Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (303)

2017-11-17 23:29:49 | 日記
Some unusual way, they could send the message directly to Miyuki's brain, and they checked their wrongdoings...No brain type, they are. Thus, fass. And they rely on our brain function. Thus, so many immitations, in the worst skewed type. Copy and paste world, we felt so much, and for them, it is too too natural. Immitation, up to some point. And in their cases, beyond the limit. Thus, Mr.NAKAMURA, inventor of LED electric bulb, got in anger, yes.

Miyuki didn't know the principle, at all. However, in the center of Tokyo, Miyuki tried to analyze the mechanism, and found that it is so simple and understandable. So many petit bulbs with reflexion lenses, also petit type. And the repetition of the effects. Just combination of primitive knowledge on the light, which were commonly held even by kids, type. 発明工夫展 or Exhibition of Inovation and Reformation for Kids, type idea. And for her, good job, because according to our natural science, and less costive, yes. Just the skill to make these tiny particles in the exact way is the most difficult point, yes. Thus, yes we can immitate, however, the inventors should be rewarded correctly, of course!!!

The night scenes of Tokyo Central were based on these LED lights. Thus satanic MICCHIKU related should pay for Mr.NAKAMURA and his team, of course! Yes, we can immitate after their discovery or invention, however, with respect, we are allowed to use. At least we should appreciate at the inovation, yes. They should be rewarded correctly. Whole cities were depending on their LED lights, in short. Thus, they could gain so vast money from the show making process!!!

No Man's Land, and only LED lights' effect, Tokyo central parts relied. Dark, it should be! TAKAO Mountains would love to sleep in the dark night. Sleep well, Mount TAKAO!

Magpie site was broken. The young tree was cut, by satanic side. It should not be type blasfamia, they did, and they faked as if it were natural disaster. They cut the grasses under the trees, and at the site only, natural faked disaster happened. Strange. HARUMI said that SHIBUKI had the place, and Miyuki got in wonder. Yes, we are neighbours, unfortunately. However, SHIBUKI was not holder of Mountain Range. HARUMI said that they were really poor in the early stage after WWII, and Orthodox Church adviced them to start river pebbles collecting business, and they gained money so much. Thus, not traditional land holder type, SHIBUKI family was.

HARUMI said so many lies, as if they were the reality. Already she was suffering from Alzheimer disease, in her youngest age. Thus, forgetful flamboyant guy, she was. And Miyuki categorized that feeble minded illogical lady, she was.

And now, just snag satan, HARUMI is. Thus, commit suicide with YUKARI!, is Miyuki's kind advice.

This is the fact of Japanese society. Not unusual, this experience is. Japanese domestic wives are so ugly, nasty, non-working, dirty, useless, harmful attackers, in short. HARUMI is just a sample of her age. And YUKARI also. In YUKARI's age, already, hermits or 引きこもり or HIKIKOMORI was so common. And now, they should be killed immedately.

Miyuki cut the line with any of them, yes. And they try to gain some affection from Miyuki's side. In Miyuki's case, radical measure, she took. Total abandonment of satanic existance, as much as possible. No reason for her to use skin bags of her family and relatives. Thus, No Man's Land, again and again.

KUNUGUI or chesnut like icorns, Miyuki wanted to have. However, so many hole made type only on the allies in NANKO mountain range, and she got nasty. They came to attack in this way, and the forests were totally devastated, in the early stage.

Miyuki found that the hut is located on the early constructed high slope. Probably, the residue of the exploration up to 1970s, and one mountain full was devastated, and Shirakawans tried to invite newcomers on this place, and failed. Thus, they tried to cultivate grapes in the slopes, and satanic army attacked. And DAIKOKUYA grape yard was one of the residue of that period. Thus, good for the cultivation of grapes in every kinds, on the north side of the slope, as Miyuki presumed. Moser like scene, Miyuki presumed. Thus, BINGO hit. And she is now cultivating all seeds in their own will. Thus, some claims came already. Cold for us, chesnuts claimed. OK, thus, may I cultivate into the soil directly? On the south part of the third patch, probably. OK? And they liked Miyuki's answer. Carpet like soil is necessity for their cultivation. Thus, probably, tomorrow, she would move them into the third patch. North parts of the third patch would be vegitable and herb garden, and the south, seeds cultivation field for trees. Thus, KUNUGUI should wait for a while. For Miyuki, OK, however, she is worrying about their vanishing. Yes, if they are now gwoing up in their own soil, it would be marvelous. However, looking at the scenes of Mountains, now, yes, reddish beautiful mountain scenes, we can see. However, slender births work so much, instead of icorn type. Without birch tribe, Mountains would be seen so messy. And even now, in several sites, satans do their wrongdoings, yes. Terribly Alzheimers, they are. Just like HARUMI and YUKARI. Ridiculous, however, they insist as if they were all normal. Dr.Dull, they are all!!!

The temperature was confirmed fine, while, the seeds. In front of satanic existance, all fallen leaves should be taken immediately to be devastated. SANKIN worked in this field. MATSUSHIMA and USUI also. Bottom part only type life, they spent, and failed.

HARUMI wanted to be superior to others, and failed. No Man's land, she caused. Faked kindness is worse than unkind. Dishonest no.1, and trapping. She attacked her own families, and contributed for outside satans. She was just inside satan, in short. YUKARI's Alzheimer attitude was so evident, however, HARUMI protected YUKARI on behalf of her side. Satanic league, they belong to. Female bitches only, in this case. And dirty and nasty. However, the end of their world, already, confirmed.

No Life Queens, they are.

Today, Miyuki found cranes and black water front foreign birds so many in Silver lake. Black and White, they are. And Miyuki found a couple of Big Swans were flying from West to East. They came! Miyuki yelled toward them, Welcome to our village! Reside in your suitable water front! You have already heard on our situation from your team mates swallows, and you bravely decided to come here. I appreciate your comming! Stay in the good atomosphare! Miyuki wants to see you soon, both!

And Miyuki remembered in the middle of MITAKA area in Tokyo, Miyuki met three small swans, danced and yelled the song. Swan Song means the last words of the civilization. Thus, Miyuki really sighed, "Good grief. This goddamnit city called Tokyo is now sinking".

Thus, the two big guys came to sing the song of celebration of new age!

Miyuki remembers that in OOIKE in OMOTEGOU area, there were so many swans were feeded by so many guys on Sunday morning. Existed some guys bring suitable foods for them. Miyuki tried to give some breads, and they accepted. Alex and Clare also tried to give it to them. Alex wanted to touch the swan, and he couldn't. Dangerous, Alex! You would fail! Miyuki yelled. They loved to visit the cold snowy pond to see swans.

In NANKO lake, when Miyuki was pupil of Shirakawa III, they came in several groups. Kids collected dried up tangerine orange skins and leftover of green teas. Probably good to provide vitamin C for them.

For free type charity, in each class. Some guys were so earger to bring these foods to the class. For them, so natural seasonal for free type attitude, and it was not called volunteering at all. Just a kind of winter amusement. Better than subject study type. 45 guys were in the class, thus soon, their foods could be sufficient for the donation. Unknown guys, who provided foods for winter water front birdies, they were. It was so so common in this region. All guys participated in the activity. A kind of using KOTATSU or foot heater in winter type common seasonal pleasure, for us all.

Smell is good, both products, yes. And swans want more and more dried fish only. OK, Miyuki would provide so soon. Eat them with Miyuki! She likes dried up sardines, also.

thus, the end of donation system in satanic side. They wanted to gain reward from the activities. However, for us all, a kind of "We'll have lunch tomorrow, OK?" type common attitude. Reward? Just eating lunch together is reward?

For satanic side, yes. For Miyuki, paying light meal for others is just common attitude. However for satanic side, "Oh, she paid, thus, the targetted guys would be the special kins for her!" type understanding.

Satanic communication system was so so strange. Eating lunch together is counted as dating...Ummm...Thus, I did datings so many times with so many guys...

Satanic understanding is totally different from us all. Thus, no man's land at all.

Reservation system was adopted unnecessarily. Just a slight check would be enough for us all, however, satans required appointment, previously, without exception, thus they were revealed as satans.

Always mechanical and automatic. Satanic simplification system was always statistic, and out of flexibility. Stone head, it was called. No good usage at all. Thus, their essential characters were revealed in front of her. Primitive, and not related with any brain work. In this case, the real genuine feeling works as proof. And HARUMI was revealed as just attacker for us all. Faked kindness, she adopted, thus, she should be killed harshest way in the accumulated shames.

YUKARI changed her clothings before sitting on the car, in the morning, because she wanted to be neat beside Alex. And she took so many hours to change them, and her function was just taking the stick when the car entering into the courtyard. And YUKARI's way of taking delayed so much. What is she doing, after taking the stick? She stayed in front of the pole for several minutes, thus, Miyuki took the photo as proof. Civylla pose again?

For her, taking means loosing the rope, in short. Thus, she lost the chance to show her mentaly normal stage. So many times, we explained that just taking means moving the stick from the hole, not loosening the rope, at all, however, she repeated the same movement.

Stupid, however, for her, so so natural to do so. Thus, repetitive, their movement is. And during day time, she wears so messy fat clothings inside the house. Just in case of appearing in the car, she looked neat.

It happened already. Last winter, Alex asked her to buy croquets at ITAMI meat shop, and she took 20 minutes to change the clothings, and she went to buy them, and at the meat shop, she recognized that she had forgotten to bring the wallet, and she couldn't buy them. Thus, Alex bought fried chiken peaces instead.

For YUKARI, I am normal, as always. However, for our side, her existance disturbs our pursue for happiness. Just VANISH! DDMs! You are so nasty ugly smelly bitches!, in short, however, for the Alzheimer queens, too too natural to forget the wallet, in short.

HARUMI said cleary that in Spring, "I forgot the wallet in the house for the first time, and I couldn't buy anything at the supermarket, in my life, for sure!" Oh, as far as I know, you forgot several times already, like SAZAE-san, mother, Miyuki said by herself in her belly, however, in fron of her, "Oh, you did?" in her slightly sarcastic way.

Once per day, for HARUMI. In her life, means, in one day. One day acuview, she is now. And YUKARI, already 3 minutes Ultraman series, yes! Thus, twice, she entered into toilet, last night.

Miyuki watched a burned patch in the rice field. Not dangerous, because the rice was already cut, however, crazy! Useless! Alzheimer burning, they did, and she took the picture, of course!

And useless cultivation activity done by heavy duty cultivation vehicle in a patch. They can't put up with the sansation to use some machinery. Oh, thus, once per day, they ride in the car, recently?

Yawning from INFERNO. Thus, too too dangerous in this situation. They move collectively, thus, no reason, and abrupt change, recently. Last year, HARUMI almost didn't use the yellow car, and in these several months, so so active to use it. Suddenly, satanic integrated instruction comes as infromation in a belly type. Insect like communication system called 虫の知らせ or Information of Insect type. Thus, just they feel, just they act.

Lemming, in short. Thus, they shoudl vanish immediately all in a body!!!

Now, Quick news. At 1:45, almost midnight, Alex came to the toilet with YUKARI. YUKARI chased Alex, and tried to pass time with him, and followed him to the toilet! Rapist Auntie, she is!

She, at 1:30, 15 minutes earlier, came to use the toilet to the office. Then, it happened. Probably she met Alex in the main house, and she tried to attack him, thus, she made a conversation, and Alex dashed to the toilet, and YUKARI chased him to the toilet! 連れションレイプ or TSURE-SHON-Rape, it is called. Alex wanted to be away from her, because it's past midnight already, and her attacking continues indifferent from day and night. Dashing mode, every time. And now, so hush-hush mode. He got chilled her attaking attitude. Why you chase me up to the toilet? Alex got in wonder.

After using some medicine, sometimes, she attacks Alex like that. Terrible! She can't stop attacking others, entirely!

Thus, they should know the limit. 48 years old Alzheimer patient Auntie started to attack her nephew at his age of 5 years old. Thus, for Alex, just rapist she is! 10 years already passed, however, even now, she exists! Out of mind type attacking every day and night! Oh, August in 風と木の詩 or KAZE-to-KI-no-UTA by Keiko TAKEMIYA!

Incest family, Miyuki's family turned. They chase even in the moment of toilet. No reason, however, they say that I want to be with you, as usual. Mother hucker, Alex should be, and I am a kind of mother like existance, thus, lick my nipples, Alex! I am ready for doing it, Alex! My boy, my pretty nephew Alex, I am your Auntie combined with Mother!, is YUKARI's belly voice.

Thus, Alex is in danger, as usual. And it's Friday night, thus, she is in good mood. Do it with some Delivery Health male, Auntie! You can buy some guy, by your own money! I don't want to be your prostitute substitute, Auntie! You should do it with the purostitute, male type, Auntie!!!

Miyuki is sleepy, however, she got so shocked at YUKARI's arriving with Alex at this late hour, thus, wrote it as emergency case. Good night....ZZZZZ

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (302)

2017-11-17 17:04:00 | 日記
17/11/2017, Friday, 17:04, cold, fine, sometimes cloudy

Oh, 17th of November! NINOMIYA's birthday! You should not have been born!!!

And 1st of December is TAKAHARA's birthday. You should not have been born, either, TAKAHARA!!!

This is FUNATO mail again. He didn't confess his position at all. Professor? President? Emperor? Anyway, his way of write cliche is so so strange. Look at this letter:





1 行政組織法上の行政機関以外の組織が行政事件訴訟法12条3項にいう「事案の処理に当たった下級行政機関」に該当する場合
2 日本年金機構の下部組織である事務センターが行政事件訴訟法12条3項にいう「事案の処理に当たった下級行政機関」に該当しないとした原審の判断に違法があるとされた事例


He said, "奮ってご参加くださいますよう", and this is unusual to be used for this academic type meeting's invitation. For athletic festival, OK, yes, however, for intellectuals, this expression should be avoided. It sounds as if his P is already in erection!!! What he wants to do in this study meeting?

And 諸岡 or MOROOKA is his substitute now. Assistant, this guy, who would do his presentation on this TAKAHARA should not have been born day, would talk so so old theme, which is already confirmed by any guys of this area. Of course, any deligated organization should be responsible for the mistake, which they did, even this organization is just deligated public power, and does not belong to the hierarchy of usual Public power. Too too natural, however, this stupid team called 公法判例研究会 or Study group for study of jurisproudence in public matters.

And so old decision of Supreme Court of Justice would be told this stupid idiot called MOROOKA. 2014's one. Out of merit. Pimps gets degraded like that.

Miyuki got astonished at their low intellectuality, and any guy could perceive the intention of this meeting. Just repeating the existed judicial situation, and giving ligitimacy on it, from their high point of view. High brow, they were yelled, however...Oh, not at all. Just acepharos, in short.

Miyuki was pushed out from the office, because they attacked it at 10:00 in the morning. To avoid nasty encounter with dangerous guy, Miyuki got out at 9:45, from the office, and started her icone related tribes' seeds picking job, and found that so many tribes were attacked by some insects like uroboros worms, and so many holed icorns are left, and it was so difficult to find good seeds in the NANKO mountain range!!!

In Thunderbold Mountain, Miyuki at first tried to meet the chestnut type icorns, and the result...almost all of them were holed!!! The nuts are so light, then, Miyuki finds the holes, always! Vacant places were made kin this way. Snypers were deligated the power to kill the seeds, from the inside. Terrible, however, the same as the case of human being. Sugar family's story in AMAMI-OOSHIMA, Miyuki remembered now.

It was spooky strange tale, which was told in the story of the gift book of KAGAKU or Science, published by GAKKEN company. A family named Sato were all composed of sugar, and ants attacked their brain, and they declined entirely!!!

Empty places making game, satans participated in this period. Then, they took the advantage of the vacancy of original holders, and now, they were revealed as muck or fass. Thus, No Man's Land, again and again.

Thus, only few icorns Miyuki could gain today. Thus, Miyuki needs to pick them in other places. And she found some good places to cultivate the shoots of variety of icorns, in the near future. NANKO related area, in short. So good to be planted the shoots, of course!!! They are welcome of Miyuki's side of cultivation plan, thus, No Man's Land, again and again.

Miyuki got grieved, that the old fine trees had broad belts made of rice stalks knit. It is called 菰 or KOMO, in Japanese. At least, they put the belt, and Miyuki presumed the seems like HARAMAKI or 腹巻, a warm keeping knit belt for human skin holders. OPPABU old BABAA loves to wear it. Thus, they put, taking it as the same species.

At Gyoumu Super Market, Miyuki encountered with terrible arrogant shopkeeper satanic female BUSU clerk. She was in the casher, and she disliked Miyuki, and ordered Miyuki to go to another casher. She decisively said, "Please do your count in another casher", twice, in her threatening voice, and Miyuki totally ignored her order. Why Miyuki should oblige to follow this nasty BUSU bitch's instruction? Not at all. And the BUSU bitch prolonged her act to count the goods, which were bought by a tall guy. A kind of cheapy boss, he is, presumably, and she wanted to gain his affection. Thus, she tried to push Miyuki away from the supermarket.

Miyuki waited for her turn, patiently. And then, she was required 20 cents more for a product! It costed 84 cents, however, this BUSU bitch required US$1.04! Put 20 cents more on the genuine price. Thus, Miyuki skipped the store, entirely. Ralf Neader strategy, again. This supermarket traps so often like that! Oooops!, like faking, however, intentionally. Miyuki heard that the shop manager immediately started to call to the police, after Miyuki's refusal.

Inferior complexed guys, who live in IKKYO complex. Doubly complexed group, they are in!

Miyuki found products from 日光山キノコ園 or Garden of mashrooms of Mount NIKKOU, yesterday at JA store. It was called 松キノコ or Pine Mashroom. TAKAKO MATSU would love the name!

In Japan, mashroom produced on the surfice of fine trees is called MATSUTAKE, not MATSU kinoko. Strange namings are here and there all over Japan. Satans are so slow and dislik to search well, thus, in case of not remembering the targetted names, they just replace with totally different words. Thus, No Man's Land, in Gyoumu Super parket.

And on another day, at a delivative shop of JA in NAKA-MACHI street, きゅうりの塩漬け or Salt soaked cucumbers popped out. For us, just "Cucumber pickles", and it is called, きゅうりの漬物, or TSUKEMONO of cucumber. They don't know the word of TSUKEMONO, confirmed. Domestic wives' symbol is TSUKEMONO, and the shop is run by DDMs, however, all of related don't know the basic term of domestic field, it means. Just like teachers can't count up to 20, like premitive lack of recognition ability, necessary for their works.

Thus, all Alzheimer world, we could prove yes, again!

Shirakawans allow the primitive error, all in a body. Thus, stupid guys only world now!

Today, Miyuki encountered with two ghosts in Magpie Mountain. In front of it, a big silver van with number 61-82 was parked, and YOUJI's skin bag user popped out from the mountain side. And Rin, the Mad Dog, also. And a school girl of primary school popped out also, and they made a conversation, as if they were father and daughter. "Oh, Youji, you were single, when you were alive. Now, you appeared as father? No, no! Your skin bag holder is buying this school girl bitch. WoW! 80 years old YOUJI's ghost is buying 10 years old girl now!", Miyuki laught at them in her belly.

Then, suddenly the scene changed. Rin, the mad dog dissapeared. It was used to catch the attention of the girl, and now, it vanished, imediately. Miyuki took the pictures of the scene with the van. They entered into the van, immediately. And then, Miyuki found a realy old tiny lady was in the back seat of the van, nearest the door. Oh, some Sato related, this lady is! For Miyuki's impression, deciesed Yukiko or Seiko, the sisters of Miyuki's father.

Oh, in this place, so many guys of Sato family popped out, recently. Some of them are dead, already. Youji, Hiroshi, Yukiko or Seiko. They were not so welcome rural life type, all. They dislike potato producing type, however, this year, consecutively, they appeared. Why?

And this evening, twice, so long long telephone called sounded in the office in vain. At 9:30, almost. Miyuki's father, soon after, popped out into the office, and started to prepare for some guy, who would came to the office, thus, Miyuki ran away.

Relatives came, the correct answer, and for Miyuki, a kind of investigator, in her presumption. During the preparation, Miyuki's father opened the safe in the office, and took some document, reluctantly. Probably, some kind of inventory or intestinated related documents.

Greedy relatives want to gain Magpie Mountain, probably, and Youji introduced them to his connected guys, and guided them the site. And Miyuki really thought that the lady had Downward eyes. She knew that she was doing wrong, it means. Youji, didn't do downward eyes, and audaciously he gazed Miyuki. Arrogant threatening, wrongdoers with more degraded level show this attitude. A kind of YUKARI and HARUMI, this combination.

Thus, long years of wrongdoers, Youji's attitude means, yes. Thus, "Go to Inferno!" Miyuki yelled more than three times! Probably, this year, more and more relatives of Sato Family have died, yes. In the near future, this SEIKO looking guys and HIROSHI, probably. They sold their spirit, probably. Both, urban life lovers, yes. And they required some part of Magpie Mountain, as YUKIKO did, almost 20 years ago. Thus, VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!

Miyuki remembered that in the van, the SEIKO like guy looked really old and ugly. SEIKO was beautiful, up to her degradation. Oh, Ines de la Fonseca, was Miyuki's image on her. Now, just an old bitch. Thus, to gain beautiful face, Miyuki should keep to be in our team!!!

Thus, the end. Miyuki found, and she tried to remember the car number, to accelarate our business. New numbering system was adopted. Anyway, 4 numbers, and then, confirmation. Thus, the rest of the identity information would be fulfilled by other measures. Thus, anyway, as soon as possible, Miyuki perceived.

Seiko was feeble in body, it was said. And she had no kid with her husband Mr.Tsunoda. He was Miyuki's father's class mate in high school Shirakawa High School. Miyuki liked him, because his talk was interesting. She rarely met him, yes. However, for Miyuki, he was nice guy type.

Almost 10 years ago, SEIKO came to Shirakawa, saying that Mr.TSUNODA sufferd from recognition problem, because he made a big mistake when they came to Shirakawa from SENDAI, MIYAGUI prefecture, where they lived, during driving on the road. He couldn't drive well, thus, he was with Alzheimer disease, she said.

She is older than Mr.TSUNODA. Miyuki was in wonder with her remarks on her husband. Yes, old, he is. However, just several errors on the road during driving means Alzheimer suffering?

Probably, the signs changed abruptly at that period, and he got confused. And she took advantage of his errors, and tried to put him in some institute for Alzheimer patients with special care. Miyuki doesn't know how they decided after.

And now, probably, the value of US$45 thousand was proposed by these relatives, all in a body. They want to have whole mountain range, and pretended to gain only several parts of Chesnut Hill. And the result...They gained all death, without exception! They lost the bit, in short. Thus, we laught at their last resort. With nose muck, they failed...So few money for Miyuki's side, and they bit the possibility to trap all of us...

They don't know the real value of the mountains, was our qualification on the relatives above. Urbanized guys, and they wanted to continue to live in the urban region, with some sufficient money for their lives. Thus, they sold their spirits, and lost all!!!

Her downward eyed attitude means "We failed" in short. And Miyuki, confirmed the number, went down the mountain, thinking of their death in a body. Petit Mega-Death, probably. Thus, soon they would inform that "We are in funerals. Thus, no new year card, please, send for us" , with special funeral cards.

In Japan, to avoid New Year with nasty reference to the deceased, there is a habit to excuse the guys, acquantances, "Don't write to us, absolutely!" card is provided preveously. Up to the middle of December, it is written and sent, commonly. Thus, dead guys checking period, this season is.

Last year, Miyuki received Moriko's couple's this card. Her father in law died, thus, the guy sent it to Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki wrote some condolescence card to the same address, explaining her situation in the shortest words. Substitute of New Year Card, practically, in her case.

IZUMI-san, also, did so. Yes, her mother died in June, last year. And at WASHIO, already in August, the invitation for the "Don't write to us. We are in funeral period" letters, was put already. The seasonal invitation should be, however, in the mid summer, already, they started to offer the service. Too too early, and spooky. New Year Card printing, at first, please!, Miyuki yelled in her belly. And they didn't provide the invitatio for the service. Only funeral matters, they selectively offer. Funeral spooky village, up to this point!

Youji and Yukiko were IKKYO believer type, in short, poor, while Hiroshi and Seiko, MICCHIKU type, namely, rich. They are all "We don't like Miyuki" type, since Miyuki was cute tiny kid. Miyuki thought that Miyuki came from Funabashi, and she couldn't speak Shirakawan dialect. However, probably her smell was different, was the rightous answer, in short. Thus, for Miyuki, good, and we celebrate the vanishing of all of them, Youji, Yukoko, Hiroshi and Seiko! Any guy treated Miyuki correctly. Thus, for Miyuki, no regret at all!

This kid is different from us, was the common attidute of Sato relatives. Thus, OK, for us all. Why they popped out to be hated by Miyuki, again and again? Probably they forgot how they disliked Miyuki, in their life. Strange personality, Miyuki has, in short. Stupid looking, Todai graduate, single parent, semi-blooded kids' parent...Unusual life, she prefers, yes...Ummmm...what is this strange creature? Thus, the end of Magpie Mountain range story. They should be killed all in a body. They imaged to be the power holder of their world, and failed.

IZUMI Family also have been attacked by satans, because their house was connected with NANKO mountain range, namely, in the bottom of Thunderbolt Mountain, yes.

This morning, Miyuki gained so many images on her future Japanese sweets. Seasonal Rainy Flowers adviced her!!! Some guys prefer being "Shrunk leaf spinatch" leaf colour to survive in winter. And their leaves recalled her a set of plates for Japanese sweets made of whale borns. A greenish gray with some black and whitish yellow lines. Just like the leaf of Seasonal Rainy Flower's leaf. It suited so much with Japanese sweets, especially, YOUKAN or 羊羹, black square paste of stewed red beans. Miyuki made some soft type, yes. And exist more brilliant professional type. 黒光り or KURO-BIKARI or Brilliant Black, they are. And the makin process is not so difficult. Probably, in the near future, Miyuki can make this also, and its variation also.

For her, western cookies and cakes are some kind of event type amusing game to cook. However, Japanese sweets are a kind of artistic attempt, to take advantage of her culinary skills and sense of tongue. Thus, casually, she wants to make Japanese sweets, basic type, and originally creative type.

黄身時雨 or KIMI-SHIGURE, or egg york including white stewed beans type Japanese sweets would be good to represent the image of Seasonal Rainy Flower. And variation! Seasona Rainy Flower gave her so much power, when she was in Tokyo, in 2016. Variation, they showed in front of her. Colour change, also included. And for example, she wants to use leaves to provide Japanese sweets to others, and a piece of flower, beside, all under its accordance. For Spring, egg york indluding type. For Autumn, SHISO or Japanese purple basil included, also. For really rainy season, white type. Colour change, and the ingredient change also. Not so difficult to cook, and can prepare before type. A kind of Japanese Mont Blanc counterpart, in short. Oh, in Autumn, chesnut put type, also good! With fresh cream, it turns to be Mont Blanc, of course!!!

Clare was so good to make chocolate put western sweets, yes. Fondan, she made so well. Semi-roast type, yes. And at that moment, Fondan cake was popular worldwidely. She made chocolate cakes, normal type also. Cookies, yes. She said that existed some friends, who could make cookies better than she. They were good cooks yes.

Miyuki allowed her to use oven and gas ranges, in Hachiouji, yes. Not so dangerous, and amusing. After their use, yes, trash appeared. And for Miyuki, cleaning up at night the sink was a kind of ritual, at the same time, duty as parent, worker type, who couldn't cook well during day time. Alex liked to cook mixed fried rice, so much. Quick, was his style. And now, they lost the way to cook...Oh, how regretful!!!

Ingredients! YUKARI can't use any spice correctly at all. She just warms up frozen foods in micro wave oven, and she says that she makes her best. Thus, incapable, in short.

YUKARI wanted to appear as Alex's mother, in Business Shool, and she failed. She had no bravery to meet any of Alex's teachers responsibles. Now, only 24 years old lady with illocigal ridiculous thinking is his teacher responsible. And her way is out of mind type, for Miyuki. Alex amuses her MISAE like attitute, every day. Stupid and ugly bitch type. And she wants to be good to some targetted guys. Terrible attacker, she is, yes. At the same time, just like Dr.Dull, yes. Thus, the end of his Business School days.

For her, Alex's attitude is just amusing. Anyway, working would be fine, and cramschool study doesn't work at all, he confirmed. Not amusing. For Miyuki, a kind of puzzle games, yes, however, for him, unusual mistries too too difficult to solve. Thus, he quits to study in this line. Better. And he started his own study...wifi gamer. Study? For her, ridiculous illogical mind making machine like TV set. Thus, he thinks well to be so. And...Yes, just an amusement, and addictive, yes. And for Miyuki, your life, Alex. You can lose your precious time for these useless stupid machinery's automatic answers. For Miyuki, stupidest pastime, thus, no interest at all. Miyuki prefers more enjoyable life, thus, she wants to keep away from these game machinery, and she doesn't regret at all.

Addictive, yes, however, attractive for the kids. For Miyuki, not at all. Just like holoscope predictions. Not related her own efforts. Thus, for her, just killing precious time of her, yes. Not attractive at all. She prefers cooking and writing, painting, walking, photographying and so on.

Miyuki found a transparent vinil sac in the toilet. Some guy took from Miyuki's and put some paper trash in it. Thief, this guy is. And probably, HARUMI or YUKARI, who can't recognize who manages the space at all. Recognition problem holders, they are, and they don't understand the privacy. And they themselves require illogical respect toward us all.

They should commit suicide, double would be fine, Miyuki yelled in her loud voice, in front of them. They were in the kitchen as always, and Miyuki passed there, singing the refrain, "You should commit suicide! Double suicide would be fine for you two! Shames to live her, you two have! Go directly to INFERNO!" in the most cheerful way.

Alex and Clare heard it with laughing. YUKARI threatened them with her remarks, as always, "If you don't follow my instruction, I would commit suicide!", and Miyuki's reply is always "Do it! Now, immediately, in public!"

Thus, please commite suicide, ladies! We do all of our efforts to kill you two! You should refrain from our COSMOS, yes!!!

They are refraining, yes, however, so so prolong, and nasty in the process. Evacuation problem, HARUMI had, yes. And big evacuation is a big event for the two. Good to memorize it type. And always they forget. Good grief. Their topic is so so limited. TV stars, old type, in HARUMI's case, or bottom part only topic, in YUKARI's. Toilet problem, they have both, and now, Go directly to INFERNO!!!

Miyuki found that one package of tea bag is gold standard in case of NITTOU tea company. Just with it, the royal milk tea would be perfect. It is used just for it type quantity. Milk tea only? No. Good for lemon tea, yes. However, for her, sweet milk tea is necessity. And the gold standard, milk turns to be sweet, without sugar. Strange, however, it is the fact. Lipton tea bags are also the same. Each company has its own standard, and they are cheaper products providing companies, yes.

Shredded leaves are welcome for Royal Milk tea, thus, Miyuki likes to take Milk tea, at least, once per day. Milk with Coffee is rather morning and lunch time, while chocolate put or Royal Milk tea, spiced milk are for night, Miyuki prefers. Not strict rule. Just general inclination, thinking of her body response. Not so strong to caffeine related products, in short. Thus, she gained the reward!!! Thank you! Non drinking beer during summer, as she pledged. Now, with cold temperature, she lost appetite to drink it...Beer is good, however, not addictive. Just under the really hot summer sunshine, it works so much!!!

And now, good news for us all! They forgot to use gas table, yes. Good grief. Anyway, it is dangerous for us all. They left the kettle on the gas burner, and forgot. It is dangerous, and it turned their habitual act. Thus, we prohibitted them to do so, thus, only microwave oven users, they both are.

Alzheimer twins' last days, we live in. Good grief. Almost one year is passing, after coming back to Shirakawa, Miyuki sighed. Devastation is so hard, however, she could feel crispy European early winter now. From NANKO mounrain range, Silver lake seems as Swiss Leman Lake. Oh, I am in switzerland, thus, she sings Yodel, so often, recently. High and low, abruptly. And it sounds well. Upward mode, we are in, despite of their existance.

So many nasty guys are wandering here and there. Especially, nasty evil vehicles. They came, unnecessarily, and just pass on the road. During day and evening. Night, they avoid to drive.

This week, Miyuki recognized that big heavy duty tracks without burden type are on the national roads. And some unusually skewed vehicles, always. Variety of skewed vehicles, thus, Miyuki got astonished at the coincidence of the motor bicycles between her early morning dream and the real one on the road no.11.

In the dream, she caught the image of a big patrol type motor bike with big white box on the back, while in the real world, a side car type vehicle, and this side car was really big and white box type. Oh, verticle, in the image, while horizontal in the reality. Thus, IKKYO dream, it was!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (301)

2017-11-17 00:17:49 | 日記
Akita prefectire shows its own participation into OPPABU supporting public figure. Thus AKITA sank, eternally:

Now, U2! Already rice country, thus, Japanese government's model rural zone, AKITA was. And now, as prefectural preferance, cosmetics they provide using tax. Pola was chosen its tag team mate. Thus, both, all together, sunk, immediately.

Oh, Pharbie, you would be the president of Central Bank of Japan. You should say, always, "Yes, 2% of inflation is our ideal situation." only:

Even OMANKO mega-banks criticise this stupid remark talker called Haruhiko KURODA. Supidest guy in Japan. And KURODA is really idiot, confirmed. "Low interest policy would effect in the near future, while not yet. You should put up with the torture of "Minus interest policy", OK, MEGA-BANKS!"

Thus, MEGA-BANKs heads got upset. Yes, these leaders are also stupid, however, not so much as KURODA. He is one of the stupidest guy in Todai History. Shame!!!

FUKUDA wants to cry...I should not have been associate professor of Tokyo Versity. He met Miyuki, unfortunately, and he degraded so much...Miyuki, you transmit evil tendency of your stupidez, yes!!!

Miyuki heself doesn't know the tendency, however, probably, Miyuki had some inclination of being stupid, yes. And KURODA, after ocasional encounter with Miyuki, he turned to be stupid, more and more, absorbing her stupidez also...

yes, at that moment of OUMI's memorial symposium, KURODA's speach was not so bad. However, after, he always insists, "2% of inflation, please!" only. What changed him to a Pharby Doll?

Miyuki already appointed that "Minus interest" policy is absurd, and MEGA-BANKs, as she predicted, couldn't put up with this situation. Too too natural, however, KURODA just maintained the policy. Idiot no.1, and he loves to make a travel, selling his own stupidity in public in foreign countries!!! Oh, please, don't continue such shameful journy any more! Please, KURODA! Please! Our and satans' MEGA-BANKs' bosses pray in vain...KURODA as megalomaniac Alzheimer patient, confirmed. Any criticism would not be accepted like HARUMI and YUKARI.

Oh, machnery, satans considered, and sold the products in this line:

If falure were found, the company would replace it, as if human bodies were vehicles' bodies...Thus, 人車一体, or Human beings get combined with vehicles, a catch frase of Tokyo Metropolitan office, almost 7 years ago.

The failure is fatal, yes, however, OMANKO journalists refrained from saying that the reason of the death is just the falure of the products. Appearantly, connected, the two matters, of course, are. This is MICCHIKU medical treatment, in short!