Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (288)

2017-11-09 17:57:18 | 日記
09/11/2017, Thursday, 17:57 cold, fine

Miyuki went to JA shop, and bought 4 quinces, at US$2, MISHIRAZU persimmons, or 見知らず柿 at US$2, several banches of Cressons at US$1.7, several banches of Coriander with roots at US$1.8, and several beets at US$1. Miyuki liked quince's smell, and thought of making jelly with it! Marmelo, in Portugues, Miyuki remembered now, after chacking the dictionary. After their really mature turning, Miyuki will make Quince sylop or Quince tea or Quince sugar sorked, in a bottle. Quince should be really yellow to make the sylop. Good for throat in Winter, the recipe informants say.

Miyuki remembered a comic, which was her first girl's comic experience, called "A spoonful of Quince jelly". So so slightest mood of a girl's romantic experience, and she was French, and a daughter of a single father, who ran a cafe, and she frequented to the cafe, and assisted him sometimes, and liked an elder boy, who was frequent client of this cafe. Common scene, and so soft, thus, oh, this is romantic girl's comics' example, Miyuki thought. Not so different from adolescence of other countries. A kind of adoration for love some targetted guy. Up to this point, understandable, Miyuki categorized.

Not impressive, however, it's title recalled her the scenes. Probably, common scenes, not so different from our world, however, in westernized way, was Japanese girls comics.

For Miyuki, blond would be better, because we are all black hair world resistance,and plain faces. Thus, to classify the protagonists, it would be necessity to change the colours of their hair, probably.

And our eyes are not big, thus, they are not talkative. Thus, needed to describe them as big eyes holders. Thus, western style was our common adoration. However, at the same time, Miyuki imaged that the commic writers are plain Japanese, thus, they took the western world in their own Japanese way. Thus, not so similar to the real Western society, we all did know well. Even though, we admired their world, yes. Thus, western style, modernized or historically decorative, comic writers prefered to use.

Moto HAGUIO made a trip to France, Germany and Great Briten, and wrote "We will make this girl a top model!", "Heart of Thomas", "Poe Family", on each country's back ground. They were paied by publishers, especially 小学館 or Shougakkann, an editorial company. Thus, they wrote in the readers' inclination, yes. At the same time, they wanted to create their own world. Each story should be distinctive, and original. At first, their world was distinctive, and original, yes, however, in the middle, they changed, and so many writers sold their spirits to satans.

Mot HAGUIO changed so much. It means that her personality was used by others, yes. Her name is a kind of Production or Studio's equivalent, and not only one guy. However, she prefered to insist that the works were hers. Liars, in short. Thus, she was so ugly, and wearer of KIMONO, and stupid in her last stage.

She should have confessed the fact, earlier. However, she didn't, and got the aim of contemption. She insisted that "This work is not mine!", on the work published under her name. Unusual, we all thought, however, Miyuki presumed correctly. Studio system like Fujio FUJIKO, and she is so sly not to confess the system at all. DADAMerda, she was. No integrity at all, and each time, she shifted toward superficial beauty, despite of her own ugly face.

Now, Japanese quinces are ejecting sweet attractive smell in Miyuki's space.

She planted corianders, cressons, and red beets in the third patch, and she deicded to make her herb garden the third patch, mainly, with some hills and vallies. Natural inclination like mountain range, Miyuki chose. Thus, no artificial hill nor vally at all. When she needs to cultivate the soil, she does. And she picks variety of herbs there off, and cooks her original delicious spicy dishes. Thus, probably, after winter, her oreganos, lemon glasses, fennels, roman camomir, common times would be planted near. Winter is not suitable for them to plant, Miyuki presumed. It all depends. They don't know Shirakawan winter, thus, after knowing the extreme coldness, they would find the correct answer. Don'r worry, I have no kitchen, yet. Thus, Miyuki can't utilize any of them now, and preferable, next generation would be fine for her cooking job.

Thus, they goodgrieved. Anyway, this evening, Miyuki accomplished their moving of all pots type. On the thin reeds cartain, many of them got chilled. And now, so warm, like semi-tropical world. Thus, some of them are thinking of comming to shoot even in winter. At least, in this cold air, the wamth is kept suitably.

Now, Miyuki is in wonder. During days, it is also cold today. It was fine with sun shine, yes, however, so cold, and without fat clothings, Miyuki got chilled so much. Thus, nakid or tapped by the pyramid, which should be fine???

Thus, always tapped type are majority. OK, thus, if some extraordinarily fine and warm day, Miyuki would open the tap, for several hours, to gain fresh crispy air.

Of course, each day, Miyuki should spill water to them, thus, tap should be opened at least once a day, in general mode. However, during cold air, even with blue sky, probably, it would be fine to be tapped, and keeps the wamth. Crorela matter, she is worried about. Not transparent, however, semi-transparent. Thus, it works, sufficiently. Good grief. Thus, no time for satans! They should refrain from our beautiful world!

Today, in the chilly cold air, Miyuki passed Alno Hill, and recognized that their plan of making one more bypass was total lie, or they can't recognize the conception of length of the map, entirely. Why they makes two bypasses, despite of no man's land? And the location of the map was totally skewed, and more, they established a new house, as their own job. Road making got combined with private house making. And 円谷隆一 or Ryuuichi TSUMURAYA with his address of 東大沼 or HIGACHI-OONUMA or MATSUKAZE complex zone, and his private telephone number. This so called TSUMURAYA is Mr.Responsible in this site. No infromation on the construction company at all. Unbelievably they are irresponsible.

Fujita family is also so common here in Shirakawa. Workable, is the minimum requisite to stay in this planet. And Alzheimer twins can't do anything at all. They should not have been born, however, they exist Even Now ♫

Today, at first, there was no man working, at Alno hill, on the way to JA store. Oh, they vanished! Good grief. Miyuki started to return this dirty scenery to the original model, in short, the nature, with beautiful plants. It would be fun task, and on the way back from JA store, in some parts, faked workers popped out to show up a bit. No Man's Land is near! Satans are here and there, however so soon, we will regain the power. A bit more, we need to put up with this situation.

Satanic ridiculous reign, we were under, yes. And even now, so many Junior High pupils popped out, when Miyuki was passing. At 12:30. It's common Thursday. Why so many kids were comming back from Junior High today?

One hour earlier than usual day, today. Who is the boss? And why he ordered to do so?

And also vehicles popped out as always. However, Miyuki does know well that they appear only from the corner, and prolong only within Miyuki's sight. So so precarious.

At JA store, Miyuki again experienced the reduction of human skin bags, already during her stay there. Miyuki bought MISHIRAZU Persimmons, and they were all bitter type! Oh, bitter type were sold in commercial facility! They picked uncommercialized type ingredients only type fruits, and sold like that. Yes, after some atrificial treatment, it would be delicious. However, unusual, for human beings.

Good chance to know that MISHIRAZU persimmons would come soon in our team. Bitter, however, they would produce effectively. And even in low hight, already they start to produce fruits so many. MISHIRAZU is "We don't care my body, rather we choose to produce more and more fruits" in Japanese. Thus, so productive, they are. And good for AMPO dried up persimmons. A kind of big raisins, they would be turn, soon!

GUTS and KATSUMI would like to eath FUDE type and MISHIRAZU one. OK, both two & two. Thin and fat. Both Testacls, you can eat!

In commercial facilities, AMPO persimmons were sold in orange with white fruits powder sugar. In our space, which colour they would be? FUDE persimmons turn to be rather dark black orange, or brownish black red. MISHIRAZU dried up type would be new for Miyuki. Thus, how about them? Thus, Miyuki peeled all of these bitter persimmons, and already put them with white cotten threads. Needle is not necessary in this task. Knife and thread only. Easy, and quick. Just wait the accomplished result!

Miyuki found a shocking fact. Scarecrows in Japan were collective assasin's victims. Christ, in short. The resistent farmers were killed like that. Showing up of satanic cruelity was the good answer. And the faces were expressed as へのへのもへじ or HE-no-He-no-MOHEJI, or design especially for the scare crows. He or へ is brow. No or の is Eye. MOHEJI is 茂平爺  of Old Guy MOHEI. Thus, farmer MIHEI was killed as representative of resistent farmers.

Just like Julious Cesar, he was betrayed and killed. All leaders of our teams were killed like that. KATSUMI also. Why we should be killed in secret?, was KATSUMI's question. Miyuki didn't know what happened on him, in reality, and just believed that he had been the president of a factory of vehicles coating...She watched a big big letters of its company's name at HEBIISHI area. HEBIISHI is Snake Stone, in Japanese. Strange name, this area is!, Miyuki thought. Probably, snakes were representatives of forest, as Shuuichi WASHIO said, thus, up to this place, human beings could live, and prohibitted to live in the deeper side. However, satans explored the montains, and destroyed a big mountain range, and made useless empty scenery for themselves. Total vanishing, they love, thus, they should refrain from our society at all!!!

Cross means death with contemption, yes, in Japan and in Western Countries. However, contemtion for satanic side. For us, in any cases, victims paid their precious lives, unnecessarily, by way of tortures, yes. ベロ出しちょんま or BERO-DASHI-CHOMMA written by Mokishi SAITOU was a message book in this series.

Miyuki imaged Sougorou SAKURA, a farmers' group's leader, and all of his families were killed on the cross. Strongly impressive story book for kids. Painful, however, probably, the fact in EDO era. Cruel socity, we lived at that age. And Miyuki, a positive guy, always, "Good Grief, we are in modern age, anyway. Thus, no such a cruel scene at all!", thought of.

Out of mind type reality, even now, she found. And today, Miyuki found a killer proof of satanic recognition problem, in the worst level. They can't recognize the difference between weight measuring tool and time measuring tool, namely, clock!!! She took the picture of paid parking lots' reception hut, in which, big big two weights were there! The small hut was filled with these two weights with round glass covered panels. yes, at appearance, they looked like clocks, however, the functions are totally different! Oh, my Gods!!!

Confusional, and dangerous. However, satanic understanding level is like that, confirmed. Thus, only appearance weighs, among satans. Thus, similar guys are the same personalities for them all!

Thus, surfice only, they rely on. Thus, no contents at all, is satanic society. Just immitating the original would be fine, and in their own subjective way, the immitation should be done.

Thus, so so superficial Japanese society, it turned. Each year, they came, and attacked us, in every field, and some guys were giving up to fight against, and prefered to be alone. And Miyuki, who recognized her weakness, thus, "HELP ME! We are in danger of Death or Life! Please help us all!!!" message, sent to all of guys in the universe! Rightous Brothers, only! Satans should be disposed up to the last one!!! Only a bit of our damage should be recovered, without exception!!!

Satanic way of life is just replacement, not next generation type, Miyuki does know well now. No begining, no end type. However, in their story. In our side, we should know our limit! Thus, we should be happy, all in a body, pursuing for our own individual happiness!!!

Life is most important value, thus, first, it should be recovered, of course!!! All of victims should be paid all of indemnizations, whole, in a body, of course!!! Satans thought in ego-centric mode, and assured to recover all, objectively. Thus, do it now! Do it! Return their precious lives, all!!! Immediately, of course!!! Do it! Return all of them, right now, without exception!!! Do it, satans! You should do it as duty! Debts, you should pay! You promissed, thus you should do it!!!

Thus satanic world is now diceasing...They promissed, and they couldn't. Thus, they should punished again and again1!! Liars, they are! ORE-ORE deceipts, they did! We all rely on them, because they didn't inform the fact that they replaced all of skin bag holders for long time!!!

Long long ago, long long ago! ♫

 No choice for satans. They insist as if they could choose their own fate, however, already it is decided. They are all prisonners, and no choice at all!!!

YUKARI attacked Alex with her BLA-BLA-BLA speach. Stupid, however, time consuming. Useless, and when Miyuki popped into the office room, YUKARI refrained from the scene. Good grief. Alex was so tired of her useless contemptious speach. Only nasty sexy remarks, she did to her own nephew. Erotic satan, she is!

Miyuki heard of only a part. Thus, something related with university type preach as usual. "Alex, you are going to the versities, thus, you should not do XXX" type preach as usual. And XXX is always related with her sexual illusional dream. Like, "Don't get along with girls, they are so dangerous! Don't talk with girls, OK?" type. Jealous, YUKARI is!

Better than YUKARI, the girls of the schools are. Thus, for Miyuki, training center, his each society is. Even in working place, he learns more and more. Miyuki goodgrieved knowing that Alex could respond in business phone call, correctly. He could say, "No, I can't" and "I don't know on it, Sir!" correctly. So so important, these two frases in Business communication. Or, we would be killed easily!

Refusal, he can. Thus, Miyuki got releaved, in reality. Necessity for us all. And satanic ladies can't. Thus, they are always obedient to the situational boss, in precarious way, with contradiction. No brain existance, they are. And they are all fass, with just situational majority system. Thus, illogical. They do so, because they are so forgetful, or rather, no mamory type, they are. Thus, castle on the sand, in short.

"Castle on the Sand" is written by Yukari ICHIJOU, a comic writer. The twins, both rich, did it, without knowing their blood relationship, and in the final end, the heroine commited suicide, and the hero forgot the memory completely. If Miyuki were one of them, probably, "Ooops, we did it wrongly. Thus, oh, sorry, and it would be fine not to speak to others. Only between us, OK, my brother!" only. Yes, double vomitting situation, however, just like Oydipus. Not their fault. Thus, double vommiting scene, in the last end.

Minothauros was motif of concealed boy, and some comic writer wrote the same plots, so many times. Shio SATO, also. Suzue MIUCHI's Requiem on 13th month, is the satanic concealing story, yes. Satans should be concealed inside the house, and be killed in the end. Destroyers inside the family, they are. And each family has such kind of destroyer inside. Thus, Danjon, the house is!

satans were expressed with animal faces, especially domestic animals. Oxes, Bulls, mainly. Carves, also. Satanic domestic animals were called Minotauros, and they ate only, being concealed in a dark chamber. HIKIKOMORI in ancient age. At the same time, they want to do it, thus, some rapist inclination, they had. Thus, nagative OTAKU type, they are.

Thus, in NIIGATA, in a rich family, rapists were concealed in his own house with a targetted girl. She was kidnapped and raped, however, his mother didn't inform at all to others, and she said, "Oh, I didn't know it, because my chamber is on the first floor, while his is on the second". No persuasive at all, however, the police, the prosecutors, didn't accuse her at all! Assitance, she provided, however, all of public agencies left her as she liked.

Alzheimer ladies are protected like that. And ORE-ORE deceipt happens so often in Japan. For Miyuki's side, why the Alzheimer ladies could pay so much money to the wrongdoers, all in a body, without confirming who was the guy who insisted to be her son?, was big question. However, Miyuki presumed that the cases were covered with insurance, including public one, thus, they themselves were not painful, at all, perhaps.

BINGO! Thus, our tax was used for these Alzheimer Ladies' big mistakes, consecutively. At least 1,500 cases per year, and terribly biggest money were paid for wrongdoers! Only private insurance should have covered them, of course, however, public money was also paid, for their consolation!!!

Morally degraded Alzheimer ladies, they are! Go directly to INFERNO!!!

Yoshiko KAKISHIMA had no mark of plastic surgery on her nose holes' sides, both. Her nose had been upward type, showing big nose holes in front like SHISHI or Oriental Lion statute. However, when Miyuki met her again in 2016 in December, her nose holes were concealed, and it was difficult to see from front. Where were her nose holes? She did plastic surgery? Oh, she always showed up only with cosmetics, probably. Already made up, when Miyuki saw her in her house, even in the morning.

KAKISHIMA said that she was late riser. Thus, almost 10:00, she popped out from her chamber, where no sofa, no bed at all was, with her sleepy eyes. How she could sleep without bed, Miyuki got in wonder. Miyuki slept in the sofa in the living room. Alex, in a chamber in front of a bath room. She, in her chamber, with desk and PC. Where and how KAKISHIMA slept?

For them, no bed at all, and sofa is enough, at that moment. Oh, OPPABU use only type apartment house? And her illusional lover refused to touch her bust?

No bed at all, however, she could sleep. Alex got upset. No bed at all, also. TATAMI mat type. Oh, Miyuki thought that it were western style chamber!!!

TATAMI floor chamber, only one, in each apartment, was construction companies' preference, Miyuki got to notice, yes. However, in case of 2LDK type, also???

For MICCHIKU family, TATAMI room is necessity. Thus, for high stories apartment called Tower Mansions, TATAMI floor were put at least in one room. Taku KATO, Miyuki's ex-colleague of Kyorin versity said that TATAMI should be consumed more and more. Thus, for Miyuki, yes, useful for some guys, however, generally speaking, especially for apartment residents, TATAMI is useless. Miyuki prefered to live without TATAMI type apartment, thus, she searched, and found that it was so difficult to find all western floor type.

Removable TATAMI mat would be fine, however, when Miyuki asked to property management guys, they said, "Oh, it would cost US$10 thousand to replace TATAMI floor toward western floor." Liars, they were!

However, considering the result, their lies effected so much on Miyuki. "Oh, they are betraying my reliance at all, thus, I don't want to buy any apartment at all!", Miyuki refused any of their offer, entirely. My money, not theirs, thus Miyuki decides, not they!, she thought.

MICCHIKU lies are contradictional. Look at this article:

1.7 times more bankruptcy than one month before, however, no material explanation on the factors. During upward stock market, it happened. No question, OMANKO financial writers have. This is OMANKO apathy. No brain situation, they showed so evidently!

This is MICCHIKU choice, also:

The company went bankrupt, while the president gained indifferent from the financial situation. Japanese government is like that. Shirakawans' lives, also. In every phase, they gained without any financial situations, thus, all debts society, Japan turned easily.

for us, if a guy turns to be poor, it should be thrifty, as much as possible. however, MICCHIKU related continued to behave as usual. Thus, the same level of life should be assured in case of bankruptcy, also.

Miyuki got shocked at the figure of the value, which was assured for the families of the president of bankrupted companies, US$2.7 thousand per month. How much money, they can use after bankruptcy!, Miyuki got in wonder, when she heard the fact from Yoshimitsu AOYAMA, a pimp of Todai, whose measure was Civil Processual Law. Thus, Japan failed. Japanese government protected MICCHIKU life, and attacked poor guys' wallets, like Miyuki's. Workers were explored by Japanese government, on behalf of MICCHIKU families.

Thus, debt only state, Japan is now. And Japanese government is non stopping mode, even now. 垂れ流し or TARE-NAGASHI, or Flushing situation. Loop mode economic system, now, Japanese government adopted.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (287)

2017-11-09 08:39:44 | 日記
09/11/2017, Thursday, 8:40 morning, cold, cloudy,

Miyuki made a rural village walk at 7:15, in the morning, after her tap peeling job in the courtyard, and found that so many kids and teachers were comming to public schools already in this hour. Why? Too cold, and too early. At the same time, so many cars popped out from the corners. Before 7:30! Unbelivably early! It's November!

Thus, Miyuki thought of "Winter Time", contrary to "Summer Time", so common in many countries to be thrfty in time, taking advantage of summer sunshine.

Probably, some power holders in Shirakawa ordered to consume energy as much as possible, and faked public school masters assisted this policy, adopting "In Winter, one hour earlier than usual" supid policy in this rural village.

Too early, and for Miyuki, "Oh, 'Nordic Effect' would be considered by satans. It means "Dark grayish clouds in the sky causes melancholy and suicide desire" syndrome. Thus, ideal for Geno-Suicide, for sobstory lovers." Oh, Norwegian Forest by MURAKAMI!

Any relation with the nordic Europe at all, however, the title was like that. Probably, Suicide Story, and Miyuki has never read MURAKAMI's novels at all. Time consuming pleasure, Japanese novels are. Thus, only few selective novels were read by her. And the result...Ummm...I have already read the same theme in foreign predicessors...

Contemporary Game by Kenzaburou OOE : 100 anos de solistad by Garcia MARQUES
Death of President Masias Guili by Natsuki IKEZAWA : The real life of President VARGUS in Brazil

Influenced, probably, or universal common themes, they are. Thus, they wrote the same type novels, long long stories.

Not immitation, however, the same nuances, so much. Thus, it worked. And Miyuki did criticism toward so few selected Japanese novels. Miyuki remembered that her comments were written in Center for Foreign Legal Studies, when she was working as Kerbelos there. Soon after ending up the writing, ARIKAWA, one of Testacles Pet of Youichi HIGUCHI, popped out, and stayed for long time, without necessity. Why is he here? Oh, is he wanting to praise my legs?

Terrible attacker, he turned. He was caught in the police, under the name of rapist. He admitted to do his touching bahaviour on the lady, sitting beside him. He said, "Oh, she was my type, thus, I touched." And this news was reported by OMANKO newspapers. He was associate professor of Constitutional Law at Tokyo Versity, at that moment. And then, TOUHOKU Versity, after the criminal rapist case. In Japan, rapists were treated like that.

And he tried to come back to Tokyo Versity, because pimps are all forgetful. Unusual, yes, however, it happened. Ths similar case is Akemi's ex-husband. Graduate of Todai, and hired by Academy of Self Defence Force. He raped a lady, and declared guilty decisively. However, the national academy, counterpart of versity, declared only two weeks of recess, without reducing salary at all!!! Just a superficial punishment, the slightest one. Exists? Exists.

And Akemi was accused by her parents in law, like that: "You should have played sufficient role of wife for my sonny. You didn't provide sufficient sexual service for my sonny, thus, he did wrong. Your failure, not his!"

Japanese MICCHIKU family, the KAMIYA family was. KAMIYA is his family name, and Matake is his proper name. His parents were both scholars of political science. The parents graduated from Knocked Out Versity, and they both were so famous in their field. KAMIYA family were power holders of CHIYODA ward, in Tokyo.

Broken robbot of his mother, was Akemi's acute regretful comment on Matake, her ex-husband. Alzheimer, he suffered for long time from. And any guy didn't inform the fact at all to his wife and the kids. Thus, sobstory turned to be happy stories. Akemi gained three kids, and started to live separatedly. In NAGOYA, she resides. And the kids, already got independence. Oh, all single families!

Individualist, she turned to be. And no necessity to work for some MICCHIKU related office. Agriculture, she alsoo chose. No choice. Better to live as if Tasha Tudor...She consoles herself.

All of us are obliged to work for some food related business. Anyway, we need to eat. Thus, Alex is the highest ranking worker among us all! US$300, per month! Marvelous! We are all jobless, income less. However, better than being killed. Thus, too too thrifty, possibly, ZERO spending is ideal...However, supermarket users, we all are, including Miyuki. Meat and milk, cheese and so on. Animal Protain related foods, only.

Even now, Miyuki needs to collect some seeds or roots ot stalks to cultivate, yes, and satans come to attack her field. Terrible, and Miyuki needs to protect all of us, yes!!!

This morning, Miyuki recognized that her second pyramid Khufu was slightly moved toward west. Only 50 cm, yes, however, sometimes it would be fatal, because deslocalization of floor mat would cause chillness for pot plants.

Why it happened? Miyuki put stones to avoid nasty wind related moving. And the stones were moved also. How, and who did so? Probably satans can move in remote way. 念力 or esper energy, it is called. In collective, they can do.

Thus, Miyuki is now attacked by them, so many satans. They could move locks, in short.

Now, only half, however, probably, up to recently, they could open the wondow locked. Thus, yesterday, Miyuki found that four windows were all semi-locked, after Miyuki's straight locking, in the office. This week, bath room window was unlocked or semi-locked, after Miyuki's locking. And the windows of washing room and the corredor were semi-locked, after her locking, also. Too too strange, however, semi-locked means doubly for satans, probably, Miyuki presumed.

For us, locked already, while for satans, unlocked, thus, "Please enter as you like, satans", it meant.

Thus, NISHIMAKI came to attack us all. And HARUMI did her assistance, without necessity.

This morning, when Miyuki picked out the trash from the bin in the office room, of Alex's side, she found that one plastic white hose was not broken, and another, all pieces, broken it was. Strange contrast. And these hoses were used for what? Not oil heating smell. Thus, Miyuki started her investigation job outside the office.

And found the two possibilities. The same hoses were used in two sites. One is Air Conditioning outside equipment, and it takes 50 cm only. And another is used only 2 cm in the outside heater for bath water boiling. NISHIMAKI came to repear only this two centimeters' hose? And he came, two days after the two hoses' appearance in the bin. ???

YUKARI is a kind of esper, yes, however, her way of using this power is unusually rough and weak. Especially now. Thus, only some parts, she could broke. And heart attackers, they are. Heart should have been broken by Alzheimer satans. Pump, Miyuki expressed its function. Thus, pivot, they interpretated. Thus, attack the pump, was their order...Ummm...Replacement. Attack the pimps!

Breakers were also replaced by electric breakers. Thus, so so unusual series, Miyuki's long long hit blog series, actual "Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash". Unusual. Near 300 turns, already. Already 275 turns! Our blog is so few selective suvivers, yes...

Miyuki's blog is now almost 8000th position among 30,000,000 blogs. Why? She started this blog on 26th of December last year, in 2016. Not yet one year full, it passed. So many bloggers were vanishing, and so few bloggers survived. Thus, always 1/3000 in the popularity. Bloggers vanishing process, we are monitoring, yes.

Not only NTT bloggers, but also paid bloggers are vanishing! Good grief. Thus, You Tuber, Miyuki is turning. Oh, my photos?

Thus, so so strange proofs of satanic misterious lives. Why they are so ridiculous? Why we are obliged to get up so early in the morning? Why our precious things were stolen so many times?

Miyuki pledged that she doesn't steal Alex's object at all! Yes, and some patches? ???

Miyuki asked her father if she could allow to use the patches, and he totally agreed, thus, Miyuki started to work in the courtyard. However, two alzheimer ladies think that it were Alex's, because he is Xth of Sato family.

Oh, his grand father was already killed, presumably by the remarks. Alex got shocked. The Alzheimer ladies are preparing funeral party for us all. Each guy should appear in a suitable wearing, and Miyuki, as always. Thus, no use at all. ???

Alex recognized that his grand mother is one of the evilest guy in the world. Feeble minded yes, however, always she is attacker, only. And now, she suffers from so many diseases, and she herself doesn't know it at all. Oh, unhappiness collecter, she is!

Satans should be. Collecting evil parts of us all, was our real desires, and thus, HARUMI and her teams worked so much. NISHIMAKI, the ex-president of association of all pupils at Shirakawa III primary school, got rotten so much. Up to this level, was their impression on him.

For Miyuki, 70 years over old guy, with apalled eyes, Hiroto NISHIMAKI was. And for satans...Oh, he was a cute boy. Oh, he is just 10 years old boy for female satans, probably.

5 years old Alex is cute, and now, he is 5 years old boy, as usual. Always 5 years old Alex, he turned in their illusional dream, thus, heating milk by micro wive oven is hard task for him...Ummm...Even for the kinds with 5 years old, heating a cup of milk is easy job...

And Miyuki found that the kids song "Dog Policeman" had fatal error.

 犬のお巡りさん、困ってしまって、ワンワンワワン、ワンワンワワン ♫

 Lost cat, where do you live?
Oh, you can't say your name, nor your address,
Meaw, Meaw, Meaw, Meaw,
The cat is crying, only.
The Policeman Dog got in trouble, thus he just bows. ♫

 Oh, Alzheimer infant, already lived in this period, already!
yes, sometimes kids can't say the address, correctly. However, even kids with 5 years old, can say their own names. Unbelievably forgetful kids, the cat represented!!!

Don't say your name to suspected guys, OK, IKKYO kids? Thus, they pretened not to say their names, and then, gradualy, "What is my name?" Fenomenum, they experienced. And then, how old am I? Oh, already 25 years old. You should get married so soon, or you would be killed!

Thus, they are so hush-hush to find their counterparts of doing it. Thus, they induced Miyuki to do it, in several times. Once, Miyuki was induced to enter into the big collective van, at UMA-MACHI area, and once, in MACHIRYUUJIN area, got induced by a lost boy. Both 10 years old or so. And several times, they tried to induce her, passing beside them.

Not attractive at all, and rather, nasty ugly bitch boys, not BEACH BOYS, ocean beach sound only band, and they are invited for Japanese every summer.

NISHIMAKI provided Alzheimer equipments with so many unnecessary nails and tubes. More than ten tubes equipment. Only eletric tubes, already three. Two fat pipes, in the pararelled type, without necessity. So many fine lines, also. To where from where, the cables ask in vain. NISHIMAKI was such a guy, and Alzheimer ladies liked him so much.

Short guy, he turned. And ladies liked short guys, in Japan! Oh, the legend of "3 hights" was totally false???

School Hights, in short. Income:High, Ranking in the company:High, Versity ranking: High...Oh, not physical hight!!!

Miyuki thought that at least, satanic ladies wanted to have tall husband. And now, it was revealed as all false. Anyway, contributors, they wanted. Short, tiny, OK. BUSU, old, OK. Alzheimer patients, OK. Anyway, under the name of marrige, wives could do as they liked, thus, in case of necessity or betrayal, subjectively, just killed, and gained money by insurance or/and succession.

Thus, now, succession, they turned. RC.
ReConstruction business, the Alzheimer ladies started in vain, and now, they are all hated by others, especially by Clare's team mates. Nasty BUSU bitches, peeping Tom, they are! And they themselves preach every morning not to be Alzheimer patients!

Miyuki is the model of Alzheimer, because she sings spontaneously. Thus, so many witnesses were provided this morning, and Miyuki told the shocking story of ヤメ検 or YAME-KEN or ex-prosecutor, called 則定 or Nori-Sada. So famous story, however, so so impressively shocking for both sides. That guy, who are famous of her sadistic activities, got astonished at his sexual behaviour with 23 years old female bartender in GUINZA! What is the scandarous sexual behaviour???!!! All of them and us, both sides, tried to listen to her marvelous shocking report. And the result...Really impressive and shocking. Miyuki is so so talented. And she is so so honest. True Story, confirmed type...Oh, Oh, YAME-KEN, U2!!!! No chance for satans, deeply.

Strange, however it worked so much. Even only impulse type, "Oh, Oh, it should not be!" type shocking story, yes. Thus, "We failed with such bosses...He graduated from Tokyo Versity, especially, from Faculty of Law...Lawyer, yes, and he was contributed by so many renown private companies, and also by tax, he was contributed. And he could access to the targetted prostitutes, easily, and he bought them, yes, by tax and contribute. And the result...Disastrous!!!

All expected another story, of course! All got enthusiasmatic to know his special unusual experience in sexual field. And all recognized...Ummm...the tax was used in vain, entirely...Even satans refrained from the scene immedeately, hearing the report. And Miyuki said, "This is crystal clear type fact, and you can check this story in public libraries, yes. MAGAZINEs reported what he did, at that period. They said the same thing. Dash to public livraries to read his episodes! More and more kinkiest episodes on his unusual sexual behaviours!

Miyuki's story was so ipressive. It was only one interesting episode. More and more schoking episodes, you can read from the old magazines. Old guy with almost 60 years old with 23 years old prostitute, was already so so interesting. And he rented whole Bullet Train compartment, or bed room in short in the bullet train, for the special journey with her. Only two, in the moving bedroom. In TOUKAIDOU Bullet train. What they did?

Any guys would admire the special sexual behavour done by this prosecutor, at that moment, actual effective one. National Public officer, he was yes, at that moment. High ranking guy, of course. And what he did? Presume!

Thus, each guy imagined their special moment...Probably they did it, for whole hours in the train, of course! They got excited, yes...And the correct answer is:

Prosecutor SADANORI: Lady, I...want to touch your legs, perdon? May I?
Prostitute: Oh, old guy! How nasty and impolite to say so! However, you paid for us, to do this special trip, yes. Thus, OK, just the feet, Old guy! Not upper part. I hate to be touched by you, smelly old bug! OK, only my precious feet!
Prosecutor SADANORI: Oh Lady, my sunshine! Oh, you kindly allowed to me to touch your precious feet! Thank you, my goddess! Divine feet, I can touch! how happy I am! Thank you, my divine lady! Thank you!

Thus, SADANORI licked her feet, and the prostitute put up with this nasty kinkiest sexual behaviour, during their riding in the bullet train.

Oh, we all thought that Prosecutors were all sadists, including SADANORI, however, we got shocked, and changed our conception on Prosecutors completely. They are rather Mazochists! Especially, this guy called Prosecutor SADANORI!!!

Shocking love story, thus even 団鬼六 or Kiroku DAN, quitted to write erotic S-M novel...He couldn't put up with this contemptious fact. DAN also graduated from Tokyo Versity. He was my team mates, the same generation. And this stupidest Prosecutor is real UROBOROS! He couldn't recognize the difference between sadists and mazochists.

Ridiculous erotic spooky comedy, DAN now wants to write...Enthusiastic, yes, however, how downward story it is! Miyuki felt the same, in 2015, in Summer. She was thinking of informing the wrongdoings done by Kyorin versity, and for her, the existance of SADANORI as financial monitor of this versity or 監事 or KANJI was a kind of fears. Miyuki thought that he were 強面 or KOWA-MOTE or hard line fighter, strong type. Thus, on one Sunday Afternoon, she checked his career on Internet, and found this so so famous story at that period...And Miyuki recognized that MICCHIKU prosecutors were rather soft type, however, evil and cruel, or namely, just flamboyant lady type.

FEMI-LES problem, Japanese Prosecutor's ofiice already had. Oh, SASAMURA or 笹村、is just one example of this line.

Feminine, and useless. And with this 23 years old lady, he encoutered with the "Pregnancy Problem" or Abortion matter. How they negociated the problem? So so unusual remarks, this old erotic satan ejected. Miyuki got appalled, and decided to fight against this organization, because they are so soft flamboyant female bitch type, against her illusional conception of this office of prosecutors...KIMU-TAKU or 木村拓哉 of "Hero", the drama of prosecutor, was equivalent of Colombo, the investigator of Los Angels Police, Miyuki explained to her pupils. However, Oh, Peter FOLK, sorry, Miyuki made a big mistake! KIMU-TAKU was FEMI-LES...Oh, KYOU, thus, KIMU-TAKU just wanted to show the same inclination of him, to you! Sympathy, not contemptious words, KYOU!!!

KIMU-TAKU was KYOU's idol no.1 at that moment. However, when she met him, he criticised her, "Oh, you are OJI-OBA!" and KYOU got shocked...Oh, it was his kind sympathetic expression! Oh, Kyou, you can chase him again!!! He lived in OUME, one of the most rural area in Tokyo! Urbanized not at all! Rural Potatoe Coutry boy, he was!!!

Kyou, now is thinking of him again and again...KIMU-TAKU was appointed for her team mate! Oh, Shizuka KUDOU, where are you?

KUDOU wanted to do artificial insemination, and did it. IT means ED, KIMU-TAKU had, for Miyuki's side. Oh, so young, however, it happens sometimes, Don't worry. So many guys can't do it, KUDOU!

Miyuki is some kind of sacred site for satans. She resolbes their problems easily. And this morning, without asking, she resolved so much problems. Too too scandarouos reports on Japanese juducial related facilities. She came from Detention of Tokyo Bay, female type of 熊刑 or 熊本刑務所 or 網走刑務所 or 網走番外地. All famous prisons, equivalent Alcatlas or Carangiru. Some guys did know well the stories by films. It is SM world, yes! Male only type. And Miyuki was put into FEMI-LES Detencion despite of her male identification...The counterpart of Carousel MAKI, yes!!! Enthusiasmatic sexual illusion among so many guys in both sides...

And she fought against with the most fearce monstor in their TANTOU-san team. Ms.Responsible, nicknamed KOBA-SACHI, because of her singing like pronunciation and the voice. She insisted that Japanese Constitution should have discription on the usage of toilet of Detentions, however, it lacks it, thus, Mr.Responsibles' instructions on this toilet matter were superior to Japanese Constitution!!!! Miyuki tried to explain correctly on the matter, as if she were in class room of each versity, however, this evilest Ms.Responsible decided Miyuki to kill, thus, with other team mates' assistance, Miyuki was forced to be hospitalized in HASEGAWA hospital to be killed!!!

The real story. You can read this story by way of Tokyo Metropolitan Office's information transparency system, according to the responsible on this matter. Miyuki received the letter, which declared that "Your letters would be able to read by our putting it on our site, in public." Thus, the end. Metropolitan officers were all faked and they lied, and where is Miyuki's disctiption? So many times asked Miyuki, "If you don't want to be read your letter, claim to us!", thus, Miyuki directly said to them, "Oh, I would like to be read my precious letters by others in the world. Please put it in public! Don't change any of my letters at all. Probably it would be fine to put it in the mode ADOBE system. PDF file, please!" and then...Miyuki couldn't find any disctiption on internet. No remark on her legal letter on this matter on the internet. Where is my legal letter???

On Kyorin Versity's anti-constitutional, illegal medical hospitalization. However, so many times, this stupid guy sent the letters on the same matter, and Miyuki replied shortly, however, they didn't any mission at all. OPPABU BABAA work, in short. They just faked to work, no real material working at all!!!


2017-11-09 00:15:36 | 日記
Now, again, satanic side cut the blog's discription, forcedly. Almost 10,000 letters were lost by satans. Harshest punishment, they should be accept. Without any warning, they did. Thus, Miyuki hopes that some guy could retreive the data, and return to Miyuki's side. NTT communications should be punished in the hardest line.

Good night for us, Rightous Brothers! From Uncle Miyuki with Cyborg 009, with Big Big LOVE!!!