yelled!!!

However, Miyuki calculated that in the near future, probably, she would gain her suitable friends so many! Because she is so diligent to do her work! Serious, in short. Thus, she is so so serious to do her comedian job. Thus, sometimes her audience gets upset! So so nice, her performance is!, it means...Too too ridiculous, thus, USSO! or USO broadcasting on YOMIURI Shimbun!!!

Miyuki made her caltivation job in the three patches. Brocorli sprauts were put on the surfice of potatoes and MUKAGOs, roots like fruits like ivy type potatoes' parts, which were put in the deeper soil. Thus, upper and under, both double usage, Miyuki tried. Probably, it would effect, because Brocorlis prefer just surfice, while potatoes, just subsoil world. Two stories were used by Miyuki's side.

And Miyuki agreed with Brocorlis to take advantage of condensed mode, thus, little dwarf brocorlis, just for wild hare tribe size. Easy to cook, and pretty to see. A kind of toys for baby wild hares. Thus, sprauts would be enough to grow as they like. Yes, big brocorlis are also welcome, however, as radish case, tiny radish is also good at soup. Brocorli's shape is so similar to Big Trees, or rather, moutain range. Strange similarity the both have, Miyuki thought, when she met with this vegitable for the first time.

Miyuki had gotten to know Califlower, earlier than Brocorli. So similar, also. However, for her, white big flower, the Califlower was, while Brocorli was Big Forest. White and Green, however, for her, so different vegitables. And she likes both. Califlower pottage soup, Miyuki made. However, she lacked "it". "It" was meat protain, in short. She put butter, yes, instead of meat buyon or so, however, so so soft, just for babies type. Thus, she wants to make the same soup with meat bross. Probably she would gain more power with Califlower soup!

Easy to mash, and pretty in colour! White cream type, Miyuki tried to make with milk, and failed. Chiken buyon should have put as necessity, however, she had no meat, nor bone, at that moment, and she ommitted it, and she gained the failure. So clear reason for her failure. Thus, she would try to cook it as revenge to herself.

Miyuki also split green peas sprouts in the second patch, in the vally. She moved Roman Letuses to the third patch.

Probably, Alzheimer ladies don't recognize the difference between themselves and the others. Thus, HARUMI is also KOJIMA female, vice versa! Today, KOJIMA female popped out during Miyuki's farming job, and also, earlier, Kojima male did his faked farming job in the patch near their house, which is located along the YAOYA-block's main road.

Miyuki left so few of the green pea sprauts in the first patch. Thus, competitions, Miyuki projected. Perselies were also moved to the third patch. The roman letus, persely, and green peas, should be competing each other! Thus, some competition spirit holders would work!

And she put a bone in the each hill or vally, as much as possible. Basil and Cool Mint were also moved to the third patch. They were in two pots, and now, they can change the position as they like. Good grief, now, Miyuki gained the super precious power to read the book written in plants letters...Smell???

Sometimes, they sent special smells yes. And today, variety of smells, she felt. Cool mint smell sometimes. Miyuki could read the special cooking book, written by known guys!!! Oh, delicious begitable dishes, unknown to so many guys, type? Probably, bones would work so much!

However, Miyuki found that at each supermarket, recently, bone type is expensive. And sometimes, shopkeepers are so sly, despite of their Alzheimer diseases.

At WASHIO, wild persimmons were sold in a box, at US$12. Not farming type, appearantly! And at Benimaru-Yokomachi, chiken wings were sold at 58 cents per each, however, the packages were so so light, compared with the weight declared by the shopkeepers. Almost 500g, the packages declared, however, when Miyuki took the weight manually, she felt so so lighter than the disctiption. The price per gram is yes, so cheaper than casual days, however, they lied at the weight. Thus, in total, no fain for consumers.

To disturb consumers' calculation, they put faked mother with little kids in front of the shelves. They objected Miyuki's step, thus, Miyuki yelled in her loud voice, "Oh, Alzheimer mothers' conversation. Diceased kids version. They killed the babies already, and only one baby was borrowed as their common baby. One mother put the baby in her bust by sling belt, and two mothers were talking on their own babies' situation, however, no second nor third babies at all! The only one baby was treated by the three mothers. Strange scene!

For them, per one baby, three mothers would be necessity. Only 1/3 of others, YUKARI worked, while she required 3 times more than others, at that moment. YUKARI was useless, Miyuki declared already several times, and now, it effects!

YUKARI has "ASUS" notebook type PC computer, in the corredor of her chamber!!! Miyuki got astonished at the scene! Miyuki could enter into the corredor, for the first time, after her pushing out from there because of entering into taking some ointment, and found it! It was open, and no dust at all! It means some guy uses it constantly, and cleans up constantly.

and YUKARI's chamber was disaster, as Miyuki calculated. So many paper avalanches, near the bed. No table at all. One big bed and abalanches. What is she doing during days and nights, without making objects in order???

Typically disorganized chamber, YUKARI lives, yes. And no guy claims to her at all. For her, Res Adquerido, already, and YUKARI continues to insist that MIYUKI is worse than she!

However, who agrees her opinion? Miyuki's desk is not in order, yes, however, productive, and no space at all, except in the one part of the office room, practically saying. And YUKARI? She does something productive? Just mashing potatoes on Thursday fanomenum again?

The Alzheimer Ladies should know their limit. Potatoes refrained from being provided toward them. Thus, no potatoes fenomenum here and there. Thus, Miyuki should provide potatoes for Rightous Brothers. Yes, she is now caltivating in her tiny third patch. After KITAAKARI, May Queen, Miyuki wants to have, however, probably, she doesn't need to buy up to the certain moment. Enough, now. If she has chance to buy some potatoes as her dish, she would take advantage of the leftover. Just it. Not so eager to produce it. Occasionaly, she would plant it.

Enough, probably, as her seeds investment. And sometimes, if she finds some unusual vegitables, she would buy them as samples. Already, her patches are full of vegitables, and now, some vegitables are in the mood to move!

Green peas like the soil so much! Especially, chiken bones! Meat eaters, they are! And Miyuki's way is so so common in Brazil. Soy Beans providing company no.1, Brazil is. USA, no.2, now. Thus, they put Domestic Animals bones on the soil, just put them on the earth, and it worked so much! Anmonimum and calcium, and animal protains also. For Miyuki, vegitables are meat eaters, now! Just as me!, Miyuki recognized.

Chemical products weaken their soil, and it causes insect attacking situation. Thus, as much as possible, meat and vegitable left over only, is so so correct.

Alex tried to do it, however, he quitted. Snags were so full, and he disliked them all! Miyuki dislikes either, yes, howver, today, in the second patch, Miyuki found two snags in total! One of them were so so slippery, and it tried to escape so many times, and Miyuki was obliged to search it, several times. And she stomped them completely in the public execution site in SHIRAKAWA III parking lots.

At SHIRAKAWA III, almost all of kids are brought by cars. They can't walk at all. The reason, unknown.

At 7:20 morning, a car came and a pupil got off the car, near the main gate of the school, and he went to the courtyard. Why so early in the morning? No industry, nor profession at all for rural guys. Why they want to drive vehicles for so many hours?

And when Miyuki was going back from her errand trip, in the dark, near Shirakawa III, so many vehicles passed beside her. At almost 17:30, and why so many cars all together toward Miyuki's direction? Strange!

At GUTS' triangle corner or 宗祇戻し or SOUGUI-MODOSHI, Miyuki found that no more US$5 equivalent coin at all at his small stone table, and instead of the coin, now, only 10 cents coin was there. Replacement like that. 50 times less value. Thus, YUKARI wants to replace Miyuki, seriously.

Miyuki now as a result could gain functional key of the office, anyway. She was given non functional key before, however, it was not suitable for the door of the office, thus, it was kept untouched with her precious object in the safe in the corredor of YUKARI's chamber. Mad Dog usage, we planned, and failed. YUKARI is useless, completely, and she should move from the chamber. Thus, she should get out to the hospital, immediately!

She should be adopted at the hospital, in short. And now, she got adopted so well, thus, no use for any guy, her chamber is. Thus, at first, purification would be necessity.

Cleaning up business, we need to do. During winter, Miyuki should clean up the room. Cold and not good at living any guys. Thus, stockyard, it would be! Good for conserving blass bottle types, and some seeds.

So cold, thus, YUKARI put the fire, and she failed. Before using the oil heater, she should have clean up the room. It was pledge, and she forgot it again and again. "I just wanted to lit the fire for Alex!", YUKARI yelled, and she tried to get away from the hospital, and she continued to be normal, despite of her violent situation.

She started to attack Clare and Alex, at night. Thus, twiggs were replaced on behalf of the two kids. The final damage, YUKARI put on the twigs, and we believe that she is dead already.

No attacker, please, Clare yelled, and Miyuki, you gained her reliance at all! Miyuki yelled the proverb, "触らぬアルツに祟りなし!” or "Don't touch Alzheimer patients, or you would be attacked!" with her melodious way of saying.

Miyuki asked her father, "May I buy the packaged of the venil sacs, transparent type, at 50 cents or 100 cents?" and her father responded, "I don't know, whose they belong to." Thus, Miyuki declared, "Thus, I don't try to use it at all! Not I try to buy it, at all!" and then, the above proverb in her original inovation put type.

In Japan, correctly, 触らぬ神に祟りなし. 神 is KAMI, God, in short. And Semi-God is Alzheimer patient. Thus, in more puniching way, Miyuki replaced the word KAMI with Alzheimer patient.

Thus, the end of the story. No Alzheimer patient at all policy, HARUMI decided, and she prefered saying that "Only one guy is exception. It is called Miyuki, and she is so nasty. She is so forgetful and dirty, nasty existance." And they all did know well that HARUMI and YUKARI are both Alzheimer patients.

Why policy works on this matter? HARUMI's hope, not the fact. The fact is totally against her policy. Just lie, HARUMI told, and she was hated by others, entirely!

Why we need to conceal their Alzheimer disease holding problems? They are troublesome forgetful guys, and violent, especially recently!

Miyuki recognized that YUKARI soon started to unite her hair by a rubber ring, after Miyuki had lost a rubber band. When Miyuki found a ring rubber, Miyuki thought it were Clare's, because it was near her clothings left on the washing room. Thus, Miyuki refrained from taking it.

Then, YUKARI's hair style change happened. However, Miyuki didn't recognize the situation exactly. They took it as Miyuki's accordance, and YUKARI stole it, entirely.

For them, no claim means admittion to use it. Even after the recognition, Miyuki didn't claim to others, thus, they gained, they insisted.

Nonsense! Miyuki has no obligation to communicate to satans, thus, in case of necessity, Miyuki talks with them, and in the house, Miyuki decided to keep certain distance from them, thus, she ignores the Alzheimer ladies, entirely!

OMANKO Government, Japan has, in formality:

Kindergaden would be free, University, also: This is Alz ABE's catch frase. OMANKO MICCHIKU family only type financial support, he attempts. Really DDMic BUSU satan, he is! Alzheimer patient, no.1! Get him into custody to avoid terrible disaster! Necessity! Miyuki recommends for our bosses to kill him immediately again and again!

Stupid! He forgot to have been dead. So so idiot! Jamhead! Brainless! Acepharos!!! Shame collector, he is!

The most important part is primary schools and junior high schools. They are free, in superficial way, as Bitch Constitution says, however, so much useless spending we parents are obliged to do. Threatening only. Sometimes, shame putting, "Oh, your parents are so poor, thus you refuse to pay it! Laughing story! Pupils, laugh at their choice!"

Kill these teachers all, in a body, also!!! Poor, because Japanese Government explores us all! We are honest workers, yes, thus, we are poor! Why for luxury of MICCHIKU rich families, we should be forced to pay our precious money as tax!!! Kill all of the politicians and relatives, all in a body, immediately!!!!

OMANKO journalists can't recognize the difference between private business and public power:

Adults Pocky!!! Oh, Adults ED treatment failed, it means? Pocky's pronunciation is so similar to 勃起 or BOKKI, or penis erection. And "Adults" they put! Terribly!

And the selling was prohibitted and only 4 shops could sell it! Special Adult Toy, the product would be! So so significance for erotic type! And 解除 or KAIJO, means "We allow to do so for you, people" in judicial term. Thus, too too laughing. The special Adult Toy called Pocky is now on sale in any shops which put GLICO products, namely, in every Supermarket, you can buy the toy called Pocky now!" like impression, this article induces among us all!

Erotic satans can't stop their sexiual illusion, thus, their expression is so so erotic. A kind of confession of, "I can't stop thinking of sex. Why, I don't know! Oh, because you are erotic satans!" ♫ in the melody of ANRI's "I can't stop loneliness" for the ANIME called Cat's Eye.

City Hunter is also OK. Anyway, Fujiko MINE line gloumorous three sisters are playing the role of Lepin III, in the ANIME. 北條 or Houjou was the comic writer's name. And Miyuki thinks that this name time is avoidable to see type, because personal meeting would cause illusion...Coolish name, funs image, and nasty OTAKU popps out type.

KYOU really thinks so. Miyuki's prediction is so so correct. Why you can do BINGO so much? Because Miyuki hires her supporters as her Back Stage Dancers. 北見けんいち or Kenichi KITAMI,also?釣りバカ日誌?

With this name, no illusion at all.Just probably stupid guy would appear in front,soon. Like no hope in appearance type name.And Kyou watched them both.The result, the same. Auntie Uncles. Thus, in this case, deception is bigger in 北條's case more, than KITAMI.

條 would be avoidable. A bit aristcratic impression like 東郷秀樹 or Hideki TOUGOU, or 西城秀樹 or Hideki SAIJOU. So similar, and confusing. Miyuki perceived that each generation of artists' names were put according to some famous politician's inclination.

中曽根康弘 for 仲宗根美紀
 佐藤栄作  for 佐藤B作
 岸信介 for 岸恵子
 宮澤喜一 for 宮沢りえ
 原敬 for 原節子
 市川房江 for 市川海老蔵
 Some supporter system exists, probably, and their family names were put on the artists, as the pledge to support them personally and financially.

This list is some examples. Miyuki's supporters are probably some nasty bitchs??? No satan system, we adopt already. It the supporter gets revealed as satan, it would be killed, immediately!

Thus, the end of the world!!! Whole satans surround Miyuki's house, and took any of tiny products, and gained satanic power, subjectively. Plastic bags were refused to be used by Miyuki, in short. HARUMI or YUKARI's products, presumably. Thus, refusal for Miyuki, yes!

Thus, no choice for the three. Satanic Alzheimer patients, they are! Thus, no choice at all! Miyuki started to keep her precious things whole in her own management whole, because satans already attacked her code number of banking. Terribly, and she refused to be used by any of them, thus, she started to manage it by themselves.

And she found that now the key of the office would function. Before, nothing at all, however, Miyuki gained the new one, and now she could open and lock the office.

It was provided almost 10 years ago, when the office was started to lock, according to HARUMI's strong opinion, saying, "Our precious objects are now in danger! Some guy would attack the office!"

Thus, Miyuki was provided one key, and it was incapable to open nor lock. Now, anyway, with some tiny trouble, Miyuki can open and lock the door of the office, thus, she doesn't need to use the bunch of the key in the main house!!! Hooley for us all!!!

Main House is in danger! No one can be entered into the kitchen, because YUKARI likes to use hot water all day long!!! Stupid! Why she doesn't take a bath, instead of consuming so much lukewarm water?

Strange, however, she can't stop it. Thus, only custody in the hospital would be fine!!! Repetitive, yes. Thus, no chance for her all!!! Strange kinkiest exiatance came to Miyuki's house. And Miyuki found a big fact!!!

When Miyuki was born in 1962, the register to be provided rice by Government was obligation, and she was registered to the office, by her parents, as rice eating new born kid. Thus, Japanese Government has Miyuki's register on this matter.

Miyuki thought that rice providing system was already ended up, before 1951, at the treaty of Francisco, for Japan to participate into International society as Liberal Democratic Country.

Pain would be caused by satanic side, and ichy feeling also. Thus, MADANI problems were caused by satans, and also, she felt ichy on her ass hole, soon after she yelled that "Oh, the yellow heavy duty vehicles on the hills between Thunderbolt Mountan range makes me feel ichy that △ ∀ △

  Miyuki thought some nasty object convect type on the vagina, as image. However, suddenly, her ass hole turned to be itchy, soon after her imagination. Oh, satans control my sense of touching, even now!

Thus, the end of their world, entirely!!! For them, Vagina or H is the same as ass hole. Anyway hole, yes. and for their satanic understanding, the design symbolizes Between the two balls in the Bust, situation.

For satans, bust touching is most sexy, and they are satisfied with their rule completely. Thus, they don't want to move from our beautiful universe at all. Just shameless would be fine to gain the power, to be. Thus, "Oh, No!, Satans! Miyuki is not your member, but our side. Thus, no choice for them all!!!

In Japan, any declaration of being victims of satanic crimes were prohibitted. Miyuki's wonder of vanishing of her own objects was so so shocking, because Miyuki expressed clarely on the matter. She told it that satans worked in their own line. and example. They can even now, thus, no exagaration at all for our side.

They can steal something, in a blink. Gods are blind, during this short time, is called SETSUNA.

Miyuki found four lines of air planes, from west to east or the contrary. So low and horizontal. Different from common Downward Air Planes called Blue Impulse. What happened?

And this fenomenum happened when Miyuki was going to WASHIO also.