Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (278)

2017-11-03 22:03:18 | 日記
At 21:38, there was an earthquake, so shaking as crowling of missite underworld. MAGMA laughing, probably!

MAGMA ampassador, Miyuki watched, when she was in kindergarden. Lion like long blond hair, with red suits, and he is a father and husband in the family. Kinky character? No. Plain, as character. However, his fashion was yes, ridicule as human being's standard. However, anyway, ambassador from hot MAGMA land, thus, he was not fashionable, according to our standard.

At that age, anime commic writers were more productive. Every month, they published so many MANGAs, constantly. And illustrators also. They were professionals, yes.

For Miyuki, just illustration type illustraters were idol, and they couldn't earn so much money. However, so many non-productive comic writers and illustraters, were feeded under MICCHIKU protection, because they were MICCHIKU family members.

Artists also! Miyuki found so many terribly anti-artistic sculptures in the center of Tokyo, made by MICCHIKU relatives. Shameless, and non metal type. Because MICCHIKU related stole the materials already.

Robbery is their family Business. Mathew Broderic and Robert De Nilo, did their Mafia family business, and this is the reality of Japanese rich class.

This morning also, HARUMI cut the plants. In the north cortyard, and the targetted twigs have so many green fruits. AOKI, they are. In the middle of their maturity, before getting red, she cut them. Cruel, and she herself thinks that she were good flower arrangement lady.

Stupid, however, no persuastion would effect on the Alzheimer twins. Miyuki wants to move from this office, as soon as possible. Near the patches would be fine for her cultivation. She wants to frequent to the patches to do her tasks. This is nasty place, and she wants to live totally free from anxiety related Alzheimer ladies.

No suitable place at all in YAOYA block? OOTAKA borrowing house is ideal for her. Flat, and bigger than others. Thus, after OOTAKA couple's use, she wants to start new life there.

And the patches of KOJIMA family would be hers. She wants to cultivate various vegitables here in the patch. First, foreign westerner type garden for her own. Her main dishes are western style now.

However, as food culture, Miyuki also is good at Japanese dishes. Thus, maintaining this culture is also important. Thus, Japanese vegitables also would be cultivated by her only, in the patches. YAOYA block for her vegitable gardens, is ideal, and other guys also can produce and gain from Miyuki's patches. As you like farming, and cooking. Thus, if she makes some Japanese dishes, she wants to provide to others, as many as possible.

For example, DENGAKU or ODEN, in the simplest way. She likes to cook YUZU-MISO and meat MISO for boiled or steamed raddish and KONNYAKU, or コンニャク or Soy Card and so on. If some her mates want, she would bring the dishes for them, according to their orders, or they themselves can come to have them.

Western styled vegitables only? Not at all. However, rather western dishes, Miyuki likes. Japanese, sometimes, a kind of change of mind, Miyuki cooks.

Miyuki wants to break the wall of OOTAKA house, and wants to connect the courtyard to those of KOJIMA and of Sato. And she wants to take off whole NAKAJIMA apartment all in a body.

Or she wants to move to Shirakawa III to live and work. Easy, and sufficient space for Miyuki's side, it has.

Get out of the school, IKKYO related! Your faked activities are so dangerous and harmful. They are attackers, and so so imprudent! They should vanish immediately, all in a body, teachers and pupils, both!

Alex wants to quit Macdonald and to be employed by BENIMARU-Yokomachi. Miyuki thinks good. Because he can compare the attendences of the both companies. And to go to BENIMARU-Yokomachi, he just walks, not is not necessary to be brought by HARUMI by car.

And the wages, also, BENIMARU is higher than Mac. US$9 per hour, in BENIMARU, while in Mac, only US$7.5.

Alex told the ridiculous episode on HARUMI, his grand mother. When he came back from Business School today, three packages of diapers were in the entrance. Alex got in wonder. HARUMI popped out, and explained that they were the leftovers of diapers used by Alex and Clare, when they were babies. And She also said that she would like to donete for Shirakawa III primary school's bazzar.

Ridiculous! Miyuki has not seen them at all, when she was staying in the main house. They popped out, why? What is the reason, why they had not been not sold before? 15 years ago, these ptoducts were used, yes. Why they were kept up to now?

Miyuki presumed that the Alzheimer Queens had bought them, by mistake, instead of diapers especially for Eldery guys' only. And they couldn't exchange them to the rightous ones, thus, they turned to be the leftovers.

Shirakawa III is now the substitute of SANKIN for Alzheimer Twins. They have no shames at all, even in front of

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (277)

2017-11-03 19:09:05 | 日記
03/11/2017, Friday, 19:09, fine

It was fine today. Blue beautiful sky, up to the evening. Miyuki passed an amusing day, as usual!

In the morning, Miyuki found YUKARI, in the toilet, trying to fake to cleaning the floor of it, in her sitting pose and wearing vinil gloves, with the door totally open, to show the scene to Miyuki. "Oh, so stupid!" Miyuki got to laught, in her belly. She behaved to be faked cleaner, in front of the real cleaning dwarf!!!

Only few second of show, it was. Miyuki was heating her breakfast, at that time. Why I am obliged to look at the ridiciulous just faking type scene, now?, Miyuki got in wonder.

Alzheimer faking, we have watched so much. And YUKARI does the ridiculous version!

In the morning, Miyuki made Pyramids, continuously! And now, each pyramid has name! No.1 is named Gize, while no.2, Khufu. After Egyptian predicessors' locations.

Khufu was already accomplish in a certain meaning. A certain meaning, because Miyuki needs to wrap with much more plastics. All covered, generally speaking, however, not sufficient yet, is this situation of Fhufu.

Gize needs more wrapping however, nasty old guy approached to Miyuki in the courtyard, and yelled to her, in his threatening voice, "What is these Pyramids' purpose?" Miyuki got thrilled, because his voice recalled her police's enquary. Thus, Miyuki ignored the guy, and ran away from the site.

Miyuki decided to gain more wrapping papers at Cainz, and also to do errand trip, as usual! Thus, she passed Beisia, and gained almost 10 vinil covers, for free. Then, she went to JA store, however, she found that JA store was closed, without any previous information.

And some JA related were there, sitting in some tents, waiting for visitors. And there was a big stage, in precarious type, and they said, "JA Festival". Oh, three consecutive holidays, and it's Day of Culture, today. However, JA didn't advertise at all on the festival, and today, already is the begining of the holidays. No consumers at all, completely! Only staff world. Just for staff type festival?

At the same time, Miyuki watched some childish big posters, painted by probably some junior high level pupils. Miyuki got interested one poster, which was a parody of Leonard Da Vinch's famous "Human Male Body, at standard version". For Miyuki, ummm...yes, balanced, however, a bit shorter leggs he has, type. hip bones are higher than Japanese, however, the real length is not enough as westerner...

Anyway, in this rural version, in his all six hands, he grasped 6 different vegitables, one per each hand, and his bottom part was concealed with a seal of a bunch of Brocorli. Miyuki tried to find his P, and she could see a line, back the a bit popped out brocorli's seal.

Probably, at first, the pupils painted common P, as Leonard did. However, some bosses of JA ordered them to conceal P, and they put the seal, after his scolding. According to Miyuki, Oh, this black and white line guy has distinctively green big brocorli, as if "This is my P's substitute. See it intensively!"

Don't appeal so much, Italian Common nakid guy! David's hair style, he has, and his body is better than 3D David.

Michelangelo's, and in that age, this Ichiro KITAMURA hairstyle was in fashion probably!

Anyway, despite of being concealed his P, Unfortunatelly, the real effect is contrary. The Brocorli induced the viewers to see his P!

Satans are so stupid, up to make us all laugh at! YUKARI like! why they are so so Topsy Turvy like existance?!!

Then, Miyuki found a "Onduras plastic boards, put the middle size stones on", as some repair. On the road? Not should be type confusion, Alzheimer residents do. Just like HARUMI's pebbles on the veranda to conceal the holes on the surfice. Materials should be chosen, correctly, for us all, while Alzheimers can's perceive the difference among materials. Thus, in the former case, roof's reparement was applied on the road, and in the latter case, ground hales's fulfilment was applied to the veranda.

For them, subjectively, satisfied repairment, however, for us, laughing proof of Alzheimer disease holding, objectively.

At WASHIO, Miyuki bought two banches of cotton thread for drying up persimmons, at total, at US$1. Expensive, yes, however, Miyuki wants to go her plan forward. Thus, this is investment for her agricultural sub-products.

At Beisia, Miyuki found so so common home made type dried up persimmons were sold at US$3, per package of 4 pieces. Oh, the dried up persimmons of last year, which were made by her father were stolen and sold like that, probably!

So so rural, only for natural home made type for families, the persimmons were. Thus, Miyuki's products would be calculated like that. They want to steal, as soon as possible. Pyramds are in danger, also. However, she needs to accoplish them, and use them as soon as possible!

Thus, she needs to put nails on the earth, to avoid their stealing job. They got interested, thus, they would be the aim of the staling jobs.

They stole and sold, the harvest of us all. Miyuki remembered that in recent 10 years, so many fruits were stolen in Touhoku area. Miyuki remembers that 20 thousand apples were stolen at night. How and why, were asked, and now, commercial use, by satanic magic, were the reply, Miyuki found.

Today, on the way to Beisia, at West side parking lots of Shirakawa III primary school, Miyuki found a plastic sac, which she had lost yesterday. Satans returned it, as if wind had wiped it to the sky. However, no wind, and it happened in several seconds. Thus, satanic magic, in short. They regret, it means.

So so nasty, now, even for Shirakawan satans. Dirty shameless situation, in short.

Miyuki bought the chiken bones at US$1.3, and according to the discription, this is a whole bunch of chicken bones. however, only several hundred grams, thus, probably, the discription is lie, and Miyuki was trapped.

However, strange to say, not only bones, rather frozen common chicken meat with some bones, the package looked. Thus, when she disolves the package, she would find the fact.

At WASHIO, on the casher, the BUSU clerk asked Miyuki if she needed plastic sac or not. Thus, Miyuki ignored her, and the clerk repeated to ask, in her so so impolite rough way, at least, three times. Thus, Miyuki started to sing, "Alzheimer, Alzheimer, absolutely, You are Alzheimer!" in the melody of Jetter Mars, an old ANIME, before her born.

Alzheimer persistance. HARUMI and YUKARI suffer this stage now. They can't recognize their reality of mentally illed situation. They refuse it, thus, they should vanish, immediately!

Today, on Route 4, Miyuki found so thin and long motor bicycle. Almost 3 meters long, and so so thin, it was. And on Route 11, Miyuki encountered with tricycle of two big broad rear tyres, with two big fat couples. The width was almost the same as vehicle.

yesterday, Miyuki met with strange tricycle, also. Strange riders, they are! They look like toy soldiers, for Miyuki's side.

Miyuki watched FUJITA stopped the new bypass establishing for a while, at least. The broad road was established just beside another curved road. Two SS roads, they are. And the new one starts in the middle, and ends in the middle also. Split from the main roads, thus, no use at all, and harmful.

Alex said to HOSSO XXXXX, on his business school life. His teacher responsible is 24 years old lady, and she is already Alzheimer patient! Today, it's holiday today, however, she ordered Alex and his class mates to come to school. already three days before, she stopped teaching subjects at all, and they prepared for their school festival, which would be held tomorrow and one day after tomorrow.

Today, one guy, a member of Bicycle Club claimed to her, saying, "Oh, teacher, you are so nasty. I need to participate to my club activity now. However, you prolonged your preaching time thus, I will quit your lecture now, OK, teacher?!"

totalitarians, she is. And after his leaving, she spetted to other kids on the guy, saying, "This guy is so nasty. He should quit our business school immediately!", and the kids felt so nasty. She is crazy! She accused the guy, who behaved correctly! Nasty, she is, not he!

The teacher should not say so, of course! Out of mind type attendance in Business School at all! Every teacher at Business School is like that. Already, they are all Alzheimers.

So young teacher responsible, yes, and she is irresponsible flamboyant lady, and not attractive at all. However, she exists, and she doesn't yet vanish, unfortunately!

This is the site of Business School on the event schedule of this month:

Now Miyuki found that some IT satans put her writing in disorder. The following discription was written for more previous paragraphes, however, it popped out now, here. However, you can presume where it was put correctly. Satanic "Hide and Seek" game, probably:

Probably, Miyuki's sarcastic wispering the mealure in front of the toilet, where her father was inside. Miyuki informed him, in her so so cheerful way, "The Alzheimer Twins are semi-Goddess, God-like exiestance. Thus, they should take a rest so much in their own chanbers per each, whole day long and night, because they deserve to do so. They should use their own precious time in their own chambers, as God like existance. While, we, vulgar people, should work for ourselves, as a kind of slaves of ourselves. We are the low ranking workers, while the Alzheimer twins are precious jewel like aristcratic marvelous wonderful special Semi-God like super existance. Thus, their time is so so precious, and they both are fragile, as aristcrats. Amirodosis is now suffered from by both of them. They should spend so so precious time only for themselves, not for us at all! Their energy to be kept just for fighting against their own disease! They don't touch our problems at all, because they are God like so so rare precious existance, and they should not work at all! Just take a rest in their chambers sould be the best and most suitable way of life for the Alzheimer Twins. Thus, we work, while they lie on the bed. Perfect matching! We are workers, from the begining, however, the twins are not workers, special priviledged existance, as if they were Gods, themselves! They should not do any task at all, especially, domestic tasks! We, especially I, Miyuki SATOW, is ready to work as the low ranking workers. She deserves to do such kind tasks, of course! Thus, anyway, they should lie down on the bed in their chambers, only! Gods should not work at all! Don't touch our problems at all!" as if she was talking by herself.

Soon after of Miyuki's quickest suggestion, YUKARI popped into the office, and showed extremetly strange showing up business, in front of working dwarf. Thus, the end! YUKARI just wanted to take advantage of MIYUKI's disliking of cleaning up business, and she just wanted to pretended to be diligent cleaners, instead of Miyuki. Miyuki was informed as "irresponsible dirty mother, without any measure to work", by the Alzheimer queens so many times. And now, they themselves were revealed as just idol Alzheimer patients, with special intention to torture others.

Especially HARUMI's cruel attackings are ridiculous! She started to clean up back house before 7:00, in the morning! Soon after her getting up, already, HARUMI started to attack others, immediately. For HARUMI, now, only one intention to devastate others' sleeping is the reality, and the rest is just illusion. Only torture on others is the fact for her, in short.

Thus, Miyuki is free from HARUMI's nasty attacking at all now! Miyuki won the game, already. HARUMI wanted to trap Miyuki to be her servant, and Miyuki refused it clearly. And now, all HARUMI's existance is ignored by her.

Miyuki stopped to enter into the main house, because she gained the key of the door of the office. For Miyuki, the main house was already just for picking the key, without any exception. Thus, now, no necessity at all!

Thus, they forgot who was Miyuki entirely. Thus, Dwarf problem was resolved, already. YUKARI was the dwarf, they decided, and YUKARI moved in this line. According to YUKARI, only sitting pose on the floor of the toilet would be fine as working to cleaning up the floor of the toilet. Oh, ABE, U2!

Sitting pose is the last end of satanic existance. They should not show sitting pose in front of us all! Thus, Yankii sitting guys were all satans!!! JA ladies in Paris, they are!!! Thus, standing obeying pose is liked by HARUMI now! Oh, TAKAHARA, he showed the ending pose, in front of Miyuki, on 13th of June in 2015. And he stack, Miyuki caught the scene.

And Miyuki got afraid that YUKARI would have evacuated on the floor, instead of doing it on the toilet basin. She can't recognize anything at all now, thus, only hospital would be the solution.

HARUMI did order YUKARI to do Dwarf Work, because MIYUKI was revealed as the dwarf. YUKARI, the best pet of HARUMI, should have done it much better. Miyuki did it, thus, YUKARI, you should do it better than MIYUKI!

Thus, YUKARI came, and did it like that. Stupid, and ridiculous. However, this is the best for actual YUKARI. She is so mentally illed, and no choice for the Alzheimer patients!