Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (274)

2017-11-01 20:58:33 | 日記
21:19 Miyuki now uses the parches as her own frege for vegitables. Just the plastic package worked as protection against coldness, in case of green peas. They all dislike coldness, and so many shoots in the same place. Thus, they want to move to another place already. Oh, thus, Miyuki will move some of them toward near vally. Thus OK. Too too busy, and not so comfortable. How about the second patch? There, already fat peas were planted, and soon, red raddishes would be eaten all by Miyuki. Thus, they agreed. She would put some bones in the hill, also. So few guys would survive in her ways. Too too close each other. OK, Miyuki would move to another place. Thus, brocorli also. And leeks? Oh, more space you need? Thus, OK, we have so many spaces for them all.

Green attendents? Oh, Comet-sans? Yes, bullet trains' sweeping group. Miyuki got shocked at the reply of the quiz broadcasted by NHK. TAMESHITE-GATTEN or ためしてガッテン, it was called, the program.

The quiz was, "How the sweeper group can sweep the train so swiftly?" and withint the tree replies, we should respond. 1.With BGM 2.With special tools 3.With training

Miyuki chose answer 1, and failed. And 3 was BINGO, and she almost fainted. Training center for learning how to speed up the process was existing, and they trained there!!!

Sweeping as training? Laughing story, however, in serious face, the presentator and his assistant lady told toward us all!!!

This is Japan. Meeting for meeting for meeting for meeting for meeting...also. Always, Japanese were obliged to learn from some trainers or tamers, in the simulation system. KARAOKE, Dance, Card Game, and so on. Learning Schools were so so popular in Japanese society!

Swimming school, also, Carli said to Miyuki. Yes, however, for Miyuki, swimming center is a kind of luxury, just for kids to get to know good swimming style. At least, they could pass type, moving their bodies. Better than crramschool studies. At least, both could swim in good style.

Thus, her luxuary, however, at some degree. Thus, non attending to the school should be informed to Miyuki. Miyuki should not have paied to MEGALOS swiming school unnecessarily!

Information providing for public figures done by private company?:

Quiz like existance, is one of ex-public servant related jobs. Tax paid type. 天下り or AMAKUDARI, it is called. Useless Alzheimer public servants were fired as private clerks, which brought to the related private company the gift, namely, tax inducing projects.

Kyorin Versity is also another example. Chihara, OOKAWA, ODA were good examples. 3 "O"s, they were!

When they were revealed as Alzheimer patients, they refrained from the public agencies, and they were re-hired as professors, sometimes. So many professors who came from Central Government especially, suffered from Alzheimer disease, and it transmitted among the new job places for them all!

Thus, syphilis was the correct answer, in these cases. KAKISHIMA's ex-husband TERAO also. Thus, KAKISHIMA divorced with him. For Miyuki, "I couldn't put up with his body smell", was KAKISHIMA's explanation.

Thus Clare admitted that she escaped from her duty. Yes, you did it. Thus, she was obliged to work as trash collector in HACHIOUJI.

Not contempted. Just troublesome. However, she needed to do it, to compensate the damage that she gave to Miyuki, unnecessarily.

Clare decided to go to MEGALOS, and Miyuki supported. However, Clare took absense without noticing it to Miyuki. Terrible disastrous fact, for Miyuki. Not honest. 2 months of delay cost several handreds of dollars, yes!

Thus, Miyuki punished Clare, and ordered her to collect trash and put it on the certain days weekly. For Miyuki, naturally, she should pay the damage, and should learn on her responsibility.

With YUKARI and HARUMI, no learning at all. They just feed them with trash. Just like domestic animals. And Miyuki already decided to live in the different phase from any of the twin Alzheimer ladies!

Thus, no choice at all for the Alzheimer Twins! Miyuki chased so much for them??? Miyuki is ignoring them entirely. Miyuki hates both of indulged non working arrogant cruel stupid idiots, both!!!

Terrible selfish egoist they are! Just faked kindness they provided unnecessarily, and they believed that otehrs would be deceiped in their whole life!!! Crazy mad dogs, they are! They should be shot immediately at once!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (273)

2017-11-01 08:05:10 | 日記
01/11/2017, Wednesday, 8:06 morning, ultra fine blue sky

Miyuki got up at 7:00, and from the window of the office room, she perceived clear blue sky. And she, supontaneously, felt that it's good to take off the cover of the blue seets now!

Crispy cold morning, it was! However, amusing ragtime mood. Her breath turned to be white fog, and she felt that winter is near! However, even though cold is it this morning, the plants want to bath sunshine, as much as possible. 10 hours of sun bathing full, if it would be possible, up to 17:00, they want, Miyuki perceived, thus, she did the peeling the sheet job, earlier than her hot milk taking.

Last night, Miyuki read the reference book of vegitable cultivathin, which Clare had given her as Birthday Presient for her 55 years old, and found that Garlic should have been buried in pieces, not in whole bunch. She, without knowing it, buried two bunches in the soil. Thus, Oh, it's good to re-cultivate and separate them into pieces, and re-bury them again as pieces, she thought of, and she did it.

During her digging process, she remembered that softness is necessity for some vegitables, especially for roots type, at the same time, importance of bone related essence in the soil. Thus, she digged the earth up to almost 30 cm's depth, and she put pork rib bone and chiken bone in the digged ditch, and then, garlics in pieces, and put the softened soil in the ditch, thus, she tapped the garlics with the correct soil for her promissive harvest days.

Forever Garlic Field, Miyuki nicknamed, singing, "Forever Together", old melodious cheeful love song, because she was asked by satans, "Which is which, you choose garlics or men?" in IKKYO dream.

Miyuki, immediately responded so so correctly, "Yes, of course, Garlics!", and this is the fact. All men are rapists for her, thus, without garlics, only rapists world. Torture for her!!!

Thus, garlics, you should be with me, forever! Together Forever, Together with you, I don't want you to be out of me, To ge together, forever we two! ♫

Thus, her choice was completely correct, confirmed!!!

Any females which caught the same type dream would have replied correctly. They all responded, "Yes, Master, we choose men, of course!" As you like world, already in satanic side. Thus, they provided P holders per each H type. And Miyuki, "Oh, Garlics please!", thus, they didn't provide any mate for MIYUKI.

For her, "any men" didn't effect. It all depends on the each man. If the guy, suitable for her, were garlic hater, or alergetic to garlics, Miyuki would avoid to eat garlics in front of him. Before others, she would eat garlics. No probrem for me and for him. And if Miyuki were really wanting to eat garlics in front of him, she would eat "smellless garlics", which would be bought at supermarkets.

Thus, satanic world got destroyed. Miyuki's garlic choice was too too nasty for satans. Pimps yelled and growled...Oh, exists one guy, who chose Garlics rather than males...including us...We all are inferior to Garlics...Nasty. We hate garlics, and on the earth, only one our disliking food, garlics are!

Thus, vampires, they are! Oh, prediters, you lived without garlics? Unusual! Meat eaters, they are, and no garlics?! Torture for Miyuki's side! However, for them, garlics were avoidable food no.1!!!

HARUMI was rather garlic lover, up to recently. Especially, when she ate May Bonito fish, she prefered eating many pieces with Bonito fish with so much of graded garlics. And Miyuki also, thus, several times, especially in summer, after eating so many pieces of BONITO with so much of graded fresh garlics, Miyuki got so painful situation in her stomach. Once per 5 years, it happens. Miyuki does know well of the result of this so much fresh garlics eating, however, even though, as ritual, Miyuki rolled around in the bed, putting her hands on the belly.

Too too strong punching food, yes, the garlics are! However, I love eating it! Thus, she dared to choose to challenge this painful experience every 5 years. Stuid! You have not learned even now! All of us yelled, however, she confessed that her raw oyster eating habit. Every 5 years, she experienced diarrea after eating raw oysters...Stupid, however, according to her, "Ummm...a kind of hungry diet for 3 days whole with softest fass. Not so welcomed type, however, it happens..." Petronius type. And Carigura and Nero...Patrasch!

Pastor type with ash colour. Gray Hound, in short. Not fluffy Saint Bernard type. How big, their head are! Miyuki really felt. She encountered with one of them in the baseball ground in front of 山上会館 or SANJOU-KAIKAN, or hotel for foreign visitors in Tokyo Versity campus. The neibour lady was walking on the ground, and Miyuki also. So big, thus, Miyuki yelled at the big guy, "Oh, just like human being is in 着ぐるみ or Dog Skin Staffed Animal wearing!" with her astonishing mode, and the young lady, almost with Miyuki's age responded, "Oh, every guy says so!" in her cheerful mode. Not unusual for their sides, to make a conversation, spontaneously at all. Naturally, he was so big, more than lion, Miyuki thought. "I can ride on him", Miyuki really thought.

Non driving type, Miyuki calculated. Saint Bernard is so so big, thus, he could save some human beings in case of lost and found in Switzerland Mountain. Not only for milk providing use, and just delivery of small cilinder first quick saving kit under his neck. Probably, for riding, in case of bringing human bodies, dead or alive.

Disastrous snow falls were habitual in Switzerland. However, in many cases, the residents were saved, and Ice Man experience? Miyuki experienced, and just the same as Snow Bear experience of Paddington Bear. Hot and cold, inturn. Chilled totally, and then, special fever, over 40 digree cercius. Miyuki could survive, because she believed that she would be survived. Yes, nasty, agonized, and painful, the fever was, and just taking a rest in the bed was for Miyuki, sufficient and necessity.

HARUMI didn't interfere during Miyuki's high fever days, and for Miyuki, good grief, anyway. And she said to Miyuki, "You caught Influenza", and Miyuki believed it.

Miyuki thought that she suffered snow falling or avalanche, and her immune system got weakened, thus, the germ started to attack her, and after several days of fighting, her white nights won, as usual. And the main factor of cold is not yet discovered, according to Japanese medical science. Unknown, yet!

Thus, Miyuki presumed that the word 体調不良 or Not good in mood, is cold, probably. This word was ofen used by Kyorin guys, especially by pupils, to take absence. Miyuki thought, it was too too vague to ligitimatize their absency. Thus, for showing up your sincerity, need to determine the reason, OK, TAKAHARA?, Miyuki taught.

And his reply was, "Oh, prof, I went to gain passport on behalf of my father. He is leaving for Malaysia on Business".

Thus, Miyuki imagined that his father were funeral organizer related and he wanted to export Japanese funeral system to South Eastern countries...

Spooky, TAKAHARA was, thus, the son of Funeral Organizer related business guy, Miyuki imaged. And she remembers the short novel written by SAKI, an American writer on the relationship of Dad and Sonny of Funeral Organizing Company. Anyway quick, was the son't reputation, and this son burnt the father, before dying!!!

Burnt alive, was their fate. Thus, fire!!! Eiko MIZUNO?!

Hercres Punishing would be fine for them! Like as snags! And Shirakawans would be burnt like Chuo Junior High Building.

Every 30 years, fires happen, in slumber companies' sites, IZUMI-san informed. And it happened also in Chuo junior high. Two years before than Miyuki's enterence, Fire. Whole building was burnt completely. And then, with disaster of Big Earthquake. Unnecessarily, each 30 years, the buildings were changed.

Probably Construction Business induced this system, and Japanese government yelled this system. Only 26 years for one new house? Miyuki got in wonder, when she confirmed the discription on Newspaper. NISHI, her ex-colleague said clearly the existance of the system, at first. Oh, so few years of resistence?

And Miyuki remembered that KURODA, the teacher of Domestic subject in high school, declared cheerfully, "Men establish houses three times in their life". ???

Thus, the end of construction business. How we can gain so much money to establish houses? Japanese Houses are rather cheapish, yes, however, so expensive.

And Miyuki found that KURODA family or relatives are related with slumber business, near Benimaru-Showamachi area. She was daughter of the local boss, KURODA family, presumably, thus, with cheerful mood, she declared the fact, and she ordered to the girls to plan the life according to this line.

And plan at all...However, she started to imagine her dream house, indifferent from Domestic subject. She started to describe her image on the big house, in western style, with blicks. She wanted to establish the big house by herself, like toy block making, it means.

A bit a bit, and she can make blicks also. Terracotta house, would be fine. And terracotta house turns to be oven, easily! And YUKARI criticised the idea, "Oh, you know, blicks are slippery, thus, with earthquake, which is frequently in Japan, your dream house would be broken easily, you stupid!". Oh, that's it! Slippery, probably. However, slumber house is also shaking easily. Which is which. And now, her dream house is more eary going type. A kind of Combination of steps with steels. Not so difficult, however, we need to choose the materials correctly.

Easy work, to combine steps, yes, however, even skilful family was obliged to ask it for professionals at high price. SHIBATA family's case. Every 3 years, they did paint the house. Family painting, like New Zealand, Miyuki thought. However, the cost of step structuring is absurd! They were abused at this point, Miyuki thought.

The btothers were good at mechanics, and they loved to make unusual thin steel bread toys, America style, as their hobby. They turned to be Railway related staff, each. For Miyuki, 鉄っちゃん or Tecchan type. Ko-Tecchan, Ramo NAKAJIMA.

Mecha Toy maniacs, they were. And they sometimes showed their products to infant Miyuki. She likes Bartender mechanical doll so much. He shaked green liquid put shaker by himself. Impression was 食い倒れ太郎 or KUIDAORE-TAROU in OOSAKA.

Probably, Miyuki was the last guy, who got interested with his correct usage. Advertiser of かに道楽 or Crab meat restaurant. Near 通天閣 or TSUUTENKAKU or High Antenna for TV recepients. So famous, thus, "Oh, this is The famous doll!", Miyuki found him, and informed it to Marcelo, who resided in OOSAKA.

Soon after, Miyuki found articles on him, the doll, which was said that he was taken and sold for other usage. Yes, advertiser, however, not for Crab meat restaurant. Oh, the restaurants only street called 道頓堀 or Douton-bori failed, already, Miyuki did know it.

Alex worked for the same name restaurant for several days, and he found the reality. No visitors at all. Why he was hired? To be stolen his privacy, presumably. However, he wants to work to gain money. Normal, and better to stay in the house. Outside working is a chance to learn society, thus, better than cramschool type studies.

Thus, better than actual Business School. No pragmatic experimental studies at all. Just uninteresting cramschool studies only. And Alex dislikes it. Thus, good to know it. He wants to quit the school. Good grief. Choose as you like. However, non industry world, thus, you should learn in sotiety, instead of business school. In the house, you can't learn it at all. Famly indulging place, it is, as you know well. Work outside, anyway.

Thus, he studies at his working place. Regular member, he was promoted. Oh, so short, trainee period! 2 weeks only, and enough for him. Good. The same price would be paid for part-timers and for regular staff. Thus, part-timers would gain the benefit, according to OMANKO Governmental declaration, ejected by ABE.

Thus, Alex is in the middle. Do your own way, is good advice. At the same time, burdonsome???

Feeding Alzheimer ladies are much more burdonsome for me. They are cruel wrongdoers, both. They easily kill us. They say, "Oooops, I made a slight mistake! I cut your head, Alex, instead of twigs! Just a slight mistake, thus, you should forgive me, of course!" This is Alzheimer world, thus, your manager boss is also this type. You should take care of his conducts. He tries to avoid his responsibility, so easily. He betrays the contract, of course. Thus, just take care, and claim your right correctly against him! he is chiken macho, thus, with you claim, he would get chilled!

Anyway resistance or total ignorance, would be fine for satans. You are useless, is our recommendable attitude.
The Alzheimer ladies should do their domestic wrongdoings any more. Miyuki would do any of their domestic works, easily and qucker. She is ready to do all of their domestic tasks, because they are both incapable in every field.

Minimum, and Miyuki is liberalist. Thus, she respects each guy's privacy, at maximum. Thus, Miyuki hates to make a package of intimate wears with a box per each. Strange kinkiest habit. And their preference is just "Against Miyuki's intention" only.

Now, YUKARI closed the window of the office room, unnecessarily. Miyuki prefers opening the window as much as possible. Terrible betrayal, she continues to do. Non stopping mode. The both do as they like, because any prohibittion or order would be slipped from their tiny memory. Brainlessly forgetful guys, and basic knowledge on domestic tasks they forgot already, and the worse is, they both declare themselves as domestic wived.

Incapable Alzheimer disease holders, they are, and they try to show up as normal human beings. Satans, in short. No task for them both. Just sleep eternally in their chambers or coffines!!!

VANISH! DDMs! You are so ugly donky smelly snag satans!!!

Miyuki got back from her errand trip. She ate lunch of sausage soup with turnips, petit onion and shreded chives. After heating up her body, she started to go to buy some targetted not yet buried type vegitables, discounted type, only.

She found a bunch of celry at 20 cents, and a package of potatoes at 80 cents, at Supermarkets, the former at Benimaru-Mega Stage, and the latter, at Beisia, and bought both of them.

Miyuki decided to cultivate variety of potatoes also. Already several sweet potatoes were planted in the cortyard IIIrd patch, however, now she gained the seeds of common pototoes. KITAAKARI, it is called. A bit a bit, with many guys, with variety, is her position. Oh, Ps! Miyuki lost any possibility to do it with actual Ps, thus, a kind of "substitutes" in fact.

Garlics love her story of "Miyuki choose Garlics decisively, and abandoned all rapists". Legendary Garlic eating guy, she is! How audacious! She abandoned all of male P holders of human figures, on behalf of us, Garlic tribe!

Thus, she decided that tiny version should be called petit garlics, while big version, Giant Garlics! No necessity to buy so variety of garlics. already Garlic tribe, they are. It all depends on their conditions. Thus, if they popped out, Miyuki appreciates them, according to their individual characters!

She already experienced it with turnips. Blue Turnips, white guys and so on were included inside the common seeds, two red turnips, long and round types. Thus, as they like, turnips! And three of the biggest turnips grew up so big, as if they were not little 3 weeks turnip, rather big common turnips! And the beets also liked the soil so much. They are appearantly similar, however, the flavours are totally different. Cousins, probably. However, the usage should be different, and it makes sense so much! Variety of foods suplier Miyuki SATOW, not by just buying seeds, but also by another way of growing up process, like roots cultivating, shoot putting and so on.

Today, Miyuki got so shocked that the last fig twiggs, two bunches were cut completely. Now, whole bold, the figs are. The NANTEN or 南天 wood was cut also completely. Who did it? Terrible coinsidence between the size of the twiggs and Miyuki's spine bone. YUKARI can't stop cut the twigs, probably, and she was revealed already as Alzheimer Jason type.

Thus, any guy doesn't want to live with her, however, they have no idea to take them, Alzheimer ladies, to the hospital. The hospital would welcome them both. And the medical treatment would be rather amusing for them both.

Miyuki was in custody in HASEGAWA hospital, and there, aroma-disusion, bag making, beads craft, vase making, KARAOKE, listening to music, accesory making and so on, were considered to be medical treatment, and it was included in the cost of the hospitalization. One night for two persons' chamber, US$80, per each. And exists discount system, depending on the economic situation of the patients.

Thus it works. Clare tried to persuade them to visit HASEGAWA hospital, and then, they decided to go there. Cheaper than Shirakawans, was the reason. YASUE, Miyuki's Auntie said, "In SHIRAKAWA, it costs US$140 per night, per each. HASEGAWA hospital's price is cheaper than Shirakawan counterpart.

Thus, they started to think on this line. No choice, however, they can manage the situation, was their killer remark, however, they showed already that they couldn't manage any situation.

They decided to conceal the fact, which is all related with Alzheimer disease. And their wrongdoings. They did forgeries, yes, however, any guy should point this crystal clear fact. Why? Because they would get damaged psychologically! Thus, yell it in the loud voice, "Alzheimers, the snags are! Look at these ugly bitches! Both cruel forgetful Alzheimer patients!!!", with "Ehhhhhhhhh..." laugh sound!

Thus, it worked! So many years, they had not declared the fact at all, however, as Miyuki does know well, YUKARI is much more stupid than HARUMI, thus, unnecessarily, sometimes, she, alone, started to admit their own Alzheimer disease holding. "Forgetful" "I am not good at smelling" "You should remember instead of me" and so on. They are forgetful old ladies, and they are bad at smelling, yes. Thus, the test. What is your age? HARUMI responded correctly, because she trains the response every minute. YUKARI, however, replied as usual, "It is impolite question, Alex! I am 25 years old, forever!" and then, "if you can, you sould presume my real age, as you like." Thus, Alex presumed, "Oh, 55!" and YUKARI admitted that, "Not so much. Probably, almost 30 years old, I think." in her cheerful mode.

Thus, Alex recognized that YUKARI thought that Alex's remark were just amusing joke, far from her real age. And for her, anyway, a bit more than 25 years old, is standard mode, Alex presumed.

Forever young, they prayed, and they gained, and lost, because they betrayed the reliance. They are both betrayers, and now, no choice for her at all.

When Miyuki takes a rest, they act now. Thus, Miyuki takes care of their activities, anyway. They are searching Miyuki's bank related documents in haste. They want to have special treatment for their Alzheimer disease, and Miyuki's bank deposits are their aim to search.

No reliable thieves, they are. And for them, no choice at all. In this case, they behave as if they were Gods like exiatance. Thus, they want to be treated as Queens, even though they are so forgetful.

Thus, they search the back house so often, and Miyuki's bank deposits are in danger, actually.

For them, just family problem, and they have right to use Miyuki's money as they like, is too too natural. And Miyuki remembered that MIZUHO bank's Pass Word was made by HARUMI, when Miyuki entered into Tokyo Versity, to receive the scholarships in her newly created deposit.

Thus, too too dangerous. HARUMI now thinks that she has right to gain on behalf of Miyuki's working, because HARUMI is Miyuki's mother. Miyuki refuses it, based on common sense of individualism, however, for MICCHIKU satans, mother should be feeded by her own daughters, of course!

Thus, HARUMI is dangerous. And Miyuki should run away from them both, as much as possible. Moving target, Miyuki is now. Satans are reducing yes, however, they exist even now, and they pop out in every corner. They are totalitarians, thus, not only HARUMI and YUKARI's attacking, but also of satans all. Thus, Miyuki should take care of her own belongings.

Today is Day of Diceased guys. Mexican celebration day. Cheerful Carnaval, including, with skeltons. Mexicans are skelton lovers, as designs, and they eat sweets in the shape of bone, called, OSSO. USO broadcasting? No, reality!

USSO! is KINDOU-san's yelling voice in Comic Macaroni Spinach Dormitory. Thus...No Mans' Land.

Some guy made a big big egg dish in the biggest gold alminium pan, it was once given to SANKIN by Alzheimer ladies. The pan was used for Mashing Potatoes by YUKARI. Now, egg put mashed potatoes???

Crasher job, YUKARI likes, yes. However, what the guy did cook with egg? Why it used the big pan? The guy couldn't perceive the difference between big and small?

The last answer is the correct one. They couldn't understand which is the suitable pan. Miyuki should know the fact. Miyuki would be cook for all of them, rightous brothers, only. OK! She likes to cook. Miyuki want to cook for us, as soon as possible.

They are already dead type, however, today, they wanted to show up again, because they wanted to have a chance to be considered normal for others. And they failed. No recognition ability at all, now. Big pan was used that they thought that they wanted to be big for others.

Unnecessarily big, and so many other sizes of suitable pans, however they chose the biggest one. And Miyuki perceived that they are three now. No choice for us all, yes, thus, go to inferno only!

For them, thinking of their own life is enough, and despite of others' troublesome situation, yes. Normal. We are all like that. However, we think of others' damage also, and we try to live without material damage for others, as much as possible.

Thus, just a troublesome, is not the reason of the catching game. However, for them three, Miyuki found the fact that they wanted to steal her precious documents for their own greedy desire, in short.

This is Micchiku life. No future at all for others, while all for them all. And for them, only guy would be enough to live longer.

Thus, they are no choice at all! They just stay, not live at all! Clare perceived on this point. for others' sake, we live, they both insist, however, they are just nasty disturbance. Cruel toward Miyuki's side. Thus, they both should be killed immediately.

Already Alzheimer disease is increased so bad, however, they themselves insist as if they were normal, thus, so many thieves arrive, and they all were revealed as satans!

Death or life, is not much problem for them all. Thus, No Man's Land, and for them, present from Miyuki's team. Chain Merry Go Round vanishing, Miyuki projected. Especially for vehicles. This is the punishment:

1.Vehicles make a circle like rotery.
2.They start to move. No breaking, is promised already by partisipants.
3.Miyuki, on the center pole, as a conductor, she whisles. When she whistles, vehicles should accelate 10km/hour, each.
4.When she whistles in the longest mode for more than 5 seconds, the leader guy, already appointed by Miyuki, should stop with whole its strongth, while, others, should not stop at all.
5.Thus, they crash each other, in high speed. Thus, vehicle type TARUHO punishment, in short.

This measure is recommended especially for heavy duty vehicles. Of course, small normal cars can do it, in the same way.

Thus, they think that Miyuki is so creative, and so kind to others, even they are satans!!!

She is so kind toward both side, yes, however, she is rather kind toward us, rightous brothers.

Clare is kind yes, however, too too rough, and Miyuki is just rough. Not so difficult, however, at least, Miyuki is more talkative, and easy to perceive what she is thinking.

Alex is talkative, yes, however, he can't say the fact so much. Always, "I think that..." mode like YUKARI. It doesn't effect for our side, however, so effective for his protection against Alzheimer twins. They love to feed Alex and he is a kind of easy goer, at this point.

This evening, Miyuki met so many crows in the sky. And in the afternoon, she met many sparrows. Birdies participated in some meeting? With you, Miyuki, and Miyuki yelled to them both!

For sparrows, they worked so much, and for young guys, it was a tough work, however, accoring your appearance, probably, you all gained reward from the tough work. They are round shape now. It means that they ate so many green and brown grasshoppers, presumably.

And she met so many ducks on Silver lake. They were taking a rest with only one leg! Flamingo type, although their body shape is so round. Probably they also got feeded well. Good grief, and now, crows also! Meet?

Not at all. Frogs. Todds? A kind of. Flying frogs fenomenum, here and there! Oh, aliens?

They were attacked by the frogs, however, according to Miyuki's ABURAMUSHI attacking, they tried to eat them...and they found that the flavours are same of the genuine frogs, not snags...Thus, they ate them all!!!

Good grief. Miyuki adopted the system of co-existance among Rightous Brothers, yes, however, she has some inclinations, thus, as much as possible, and for the new suspect, up to her confirmation, the targetted guy is not attacked yet, however, after her recognition of their wrongoing, no choice at all for the guy.

Today, so cold at feet! Thus, cold stone is located under the floor, Miyuki recognized, and she put her paper matress on the floor under the desk. Not so warm, however, better than nothing. Too too cold, the floor today. Thus, for the plants, more sustainable warming system is necessity. However, for precarious stay, anyway, the pyramids are sufficient.

Miyuki found a common fly in the second pyramid inside. Thus, warm, she presumed. Yes, despite of not accomplished situation, already the top is warm. And the floor, Miyuki put some reeds curtains as floor mats. Thus, it would work, presumably.

She took 8 pieces of plastic bags for the Green Forts, and probably, tomorrow, already she moves the pots inside. The ditch would be used for walnuts and tiny KIWIs, only. Big trees and their clothings, Miyuki thinks the combination of these two mountain type.

three feeding is now in good mood. Anyway, warm with fat clothings. Better inside the ditch, than on the cold floor. Thus, probably, She would put some vinil cover on the ditch, for the walnuts and the kiwis.

Mountain range making project, she is participating in. No guys take care of the forests, and they are so important. Time consuming, all of us thought, and Miyuki, also. However, it would be easy, because not so long years, it would take, presumably. Only three years also. After, they start to produce the fruits. yes, it depends on. however, considering the plants in Home Centers, not so many years, it would take, of course!

And also in CAINZ Home Center, they sell chilled almost dead trees, having cut their beautiful twigs. All satans do the same. HARUMI and YUKARI are just their examples. Averege, probably. Thus, we need to accerate the process of satans' vanishing.

Today, in the Silver NANKO lake, Miyuki met several big trees stomps, newly cut completely. So big, almost 100 years old, all of them. And she found that HASEGAWA Industrial Company established their residencial house in the NANKO prefectural natural park, agaist the prohibittion, written in front of them. "Wood cutting is prohibitted", the discription says, however, satans are totally indifferent from the prohibition. The same as the Alzheimer Twins.

For them, always "Ooops, I didn't know it! You should forgive us all, of course!", as usual. Kids lived there, under the name of Industrial Company, because so many kids only toy tools were there. Bicycle, kids type, in a garage, some colourful plastic riding type toys also in the courtyard. Residencial at all, and for satans, no fear at all on the illegal activities.

MICCHIKU life is like that. Invasion only, and they were far from any laws.