Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (312)

2017-11-22 20:42:21 | 日記
Miyuki found another plan to her Green Fort. Less costive type. She wound put the blue seets as roofs in the shape of prism. Thus, just huck them from the top of the each stick. The blue sheets have holes, in the certain distance by 20 cm between them, thus, probably, 10 holes would be used to be hucked. Two big blue sheets, she has, thus, probably,

⊿, in short, from the side. And the east and the south side would be tapped by transparent venil sheets made by plastic sacs manually by Dr.Miyuki SATOW!!!

So many celophane tapes were bought by her. However, according to her, the unit would be gained in any supermarkets for free, and the patch work type, thus, it would be applied in the more vaster scaled type. A primitive model, she made. Thus, a kind of A pair called Couple Christ type work would be possible also!

The earth warming project, in short. Cover the atomosphare by the plastic sacs made sheets, whole in a body! A kind of counter OZON veil. Simone...

Simonetta! OZON is good guy, the DDMic scientists said, and CO2 breaks OZON, and it causes the earth heated up!

Thus, the people of each country should fight against warming up of the planet entirely.

However, warming up the weather is regaining the ancient power for us all! Plant age, we are in. Thus, extreme coldness would be avoidable. Why in Shirakawa, we pass so cold winter, already???

According to weather report, almost 5 degrees now in Shirakawa. And they didn't put "Frost Warning", even in IWATE prefecture, and also in Shirakawa, of course! Too too disastrously cold, however, they pretend as if it were normal for us all.

What is the real factor of the coldness? Commender Winter, not at all. Some manupulated control exists on the back stage. Unusual!

Oak world, Shirakawa was, in the ancient days. And they reduced the number so many. Urbanization caused the coldness, in short. Fat guys popped out, now, in shirakawa...Birdies!

Spallows are plump and cute now. Crows' feathers are brilliant. And water birdies came to the ponds near and inside Shirakawa. For some singing birdies, insects would be good meals. However, the number of mountain doves to be seen by Miyuki reduced. Why?

They are satisfied with Miyuki's job. Good grief. Miyuki a bit got worried about their refraining from the scenes. However, for their safe, yes, of course, OK!

Now, NANKO Mountain Range is in danger. Stupidest FUJITA faked restarted the worst devastation job with heavy duty vehicles. Bold, from Big Cross, Miyuki can watch it. Gorrilla face hill, now. How we would stop their wrongdoing? Just yell, stop it!, However, they can't stop it. Miyuki should try again, yes.

They want to establish another Wedding Hall like 与惣山小屋 or AKASAKA Bell View like strange kinkiest cheapish monastry faked OPPABU house and Japanese traditional faked hall. Gymnastic hall like, Miyuki thought. They use it only several times per year, however, they want to keep them as theirs. Thus, vanish now, immediately!!!

And interesting unrbanization, OMANKO journalism informed in public:

Nice to know it! Medical Clinics complex is the model of satanic ending for each town and villege. Miyuki watched the fenomenum in the center of Tokyo. The last resort, Miyuki recognized. For plastic surgery, Miyuki presumed, and failed. No. Just for mass death. Thus, the end.

And in Shirakawa, already, exist some of Medical Malls, in the village. The main street of the village called Route 11 is an example. More than residents, including faked guys, medical clinics are on parade along the road side. And before MEGA DEATH, they try to have a cheapish party with semi-prepared foods or frozen foods, or whole prepared foods, bought at BENIMARU related stores. MEGA DEATH Machines, the super markets, actually!!!

Go to INFERNO directly! We will assist you to go! ADACHI and MIYUKI are so in a good mood for the help. We are so kind, they agreed. Reliable guys, yes. Thus, entirely, we will kill all of satans, you, stupid!!!

Relatives only society, they made, and now, no guy would be entered into Shirakawa. No train at all! Oh, railway lines are all cut???

Miyuki, in this evening, heard strange SL sound from the railway site. Yes, sometimes, they put SL's whistle sound for sound effect. However, today, it was substituted the departure sound of D51!!! B 29, should be!!!

Death by Going to Inferno, probably. D, 5 is GO, in Japanese pronunciation, and 1 is I...the abbreviation of INFERNO, their ideal place!!!

Miyuki was intervied by somebody, "which do you prefer, bold or skewed head?" Miyuki's reply is, Bold, of course! Bold can put variety of wigs, while skewed, even with long hair, nasty and not visually pretty. Thus, bold good shaped guy, Miyuki wanted to be! However, actualy, hair concealing skewed head guy, Miyuki is. Nasty, however, thinking of the possibility to get worse like SASAKI or KATSUE, my case is less damaged. Anyway, bold, of course!"

Thus, they failed. Miyuki, you would be good with bold good shaped head? Yes. Yul Brinner, yes, yes!!!

Not so bad, however, skewed head is rather psychologically nasty. Thus, Miyuki wants to have good shaped head, yes! Bold or not is the second matter. At first, good shaped head.

Oh, Alzheimer confession done by local pimp called KOBAYASHI:

Now, Todai pimps are all dead practically, thus, B rank local pimps are showing up their idiot like theories. Good example! KOBAYASHI is in favor of Food Loss, at the same time, he is against Food Loss. Contradiction! However, OMANKO journalists wrote this contradiction without recognition! Double Alz Play, they did!!!

And This Prof. KOBAYASHI is expert of Food Loss problem. The exact date should be informed in public, is the meaning of "Appreciation Period" or 賞味期限 or Shoumi-kigen, and it is a standard model. Not "Should be" type, however, responsibility is determined by this date discription. Thus, consumers should not be required by the problem at all, however, this stupidest Alz Prof requires Comsumer to be clever. Stupid requirement, like HARUMI's.

HARUMI level local prof, he was categorized. CHIGU-TOMI, or Dr.Dull level, also, thus, the same as YUKARI!!!

Oh, Famous OMANKO ASAHI simbun announced the death of YUKARI's parent:

What is YUKARI?, Miyuki got in wonder. And the result...Just rice cracker with shrimp. Miyuki has never heard of it! And OMANKO journalist said that it were so famous. Oh, 55 years old, Miyuki is now, however, never known, the cracker's existance, she has!!!

Too too local, however, they informed. Why? How the relevance was appreciated inside the jounal? Just a connection only. Some relatives of the bosses of ASAHI. Selfish OMANKO kinship. Nepotism world, they are showing up!

Oh, your body shape is always monitored by ZOZO Town!:

Just to collect your physical data, they provide the censor imput body suits for free in each family. Terribl 3D printer world, they planned. Any shape would be fine to put fass. Thus, invader machinery, ZOZO TOWN has.

Probably, ZOZO TOWN is DADA's Big Hit Business. Thus, Alex's female friend wanted to work for. DDMic society's creator. Now, Houte Cuture is in danger of vanishing. No sawing machine is needed, yes. Scientific Fiction like world had come, already, it means, or April Fool? However, OMANKO journalism informed on it, as if it were natural.

Thus, DADAmerdas invided OMANKO journalism in collective. They popped out from YOMIURI Shimbun site in OOTEMACHI, from the second floor, and Miyuki took the picture of them! They popped out and took the escalator downward, and Miyuki gazed it from outside the big glass window, and she was warned by the security service, because of she were in danger of falling. "On behalf of you", the security service said. And Miyuki, feeling fear, got down from the step, and started to walk along the broad way there. In HIBIYA area, yes. In 2015, in May, probably. So many middle aged female BUSUs popped out from the floor, and Miyuki got chilled. Spooky BUSU in big wave of groups!!! Oh, DADAmerdas, they were!!!!

Miyuki presumed that 婦人公論 or Magazine for DDMs only, based on all rumours, held a party, and they were participants, in any meaning. Thus, she failed. DDMs, yes, however, double DDMs, in short, Dodomerdic DADAmerdas, they were!!! Oh, they themselves were danger, thus, "On behalf of you, get away from here!" was the correct meaning done by the security service!!!

Miyuki tried to kick all of them, with her hot pants wearing or slender slim pants wearing long kicking pose! And she tried it, and he stopped it. Thus, just taking some pictures, she did.

Why I feel so spooky with the waves of these DDMs?, Miyuki thought at that moment. DADAmerdas proceeding, in short. Strange, and the same as Fumiko INOUE's spooky smiling. Arquaic BUSU smile, it was. Miyuki remembers her face and broad bust in suits with check lines. The body shape was rather BELL merda, yes, however, the eyes and the lips were DADAmerda, in short.

Ugly Tod, was her nickname. HIKI-GAERU. Dark side would be concealed by the ugly sly smiling. She should be killed immediately!!!

Kouichi YOSHIDA was North Korean type, while INOUE, DADA-BELL merda, in short. Thus, Shirakawa was so spooky illogical irational place for her!!!

KUROSU's smile was so similar to KAKISHIMA's. Their appearances were so different, however, the impression of the smiling faces were so so similar, Miyuki recognized. "Are you kidding?" like "Your remark is absurd!" meaning smile, they did. And in every moment with this smile, our remarks were totally correct. Thus, losers' smiling, in short, they were. Thus, DDMs, they were, in Double Meaning. Oh, DDMs x DDMs. Double DDMs, thus, DDDM.

Oh, DMM, U2!:

The crime called 故買 or KOBAI ended up. Now, stolen objects are all on sale. The police themselves did it, as always, was revealed by us all! And now, informations on the targetted objects would be boughted by DMM. Thus, the guys, who wanted to succeed the targetted guys, would send the photos of the goods on the future inventory, and DMM would pay for them. Thus, accelarator of the homicides. Within Two weeks, you should kill the guys, was DMM's last message. Suicide is also OK! You shall commit suicide, and before it, we can provide money as you like. Thus, DDDM should commit suicide as you like!!!

As they like, thus, they put the price tags as they like, yes. Just like at Supermarkets, in Shirakawa. Some really Mad Guys would buy some of them, the rest, would keep away from the spooky photos!!!

This morning, Miyuki found that three e-mails, all related with financial matters, came to Miyuki's address. Oh, MITSUI, Apple, and RAKUTEN. All faked guys, of course, and the same trap called FISHING type. And at the same type, New Zealand Government also sent the same type. Oh, FISHING, also! All four guys are the same, by way of NTT communications Company. Thus, some inside guys, the messages were sent by.

Miyuki now wants to cultivate tea tree as the wedge trees. SAZANKA or tiny Camelia like white flower and the leaves. Miyuki gained Shirakawan tea flower with leaves, when she was 7 years old. Thus, probably, near here, some tea field was. Thus, probably, they put up with the coldness in Shirakawa, like Camelias. Probably it would be fine to be cultivated beside Camelias, in short, in the north courtyard. How she could gain the seeds?

And chocolate and coffee, in the near future. Inside the tropical glass house, she would cultivate them. Just several trees per each would be enough for us all. Thus, she would pay attention toward the fields of Shirakawan region.

Miyuki found the same type knit caps in the different temples' JIZOUs. Two Zizous in the abandoned patch beside WASHIO, while one, in Choujiin Temple. The same type. Two greish lines with red in some parts. And they have the same browny red coloured baby apron in their necks. Some guy made it for them, and put them, without being known by anyone.

Probably, The Zizous did know well on the stories. Each ZIZOU represents the sad fact, Big Type. Guts' case, also. WASHIO should not have been established. It was just fields of rice, when Miyuki was kid of Shirakawa III. YUUKI was one of the non populous area in Shirakawa. Big fields, and so few houses. Rural, country type. And WASHIO liked the location, and killed the family entirely, and abandoned them in the patch, and the site was left as it was. Thus, the proof of WASHIO's wrongdoings. Near to Sato family, however, not necessity at all. So many Supermarkets in the rural village. Who would buy such expensive products? And Miyuki already recognizes that at Supermarkets, just GALAPAGOS fenomenum happens. It means, "No difference materially, however, so different in the package designs and colours." Mentally illed like detailed differences in the same products. Only DDMs could want to buy type foods collection, in short.

And in the corner of cashing, so many DDMs buy these types of unnecessarily varied products in a basket full. Why they abuse so much money, despite of their non working position in their own family? Abusers of family money. They should return the money for us all!!! Frozen foods, why? Micro wive oven cooking, only. They want to play maid game, probably. Master Alex, while Maid YUKARI. BUSU Old Auntie Maid. Unfortunately. And no reason for existance toward Alzheimer Twins.

Total vanishing comming out by Panasonic Company related:

OMANKO journalism always put "On behalf of lack of human resources". Total vanishing in every region in Japan, they are informing, against their intention, in short.

Criminally abused, however, gained, thus, Japanese Government allows it:

The financial result was gained superficially by the manupulated figure of stock market. Thus, eternal resorces, the existance of these pipe lines for MICCHIKU families. Thus, always they could absurb the financial blood, as vinpires. Mosquite class, Alzheimer OMANKO journalists inform us now!

Thus, mosquit class banks require assistance for Japanese Government, and the Government respondes so easily:

Japanese Instant Cup noodles are in confusion because of Alzheimer Producing process. Two examples:

They can't recognize the differences between Japanese white wheat fat noodles called UDON and back wheat noodles called SOBA, and between chilly and non chilly, soft type. Alzheimers should not produce any food related products, is the golden rule for us all!!!

NHK's announcers just read these discriptions, the second version:

DESU-MASU world. Just like Primary School Pupils' composition, in cute way. Death-Mass world, in short. Laughingly low intellectuality holders read the composition. Japanese journalists, the writers are! Oh, Alex and Clare, you can write as you like! You can sell your lies as you like, Alex! Just fiction, also OK! Write, and gain some money as OMANKO writers!!!

Faked investment done by KDDI. English by telephone for primary school kids? Oh, Telephone Sex lesson for IKKYO kids!!!:

Thus, today's news for you, Rightous Brothers! Sleep well, and regain the power full, all of us!!!

[Thus, Rabby & Chinkoro got down from their seat as casters. They don't have any cunning papers. Just a slight suggestion from Miyuki's side. Cunning Paper, not at all! Neide!]

Thus, VANISH! DDMs! You are so ugly!!!!

Good night, sleep well, and see you tomorrow morning!

From Uncle Miyuki and her supporters called Cyborg 009 surrounded by Emperial Soldiers! You shall die, DDMs!!!!BUNG-BUNG!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (311)

2017-11-22 11:31:46 | 日記
22/11/2017, Wednesday, cold, fine in the early morning, turned to be cloudy,

-At 11:33

Miyuki got up with slight headache. During night, she felt so cold here in the office. She got chilled, thus, she needs to gain more papar formed boxes from supermarkets to protect the floor against coldness.

And good news. Our tactics effected so much!

Miyuki was declared to refrain from the courtyard a bit. From outside of the heage stones of the patches, toward inside of them, by Miyuki's father. He proposed a condition...rather, exchange. If Miyuki refrains, she would gain the usage of the land of Magpie Mountain!

OK, thus, Miyuki, so honest farmer, agreed his offer. "OK, I will refrain a bit, as you ordered. Then, where is my place in Magmie Mountain?", Miyuki asked sincirely. He said, "Not the place, where I and YOUJI explored. You should explore the place by yourself." Thus, Miyuki's reply is so short and clear, "Of course, thank you!"

Thus, she decided to "Explore" the some place of Magpie Mountain, or, she would do mark the place for her agro-FORESTRY there. Thus, seeds and shoots, you would be cultivated there, in the near future!

So many technics would be neceessary to accomplish our job. However, she did it so easily, without losing anything at all. She just put the stick in the courtyard, and it was disliked by satanic army, thus, they ordered to take it, at the cost of whole the rest!!!

Thus, in the level of space or gyography, we won, completely. In the sphare of time, Miyuki depicked her quick puzzle resolving answer against the warning of the parking lots near Self Defense Force recruiting head squad.

Now, Magpie Moutain would be returned to our side. Good grief. YOUJI would fail all in a body!

Cultivation, the word "exploration", means. And she has sufficient patches for vegitables, thus, for trees, she would caltivate mainly. And between the trees, she would put some root type vegitables, potatoes, carrots, and so on, and some mashrooms would be picked there. A kind of self IRIAI, not exclusive sense. Thus, we should celebrate our gyographycal victory. And she should take the stick and put inside the patche. Probably, It would be fine to put several as precarious ways. Soft, thus, easy to be taken, however, anyway, she would show her decision to gain the land of Magpie Mountain.

Already the hut is there, and now, so many spaces to be used near. The vast land of SUGOUDATE would be used by her own. Thus, she wants to cultivate fruits, especially grapes!!!! Not for monopoly, but for others!

Miyuki did know well that Shirakawan weather is similar to South Europe, like Portugal and Spain. Thus, the same type forestry, we could realize. At the same time, she wants to respect seasonal beauty of the original trees, wild type. Good for her Japanese cooking, especially, sweets making. Thus, of course, casual trees should be cultivated as priority.

The vast land of SUGOUDATE was already explored by some housing projects entepreneurship. And all of them were failed, including Miyuki's father's one. Thus, Miyuki SATOW, the first generation of the New SATOW, she would establish marvelous castle view for us all. Thus, Blue Print of SATOW...Not Blue Cheateou...Not Blue Baby, at all!!!

Thus, she is in good mood, despite of her headache. Thus, taking her hot chocolate, she would go to BENIMARU-Yokomachi, to gain the paper boxes to warm up the office...How poor, she is!!!

Now, YUKARI popped into the office, and took the all recorded callings of telephones of the office. She has right to use the machine? It belongs to the association of the real property, of which, her father is the member. Why she can touch the machine, and errase all of the data, comming from satanic side?

Probably, she wants to behave as if she were hired by his father. Thus, he is obliged to put some task, the most simplest ones on YUKARI and HARUMI. Thus, for HARUMI, trash collection, and for YUKARI, washing and cleaning of the office. Only stupid can do it type job, and satanic team members they are. Thus, they abused the power for it.

During YUKARI's proceeding with the machine, a telephone call came, and YUKARI ignored it entirely. She can't communicate with others, except family members, thus, she is incapable as office worker, of course. However, for YUKARI's understanding, pretending office worker would be fine to show up her as versity graduate. Thus, sometimes, she tries to fake as if she could use PC, as it happened last winter. Just faking, not materially. Thus, with some, "Strange...It should not be!", in the smallest wisper to herself was ejected. She does know hot to use the machinery, it means. Thus, Chizuru MISAGO fenomenum, it would be put on her stage.

No understanding at all on any machinery, however, they love to pretend to use it perfectly. Oh, Zurote, also! In YUKARI's case, fax machi, MISAGO, printing machine, and ZUROTE, PC note type. Female office worker type, they bahaved, in front of us, thus, so strange and stupid for us all!!!

Probably, a kind of counterattacking of unjust and unfair tax system for independent business owner. Thus, HARUMI and YUKARI were counted by employees in Miyuki's fathers office. Thus, they are so audacious to behave as if the office were theirs.

And the toilet cleaning was avoided by both of them. Thus, independent farmer with borrowed patches, as her rent paying service, she cleaned up. And now, they want to revenge against our side.

Thus, sticks should be put, as many as possible, inside the patches. Easy, and Miyuki would check the holes, she digged yesterday.

CHINKORO is sleepy mood. Yes, he is wild hare, and she is a bit childish recently. Yawning from wamth...Thus, his present as sleepy cute Mary-Lin...Sister Mary-Lin, in the hands of Auntie ADACHI. Or beautiful Sisters!!!

Nun plays, they started. Oh, HASEBE wanted to participate in it! Miyuki watched the movie called "Love by a nun" and "Oh, Mazohistic!", Miyuki thought.

In Italia, there is a habit to put a kid into monastry as a kind of sacrifice. She, a pretty girl, was put into the monastry, and put up with the agony and accepted to be a nun.

Psychologically, she was punished, when she liked a boy. Stupid, and anti-natural. However, satans liked to punish her.

Miyuki was punished by the sound effect of Stan Gun, 2 years ago, when she was discharged from the hospital. When she discovered a truth, they produced the sound of BUM!, in her mind. Terribly agony, yes. However, Miyuki replaced the meaning with the Japanese cussion putting of 笑点 or SHOUTEN's 大喜利 or OOGUIRI, a quiz corner. If she founded the fact, they gave so many cussions to praise her. And the sound of flying cussions was it, Miyuki decided to think so. And that effected so much.

She suffered this period almost for 3 months, and then, it vanished. She didn't accept satanic torture at all. Nasty, however, why we should accept it? Miyuki yelled sometimes, when it happened. Inner satans, in the extreme mode. The illusional sound, yes, however, as if consciousness, they tried to fake.

Thus, machines would be used for it. And they surrendered. Thus, Miyuki gained so much points from their own performence.

They tortured like that. We don't want to obey, however, they threatened by their physical power, taking advantage of the police. And Miyuki is now free from BUNG-GUNG sound yes. However, even now, the repetitive clishes pop out in her mind, as isslusional sound. Too too nasty, these dirty, conventional, feudalistic remarks. 100 years old type, Miyuki thinks so much. Old guys only type. "Die for now!" like remarks so many. "You should be obedieent." Also.

And Miyuki, independent farmer, is free from these order faked tortures, mainly. Just the stupid guys clishes, they are now. Thus, just laugh at their idiot only like expressions! MATSU-BOKO would be suitable for the playwrighter of the old guy's only remarks. Sterotypical, repetitive, anti-coolish, wetty, smelly remarks, in short, with old decorative Japanese style.

安藤君の翼に乗って is also. ANDOU-KUN-no-TSUBASA-ni-NOTTE, or riding on the wings of Boy called ANDOU. What is this?, Miyuki got in wonder.

TSUBAWA ANDOU, as her pupil's name, at that moment. However, just a baseball club member, not so different from other boys. Why his name was picked up so many times???

Thus, probably, a kind of pun. His name was used for her torture. However, for Miyuki, a kind of riddle. What does it mean???

Probably, no sense at all. Satans have no sense. Non-Sense, in short. Yasunari TAKAHASHI like. Luis Carrol's translator, and in Miyuki's junior high age, Miyuki got interested in Luis Carrol, by way of TAKAHASHI, yes. And math riddle, is Gardner type. Thus, Miyuki bought a book called Gardener's astoishinng Secret Math Method...Just a puzzle book in the style of novel.

Yes, she appreciated to solve the questions, and story was just for it. No reason to tell the truth type. She could gain some correct answers, and sometimes failed. However, Oh, math is so amusing, is the impression of this book. Just a hoby, it works, in short.

And now, so many times of washing day came back to YUKARI, and when the office phone called, YUKARI popped into the office, and just started to clean up the desk side. She didn't attend the phone calls, any.

Now, three phones started to ring, consecutively. One, the above, as YUKARI's inducing, the second, another call, and the third, the fax machine. YUKARI came to the office room, and stayed for several minutes, however, she didn't attend to any of the three. Just made a paper trash ball and put it into the big. This is her way of working in her hay day in UENO, JR related fundation.

Machinery service attender, she was. And she was prohibitted to attend, and just made a trash ball, each time, she heard the sound of the fax calling.

MICCHIKU movement is like that. Machinery, in the simplest stupidest version. Thus, they lost any intellectuality in Tokyo, and categorized as incapable, and got fired, and came back to the local residence.

Today is "Good Married Couples' Day" in Japan. The 11-22 is pronounced II-FUUFU. II is good, while Fuufu is married couple. Thus, the superficial mascarade couples celebrate their wedding in this day. Ridiculous day, and Miyuki presumes that in Japan, they can't remember their own wedding memorial day, thus, in collective, they celebrate.

The same of "New Adults' Day" or January 10th arround. Parents can't remember their kids' birthday, thus, in collective, at their 20st New year's Day, all adults celebrate the anniversary, in collection. Mass produced ceremony is satanic preference.

On this exact day, Miyuki received a letter from Kikumi NOGUCHI, or 野口貴公美, a Administrative Law pimp, who graduated from Hitotsubashi Versity, and works for HOUSEI Versity.

She is the second generation of 野口悠紀雄, a famous book of how to make an order on the table side, and ex-public servant of Ministry of Finance, and actual Professor of HITOTSUBASHI Versity in KUNITACHI, in Tokyo.

Miyuki met her in OOHAMA's meeting at WASEDA campus. Team mate, yes. And she chose so differently from Japanese Standard Married Couple's model.

She got married with a police man, who graduated from high school, and worked for Tokyo Metropolitan Office as SP. They perticipated in a circle of studying public matter, and they got along with each other in a Cafe, according to TOMOOKA, or 友岡, professor of NIHON Versity, also a mate of OOHAMA team.

High school graduate, he is, however, so nice, thus, NOGUCHI fell in love with his appearance, and she attacked him, and gained him, and they got married. And they chose a Tower Mansion, or High Stories Appartment Building as their residence, in Shinjuku. Oh, celebrity like life, they want to enjoy!, Miyuki really thought. And they gained a baby as they planed. Thus, they wanted to be cool couple in Shinjuku area, Miyuki thought.

However, only several years after, NOGUCHI moved from the high stories appartment building, and chose a really residencial area to live in an independent house in SUGUINAMI ward. How rich, she is!

Probably, her father assisted her financially. However, unusual, for just a pimp. Celebrity, she is, economically, dispite of her BUSU plump robust appearance...

Ungly girl chased a handsome man, and she gained story, like Ciao-Ribbon-Nakayoshi Magazine. Anyway, better than common orthodox couple only world. They would enhance the range of feudalistic Japanese aristcratic society, Miyuki tried to think positively.

However, today, she wrote as follows:

I am in funeral period, thus, I can't send you New Year Card, sorry.

???, Miyuki got in wonder. No name of the deciesed guy. Her famous father? Oh, no! Her husband. Today is "Good Couple's Day", thus, no necessity to write it, probably.

Miyuki wrote New Year Message in New Years Days, this year by way of e-mail. However, she never responded to Miyuki.

Her addresses are as follows:

Is there some problem on her PC? Probably, she herself already died, thus, this is excuse letter of "I can't write to you, because I died. Sorry." Miyuki thinks so now.

All printed out by PC printer, and no her original manual script type letter. So common in Japan, especially, among pimps. Just to give money for JP, probably. Thus, after death letter, in her case. Thus, where is her orphan?

Rich girl's dream kid, it would be. And now, where?

No response means that she died already. And Loop mode, they prefered, probably. Thus eternally, in short, they contribute for JP. Terrible chain wrongdoings are done like that.

Miyuki put 10 sticks on the patches, yes. Then, she need to buy rope or vinil tape for tie them all. And some onother choice would be fine, also. Rope would be loosen according to the inclination of the sticks. Yes, she diggs the earth well, however, it would happen, yes. Thus, Some supporting system would be recommended. Another chop sticks support would be reasonable, probably. Cheap, and it would effect easily. Two per one stick, inside the patches. On the soil, yes. And by jute rope, probably. And Miyuki now thinks of combination of slippery vinil tape

YUKARI popped entered into the office room to cumpliment Alex, and she was ordered to bring back the tray to the kitchen. Alex claimed the BURI fish was not delicious. "Oh, so?" Alex said fish, and YUKARI said, "Oh, sarmon!", and Alex corrected, "No, sarmon. BURI." And YUKARI said. "Shoka. BURI-BURI, like Crayon Shinchan!" For YUKARI, no knowledge on the species of fish. Thus, any fish is just fish. Domestic wife, she calls herself, and her classification ability is so so primitive like 5 years old kid!!!

In case of accusation done by her boss, YUKARI turns to be 5 years old mode, to avoid nasty more accusation. "Forgive, because I am cute 5 years old girl, my husband!", is YUKARI's inner voice.

Terrible confusion inside her inner side. Alex is actual tamer of her, because he is so polite for her. HARUMI accuses he so often now, thus, YUKARI wants to run away toward Alex to avoid HARUMI's persistent accusation.

So primitive level, she got confused in. And now, Alex got in wonder. Auntie, you are really so stupid. Please refrain from our beautiful society.

Miyuki knows well that each guy is so nasty mutually. Thus, she doesn't claim at all in their territory. In case of claim in her behaviour, she hears well, and conducts correctly. Thus, she is nice guy, as always. Nasty, however, nice. Not affectionate, troublesome forgetful torture chasers, like HARUMI and YUKARI.

Under the bosses' protection, they can survive. And now, Alex is YUKARI's boss. And YUKARI is incapable nasty Auntie for any of us. Thus, YUKARI shall die!

Miyuki went to Gym park, and picked really good brown brilliant icorns, and she spread them in suitable places. All in Shirakawa, she wants to sill the icorns, thus, as many as possible, she would collect them, in suitable places.

And she found the satanic invasion's leftover. Concrete cement world, in short. Especially, in temples, it was performed. No choice for satanic residue at all now. They devastated our society, up to the end of their lives. They did their best, yes, however, it damaged both sides, including satanic side. Own Goals, and they couldn't stop their impulse related movement. No order at all now. However, just as automatic movement, they behave, and fail. Humanoid Russell Engine, like Alfred Jalli. Stupid, and ridiculous, however, they continue, because they want to do it.

Miyuki understands that violence anc sex, in short, the satanic residue acts. HARUMI & YUKARI, in short, Shirakawans are. No brain, however, as impulse related movement, they accuse others, and threaten them. No choice, at all, and they want to continue their wrongdoings, because they feel good. Serial killers, they are!

They should be proved, all, and yes, they were all proved, however, they feel yawning, thus, they continue to work in satanic line.

Icorns were spread in green belt of AKEDO area, CHOUJUIN temple, RYUUZOUJI Temple, and along the road gardens. Cement world, Shirakawans established. Unnecessarily.

Miyuki put several icorns between the SHIRAKAWA sones in the margin of KOJIMA and Sato family. KOJIMA's bakyard is now public. Thus, she started to cultivate trees, now. A bit a bit. KOJIMA would refrain from our society soon, all in a body.

And in the parking lots of ex-KOJIMA, Miyuki found a tumb like space. It was surrounded by broken old vases and the stones, big pebbles type. Primitive way of bury some guy. Thus, dead body would be buried under the earth.

Thus, they didn't want to rent it to others, and they were trapped and forgot the existance. Now, any guy doesn't want to dig it. Probably, after gaining the space for tree cultivation, Miyuki would dig it out to check up.

Neandertal way, Miyuki thought of. So so primitive, however, at that moment, anyway, existed some emotion to respect the dead guy. Thus, their predicessor, Miyuki presumes.

Some guy was killed and buried like that. And it was concealed as parking lots. Covered with pebbles and KANUMA soil. However, now, the surfice is changing, thus, the reality is appearing in front of us all!!!

Discommunication, satanic side planned, and they failed. NOGUCHI would be the last guy to send a letter to Miyuki, satanic side yells. Oh, please! It should be!

Thus, they closed their JP system. So many satans were riding on the red JP motor bikes. With number. Almost 100 riders and 100 drivers were there in Shirakawa. Terribly many guys were hired as usual. And they are so impolite and useless. They failed the road so many times. Alzheimer riders, Miyuki recognized in every place.

Miyuki gained 3 boxes of foamed paper, from BENIMARU-Yokomachi, and already they started to prepare for Christmas party, she recognized. Event only. And during Chrismas time, satans induce other satans into Shirakawa, which happened last winter. Never again! We are filled with satans. They should vanish immediately. Go to INFERNO!

They should get married with each other, and go directly to INFERNO by way of Honey Moon. Good and nice journy for them. Doing it only during their trip. Nice, tasty, sweet period, the journey it. Why don't you go to INFERNO?

At KOMERI, Miyuki was almost trapped. She tried to buy a vinil tape at US$0.98, however, the clerk BUSU attacked her saying, "US$1.28, Madam!", thus, Miyuki came back to the shelf, and took the picture of the price tag, and brought another tape, however, the BUSU said, "Oh, another tape! Thus, we will combine it with the previous one."

Thus, Miyuki got in rage! Already, they trapped, and changed the lane, a staff refraining from A lane, and another staff, thus BUSU clerk, popped out to Lane B. Thus, Miyuki lost her precious time, and she was obliged to move from Lane A toward Lane B. And the BUSU clerk did twice the trappings.

Thus, three, concesutively, they trapped the consumers, like that. Thus, OK, the tape is not suitable for us at all. Probably, not sustainable. Thus, Miyuki would buy another type.

Of course, she expressed the fury directly, yelling in a loud voice, "You, stupid! BUSU clerk! Alzheimer! Go directly to INFERNO! Vanish! All in a body! All, without exception! BUSU North Korean world, this shop is! Die for now!!!"

Some faked consumers gazed her, and Miyuki smiled. They are related with this shop, and they should die immediately with this shop!!!

No Man's Land, already. And ghosts move here and there. So near WAKABA Kindergarden, where Alex and Clare frequented. Too too dangerous, and no man's land, already, in Shirakawa. Semi-vanishing, now. And no guy would be survive in satanic team. Thus, they try to gain some affection from Miyui, and the effect is always the contrary. They trigger her fury, without exeption. Ridiculous, however, always they fail.

At WASHIO, Miyuki found that so many COSTOCO type lineups on the shelves. Especially, sweets. Collective use party foods on the freezers. And the price is extremely expensive. Hotel like foods, WASHIO related probably think, and put the price tags in this line. No man's land, thus, they put them as they like, and Miyuki left the supermarket, without buying anithing.

They provided the precious half ox meat, for big pieces to the old big boy, at that time, Miyuki remembers well. They apple polished to the boss, and gifted them all, 2 oxes all in a body and failed. And the relatives continued to run the supermarket. And they put the price tags as they like, and for them, COSTOCO is high society's department store, probably. Thus, frozen shrimp gratens were so expensive, and she sweets are also. All would be consumed by the relatives, and for consumers, left over with high prices, would be provided kindly, is the attitude of Shirakawans.

They don't live, just stay, and attack us all, in short. Ghost with violence. Thus, we should dispose them all!!!

Extremely cold, suddenly. The Cold Wave or 寒波 is the explanation provided by Japan Weather Report. However, always they put the some cliche like evasions on HP. Automatic Loop mode, yes, and we don't rely on their explanation at all. However, a kind of sample of their IDIOCRATIC performance.

No standard for YUKARI and HARUMI, thus, just criticise others mannors, when they recognize the errors. Kyorin way of attitude, Miyuki thinks, and the same like "Bosses say according to their mood" by Osamu HASHIMOTO. 上司は思いつきで物を言う was a best seller book at the period.

Miyuki experienced it at Todai and Kyorin. Thus, in Shirakawa, in a family, we experienced the fenomenum. In short, they are Alzheimer satans. Miyuki recognized the character of their remarks. They can't base on any fact, thus, they can't explain the exact reason clearly. No Man's Land, of course! Satans, get away from our peaceful society!

Miyuki took advantage of her failure. She should have stopped pouring hot wather in the bath tab, earlier. However, she delayed, thus, abundance of hot water happened. She washed all of the dishes, and cutlaries, and her dirty clothings, in short, panties and socks. The rest, in some days, she would wash by washing machine. Now, only manual system, she is obliged to adopt.

Pebbles putting is a key to perceive Alzheimer disease. Too too primitive, and the attitude of some nasty fact. Thus, Miyuki recognized that the tumb in ex-KOJIMA parking area. And in the veranda, the pebbles were put in each holes. It should not be! Too too nasty to see their evident proof of Alzheimer disease holding. However, they continue to maintain the situation. In public, yes. For them, too too natural to do so.

and the glass bottle case. Alzheimers concealed the fact with pebbles. Thus, so many parking lots covered with pebbles means the nasty disaster's left overs, by themselves.

Pebbles would be picked up every day, and the site to make a mount of pebbles, or Rock Garden...Probably, near the Cusco FUJIWARA. Pyramid surrounded by pebbles...Ummm...Too too Alzheimer like strange religion, Miyuki would start????

Probably, soon, JA stores start icorns, saying, "Good for health". And Miyuki found so many fruits were taken and packed and put the price tags, and sold at Satanic stores. No commercialization, and always, they fail, however, they continue to do their childish play with threatening.

Miyuki remembered that when she was at 5 years old, so many cheapish Japanese Pizza stores here and there. Probably, so many guys came from North Korea, and some of them were just diligent workers. Yes, they took advantage of vacant place, however, at that time, they provided sufficient service to the kids. For the kids, nice and cheerful place, the cheapish Japanese Pizza restaurants were!

The owners of the restaurant didn't disturb the kids' happy hour with the team mates, and just adviced how to cook, in the shortest way, and refrained. Sufficient and suitable attitude for any kids. A kind of cooking school for the kids. Happy in the cheapish restaurant! Only 5 cents would be fine to pass amusing time with the kids.

Probably, in any underdevelopped countries, this type of cheapish shops exist. Thus, they provided in the common style, and thus, Miyuki and Ton-chan liked the place so much.

Several currents of invasion have existed in Shirakawa. The Japanese Pizza or お好み焼き or OKONOMI-YAKI shops were estabished in 1960s. Probably, they came soon after the end of Japanese occupation by GHQ. Thus, 1950s, we presume.

Now, terrible abusers came, and killed Shirakawans whole in a body. They are greedy and reluctant to work. And so many closed commercialized facilities were reopened by them, according to the request done by Todai pimps.

Reluctant to work, is already less than zero, yes. However, disturbing diligent others would be worse than it. Jealousy related matter, in short. Ugly bitches chose like that.

Ugly, because they are non workers. Free riders, they are. Japanese DDMs, in short. They don't work, thus, they don't fail. And they pick up the errors of diligent workers. Miyuki is accustomed to be done so by Kyorin staff. Thus, she is indifferent from their nasty remarks, as usual.