Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (296)

2017-11-13 21:27:49 | 日記

Miyuki ate two YUZUs, Japanese citrus, and found that these are sour small HYUUGA-NATSU-MIKAN or 日向夏みかん, from Miyazaki prefecture. And liked the flavour. Miyuki thought that these citrus tribe were just for cooking use, not for direct eating. however, "Oh, just sour fresh type! Sweeter than lemon! Oh, for me, a sour tangerine orange!" And found that probably Miyuki's inclination is rather sour type than only sweet type. Edible? No no, delicious, Miyuki can eat the fruits a kind of TV orange. Just expensive and so so nice to smell the flavour!!!

Thus, she would dash to some place to gain YUZUs as fruits for eating. Thus...Just cultivation, as much as possible! Japanese Tangerines are seedless type, and YUZUs are full of seeds. Thus, YUZUs are good winter vitamin C providers for her!!!

Always Miyuki used YUZUs as substitutes of bath salt, or spice for dishes. Juice, also. Not for eating. And now, oh, it keeps well, and can keep the flavour also. Citrus, yes, and Miyuki found that some farmers in Shirakawa region produce YUZUs. Thus, MIYUKI has great possibility to produce them. Jelly or spice, Miyuki thought, and now, oh, PC orange, for her! Miyuki has no custom to watch TV, and she just uses lined Internet, and writes this blog, by PC. And the juice is not sticky. Yes, so rich in juice, however, after eating, she doesn't need to wash her hands to clean up. The smell remains in the room. Thus, winter citrus No.1 for Miyuki!!!

And Miyuki makes sugar soaked YUZU skins in a bottle of used apple jelly. Miyuki washed the bottle with boiled water, and then, she put the skins into it. After one month, sugar soaked citrus peels, good for tea type sweets, thus, marmelo jelly, she would make soon.

Smells good, in the room, both, YUZUs and Marmelos. Nice flavory fruits, and for Miyuki, new to eat, both of them. According to the disctiptions on Internet, Marmelos are bitter in fresh mode. Thus, she wants to try it, when she makes the jelly.

Now, almost US$1 per 3 YUZUs in a package, in averege. Thus, probably, YUZU field, Miyuki would cultivate in the near future. TV orange is delicious, however, seedless, and it needs to semi-tropical hospitality. For Miyuki, with seeds type, OK, however, non seeds type, not delicious investment at all. YUZU has so many seeds, thus, she prefers YUZU, also at this point. Productive, and now, Miyuki decided to cook in the kitchen soon.

At least, she should be clean in her own space, and then, she would try to cook in the kitchen, and she would clean the kitchen, also, during cooking. Minimum, she should clean up her own space. Now, not yet. Thus, training, yes. Toilet cleaning level is also OK, however, lacks detailed cleaning, yes. Thus, under cloudy sky, she would work in the space, yes.

Blue sky is yawning for her. Even with so cold wind, Miyuki wants to go out, yes. Thus, only cloudy worker, under the roof, Miyuki is. Thus, cultivator, she is. Writing is, basicly, at night only. Not good to write under blue sky. She wants to work outside, under the blue sunshining sky.

Blue is seducive for us all. hot summer, of course, yes, and winter...yes, and with some protection against coldness.

Miyuki decided to fight against Alzheimer ladies. They are so evil, and attackers. However, they should not be our disturbance. They attack, yes, however, we should ignore them both, entirely. They exercise physical power even now, however, their power reduced so much. thus, now, just shadow, they are. Thus, go ahead, Miyuki! And at first, cleaning up job, in her own space!!!

Courtyard project, she planned. And she acts, as she thinks. She declared to make Green houses, in front of Clare, and made the two pyramids, and she is now making transparent patchwork sheets, of course!!! Thus, creative farmer, she is! Oh, Magsaisai!! Magpiepie prize???

Some Japanese agricultural scientists gained this famous medal in South Eastern Asia. Vetnamise, he is. Ton-ton-makuto like name, he has. Chag-chag-umakko like also. Shoka-iko-iko? This mode is less attacking toward the kids, however, for Miyuki, just nasty stupid impolite contemptious attitude, at appearance.

Miyuki quieted to speak with satans, because they have no reason based thinking at all. It all depends on the mood, in short. Thus, she just ejects her claim on this blog. Terrible, however, how should we do? No reason to be polite toward satans, in short. Thus, we should live in the next age, yes. They try to attack us, even now, threatening the possibility of custody. Thus, just limited activities, Miyuki does, now.

Miyuki accomplished one more pyramid, tiny type, now. Cusco, it was named by Miyuki. Sun Flower Cusco, or Sun Francisco?

For several few selective guys only. Tiny, thus, easy to make in the small space like Miyuki's office room.

Alex is non reliable source on family matter at all. Miyuki confirmed it, again. He was talking with Karina, his ex-class mate of Chuo junior high, and she called Alex and they talked almost for 4 hours, and at midnight, Karina dropped the receiver, and ended up their conversation, abruptly.

In their conversation, Miyuki perceived that at first Alex said that Karina came to business school festival recently, and met with several friends of him, however, in the latter part of the conversation, Karina didn't come, Alex revealed.

their convesation was so strange. Just finnar a lingua, or brushing up the talking skill, Alex talked with her?, Miyuki perceived.

In March and Feburary, they talked so much on the phone, and then, they split. HOSSO substituted her role, and HOSSO dissapeared recently, after being invited to the school festival. And today, so many months later, Karina reappeared. She studies at Kounan high school, according to her. However, she couldn't say how long it takes from her house to the school. At the same time, she said that she would like to work for ZoZoTown, an auction site, after being graduated from the school. Monthly salary is US$3.7 thousand, she said. Miyuki got astonished. Almost my salary, when she worked for Kyorin up to September this year, 2017. And menstration recess, she would gain, she said, also. Strange determined company, she already chose to work for. And Alex induced her to go to ZoZoTown to check if it would be good to work or not.

Alex informed her that he had difficulty to gain his first part-time job in Japanese Pizza house called 道頓堀 or Douton-bori, because "His Mother and her sister" worried so much, as if they were mentally illed!!!

No, No, Alex! HARUMI and her sister YASUE, who unusually got to worry about your job starting, not Miyuki, at all! Don't confuse HARUMI, your grand mother, with Miyuki, your parent, please!

Thus, Miyuki asks for us all, not to believe Alex's remarks at all, regarding Miyuki. Terrible replacement he does, as usual. Thus, Miyuki is tortured by Alex's lie, especially on her personality related matters.

Toture for Miyuki, because she is liberalist, and the attitude above is almost paternalism at all! Thus, don't believe Alex, on behalf of Miyuki, anyway!

For him, some guy who was not good to him disturbed his attampt to work for, should be made fun of, yes. However, someties, for Miyuki's side, fatal remarks, yes. Thus, refrain from his remarks, so erroneous, and accumulated lies, please!

Alex is always replacing the guys easily, and the result is totally nasty. Confused, and what it Miyuki's physical condition?, would cause with these lies done by Alex. Thus, he is not suitable for his monitoring jobs, in short.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (295)

2017-11-13 07:46:38 | 日記
13/11/2017, Monday, 7:47 Morning, cold, frosty, fine blue sky entirely

Frost! He came! At 6:30, Miyuki got up, and a bit earlier than 7:00, she monitored the courtyard. Her fingers got chilled, and she decided not to peal any of the venil taps in the patches and the Pyramids. Old Man Winter came this morning, without any warning done by Japan Meteorology Agency. No brain group, this organization is acctualy!

They predicted frost or not, is already in wonder. Because even in IWATE prefecture, so so conscious of frost damage, the warning was not informed at all. Degradation process, up to this point, probably. Thus, Kenji MIYAZAWA or 宮澤賢治, yelled. "Miyuki, you only relied on your feeling, and forgot the existance of the public weather agency. You are so great at forgetting the existance of this weather report!!!"

He was a multi-player, at that age. Farmer, Teacher, writer, inovator, lecturer, leader, and so on. Oh, my predicessor! And he was killed in his extreme poverty, with his middle age!!! Good lyrical kids book writer, he is! So many stimulous works he created, and got disliked by MICCHIKU type. The result...Absolute poverty, yes...

Like Miyuki! You, who wanted to eat like Argentine kid, was feeded only with almost all rice related foods. Thus, her legs are not sufficiently long...Messy, especially now! However, she found the marks of frost and took the picture. What is the reason of the existance of Weather Report in Japan? Just charity begging machines, related with stupid Alzheimer Government, yes, confirmed!!!

If the atomosphare temperature reaches 6 degree certius, it means that the possibility of morning frost is so big, thus, warning should be informed in public, was their explanation. Thus, our tax was used for maintaining this agency, however, even with this really evident symptom in previous two days, the public weather report didn't inform the possibility at all.

Miyuki, when she watched white smoky snowy clouds, she perceived the possibility of snow falling, thus, she started to prepare for the coldest temperature, and gained a big success. yes, it was fine, yesterday and one day before yesterday. However, the temperature was so low, and she started to tap the covers on the courtyard, and they survived, anyway. Slow, however, she could do it. and only one exception was big white turnip. Miyuki thought that they are resistent against winter coldness, however, yes, some parts are so, while another parts, not. Thus, Miyuki cut suffered parts to eat as her morning meal. With soup, probably.

Even forest, she took advantage of it. Edible, thus, Miyuki eats. Why not? Sometimes, Japanese and some other countries' people, make special frozen dried foods, taking advantage of the frost attacking. Drying up type raddish, persimmons also, and in Andes, potatoes, yes. Powdery, they turn, and they can preserve so well. Thus, good to make soldier foods, in this season.

So many persimmons are in rottening process, yes, however, she learned a lot from them. Thus, rottened parts would be gifted toward her team mates...Guts and Katsumi. They would not refuse Miyuki's gift called Testacles Persimmons...Kiss, Jean!

Thus, she should dry up them outside, she learned. Thus, after her eating well the first meal of the day, she would arrange all the persimmons on her pyramids. Today, she needs to work in the courtyard to strengthen the protection against the coldness called Old Man Frost, and Snow Man. 冬将軍 or Commender Winter, in Japan, he is called. Thus, Miyuki, the president of Imperial Soldiers, all Emperors Team v.s. Commender Winter, the battle is now! Thus, our rank is higher than you, Commender Winter! We, all, are superior to you, Commender of satanic team! We are all commanders, already, and emperors, already. You are just Commander under your bosses, however, we all are commanders, the top, OK, you stupid!!!!

Thus...rank effects so much. They are so proud of this naming. In Japan, SHOUGUN means Superior Worrier in their team, namely Commander. However, now, in modern age, this system got abolished already. Thus, 冬首相 or Prime Minister Winter, it should be called. ABE should be replaced by him, Winter. Thus, all Winter season mode, in whole towns and villages in Japan. And after winter, Spring would come, without doubt. Thus, Spring Floras were cut, previously...Floureshing scenes should be avoided, was the last words of satanic army.

放射冷却、or Coldness caused by Blue Sky, was so famous among kids in Shirakawa, when Miyuki was kid. Even KATSUMI and GUTS did know it type difficult scientific term, yes. So unusual tha they could remember 4 Chinese Characters combined type word. This is one of the rarest knowledge. Because it is so famous among TOUHOKU residents. Too too cold, when the cover tap, namely, clouds, are all taken, it is. Thus, protection only, Miyuki did, and she covered the taps before 16:00, yesterday.

After warming up, Miyuki took the taps, yesterday, and made her errand trip, and soon after comming back, she tapped again, because already it was cold.

She felt cold, thus, for plants, also cold. Chilblain problem holder, she is, thus, she is so causcious on the temperature. Meteorologist, in practice, yes. Thus, whole protection, she needs to work for.

HARUMI tried to contribute all of bamboo stickes, which Miyuki gained, and wanted to frustrate her attempt of Forever Green Forts. Mentally illed, always HARUMI yelled on Miyuki, in public, and Miyuki sang the song of Alzheimer Funicuri Funicura, in front of HARUMI, sitting and making a gift of paper boxes for her illusional lovers, called SANKIN guys. Stupid Alzheimers, HARUMI and YUKARI are. Thus, for their side, Miyuki is abonormal, yes, and from Miyuki's view point, they are totally out of order!!! Mentally, physically and morally illed, or rather, degraded, or, in short, dead! Just skin bags, they are!!!

Look at IWATE region's no-frost information:

Miyuki already informed the system of Public Reward for all monitors, previously. And this time, also, it popped out:

And look at the eyes of the cat! Skewed, and unbalanced. Cat's Alzheimer or Cat's syphilis, or Cat's AIDs, it is called. This is the real visual symptom of the disease. Uroboros process, in the progressed version, this cat suffers from, already.

Shirakawan cats increased in number this year, and all of the cats suffer from this CAT's AIDs, and they shold be killed during Winter, because in Spring, they started to reproduct the next generation. yawning from satanic world. Each year, in the more degraded way. Thus, Shirakawans, the cats are also already. They do it, as they like, in short.

Thus, Ryouji and Yukari would be the best couple here in Shirakawa!!!

18:08, cold, fine,

Human beings would be erradicated, and only monitors show the deserts called cities in the world would be realized in 2018, and also in Japan, in 2020, satans planned. This is the proof:

Already in Japan, this sytem is commonly used, however, Panasonic confessed the fact, in the softest mode. GM already also. Thus, no man's land. Their choice, and we should survive, anyway! We need to create our real world, despite of their disturbance.

Thus, Miyuki rang the big bell of an temple, back of the Gun Shop SAITOU, in TENJIN-MACHI area. Miyuki rang only big once, however, then, two softer sounds came to follow the big ringing!

SAITOU Gun Shop is open, even now, and no clerk inside the shop! Too too dangerous! And Miyuki found several sacurity service only type uniforms with brilliant orange and yellow colours, in the right side of the shop. Oh, the team of gun maniacs! Thus, the orange wearing old guys' group was so arrogant to do their patrole at Xebio Sports Shop, probably. No rightous guys, however, when Miyuki was doing exercise in the shop, she was threatened by them, who got to pop out abruptly, and the shopkeepers bowed to them, as if they were power holders.

Miyuki didn't know their system at all, thus, just she continued to do her job, at that moment, on the sports shop. However, probably, the shopclerks called them to kill Miyuki, the hatred guy no.1 in the rural village called Shirakawa.

Team or group, satanic gun maniacs acted. And Miyuki found several gun related goods, sports type, in the left side of the shop's window. gloves, to erase their proof, or, finger prints, and so many springs. Some grips like objects, also. In a big box per each, they were in. And on the counter, only papers were there, and the shop was so small, and the door was connected with their family house, directly. At home, was Miyuki's impression.

The team was composed by their kins and friends. Family gun shop, yes. And in case of their job, they put the dead body to the temple on the back, and the temple concealed the fact, in short. So many guys were buried in the campus of the temple, and no guy could be seen before the death. They were concealed before being killed already from the society, and then, the gun maniacs did the "Disposal" of them, and secretly, they were buried. In the temple, bones are commonly found, thus, not unusual, the existance of the bodies. Thus, Big Bell Ringing was necessity to purify the site. BUDDISTs faking guys, they are!!! All Buddists attack on the temple. And it is located near Municipality Hall, thus, probably public servants did know well on the situation, completely.

Dirty nasty bitches, they are! Isolation means "You would be killed so soon", as Miyuki perceived so well. Thus, each guy's communication was cut or limited inside the family. And Miyuki's case, she is surrounded by all satans, and they want to create new faked facts, or namely, lies, thus, they approached.

Attackers, and witnesses, they are. They chose so badly, and now, Miyuki is wanted no.1 in the village. Oh, how much? Almost all of her belongings...Mine? Not, at all. All of os! Oh, they calculated erroneously, again and again.

So selfish, thus, they believe that they could do it. And for Miyuki's side, just a laughing story.

Miyuki made an errand trip after her winter preparation job. Fine, and less wind, however, sometimes, windy, at the same time, there was a possibility of snow. Thus, Miyuki decided to work at the court, only up to 15:00, at max, then, tap and yell to the Imperial Soldiers.

Almost all of the patches were tapped, and someties, snow falling, Miyuki thought. However, cold and fine day, it was, today. And now, Miyuki decided to make a tiny trianble prizm winter palace for some selective guys. A tap, only type. And small, thus, she could make it tonight, at one night, and could gift for some selective guys, only.

Small, however, unusual. Thus, some really warm place only type would be fine. She bought 6 plastic sticks at DAISO-Mega Stage. Easy Quick job, inside the office. Thus, only one night job, yes!

YOSAKU preparation, ADACHI yelled! And we are all YOSAKUs...Umm...Jobless almost homeless, probably.

Thus, Miyuki is thrifty, yes, and no choice for academism at all. Miyuki told the story of syphilis spreading situation among versity related in Tokyo. EBISAWA's neace suffered from syphilis, and she would be his daughter, probably. And she refered to the guy, who appereared in an interview of OMANKO journalism in a photo, with a big black patch of 3 cm of diameter, indifferent from the existance of evident proof of syphilis suffering.

For them, existance of the real syphilis patch called 梅毒斑 or BAIDOKU-HAN was relly out of mind. However, exist some guys who were so earger to take this black big patches. Thus, Miyuki thought that the same impression of the three guys among her educational career related guys.

古賀良彦:Yoshihiko KOGA

樋口陽一:Youichi HIGUCHI

 吉田孝一:Kouichi YOSHIDA
MIyUKI & KATSUMI's teacher responsible of their 5th grade in Shirakawa III

All, long face with red gleasy skin, and smelly. In Yoshihiko KOGA's case, his gleasy red hot face was the proof of entire facial lazor surgery as much as possible, using his status as professor of medical doctor of Kyorin Versity Hospital, because Kyorin hospital has speciel course of lazor esthetic surgery. Thus, always "nakid brilliant face" and he called himself as "Cupid" or Cupie Boy. Vomitting, however, this is the fact!!!

Miyuki got upset that even now, this Dirty Worm Penis works in a private clinic, as a medical doctor! Tokyo is like that. Even after the satanic power holders' death, the inferiors take advantage of the relatioship, and borrow their dirty name, as if they were glory!

Thus, no choice for Tokyo related. Recently, Shirakawans don't use Shirakawan dialect, and rather, Tokyonean like expressions are used, so often.

Nasty satans, they are. And Miyuki responded so clearly, in her totally denying mode toward their nasty superficial cumpliments. Shirakawa I primary school provided terrible IKKYO kids, when Miyuki was comming back to the office, and the courtyard. So many guys cumplimented and Miyuki took their superficial dirty words as contemptious remarks, and said clearly toward them, "Go to INFERNO! Bitches!" or "You shall die, Stupid!" only. Sometimes, with her scolding mode, while someties, with her smiling. BAMBI face, she herself thinks and the result...Probably Piccolo, in Dragon Ball Z. Anyway, some fierce animal like face, she takes with this song.

Cute Bambi, she images, however, always, nasty negative faces, IKKYO kids show to her.

And they were so evil thieves. High Grader girls took all of the yellow flags for crossing the road, in front of the school, thus, the cilinder box of the flags was empty. Miyuki presumed the existance of small kids, who were afraid of crossing the road, without any yellow flags, and refrained from crossing. "We are so tiny, and the vehicles can't see us at all. No brilliant yellow flags at all. They were all taken by the elder girls. How should we do? Why they are so evil to do so? They have no necessity to use them, at all, because they are tall. We are short. We need to be distinctive against evil cars. Why we are obliged to cross without any flag? Dangerous! how evil IKKYO kids are! The yellow flags for us all! Not for big guys! They stole them all, just to gift to their contributors! Show your flags, they yelled, and they took! Terrible misunderstanding, and Miyuki didn't take any yellow flags at all! She used them to protect herself!"

Miyuki used the plags to show how to use it, in the correct way on Road 11, near KOMERI Home Center, and returned them in the box, after her use. Satanic thrifty, they live, now!

Miyuki is necessarily using the materials, which she gained at the shops, yes. Thus, she is taking advantage of the existance of plastic materials. Transparent is necessity, yes. However, semi-transparency is also nice. Thus, both, she tries to use, and now, she thinks of making real vinil plastic sac patchwork for the second courtyard.

Thus, she gained the power so much. Nasty places here and there in Shirakawa. And one of the newest sites, she climed up today. It is called 風神 Berg OXXX or バーク オXXX, at INARIYAMA hill, in INARIYAMA Mountain Range. It was established recently, and what is this big building? And Miyuki climed up the hill, and found that...Oh, nasty cheapish narrow apartment! And probably IKKYO believers came to be killed.

They were invited to live here, and came, and then, got obliged to register to Shirakawa Municipality, and then, got to be killed. All included. IKKYO pack, it is called. No choice for the period of death. Thus, as soon as possible, was Shirakawan response.

Stupid guys only place. And the view is marvelous, yes. However, at the same time, so cold. The same happened IZUMI brother Palace, on the hill of HEBIISHI area. Windy, thus, not suitable for living, thus, they moved, so soon after the recognition. And the name was remained, as it was. And now, No Man's Land, again.

Several vehicles were parked on the parking lots, however, just to show up. Just for this cheapish building, INARIYAMA was devastated? Blasfamia, totally! Crazy! Why they put the name, in the megalomaniac way? Terrible, and no necessity at all!!!

Monopoly, Monogamy, Mono pencil, Monocracy, Mono-Mono world, it is!!!

Any thrifty easily turns to be monopoly??? Most of thrifty activities are rather counterattacks against satanic monopoly. We are obliged to be poor, thus, we are necessatily thrifty, in short. The factor of our thrifty attitude is monopliy. yes, related, the both conception, however, the factor and the result, we need to think correctly.

Miyuki ate a tiny curton of Rum Raisen Icecream at Benimaru-Mega Stage. And found that the benches are already Meeting Spots in Shirakawa. They all were eager to do it. The old guys came with erected P, appearently, and then, a younger bitch came, and they started to behave as if they did know so well, as if they were families.

Thus, for Miyuki, so strange. They already took Viagra or Cialis, and the counterpart, also. Thus, date course, the supermarkets are. Thus, so downward eyes, they have. They would do it soon, thus, so unusually tried to avoid Miyuki's gaze, as much as possible.

Miyuki, today, tried to open the windows of the washing room and the toilet. However, immediately, at first, YUKARI dashed into the office, and closed all of the windows. And then, when Miyuki did the same, now, HARUMI dashed soon after Miyuki's opening. Wetness, Miyuki wants to push out from the bath room. However, on the exactly contrary, the Two Alzheimers behave, and Miyuki sighed so much. No inclination at all, and they were ordered to frustrate us, as their standard version. Dashed, HARUMI, and entered into the toilet at first, and did evacuation, while Miyuki was heating up a cup of milk. Terrible, yes, however, probably, HARUMI used medicine to evacuate fass. It is called 便秘薬 or Bowel Movement inducing medicine, and the usage of this type of medicines is so common among Japanese ladies. Thus, they dash into the toilet, and sometimes, they do it outside the basin, unfortunately.

Thus, HARUMI should open the window after her evacuation, yes, however, HARUMI just wants to behave against Miyuki's previous act, thus, concealed place with the smell of fass, it turned to be. HARUMI lacks of sense of smell, also, confirmed. Thus, Miyuki opened the window again, to take the fresh air inside of the toilet.

They dirt the toilet during day time, however, they don't wipe it up, at all, and they insist that MIYUKI did it, because she is mentally illed. Always, and they were revealed the real Alzheimers, without saying type.

HARUMI dashed like that, and Miyuki called it, "Ciao=Ribbon dashing" like Mayuko FUKAWA's case. To induce someguy's sympathy, the do it, however, the result is totally contrary. No protection at all now for the Alzheimer ladies. No guy want to get married with any of them, entirely. Too too nasty for YUKARI to be refused by some targetted guy. Thus, she killed herself, practically, and sold the skin bag toward MICCHIKU family. Thus, now, she is so nasty to work, while, so so arrogant to gain affection from others. Nasty kids training center, she established, and she tried to make Alex and Clare being resident toward Miyuki. For Miyuki, any kids would be suspicious to the others' value choice, thus, good to check her own value's correctness. Thus, No Man's Land, at all.

Only three hours genus, she was. and for her, good experience, and found that keeping to be genus is tough work for her, and she couldn't put up with this task, and chose to be more cheerful adventurers. Thus, she gained some unusually skewed kids' admiration. For Miyuki, just good experience, however, for some really skewed kids, "Oh, genus by cramschool study! I would be suitable candidate for it! Anyway, genus, I want to be, even thought the situation is so short." Thus, Miyuki found some unusual fans among some OTAKU type. yes, it works. A kind of being somebody in a short period type, good training. Like some game players' admiration of "KAMI-Kyuu" or 神級 or Gods Class...Thus, some really cramschool study type try to do it. For Miyuki, a kind of challange, and a kind of hobby with some sufficient reward. Thus, yell for them. However, just for guys, with intention really to do it. Obliged or forced, not at all!!!

Just a trigger to think that "Making efforts work", in short. Thus, if alternatives exist, probably, they are also fine. As they like type attempt. Even with cramschool study, we can reach the level, is Miyuki's understanding on the genus situation.

Moriko cried and cried...Why, my son, you, stupid, wants to do so! You want to be more stupid rather than Miyuki! Unusual! Miyuki is enough for us all! U2, my kid!!!

Moriko, consecutively, got so shocked at her family problem...U2, my son, my only son, my dearest son, my lavable son, my...stupid son!!!

Moriko didn't want him to be such a type, thus he studied at Faculty of Education. However, the result..."Oh, mother, I am good at getting points! I like to solve the problems! Oh, Miyuki type!!! Eureka!!!" Unfortunately, he is, Moriko agreed. Thus, double generation gaps...He would be real worrior of Cramschool Study War, instead of his mother MORIKO...

And Miyuki? Oh, Alex loves ANIME so much, and wifi games. For Miyuki, not at all, type. However, his choice. Thus, Miyuki leaves him as he likes...

MORIKO likes Miyuki's easy liberalism...Why you are so easy to do so? Because I am so busy at my own survival game, in the real version.

Thus, no time for the Alzheimer ladies. They are all skin bags, yes, however, they want to attack Miyuki all together.

Miyuki found a 回覧板 or circulation communication board in ech block was left outside, near Stone ZIZOU in Ryuuzouji Temple. For several days, it was there. No residence at all, in this region.

And in the morning, Miyuki found an old guy, wearing B's Boys Fashion jacket, came to put a big vinil trash sac in the NENGUMACHI area. Miyuki thought that she watched him in NEMOTO grocery store in SAKURA-MACHI. His sac was filled with home family type trash, and he was smoking with a cigarette in his right hand. Old guy's smell, Miyuki thought, and she found that he is not an assistant of NEMOTO shop manager, rather, father of him. Thus, the end. They couldn't put the trash on the suitable site in SAKURA-MACHI area, and their commercial stale is minimum, rather self consumption as a family. Thus, no commercial at all, even the shop opens at 6:30 in the morning.

Miyuki also observed the contents of each package of the trash in YAOYA-cho area, KAJI-Machi area, Sakura-machi area, and Nengu-machi area. And found that all of the fake residents put every trash without any classification into the package. Thus, HARUMI's classification is out of mind type time consuming useless job, in short.

No job suitable for her, and she attacks us not to collect the trash correctly. Terribly, she attacks, without any reason. Thus, No Man's Land. Thus, No Man's Mega-Stage, and Beisia, it appeared, at first, then, satans popped out to decorate the No Man's Land called Shirakawa.

Issusional, yes, however, they appear, and give us torture in their lines. And they vanish, after our recognition. And now, YUKARI and HARUMI really are in refraining process. Good grief. Miyuki sighed deeply.

Why they came? Just to torture us all. And we are obliged to attend their terrible Idiocratic requirements, so many years. INFERNO, in short. Some silence, would be fine, to perceive the situation. Sometimes, however, enhanced, than before. Thus, so so soon, they vanish...

Miyuki's tiny space was attacked by one of them, at least, yesterday and today. The red electric leg heating sac was moved from best hit narrow place to the bottom of the space, and the used plastic trashed were left on the Puddington bear. A reed curtain was put in the bottom also. The electric piano could be used before, however, these two consecutive days, Miyuki's objects were taken off, and Miyuki got upset. Why they attack Miyuki so much? However, Miyuki should be minimum user, thus, indifferent from their nasty disturbance, Miyuki would try to live in the minimal way. Terrible, and anti-productive. And they themselves are terribly dirsty and anti-clean. Just abandoning all of the objects, as they like, is their way. Thus, Miyuki thinks that they should not have been born.

They don't know to respect others' existance. They can't co-exist any of us. Total vanishing is just for them, nor for us, including our precious objects all!!!

Always selfish, and just faked kindness. Superficial, yes. Sly smiling, HARUMI does. Thus, Miyuki dislikes her so much. For her, faked smiling would be the best facial expression, presumably.

Kitchen without fredge, they required us, and they wanted to move to the new place with the fredg. As they like. Go with coffin like fredge! Directly to INFERNO, probably!

Cold place, they want to go. As they like. Go to North Pole!

Miyuki hates their existance. They should not have been born. They should go back to INFERNO. Fass land, they should stay.

Thus, No Man's Land. Satans just try to come near to us, and it is so nasty for us all!!! Affection, they want, and Miyuki can't provide it toward any of them! They are so ugly and anti-attractive. They killed our members, they are thieves. They should refrain from our society!!!!

Open air is fine to take their nasty smell, yes, however, they want to enter throught unlocked doors, yes. Thus, No Man's Land would be so fine for us all!!!

Now, the number of the crows are increasing. Miyuki remembered the rumours that Crows attacked human beings in urban area near Tokyo. However, for crows' sake, Human figures lied so much. We should appologise our misunderstandings. And wild animals were called that they were wandering to search foods in the cities, also near Tokyo. They were tortured by human figures, and OMANKO journalism told total lies. They feeded wild animals illegaly, and killed them easily, for the convenience of the residents.

MONONOKE-HIME, Mary-Lin would play the role of. Watch out! It all depends on the playwrigt. The intention is not so bad, however, so many OPPABU version exists, thus, check with your own eyes, Chinkoro! You can judge which is which!!!

Gibri turned to be erotic satans, in short. Thus, turning point exists. And for Miyuki, magma's discription is so erotic. Penis and ejection, like PAN-DANE-HIME, a short movie, only we can see in Gibre museum.

Thus, watch out, and in case of positive playwright, we reccomend you, Chinkoro, to play the role of the representative of animal army.

Thus, Alex and Clare are in the middle. HARUMI and YUKARI are both evil, however, without them, we can survive? Oh, you are so stupid to say so! With them, both, we can't survive at all. Our future was cut by them, already. Prolonging their staying here would be much more tortureous for us all!!!!

Thus, satanic existance, we confessed, yes. HARUMI and YUKARI are so evil, and they stole our objects and always, "Oooops, we didn't know it. You should forgive us, two, OK?", as always. Thus, just refusal at all!!!

Easy. Just ignore their existance. Nasty, however, we should live without them at all. No choice for us, at all!!! The Alzheimer Twins should vanish, immediately, all in a body!!!

The last words of them...I just wanted to go to toilet, probably, because for them two, our office is just toilet. Alex already did perceive it. They can't recognize any prohibittion at all. No reason at all. They insist their privacy, while they don't respect others' privacy at all. Thus, No Man's Land, at all! Semi-Gods, they are. Alzheimers, yes. And in whole Shirakawa, the same situation is now in. Rotten garlic, petit type, in short!!!