Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (305)

2017-11-19 16:03:23 | 日記
Look at this advertisement:

Abandoned cars are able to be sold in this way. Some guys use these dangerous last stage cars. Almost all of IKKYO smart cars are composed by these abandoned cars, yes!

And where are human skin holders? They are reducing in the highest speed. This is one more proof:

Always, "As you know, on behalf of the lack of human resources", OMANKO writers write. And the fundamental reason are not informed at all.

Total vanishing is common fenomenum for us all, however, Japanese government doesn't want to clarify the existance of the fenomenum, and they erase the clues of it, including serious informants like Moriko, OKINO and MIYUKI. They should be punished harshly, and they evase at the extremest way.

Now, Shirakawans are in the stage of Laughing YOGA. In case of nasty enquery, they laugh, and deny the fact, appointed by sincere guys. Todai pimps's evasion, in short. And KAKISHIMA participated into the YUGA in OOMIYA.

MIYUKI was induced to go with her to the Laughing YOGA place. Why YUGA? Why now laughing YOGA?

Almost 20 years ago, existed some boom of Laughing YOGA, and Miyuki watched the news in Brazilian news souce. In USA, some guy opened the laughing YOGA training center. An Indian couple, and so many variety of ethnic tribes participated in the movement. And the comment was "Even not spontaneous laugh, anyway, laughing makes us happy. Thus, in case of negative mood, try to laugh, even in the messy feeling. It works."

Miyuki, in her Kyorin Period, tried to use this method. Kyorin versity was so unusual torturing machine for us all, thus, sometimes, the staff ordered excessive tasks on Miyuki. Miyuki felt so nasty, however, in the worst moment, she tried to make effort to smile, and it worked, in precarious way. anyway, for the shortest attempt, it worked. To avoid to give nasty impression to others, the artificial smiling worked, yes. Transmission of nasty feeling was cut with this super technic.

Thus, laughing YOGA itself is not so bad, Miyuki believes. However, this skill is not for evasion at all. Rather, a skill of socialization. Smile to others, who are not related with the nasty matter. You should not make others feel nasty. Just it. To put up with the pain of the consciousness, it doesn't work at all.

KAKISHIMA had no consciousness. Thus, she didn't need any YOGA to evade. However, she used the skill to avoid the more specific search done by others. Thus, just evasion, she used the skill.

KAKISHIMA laught at the moment of encounter with difficult questions, Miyuki perceived. Contradictional remarks she did consecutively, thus, when Miyuki pointed it, she smiled misteriously.

TAGUCHI also did the same type of smile. HARUMI's sly smiling is the same type. Their smiles are so ugly and nasty, in common.

In SHIRAKAWA, now, denial with laughing is boom, in short. They, unnecessarily laugh, and erase the doubt of suffering from Alzheimer disease holding. Liars' last resort, in short.

Thus, the end of the end of the end of the end of....Shirakawa, again.

Miyuki, after putting the second venil sac cover on the third patch, she went to Benimal-Yokomachi. And she gained Japanese Horse Radish! わさび, or WASABI, it is called, and necessity for SASHIMI eating. Delicous with row fish. It costed US$2, however, Miyuki chose the most freshest and longest guy, with short starks,and its shape was similar to P!!!! Laughing similarity, yes, however, Miyuki liked it, and put this special chilly P on the exact bottom part at the supermarket.

Miyuki smiled, in her naughty way. And so short and so lean...Probably, of kid's, Miyuki presumed. Anyway, she cut the surcum skin, and then, she put into the soil, near Madam Cresson, and she tried to eat the surcum to know the flavour. Not so chilly, rather, similar to Western Horse Radish, however, anyway, horse radish, and its colour is green. Sufficiently, chilly. Thus, Good to be cultivated beside Madam Cresson.

P Horse Radish, he wants to be called. OK, thumkin P! Now, yes, however, when he gets adult, he turned to be a Big Gun!!!

Rifle, probably. And Miyuki thinks of take a bit with her petit surgery to appreciate the special fresh row fish called SASHIMI.

Sometimes at Supermarkets, Miyuki feels like "Leon", of Bresson. Oh, the son of Andre Bresson, famous photographer. Bresson II, yes. And for Miyuki, double roled LEON...with just milk drinking...Baby Girl with long lifles...Bob cut girl was protected by LEON, in the film. French "Taxi Driver" by Robert De Nilo. Thus...Egyptian? De Nile, and his nose was HAM type, Robert! Nassel type big high nose type, they have in common. From Nile, his ancestors came, thus, oh, Islamic guy, he would be! And Italian like naming.

South Italian people seem so Indian one. And north type, more german or dutch type. Even in Italy, variety of guys exist, and for Miyuki, Sardinian and Cicilians are so primitive wild, in the most positive way.

Even now, she really thought that she is lucky to have read LEDDA's novel Padre Padrone. The father of the hero is the great guy, admired by the hero and the residents in the village, and wild life like sense he had, in short. Big broad sholder guy, he was, LEDDA described, Miyuki remembered. Thus, for Miyuki, more attractive than the hero, a bit more sensitive and feeble in body and soul type. Yes, exists the side of boy's development. The film focused on this matter, yes. However, for Miyuki, most important part is "Oh, nature, you speak!" yes. Every existance ejects its own thought, in short. Even through traffic signs, the cities told their warning on us all!

At that moment, in the early 1990s, the traffic signs were understandable as the measure to avoid nasty traffic accidents, yes. Miyuki remembers the morning, that each signs popped out in front of Miyuki. She came to the office, early in the morning, without sleeping at all, because she chased the letter of the book, because she couldn't stop reading...She started to read it in the evening, and she read it during the night whale. She said to herself, "Oh, Miyuki, you should sleep! You should take a rest, or you would lose the precious time to study tomorrow", however, she couldn't stop reading it...So impressive, and concentration was required to read it.

And the effect was so marvelous! The miracle inside her mind, yes. So impressive, and she started to think as Sardinians. On the road, yes, however, Miyuki got shocked at the effect. Wonderful, and so nice!!!

The most impressive book I have read, was the theme of the competition called BIBLIO BATTLE, in 2014. Miyuki didn't avoid to introduce the book, despite of her colleague KOGURE's omission of her presentation. Why he ommited my introduction time?, Miyuki got in wonder. They were obliged to work all together, and KOGURE was popular among Kyorin pupils, yes.

At the same time, Miyuki perceived his inclination to steal others' reward. He asked Miyuki to make a preparation on the party with the pupils, and Miyuki did all, including making a reservation, collecting participation fee from the pupils and so on. So simple way, and she did all correctly.

However, in front of the pupils, he behaved as if he had did all by himself!!! Absurd! Yes, he was popular, however, oh, KOGURE, you were such a type...Miyuki got astonished at his concealed inclination. Sly, in short.

He said to the pupils and Miyuki, that he had 5 years old kid. And to Miyuki, his wife is kindegarden's teacher, and he was busy to bring his kid from the kindegarden, where his wife worked. He resued Miyuki's requirement to assist her search on the cases of serial suicides related on Kyorin Versity. He said to Miyuki, in front of IWAKUMA, "Oh, sorry, I need to pick up my kid from the kindergarden, you know. Thus, see you!", and he vanished.

Conformist, Miyuki categorized him. Thus, since this moment, Miyuki started to doubt his behavours. And he explored the money from Kyorin Versity, Miyuki discovered.

Thief, he was. He introduced unknown folk song group to the committee of Versity Festival, and they decided to pay to the group, whose career was so so vague, US$12 thousand for one stage of 45 minutes! Terribly expensive, Miyuki thought. However, the student members couldn't deny KOGURE's kind offer.

In this way, he stole. He worked for HAMURA municipality or 羽村市, as Kyorin program performer. Between Kyorin versity and this municipality, there was an agreement to colaborate in services and events. Thus, so many pupils of his seminar were participating in these events, and the money was provided by the versity and the municipality, both. And KOGURE recided in HAMURA, thus, he insisted that he wanted to contribute for his adorable kid's neighbours.

And for Miyuki, oh, the kid was just an evasion to fake to be busy. Thus, just like Mari KAWAMURA, in short.

KAWAMURA faked to take care of her deceising old mother, who recided in KOUBE, so far from her residence in KUNITACHI municipality, in Tokyo. And her colleague KITAJIMA protected KAWAMURA so much, saying, "He is kindly taking care of her mother, we should respect her choice, thus, for her, no task should be put, OK, prof.SATOW?"

Strange "Gentlemanship" among Kyorin staff. Also HARADA was protected by IWAKUMA, who said, "Oh, Prof.HARADA took care of her old mother in law, and consecutively, now, take care of her own parents. We should not criticise her errors, because she is so so busy Domestic type. We should consider her situation, as much as possible."

For Miyuki, HARADA's "This pupil was performed that evil job, thus they caught him, and because of these reasons, he were put into that prison, however, we should think of his own special situation like that, thus as you know, we should do so, in this way. You know, those guys were so so similar to these type, thus the job should be done in that site, thus we should do it, as you think..."like so so vague expression with so many uncertain "this""that""its""these""those""so""like" words was impossible to understand, and if she had been so busy, she should quit the job of being the team leader.

Kyorin staff was so kind to OPPABU BABAAs, in short. Thus, at least, Miyuki, as a faked Testacles Pet, could survive, anyway.

Kyorin Versity Hospital killed so many guys, and this was advertized by the hospital itself, was for us all, shocking fact. At that period, Kyorin HP provided the rate of survivors from the hospital as annual report in public, and for us, so so astonishingly, after the surgeries, passing 5 years, no guy would have survived, entirely!!!

This hospital was established just for training center for stupidest candidates of medical doctors. Thus, Crazy Mad Dogs with laser knives, was the correct answer. Miyuki met so many nasty medical students in the library in the canpus of Kyorin versity in Mitaka municipality. They were saying their reports in a loud voice, in the public space, without any respect on the patients. Just like objects, they treated the patients. Who can be the patients of this goddamnit versity hospital?, Miyuki got in wonder.

Indulged rich boys without any Intellectuality, they were. And they were so arrogant. For them, death is the same as life, thus, "We got a big success in the surgery, however, the patient died, despite of our best effort." was their cliche, in common.

Just ridiculous spooky gag, yes, however, for Kyorin staff, it was the reality.

So so cold toward the dead body, in short. No good medical doctors in the hospital, and when she was forced to go to see the doctor "Dirty Worm Penis KOGA" in the deep autumn in 2015, no man's hospital, already, it was.

Just faked SAKURA patients, in some targetted sites, was Miyuki's impression. And for Miyuki, why so many OPPABU clerks were sitting in the corner of counting? was the real impression.

Probably, just for exploration, they were there, waiting trapped guys, like Miyuki. So small amount of money, however, for satanic side, anyway, robbing money was enough.

It happened in Shirakawa, also. Thus, so many satanic Alzheimer patients are wandering near Miyuki. Abnormally many, yes. However, for satans, anyway, doing their own job is important. Time consumptious business only, they are used, Shirakawans.

Alex told an episode, which he experienced at his working place, in short, at Mac'donald humberger shop. A mother brought two infants, and the kids required Kids' set with some toy gift. And they asked their mother, "May we choose the toys as we like?", and the mother replied, "Of course, not! You, stupid!" Thus, our super clerk Alex saved the two cute infants, "Oh, we offer toys as your infants's preferences. They can choose one toy among three types, Madam!" Thus, the infants got super happy, and the mother's nose was crashed entirely!

Adults fail so many times, is our common impression. Miyuki also fails, yes, and in her case, "at least, failure is failure, yes. Thus, sorry, however, I did it. I try to repeat the same type error, as much as possible, however, we are not Gods, thus...Probably, I would fail, unfortunately, despite of our best effort..."

It is so natural for us all. However, Alzheimer adults try to keep their own faked pride, even after the fact of failures being revealed. Thus, Clare disliked any adults.

Miyuki, in this morning, found the mirror, which was stolen before from her book shelf, in the empty PC shelf in Alex's space. Some guy put it on the surfice of the main table, thus, Miyuki took it, returned it to the suitable place, and put a memorundam, saying, "This mirror was taken from my place without my agreement, and left here without noticing me. Thus, don't take my objects from my place, without any previous notice to me. Miyuki".

No accusing tone at all, because sometimes we fail. However, in case of error's recognition, we should learn so much, and try not to repeat the same type error at all. Short Money like situation should be avoided.

Thus, MISAE type mother, we categorize the mother of the two infants, above. She wanted to show up her superiority to the girls, however, she failed. In this case, the adults should thank to the clerk, who gave a bigger chance to the kids, correcting the error of the guys. However, she didn't thank him, rather, disliked his attitude. The kind is nakid, the child yelled, and he was killed, because of the honesty, according to satanic cruel version, which YUKARI took, earlier.

Miyuki's version is positive and cheerful. This clever kid turned to be the king, as the reward, after big big festival of crown putting party among the people! VIVA, the new king! This time, the king is not nakid!!!

Thus, the end of the world, in satanic side. For us, no information on the shrinkage of their world at all, and they did as they liked. Idiocracy continued for more than 10 years, in the extremest way.

Shirakawans are stupid, and no value at all, the kids all agreed. Thus, they are searching some suitable places to live. Good. You should investigate well the sites. However, Miyuki did know the result, and it is not so welcomed for you, kids!

Thus, anyway, runaway is the best way. Yes, it is. Miyuki thought like that, thus she checked, and the result, she gained. Thus, so productive life, Miyuki chose, already, in Shirakawa. One of her sites, and the starting point. Not eternal type, and she wanted to enhance the model in the world. Rather, probably, our team mates do the same in every place. Yes, depending on their situations and skills and so on, however, mainly, the first industry or Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, Animal Feeding and so on, in short, food producing process, they are in.

Thus, Miyuki does the same type working here in Shirakawa, as farmer. Miyuki, when she first visited Coimbra, she thought that this old town is so similar to Shirakawa...The broad river is so beauriful, and the hill range, also. Not so well conserved as Coimbra, however, Shirakawa was also beautiful as natural view, at that moment. In 1993, she visited, yes, for the first time. And got interested in the culture, and their portugues was so so swift to listen, was Miyuki's impression.

And then, when she visited New Zealand last year, in 2016, oh, she is Portugues, and her talking in Portugues is so so clearly understandable for me! I am not tapping spy, yes, however, her talk on the phone was so cleary enterd into my years, spontaneously!

Thus, probably, it worked...Anyway, to listen to foreign lauguage, speed is necessity. Miyuki experienced it already in case of Brazilian Portugues, especially, in case of TV dramas.

Thus, she is training to speak in suitable speed. Even though, not all western languages are understandable. However, to make communication, it would be fine to train bullet talking, yes!!!

Thus, not to be indulged, is Miyuki's choice. Thus, everyday's stimulative happenings are necesity for us all! Discovery of the mistery of nature is a big game, yes! Thus, Miyuki finds clues of understand the world, yes!!!

Miyuki named MINAKO, to the big Cherry Tree, near the entrance of NANKO Mounrain range, at HEBIISHI or Snake Stone side. Her verticle cute belly, the tree has. Slender. Thus, MINAKO, of "Hold me all night long".

So many impressive trees here and there, thus, Miyuki names sometimes on the trees. Wig Cider, at KAKUNAI area. Two wigs are put in the tree like impression, Miyuki caught. Punch Permanent Waved hair, in short. PAPAYA and SHIMON. Per?

Encounter sites, they would be. Meet beside MINAKO, for example. Squeals would come soon. So many squearls, Miyuki met, yes, and now, no any of them in Mountain Range.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (304)

2017-11-19 08:55:15 | 日記
19/11/2017, Sunday, 8:55 Morning, cold frosty cloudy, a bit wendy Last night, Wind of Gods blew in the village. So many satans were wiped up by the wind. This Morning, Miyuki got up at 6:35, and she heard the noise of boiling water in the bath room's side. "SHIBUKI is stealing our precious energy?", Miyuki thought, and, she went to the site. She found that the window was semi-locked, and then, she opened the door and found the boiler of Sato Family was functioning! Oh, SHIBUKI stole, yes!, She confirmed. And the whole lamps of the controling switch of bath water boiling were turned off, confirmed. They really stoke, Miyuki deeply sighed. And Miyuki last night locked the window, completely. When and who and how, the window got semi-looked?, Miyuki felt nasty. And she recognized that the water boiling stopped, when Miyuki shut the window and locked it again. Semi-locked means "Please steal our precious hot boiling water and while unit bath system", to satanic team, thus, NISHIMAKI came, and SHIBUKI stole the water, as they liked. Miyuki searched the ally between SHIBUKI and Sato Family, and found that the window of the living room of SHIBUKI family was open, and the mosquito net door was closed. Cold and chilly morning, today. And the light of the ceiling was not turned on. Miyuki watched the inside of the living room, and took the picture. So small one room type, and so cheapish piping chair was settled, and a pair of black chapish sports uniform type trousers were fooked. Not Business type house, this building is. Just only one guy type tiny chamber with the entrance and the garage. Strange combination, yes. However, probably, this is the most liked combination for individual type faked satanic resistants. Always the old SHIGUKI guy goes to and from between the south garage and the living room. Alzheimer wanderer, he is, and he likes to drive a white light track Hijet type. Now he lives lonly in this house, and the living room is used as individual chamber. And boiled water is for their luke warm supply, and as snag tribe, he loves to touch luke warm as YUKARI. Thus, terrible double triple damages for us all. Useless Alzheimer walker, he is, and just stays in the living type chamber, with luke warm, during day and night. And his role is just driving the pick up track several times a day, and soon he comes back. Only 5 minutes of driving, several times of days. Strange inclination, this guy has. And then, 6:40, big BUNG-BUNG sounds happened. Oh, some event be held in Shirakawa. However, when she was a kid, the BUNG-BUNG sounds was performed only the just time like 6:30, 7:00 or 8:00. It means that some guy delayed or accelarated incorrectly. Anway, BINGO for us all. And then, two guys came to the office to the toilet. Probably, one of them was Miyuki's father. Another was adults, because the steps were so slow and low. And they both checked the windows. After their leaving, Miyuki checked the windows, and found that the windows of the corredor and the east side of wathing room were semi-open, and the window of the bath room was locked of the handle type however, the botton type lock was unlocked. Miyuki locked the two system both, thus, this guy unlocked the botton type, after Miyuki's first checking. And then, the sound of the usage of the boiling system happened again. Oh, because of this unlocked botton type, it happened?, Miyuki thought of the connection. Thus, she locked it hard, and the sound stopped. Miyuki closed the windows all, for the protection. Anyway, on Cloudy Sunday. It would be fine to check the situation of the office. Then she made her quick job at the courtyard, and decided not to peel the taps of the patches at all today. Too too cold, and her fingers got chilled so much. Not yet it snows, however, we do have possibility of snow falling. And Miyuki took one semi-transparent plastic sheet and left one transparent venil sheets of sacs to take slight brightness for the theird patch. Vegitables love transparency. And big news! Garlics came so fast!!! They responded so fast, and their shoots are strong green punchig type. So long alread. Some guys have already more than 10 cm! Gradiolous like impression. Oh, Gradiaters! Roman soldiers! Oh, vulger tribe only! Oh, Miyuki's substitutes of human male possible lovers!!! Oh, Gradiaters, they should be called!!! However, she decided to wait to pick any of them today. Not yet. Their shoot is so young, and not yet matured. Thus, after gaining more maturity, she would eat their leaves, yes. Strong green with bit black parts. And fresh whitish green parts, also. Probably, Pupils period, they are. Collectively, they came! So marvelous! She would not need to buy any garlic more ever!!! Oh, Miyuki chose so correctly! Miyuki put them as the guard of the patches, especially third patch, and they started their jobs, already!!! Onions defended them also. They are kins, yes, and Miyuki learned from the discription of the book, which Clare gave us as birthday present, in case of standing pose type, at least, one guy per bunch should be left for their next growing up. And preferebley two or theree stalks, untouched. Thus, Miyuki calculated a bit, selsifhly. However, anyway, whole guys were survived this morning. Too cold, thus, Miyuki stopped pealing up blue sheet of the second patch, and she pealed the first patch's blue sheet, a bit, and took several stalks of the onions, and rocket's leaves, also, and then, she tapped it again. Cold, anyway, thus, it would be fine to take a rest whole day long. And Miyuki thought of the necessity of big transparent type sheets, strong ones for all the patches, like pots type. Miyuki left all the pots untouched, inside the pyramids, three. She would visit, later, yes, however, too too cold, and without saying, they got chilled there. Thus, No Man's Land. They could put up with the coldness, yes. However, her indifference would be colder, so much. Thus, next morning, She should cumpliment them. Yes! This morning, later, also. Just anyway, cold. Thus, for them, sleeping well is Miyuki's way. Dromsy,probably, she now thinks of. Thus, cold day's mode, please. Thus, any tap would be fine. Oh, thus my works should be continued for them also? As many as possible, she would make sheets, transparent and semi transparent type, even today. Thus, probably she would use her bed clothing plastic sac for them, yes. Probably, for the three, all in a body, she is thinking of. Better than nothing. Thus, OK, now, she would do...After her hot chocolate taking!!! When Miyuki came back from her short farming job, in the office, YUKARI was there. She opened the window in the semi way, and she opened the bath room window semi-locked by way of the bottom type, yes. And the noise of taking the boiled water by SHIBUKI house heard, thus, Miyuki checked outside from the window, and locked it firmly again. The sould quitted, yes. Confirmed. And also the fire works like BANG-BANG sounds were ejected. BINGO!, yes. During Miyuki's courtyard job, also so many Bang Bang sounds were heard. Probably from Gym Hall of ASAHI block, Miyuki presumed. And she imaged, "Oh, collective suicide day, and their tools are guns and rifles. Targets are IKKYO kids. Hooley!!!" At the same time, from TAMAYA-NAKAJIMA apartment, so many IKKYO kids popped out with their faked parents, and went to the vehicles. Probably, they are the targets! "Oh, our shameful lives end up soon! Hooley! VIVA, Emperor Preisdent MIYUKI!", they yelled in a belly. MISAEs are out of their patience! Better die as shooting targets than continue to with MISAEs!!! Aza~s, they said. It means, "Thank you!" in student language. An abbreviation of A-rigarou-go-ZAi-mas, or OBLIGADO, in short. Thus, Yes, you have obligation to be killed, IKKYO kids!!! You are so so nasty thieves, for us all!!! Electricity providing system is also like that. All day long electric equipments using means that HARUMI and YUKARI would provide electricity to all of Shirakawans, in short. They thought that they would gain money from this secret agreement between them and IKKYO believers. Thus, for them, IKKYO belivers are inferiors to them both. And they all Alzheimer disease holders. Thus, No Man's land, again and again. They were already to be prohibitted to use electricity, gas, water, including boiled water, and so on. However, they took advantage of HARUMI & YUKARI's forgetfulness. For them, the two were just "Ducks with leeks" this, Decoys, they were. And they are so arrogant, and didn't want to move from the house at all. Thus stable providers, they were. And now, YUKARI is in good mood. She is dreaming of marrige with Yuuji KOISO, and started to sign with YUKARI KOISO or 小磯由佳理, thus, the end of the story. Oh, some artist like name! Marvelous convination! Sato is plain, however, with this Chinese character, you look like as if announcer or caster, YUKARI!!! Thus, the end of the story. She wants to get married with some guy, anyway, and KOISO family is our kins, thus, it would work, probably. YUKARI was liked by her far cousin, Yuuji KOISO, some guy wispered to YUKARI, while the same to Yuuji. Thus, they would fell in love, easily!!! Neuro Inducing attacking in romantic level. Rather, sexual behaviour type. Thus, it would be good combination for the couple. They would declare in public, "We, Yuuji KOIKE, husband, and Yukari KOIKE, wife, decided to absorbed in out reproduction process, immediately. We want to have three kids, at least. As much as possible, we will do our best! Thank you for your support, kins!" Thus, Alex and Clare would say, responding to their declaration, "Yes, we both are looking forward to seeing our cousins, so much!!!" Thus, it worked!!! They are yelling ADACHIng's Super Neuro Inducing Matching Com. Project. Wedding is fine for DDMs!!! And Miyuki were trapped by ADACHI, and got in wonder, and got chilled at the idea of being robbed her prescious YUKICHIs, by someguy's wedding, in the near future... Any guy would be fine type special dream, Miyuki was sent, and she thought so so correctly. She got chilled by the photos, yes! So so manish! Probably, she would be different from female...Male? Ummmm...Thus, let's check it up! P holding problem, thus happened. 腰に小清水付けたろか? or KOSHI-ni-KISHIMIZU-TSUKETAROKA?, they chased. For Miyuki, what does it mean?, type expression. and then, Probably, Ko-SHIMIZU ir a fountain, thus, Marcel Deschenne's object, or Pee ejecting thing. In the latter case, in short, P. Thus, Do they want to put P on my bottom part??? I don't want it! Yes, effective, in some cases, however, mainly, they are rather ugly SAZAE like existance. Sad, and downward, in much of time. Thus, Not welcome. Please refrain from me, with your unusual dirty offer, guys!, was Miyuki's response. However, they chased so much. Crazy, and time consuming. Terrible. Who are they? Why such unusual anti-scientific nasty remarks eject on me, incessantly? Thus, FROIT tribe, they are. Oh, psychiatriric related guys they are! Oh, so old way of saying. And another early version was, "華厳の滝から飛び降りると思って”or KEGON-no-TAKI-kara-TOBIORIRU-to-OMOTTE, or just like falling from the fall of KEGON, NIKKO region, TOCHIGUI prefecture. For Miyuki, some guys oblige Miyuki to commit suicide, was impression. And so so old, or rather, before 100 years, they yelled like that type. Oh, Froit period's way of usage, in Japan. Thus, it worked. In 1920s mode, they adopted. Oh, the sound effect in Shirakawa also. SL sound put trains pass so often in this region. Why they put so strangely old sound, in case of common modern train's passing?, was Miyuki's big question. From so far, was the result. Remote controle done by the far distant planet, like Flowers of Heart Star Planet, or ハート星の花 by Teruo TERAMURA. So confusional now, in Shirakawa. Yesterday, Miyuki, at 9:00 in the morning, she heard three species of ring-ring sounds of telephones. Not at the same time, with a several seconds of difference, they started to ring, however, soon they got wrapped, and tripled. What happened? Why? And one of them started to talk automaticaly, "We are TOUHOKU electric company. We will do our enquete job, soon. If you don't want to respond, push the botton 1, and if you want to continue to hear this enquete, push the bottom #." in the recorded female's mechanical voice, and the recorded voice ended up, and all the ring-ring ended up up to the moment. Oh, new systems got combined with electricity and pelephone communication system. 電電公社 or DENDEN-KOUSHA or Public Sector Company of Electricity and Telegram mode. 100 years old guys, they are!!! Thus, too too strange. A calculation is so so erroneous, thus, they tried to deny the strangeness, as much as possible, however, with some guys' Alzheimer holding, it turned to ridiculously maniac crazy world! Thus, old towns and villages turned to be anti-industrial, non-working mode, it entered. For them, working means just taking a rest, as much as possible. Thus, they just exist, and no working at all is their standard mode. However, they want to take advantage of modernized tools, thus, luke warm water please, was their request. Thus, indulged farmers, they are!! Thus, now, Miyuki would be fine to be a good diligent amusing farmer, yes! Thus, she would make her good job, or preparing for tapping against harsh coldness. Thus, KOMO putting would be fine for today, because, the sticks of the poles of each pyramid are so acute and dangerous for us all!!! Yes, 槍衾 or YARI-BUSUMA against satans, of course, and more amusing flag idea, Miyuki caught!Thus, design Swallow on the side, and another, Wild Hare, in short. Magpie and Yacult would be presented by Swallow, and Rabby and Chinkoro, as Wild Hare. Thus, she would put the flag in the vinil sac, and put it in the green plastic pole, which is located in the south courtyard. Thus, a bit more, wait! Miyuki would participate her artisti job!!!! Again, she changed her mind. She tried to cover the edges of the stickes, and did a few one, however, the tapping cover should be big, in case of covering all in a body type. Miyuki took another measure. Tapping in case of necessity individualy. And when she apperared in the courtyard, the clouds appeared, and it turned so colder. Why? Miyuki put the symbol design of Wild Hare and Swallow on the flag, squire type, and put the transparent plastic sac on it, as a protector against snow and rain, and tied the bottom part with a jute rope. Marvelous! Anyway, it would be precariously fine, despite the swallow looks so robust like Yul Brinner. Ummm...OK, better than semi-penguin swallow. Someties, she would change the design, thus, each time, two tribes, per turn. Miyuki found that so many tiny turnips in the second patch. Oh, they were not chlorela producers only, but also producted the edible parts! Thus, she, thanking for them, started to pick the suitable guys. And her first romaine letus haevest, she gained. Soft, and round, were their impressions. She picked some pieces of them, and Oh, baby lieves, they are. Recently, Baby Lieves were so popular in Japan. They are the mixture of young fresh leaves, of variety of spinach types, and no determined tribes names were revealed on the package. And satans say that they are edible without washing. Easy to eat type quick salad use only type packages, they are. At Supermarkets, in any shelves, Miyuki recognized so variety of "Already shredded, ready to be eaten", "Already washed, just you can eat", "Already peeled, you can eat directly" type easy vegitables occupy the shelves. The species are rather few now, however, these slightest addid value type industrialized packed vegitables and fruits are sold, in the main spaces of the shelves, and the faked consumers buy these so easy foods only, even in case of their agricultural products' errand. Where are Domestic wives, who can cook in the common sense? Probably, no guys, in Shirakawa, reside any more. HARUMI and YUKARI are just good examples of these Alzhzimer Domestic wives. In averege, in short. Thus, they buy only semi-prepared and ready made dishes only, at the supermarkets. They are able to use only micro-wive oven. No gas fire is necessity for them. Just to disturb us all, they just stand in front of gas table. Terrible ocupational tortures, they are doing, even in their last stage. DODOMERDAS are unkind, in short. Jealous, and BLA-BLA-BLA only. They are connected existance, thus, they response is so so similar among them. And they forget the role of each guy. They are fass, thus, they forget which skin bags they are using, accutually. Thus, confusional fenomenum happens, so often. Miyuki recognized that in the last winter, when Miyuki came back from the office at 21:30, a bit earlier than usual, how they behaved. YUKARI was sitting on the TOTATSU, Japanese leg warming system, in the chamber of HARUMI, watching TV, and she abruptly scolded Miyuki, saying, "You came back so late! Where were you wandering this evening? You abandoned the kids, with whole irresponsibility! You stupid! You should be ashamed at your behaviour! You, Bitch!" in her threatening voice, and HARUMI said nothing at all. Miyuki got confused YUKARI's scolding, because YUKARI had come back at the same hour, one day before. Thus, Miyuki claimed to her mother, "Why YUKARI said so? I rather came back earlier than usual. And as you know, I was working in the office. I didn't get out. Strange!", however, HARUMI didn't say anything. Probably, they changed the role, without knowing. Thus, HARUMI should have said so to Miyuki. However, with YUKARI's skin bag, fass accused Miyuki, without any ligitimacy, as if YUKARI herself accused her on her own fault. Ridiculous, Miyuki thought. However, sometimes, they make big mistakes like that. Thus, just skin bag change, they failed, at that moment. Thus, HARUMI is YUKARI, and YUKARI is HARUMI, sometimes now. They got combined. Thus, two skin bags are excessive even for satans, yes. Thus, they need to select only one. And Miyuki is totally out of this process. Combination would be fine for them all. And with Alzheimer disease holders, they get to be whole Alzheimer families. Thus, we need to take care of our activities, in every field. So many years of non working system was revealed that 100 years ago mode. Thus, old guys only type village, Shirakawa is now. The mode should be changed, yes. However, satans don't want to move from the house, thus, yawning from KOISO family effects. Slightly YUKARI shifts for KOISO line. More tamable. She should know at least one of KOISO family members. This afternoon, a middle aged guy came saying, "I am TAKKYUBIN service guy. AKI, please!" and YUKARI poppoed out, and responded in her high pitch voice. In the highest voice, yes. It means she got stressed so much. In panic, yes. And the old guy continuted, "US$28.03." And YUKARI obeyed him entirely and went back to pick the value, anyway. The guy didn't say, any word on how to pay. In Japan, exist several different systems on the payment. Already paid, you don't pay type. You should pay whole price including delivery service. For example, in the latter, the delivery men should say, "This is DAIBIKI or You should buy the products now with the service fare. The content is US$XX, and the fare is US$XX, thus, at total, US$XXXX", like expression is necessity. However, this Alzheimer delivery guy didn't refer to the system of payment, and just required the value, in the shortest remark, and also, he didn't call family name of Alex. Just said, "This is for AKI" only. Impolite, and easy to trap type, however, YUKARI obeyed his order immediately. Stupid Japanese Alzheimer patient, famale type, she was categorized, yes even by this also Alzheimer stupid old guy. Thus, YUKARI is attacking target, yes. Miyuki checked the track number of the TAKKYUUBIN. A big silver van with "Hibryd" of Cool Fresh Delivery service and common type, and with dark green business use only plate with number 57-75. And the number plate was put in the left side, in the inclined rotten mode. Skewed Delivery service track, and it would be used as dead body stockage, yes. Thus, some guys in YAOYA-cho area dead, it means. Probably, NAKAJIMA-TAMAYA aprtment Ikkyo belivers, Miyuki presumed. And the guy, after entering into the van, didn't start the engine, for so many minutes. Miyuki wanted to see the scene of the departure. He lit the right light for the departure, yes, however, the departure didn't happened during Miyuki's gazing, and Miyuki got tired of watching it, and she turned to her writing job as usual. And Miyuki found blood like stains in the south courtyard. Oh, bleeding nose, Miyuki remembered YUKARI's custom. Her nose was so easy to bleed, and now, it happened? Near the red car parking area. Miyuki took the photo, yes. And also, she found that the relatively big stones, which were put on the pyramids as weight to protect them against nasty abrupt wind, were moved only several centimeters, and the pyramids were not protected entirely at all. Yes, last evening, the strong wind blew, we recognized. However, with the heavy stones, the pyramid should not be moved. The stones only moved all! What a coincidence!!! And Miyuki remembered that YUKARI gained Pet Rock, when she was a kid. It was in the New Year's errand bag called FUKUBUKURO, a package of mish-mash of goods. Miyuki disliked this type bag, however, YUKARI liked, and found the Pet Rock, and childishly she believed that it could move according to her order. IWANAGAHIME, or 岩長姫 or Rock like Long Life Princess, with ugly nasty face, she turned. With Pet Rock, she changed her personality. YUKARI believed easily unusual existance. And she was not reasonable type, from the begining. Just she feels everything, and she doesn't think at all, in short. And she is in wonder if she put the venil sac, semi-transparent type, on the transparent type. Are you OK? Anyway, she would try, yes. And Miyuki could eat turnip pink soup, as lunch. Delicious! So small turnips, however, for her, pretty cute guys, they are! All could be eaten. For her, good gift from the second patch. Extremely cold, yes. However, marvelous wonders, so many in the patch. And watching the scenes are so nice stimulative power for us all!!! Collective seeds pots are dried up. However, Miyuki refrained from spilling water, today. because it had a possibility to freeze them all. Thus, just tapping. And she is now wondering that after this extreme coldness called KAMPA or 寒波, she would put all of the seeds of the trees on the soil directly on the patch. Probably, on the third patch, and Miyuki learned that each tribe choose their suitable place in the field. Thus, romaine letus in one and half lines, enough. For her, OK. Because variety of vegitables, she wants to eat. And the taste? Oh, Miyuki stewed in a boild water. Thus, just...less puniching soft spinatch. And she liked this Baby leaf type, also. Salada, she would taste, soon. However, anyway, so cold. Thus, soup, soup, soup! Now. Thus, just a bit, she would bite, tomorrow! Yesterday, IKKYO kids were in the courtyard of Shirakawa III with the uniform wearing teachers. Sports Uniform of Shirakawa III was worn by every pupil. On Saturday? GAKUDOU HOIKU or 学童保育, a sitting service, they provide for non-working indulged faked parents, probably. No School Land, in Shirakawa, yes, and some stupidest old guys try to teach in their own oldest mode!!! Thus, 100 years ago type education was provided in Shirakawa. Thus, Clare took advantage of Miyuki's absence. Miyuki didn't teach cramschool study at all. Miyuki thought that it is really in vain. Thus, Clare tried to be genus, in this area, and she failed. Only few days of training doesn't effect. For Miyuki's case, 2 years of training consecutively. And she studied at home almost 5 hours per day, and 10 hours on weedends. And she didn't dislike the process to solve the questions. Puzzle type, Miyuki is. Thus, for Clare, it doesn't work. For being genus, you should try at another area, to be thrifty of time. Just recommendation, however, thinking of her character, probably the rightous answer. Genetically difficult type training, however, Miyuki wanted to get out of Shirakawa, thus, she concentrated on the study. And Miyuki recognized that SHIRAKAWA ended up already, when Miyuki left her at her 18 years old. She left, means, the place was not suitable for her. Thus, she vanished Shirakawa already in 1981. And then, she believed that Tokyo is the city of culture and modernized reasonable thinking, and it was revealed, and she avandoned it last year, entirely. Thus, Tokyo is sunken, already, in short. Now, we are in abandoned village, yes. And Miyuki wants to establish our new order, according to the rightous instruction of us all. Thus, PLANT AGE, we are in, and she is working for it. Thus, farmer, she turned, and so many team mates, she gained. Thus, after drinking hot chocolate, she would check the courtyard. She put a scarecrow like flag, in the longest green plastic pole. Now, she is their side. Not SATOW Family side. Thus, they failed all. Abandonment of Succession system, Insurance system, and marrige system, yes! Wild Animals, we are!!! Thus, check the courtyard! Frozen, however, we can gain a bit more!!!! are,