Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (280)

2017-11-05 18:59:58 | 日記
05/11/2017, Sunday, 19:01, warm, almost fine

Miyuki almost accomplished the two pyramids, however, she put more plastic sacs on them. They need to have protection against wind. Almost perfect, however, we need to strengthen them both. Thus, more and more plastic vinil sacs should be put on them. Lots of celophan tapes also! Thus, she needs to buy more and more tapes, yes.

However, her main reason to use them are against snow. Only for frost, blue sheets are enough. Against snow, and cold wild wind is also our enemy. Thus, Miyuki would buy nails, to set them in the earth.

She found that tiger yellow and black ropes mark on the land is efficient. Probably exists some psychological prohibittion on this point among satans. Deep inside, they feel that this land would be used by the bosses, probably.

Thus, Miyuki stopped taking of the tiger ropes from the three patches on the south courtyard. And to protect the pyramids, another ropes would be used. Four directions would be protected by the nails and the ropes.

This morning, Alex got chilled. HARUMI tried to bring him to the school by red car. And she failed, fortunately. She came with her rural apron, and Miyuki watched her going. After approaching to the red car, she went back to the main house, taking off the long root of the courtyard, inside the tiger rope, as if she challenged to show up her audacious faked superiority, agaist Miyuki, who was doing her farming job, in the sitting pose.

Thus, Miyuki yelled her, in a loud voice, "Go to INFERNO, BUSU Alzheier Bitch! You are thief! Ugly bitch! You shall die!" repeatedly. We hate her, because she is so ugly! Why she unnecessarily shows up her superiority, despite of her own illusion?

Always, Alex got chilled her audacious driving! By yellow car, also fear, yes, and now, by red car, bigger than yellow one, and for her, difficult to drive, of course! However, with her rural apron wearing appearance, she tried to send Alex to the business school. Disaster! Today is the last day of the festival!

And even today, Alzheimer Ladies cut the twigs...In the both courtyards, south and north. Always selfish, and always in rage. A big twigs were cut almost entirely. Even though, they tried to attack the rest of the twigs. Dangerous Crazy Ladies!

At Benimaru-Yokomachi, Miyuki bought a piece of salt soaked pork at US$1, and a carton of milk at US$1.7. Miyuki remembered a pimp called Sakiko GAN, who was ex-public servant of Senat and actual professor of WASEDA. At Senat, she had no work at all, however, she was ordered to go abroad to do luxurious trip abroad, for example, Poland, Cuba and so on. She feeds 12 cats in her apartment. Plump short type, she is.

When Miyuki came back from the trip, she did short courtyard job, in the dark. In the parking lots of Shirakawa III, there were several families making convrsation. In vain, and no concrete information at all, among their conversation. No memory type. Mainly, two male made a conversation, and a kid of one of them. So vague, it was. Why they were here?, Miyuki got in wonder. And Miyuki sang YODELs, with comments on this music.

In Switzerland and Austry, this music is common, and the origin is communication system between two distant places. Indian Smoke, is an counterpart. Miyuki leared the history from the video tape, which she was able to watch in the airplane of Swiss Air Line.

High and low, the melody changes so swiftly. Shaking of sounds. Some examples of this music. A perfect lecture for satans. Thus, they need to pay so vastly! Expensive, Miyuki's professional preach is!!!

Alex is now frustrated at a class mate so called "M". She is forgetful, especially, on money. And she likes to explore Alex, forgetting some debt from him. Probably, this girl suffers from Alzheimer disease, already. YUKARI type. She hands him so cheapish trash, while she tries to gain from him so much. So much debt, she has, and she forgets it, so easily. And in case of accusation from Alex, she pretends to kid him, saying, "Just a joke, stupid!"

Non reliable, stupid, vague, forgetful. She herself thinks that boys would forgive her, because she is cute. However, boys don't think so in reality. Evenness doesn't work between Alex and "M". Thus, for Miyuki, it's good chance for Alex to learn how to deal with this nasty type. Nasty, however, he should express his anger and disliking toward her. Thus, training center, for him, Business School is. Communication among the same generation is better than the situation here in the house among Alzheimer Ladies. Evenness, they should be. However, the girl "M" thinks as if she were superior, while objectively she is categorized inferior existance in the class.

How to treat nasty existance is a difficult problem for youth in Japan. they prefer continuing to get along with each other, even with this nasty existance, because they want to avoid to break the atomosphare or syntonized feeling. Totalitarian brewery, their relationship is.

Miyuki recommends him to say, "I hate you, Bitch!" and to refrain from her, entirely, to show up that she is categorized BITCH objectively. Already she is forgetful, and pretends to be princess, subjectively. TAGUCHI, in short. Thus, DDM, she is. No future at all, thus, after splitting, she vanish, immediately! Boys, be brave! Cut the line with bitches!

Thus, Miyuki is adomired as brave citizen in our country. If they were good fellows, Miyuki would have dealt with them as "Feeble minded, poor guys, with erroneous good intention". Shirakawans tried to fake to be in this type, and failed. They are just nasty evil cruel existance, in every meaning.

North Koreans, they are. This Girl "M" would be the same tribe. She is one of the daughters of satanic Pyong Yang Tribe, and she tries to trap Alex, to gain some affection. And in fact, she is hated by Alex.

So many North Korean type, in Japan. And Miyuki thinks now that the girl, who turned to be AV actress after suffering from domestic violence from her father, which SUDOU informed on to Miyuki, was also North Korean, and probably SUTA-SUTA san tribe, as Miyuki met in several urbanized area.

SUTA-SUTA sans are "Russel Tank Engine with human skin bag" tribe. Alfred Jalli descrived it, and Miyuki bought it, at COOP bookstore in the COMABA campus at Tokyo Versity, when Miyuki was in the first grader of the versity.

Erotic, yes, however, no satisfaction at all. Just they do it, as if they were machinery. So cold, however, they can do it, consecutively, without feeling any sensation at all. They are pretty at appearance, young and slender, generally speaking. Oh, the AV actress of "Human Electric Generator", a pornographic film, which Miyuki watched one part on the program called 平成女子学園 or Heisei-Joshi-Gakuen, or Heisei Girls School.

Miyuki watched several times on this program, to know the society. And found that so many AV actresses were playing the role of common versity girls, wearing junior high uniform, especially, salor jacket type.

They can take off their intimate wears in public, when reporter asked to do so, at the exchange of US$50. They, as if it were so natural, showed their nakid bust entirely in front of camera of TV program.

The same thing happened in the program of MATSUKO, from 19:00 to 12:00, every Monday. A girl, told her experience with her boy classmate. She showed her nipples to him, to ask the colour of them.

Just a classmate, not boyfriend, in this case, and for her, so so natural to do so. And Miyuki perceived that in this program called KONYA-mo-MATSUKO-to, these "nakid bust showing type girls" are candidates of AV actresses, and boy class mates means clients of their prostitution job. Replacement just on the literal phase.

Thus, erotic satans' world tried to trap common pupils to teach that these striptees were so common in versity class, and you, boys and girls, should behave like that.

Sexual education function, these dirty nasty programs owe. And their message is prostitution should be praised. Do it by exchange of money. Do it, with us, especially with old guys! Youth, you are targetted to be trapped!

however, these dangers should be learned by youth themselves. Trapping, yes, however, they should live independently, especially, in the phase of their sexual behaviours. Thus, they should learn courtesy, or rather, respect toward others.

Thus, despite of trapping, we should encounter with their reality of satanic existance. Miyuki already did it. Now, Alex and Clare should do it. Thus, training center, public schools are for them.

HARUMI and YUKARI want to trap them so many times, at the same time, they try to protect them from the dangers from outside. For them, only family matter, sexual behaviour is. Thus, incest, they prefer. Satanic degradation was triggered within the families. Micchiku sexual education is just incest, Kyou and Miyuki did know well, already.

Ancestral inclination, they yelled. Thus, yawning from INFERNO. And they did it, and forgot it, and tried to trap them again and again. Incest, as culture, is ABE government's standard position. ABE is the result of incest. Thus, "Mama, do you remember?" ♫ from ABE, and AKIKO, as his maternal existance, "Oh, who are you? BUSU fat man, you are!" Thus, they split...

Mama, do you remember, you and I were beautiful. ♫

 Johnny OOKURA sang this big hit of the film called, "Proof of Human Being" by Seiichi MORIMURA.

Beast or human skin bag, you are. You forgot me, MAMA. I loved you, MAMA, however, it was the past. You betrayed me, and denied my existance, in public. I am not beast, while you are.

A boy, with black skin, was refused by his mother, who was found later after he had been caught under the name of assasin. Oh, Miyuki, you are!

Nigger son, he is. Thus, she refused. Ummmm....Not by her prejudice on his supposed crime, but because of his skin colour? She forgot that she had given a birth to him, a black skined boy...Ummm...impressive, however, she forgot, it means....Alzheimer!

Beast is Alzheimer, in short. She was desqualified as human being. Proof, done!

Now, an amusing scene between Alex and his Auntie YUKARI. YUKARI came to order Alex to fill two blank spaces with his name and "My Number" or code number of governmental use. Miyuki doesn't know it at all, however, Alex does know it. It was sent to Miyuki, in an envelope, all together. and Miyuki chose too too correctly, and protected herself from disasters. They want to grasp Miyuki's financial data, whole in one, and Miyuki refused their "Kind" offer.

However, Alex does know it. Why? Just 8 digits, thus...???

Miyuki lost the envelope, already, during her moving. And YUKARI does know it, instead of Miyuki? Incapable Alzheimer ladies do know it, and they provide it to so many satans, probably...

And now no use at all. My number system was ended up. And they believe that it works. Thus, strange persistent theatorical play between Alex and YUKARI.

YUKARI insisted to fill in the two spaces at first, "Soon, please", then, "Now. Only now, here, you should write them on the form, OK?" Each time, her requirement increased, within 10 minutes. She changes easily, for worse. More evil and attacking guy, she turned during 10 minutes. For the former 5 minutes, YUKARI behaved in the polite mode, and after Alex's resistance, she turned to be High Pitch accusation with threatening mode, for the latter 5 minutes.

She lost temper, Miyuki laught at her satanical change. MISAE, she is, in fact. Alex asked YUKARI to wait it up to tomorrow morning, however, YUKARI, persistently, required him to write now, in front of her, here, immediately. Suddenly, YUKARI got in temper, and with so violent words, she started to accuse him. This latter part is standard mode against Miyuki.

At first, YUKARI came in the softest mood, without saying anything, thus, Alex asked to her, "Why you are here, Auntie?", and YUKARI kept silent. As if mimic play, she was dumb, at that moment. Then, in her softest voice, she started to say, "Fill these two spaces.", in the wispering voice.

Alex said to YUKARI, "You are nasty. I will fill them up to tomorrow morning. Why do you insist to do so, only now, Auntie?" and YUKARI got upset, and the latter part started.

Any refusal would trigger her, in short. She should be treated as Queen, and any guy should obey her, without any resistance.

She couldn't explain the reason. And Alex informed that recently YUKARI did forgery, using her father's name. And Alex did know well that YUKARI behaves as if she were Alex, already. His letter shapes were imitated by YUKARI, so many times already. Always she is accustomed to immitate other members of families. This is her life. Now, she is prohibitted to do so, however, she did it. And YUKARI evased it, "with accordance of my father". Sign should be substituted by others? Miyuki's father allowed to do so for YUKARI?

Degradation happens like that. YUKARI started to immitate others' signs, and she could do it sufficiently. Thus, she was categorized good satanic DDM. Good combination between YUKARI and HARUMI.

YUKARI does it as she likes, if she likes, in short. Thus, forgery is crime, was so shocking fact for Alzheimer ladies. Thus, legally nothing, her forgery's result is! Incapable, and she can't stop her wrongdoings even now, in short.

My number should be filled with by Alex. And Alex put it, as he likes. YUKARI wants to know the number, and always she fails. Some sacred site, for her, and she always passes this limit of sacred site. She can't put with the sansation of peeping the secret of others.

She herself expressed, when she was young, "Up to be revealed, the magic effects. After being revealed, no choice.", on an old tale of Grimm Brothers. It was the story of fact finding type. A kid was put in a castle, and found secret of the casle, rather, proofs of wrongdoings of the owner of the casle. However, up to some certain point, the kids kept it as secret. However, the kid finally spoke the fact toward others, and the magic ended up. Thus, YUKARI said, "If the kid had not informed it to others, the kid should have been saved. Its choice. Magic should be kept, the same, the secret should be also. Without informing, the effect is maintained forever."

Miyuki thought that informing the strange fenomenum would be punishable for YUKARI's world, and magic should not be loosen by being revealed. Up to be informed, the magic effects, and with the information, the informant would be punished harshly. Thus, secret should be maintained entirely.

However, Miyuki adopted another rule, totally contrary to hers. Strange fenomenum should be informed immediately, or we would lose big chance to be nice to others. Thus, she is good informant for Rightous Brothers, as always. Journalist, without OMANKO. Thus, novelist, also. And satanic literarure, YUKARI wrote, probably.

YUKARI said that she collected the form on behalf of him. Probably, BEMIMARU-Yokomachi's form. And she filled with all of spaces, except his name and my number. She did it instead of him, and she thinks that Alex is sly to order her to do so. So costive, it should be. Alex, you should pay for all his life to YUKARI, was her message.

Alex just said, "Oh, I would be happy to do so instead of me. Auntie, you have a lot of time, while I am busy." And YUKARI did it, and she wants to throw it in the post tomorrow morning, the dead end line of this "Wanted! Don't you want to be our member?" advertisement.

Why in the post? Why Alex asked her to bring the form for him? Why YUKARI was so eager to throw it on the day 6 of november? Always BENIMARU-Yokomachi does the same type of advertisement. Why so hush hush mode now?

Alex passed amusing time with Miyuki. YUKARI got in rage, gradually, and in the final end, she started to threaten like above. Strange change, in 10 minutes, as if, "I want to inhale marifana now! You know I have no time for it. I need to take the medicine, as soon as possible! You should not prolong the process, OK, Alex? My medicine taking is the most important job for me, you stupid! I am busy, much more than you, Alex! You are always inferior to me, Alex! "

HOSSO loved to hear Alex's Auntie's voice change. Alex was talking on him, and YUKARI disturbed their conversation, and Alex informed it to YUKARI, however, YUKARI ignored the phone call, and she showed how she was violent, with her threatening voice. In public, in short. Alex has monstrous Auntie legend is totally true!!!

And YUKARI finally gained Alex's name and my number, and she wanted to show up her false superiority, thus, she disturved their conversation on the phone, taking the dishes of Alex from the desk, saying, "I will retreave all dirty clothings, which you left at the desk, you, stupid! I, your mighty Auntie, kindly retreive the dirty clothings, OK, Alex?" and she refrained from the scene. She called the used dishes as dirty clothings! For her, the same, dishes and clothings!!!

Cruel stupid Mad Dog change, she showed up in front of Hosso. My number collector, she is. Thus, no choice at all. Miyuki's envelope was thrown by her, and abused by several guys, and Miyuki should run away from the dangers, as usual. YUKARI ordered to do so, as Miyuki's funeral organizer. She several times killed Miyuki already, and now, she turned to be Alex's mother, sentimentally, and she is incapable as always.

Thus, she voted on the day 22 of October, as Miyuki SATOW. For YUKARI, I am Miyuki SATOW, and Miyuki is inferior KOSAKU, under her reign???