Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (317)

2017-11-25 19:23:08 | 日記
This is KAKISHIMA's class work. This Johnny SHARAKUSAI informed us. And Miyuki, in December, 2015, comfirmed the fact. MAJI-YABAA, she is, in fact!!! Look at his article!:


DATE:2013.04.09 20:11 BY:ガジェ通ウェブライター
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・今日の授業のテーマ”How do you do?”

・「ここは私の世界なので私が権力者です、権威者です。」「I have the authority!」








(photo by 足成


Another news source:

They watched how KAKISHIMA was crazy, in the real meaning. MAJI-KICHI, he yelled. And Miyuki's impression is the same. This is the first female professor of law at Tokyo Versity, Rightous Brothers! Just Alzheimer cruel old lady, she is!!!

And her remarks. So so old and out-of-date. She accepted feudalistic moral, and insisted as if she were the same as the male, at the same time, she abused the priveledge as female.

And her father's profission was not declared. However, his inferior graduated from Todai, also. Probably, he introduced the counterpart of her marrige, however, she disliked the guy.

She said to Miyuki, "I am Father Comlexed daughter". And she concealed the father's profission. Thus, "A famous power holder, related with Todai so much", Miyuki presumes.

Oh, her father would be Yoshitaka KAKISHIMA. She didn't say exactly, however, this is his position in 1975, and he participated in Rightest movement:

警察庁警備局 柿島美隆

And he worked for TOYAMA prefecture. Probably, he was a kind of manager of general working in each police, prefectural level. Thus, not so high ranking guy, however, he wrote several articles in the academic journal. Thus, he had connection with Todai Pimps:

He died in 2011, thus, she devoted to the detective work earlier than 2011. Thus, after more than 4 years, KAKISHIMA she did not work at all at Todai, entirely, because of her HARD WORK on the detective task:

And he lived in KAKISHIMA's near:

His telephone number is like that:
柿島美隆 東京都 練馬区 豊玉中 1-12-11

 yes, KAKISHIMA said that her family lived near. And she said, that her daughter lived in NERIMA ward also. Thus, so so NERIMA only strange family. He came from YAMANASHI prefecture, however, he recided in NARIMA, up to his death, in 2011. And his vanished on 3rd of July, one day before Independence day, in 2011. He died with 86 years old.

Now, Miyuki informed to him, Yoshitaka, how his daughter was degraded:

Rightous guys, if you have more information on her shames, write to him! The sadistic police guy, he was, thus, he would punish her, harshly, even in INFERNO!!!

And Miyuki found KAKISHIMA's ex-husband:

Yoshimasa TERAO, his name is! And he graduated from DOUSHISHA Versity, not Todai. Thus, KAKISHIMA did KAKUSHITA-KON or 格下婚, or Wife with high ranking versity degree and Husband with lower ranking degree than his wife.

He gained versity job, after his retire from Central Bank of Japan, as KAKISHIMA planned.

He was so so smelly and disorganized, by KAKISHIMA and OOKAWA, his ex-inferior. However, TEIKYOU versity hired him, so smoothly. 3rd ranking versity as Kyorin, thus, probably the pupils recognized that he suffers from Alzheimer disease so easily!

Oh, NICHIGUIN ex-banker was famous for his picking job...Thief, he is!:

He worked for SHiMONOSEKI branch, from 1995-1997. Already KAKISHIMA and he separated, at that moment.

Oh, Miyuki remembered that YUMOTO was also from Central Bank of Japan. He was professor of Kyorin.:寺尾好正/ff6d6b96e3effa6d7daa28a70d322fc5

Modest guy, he was. Not to cruel for students. He was fired by MATSUBOKO, and his subject was financial system in Japan.

TERAO=KAKISHIMA couple disliked to inform on the relation with each other, thus, KAKISHIMA was ignored by TERAO, and TERAO recognized that she got married with him, because she didn't put up with being single. Just she wanted to do it type, and she was so BUSU. Thus, no choice for her side. Thus, hush-hush mode for her side, also. Any guy would be fine for erase my fire to do it! Thus, he was chosen, a kind of "Anyway OK" type.

Already Alzheimer progressed so much, when she was young. And thus, she was chosen to be the assistence of Jirou TANAKA, and she accepted any offer proposed by the old professor. Thus, double Alzheimer generations, they were, already.

Any guy couldn't criticise TANAKA's stupid decision of hiring her as associate professor. No reason to exclude her, for other professors, and TANAKA was strong in power at that moment. Thus, unsuitable choice, TODAI did. Thus, the regret for all of them. And the result, the accusation done by the pupils like above!!!

MAJI-YABAA was KAKISHIMA herself! "Let's be MAJI-YABAA!", she yelled to the pupil, in public. And her class work was ridiculous! Show and Tell in the primitive level, and the primary school pupils would hate her totally stupid activities!!!

The pupils' reputation of TEIKOU versity on Yoshimasa TERAO is not so different from Miyuki's. And this plain guy, KAKISHIMA dedicated for at the cost of her whole life, especially, professional life as Todai versity? She did all Domestic tasks, and she paid for baby sitters from her own wallet. She was obliged to do all of family business by her own, because TERAO was not able to assist her at all. Business only life, he spends, KAKISHIMA explained to Miyuki. And KAKISHIMA didn't cook well at all!!!

Faked Domestic wife like YUKARI, she was. And she gained salary as Todai professor. No materially qualified guy she was. Shames and shames, in both lives, family one and professional one.

And oh, 86% of confirmed Alzheimer disease holders work in the company!:

Shockingly big number of patients contine to work, and gain salary as normal. Thus, Alzheimer society, confirmed. Almost all of the patients are allowed to work as waked workers. Even After recognition, continuing the job would be recommended, according to OMANKO journalists. This is the standard of Japan, and for them, all Alzheimer world is so so natural, without saying. Thus, not-Alzheimer disease holders should serve them all!

Contradiction, yes, however, Alzheimer patients are so selfish. Thus, DADAmerdic planet would be fine to live for them all.

This morning, Miyuki picked a blue sheet from her hut in Chesnut Hill, and she checked that the neibours were gazing her intensively. She took a picture of younger generation, and her face was so old, despite of her primary school pupil like hight. Coundy vague eyed guys, Miyuki thought. After taking the photo, her faked mother, wearing rural brawnish apron, gazed Miyuki, instead of the faked kid, with the same vague non-brilliant eyes.

Thus, she started her Hip Hop Singing job. Parody Songs, and some picknic songs, she prefered. And today, CHINKORO is her boss, and he adviced to sing them on Gorilla hill. Thus, she went there, and got astonished. There was already explored in 1970s, and the most biggest house was buried, and the basement floor is used for dead body stockage, and now, on the upper floor was broken entirely.

And she found that the slope of Gorilla hill was already covered with cement concrete, up to the middle. The purpose is so clear. Just cemetery use only. Terrible non-stopping mode, satans are in, Miyuki and Chinkoro got so shocked. Too too stupid, however, Alzheimers have no ending at all mentally.

Thus, Chinkoro and Miyuki, got combined, and sang several YODEL songs consecutively, and then, declaration of KOSOMOS DEATH toward all satanic existance!!! Miyuki asked the name of the flower. "Do you know the name of this pretty flower? The last season of it, and the shape is so simple and so organized.", Miyuki said, and Clever Chinkoro replied, in his clear voice, "It is KOSMOS DEATH, Ma'm!" And Miyuki praised his cleverness.

Thus, they yelled in a loud voice. KOSMOS DEATH, you shall do tonight! Your turn, all of satans! Tonight, we celebrate your KOSOMOS DEATH for you!" ♫

 And they gained so big success. And CHINKORO was promoted to his adorable position...Oh, Rat Tribe KING!!!!

A kind of counterpart of Lion KING, or BAMBI's father. Thus, too too honorable position, now, Chinkoro is in. Thus, he got enthusiasmatic, and then, so hilarious day, he passedd, and...he fell asleep in depth.

Miyuki understood well in this stage. After so so happy feeling, suddenly, sleepy sensation attacks her. It happened on CHINKORO. Thus, sleep, CHINKORO! You are now KING of Rat Tribe! A super power holder, you are! And you diserve to the rank. You would be more worker in this position. Thus, Chinkoro should take a rest so much tonight.

And to wake up him, Miyuki bought a package of Van Hoten cocoa powder, instant type. Yes, a bit costive, however, this is gift for Chinkoro. At the same time, Miyuki needs to know the quality of the products. Miyuki already decided to make a real Hot Chocolate with fresh cream, using Van Hoten cocoa powder, on next Valantine Day for him, thus, she should check the qualify before.

Thus, CHINKORO KING, we will call him, at first. He should be accustomed to be called as KING. Not only wild hare tribe, nor Rabbit Tribe. All Rat tribe, and this category is so vast. Bat, Nutria, Mormot, Mole, squeal, and so on, all included. Thus, CHINKORO should be so responsible for every attitude. Thus, only MIYUKI could do serve him now.

A kind of instructor, and he chose her as a kind of predissesor of this field. Judicial Study, CHINKORO chose. Already ended up, the subject, in the world. However, CHINKORO thinks to reign the tribe, and do negociation with others, it is valuable. Thus, Dr.Miyuki SATOW was hired yes. At the same time, some naughty boy model, she would show him. Be more playful, she yells him. Good boy, you are. Excelent, and so effective, yes. However, not so good at avoiding to be trapped. You are too too praise and honour inclined. You should put up with some superficially shameful situation. And Miyuki would teach you how to deal with this nasty period. Thus, Chinkoro started to behave as naughty boy!

King like morning, Chinkoro should have. At the same time, Miyuki should stop Chinkoro's long winter sleeping mode. Thus, Van Hoten hot chocolate, Miyuki chose for the tool. Thus, probably, Chinkoro king would get up at certain time to do his own jobs!!!

Miyuki bought so many variety of vegitables, and buried some, already. SERI or Water Dropwort, with whole root, at US$2 at JA store. It was already planted near Madame Cresson. Kins, probably, they are. And also MIZUNA or Potherb Mustard, would be its kin.

They are now covered with the blue sheet, brought from the hut, today.

Japanese burdock, also. US$1, for almost 10 slender roots. No leaf they have, however, probably, they themselves produce soon.

Japanese leeks US$1 per 20 roots or so. And they were planted already on the 5th hill of the third patch. And two long fat Western Leeks, also. They were bought at US$1.6.

And she found seed type Japanese sticky Taro potatoes at US$2, and HASUIMO seeds, at US$2. So similar to Japanese TARO potatoes, Thus, Miyuki bought one package of the latter, and now, she found that it would not be edible at root part, and it grows up to 3 meters at hight, and the leaves are edible. Probably our umbrella, it turns to be. Thus, anyway, vast place is necessity. Frog's Umbrella, it is!!!

Thus, probably, the side ditch would be fine to cultivate it. They would produce some side products. It would be learned a bit a bit. And, astonishing fact! It is used for ADULT TOY in KUMAMOTO prefecture!!!

How, we don't know. However, look at this article!:

The article says that the root bulb include SAPONIN, and it stimulates sexual sensation. Oh, thus, P, in short, substitute version. Ummmm...Virgin lost with it???

In worst case? Ummm...Not yet prepared for it. We have alternatives, yet!!!

And KIWIs, produced in Shirakwa. US$3.5 per 10 fruits. It would be fine to attempt to cultivate in the pots. Sun shine through vinil tapping only, during winter. Anyway, so many. Thus, Miyuki also tries to put them in the soil in depth. Probably, it would be more effective. Easy and they decide when they come. Thus, probably, in the second west hill of the third patch, would be the experiment.

And 4 YUZUs at US$1.5. One has a leaf, and it would be fine for our happy departure!!!

12 Jonathan apples were bought also at US$5. Their seeds are also planted in the third patch.

She paid almost US$20 at all at JA store. So much! Oh, she abused money! Oh, for Chinkoro KING! He is so in good mood. "I am King now! King of Rat Tribe all! I am the real KING! I, Chinkoro I, King....zzzzz", thus, Miyuki needed to go back with this sleeping king. A bit heavy, however, not so much. Accustomed to hug him. Not so different from vegitables. Don't worry, CHINKORO KING! Sleep well, and get up tomorrow morning, after good calm sleep, with VAN HOTEN Cocoa!" Thus, CHINKORO KING fell deep asleep. Sound and Safe, in Miyuki's brest.

He is dreaming now. How to reign Rat tribe, is his theme. And he is now so so proud of himself, thus, so so struggling in the dream. Fight with so many evil guys, thus, he is moving so much now...

Alzheimer world, already. Under 65 years old type Alzheimer disease, they suffered, and the number increased so swiftly. And almost all of them are working in our society. Thus, terrible IDIOCRACY, we are in!!!

They confirmed the fact of young Alzheimer in KAKISHIMA families. She insisted to continue to work, despite of her suffering of the disease, and they all agreed, and it transmitted among them all!!! Pimps are all Alzheimers, we yell now, and the seeds were already among them. Young Alzheimer includes picking job, thus, banker, TERAO should not be.

Miyuki found an extreme growing of the fine roots of May Queen potatoes. Miyuki put the half cut potatoes on the dish with water, last evening, and in the morning, already, it grew at 2mm more already! So swift! Thus, she planted them in the east part of the third patch.

Miyuki bought also dried red hot peppers at US$1, and she is thinking of where she would put. Probably, the second patch would be fine. And in the soil in depth. all in the whole pepper fruits, would be fine. Good for pasta called "Pasta for poor guys" or with Garlic, Olive oil and a bit salt. Miyuki learned it from Dona Titta in Sao Paulo.

She invited her to the Chrismas party held in her daughter's appartment. Portugese Christmas dish was provided, and Big Decorative Cake, and so variety of Brazilian dishes, also. Bacalhoada, the Portugues was called. Dried cod fish and black olive with rice. A kind of rice salada or paella. In Japan, it's too rare to encounter with dried fish, thus, Miyuki tried to make it with fresh cod fish. Delicious also. And Gomes de sa, also. This was learned by KIMIKO san. She provided it in the courtyard in the big big wonderful house. Small castle like building, with big roof type kitchen. Miyuki assisted her cooking, and found some technics from her. Salad was also good. And the trees in the courtyard. Lemon and Orange! How nice to have dinner beside the fruits trees!!!

Miyuki found that the red hot pepper was packed by the company called SAMEGAWA cooperative Company, and its address was astonighing!


Whole Tokyo related names of block! Unusual!!!

And Miyuki watched an infant tried to stomp his infant brother by the shopping cart at BENIMARU-Yokomachi. Oh, they are so accustomed to be stomp...Training would be done to be killed like that! And their faked mother didn't feel danger, and just accused them from distance, "Shut up! You should stop it!" without moving her body at all. Reluctantly, she yelled from the back. Non effective at all. She agreed her kids' killing, probably.

And also Miyuki found that in front of YOSHIDA ex-surgery actual internal organ expert clinic, blue electric lines were hung. Unusual! It should be black, however, probably colour blind, they are. Thus, no man's land again!