Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (279)

2017-11-04 18:20:31 | 日記
04/11/2017, Saturday, 18:22 cold, wendy, cloudy, sometimes rainy

Miyuki gut up at 8:00, peeled up the blue sheets, and then, her Pyramid making job, Gize and Khufu's accomplishing. Now, almost both of them are covered with plastic sacs, however, there is a problem of strength against strong wind and snow. Thus, Miyuki will put more and more plastic bags on the surfice of each Pyramid.

Gize likes its transparent windows, while Khufu, anyway, soon type. Thus, she needs to quick up the process.

Today, in the middle of her job, it got rainy, abruptly, and the plastic sacs got lacked, and HARUMI popped out into the south garden. She is in rage, anyway, and Miyuki wanted to get away from HARUMI, as much as possible.

This morning, the twigs were cut also. The two trees outside the kitchen were cut harshedly. One half of the both trees were bold, entirely. One, south syde one, lost all of twiggs, while another, north side one, lost half of twiggs.

Why they do so? When? How? Who, exactly? What is the tool, exactly? All answeres were solved by Miyuki's presumption, and she has not yet gained the real proofs of these matters.

Why even now, satanic airplanes fly over Miyuki's head? Exist some relationship with the twig cutting problem?

Miyuki proposed that the air planes were wifi transmitter, and thier strong wifi beams could cut the twigs, like transparent thread cutter, made of titan metal thread. The measure should be correct, at maximum, however, satans lost this skill already, thus, now, not so danger for Miyuki, however, Miyuki presumed that they applied to our team mates, before, and so many guys were killed like that. KAMAICTACHI or Preditor II, they are. Thus, no appearance at all, for our sight. Always, after the cutting, we perceived what had happened.

And satanic DDMs participated into concealing jobs for satanic teams. They lost their spirits, already, and their skin bags are used by satans, and they themselves think that they are common normal guys, contrary to the fact.

They popped out from the corner. DOKODEMO Door. In any place, they can arrive, and only empty space, it happens.

Thus, who has empty mind, or flamboyant heart, satans visit, and stay as necessarily as they do so.

Japan is empty, and Shirakawa, also. YUKARI and HARUMI are also, "Owner of the lonly heart".

Asia, the name of the rock band, which played the music with this title.

Empty Japanese ladies, who are occupied their heart by satans, is the meaning of the song. Strange, however, attractive melodious lines, the song had. Impressive, and so so sad. The impression of Hotel California is similar to Miyuki's side.

Empty place, vacancy in ruling power, no brain, no heart. Thus, satans took their skin bags, and they use if they need. A bit a bit, satans go forward, thus, we need to protect ourselves against satanic inducing points.

HARUMI and YUKARI are so vacant in their whole lives, thus, satans easily took their skin bags, and at first, they were useful attacking tools for us all, because closest families of Miyuki's side. However, soon, they got recognize that the both Alzheimer ladies were nasty failures for their side. No brain, thus, no memory type. Thus, always they insist as they like, with their erroneous view points. Each time, with different reasons, they insist, and they can't remember what they did exactly.

Thus, why they hate us both? Miyuki is nasty guy, yes, however, why she doesn't appear recently in the main house? We are waiting for her arrival in our chambers. She should appear to make a conversation with us both. We are domestic wives, however, we have so much spare time, thus, we are so getting tired of our monotonous meanless conversation. Miyuki should bring us new topics, anyway. We want to get along with Miyuki. Why Miyuki is so cruel to us both? We are good king ladies, with politeness. Miyuki should be kind for both of us! We need Miyuki's assistance. We need to eat delicious dishes. We are excluded by Miyuki, and she is so nice at cleaning up the floor, thus, we need her working in our chambers. She should be our slaves. She is good at cleaning, thus, she should be good substitute for the vacuum cleaners!

This is their exact yell to Miyuki. Miyuki as vacuum cleaner, probably.

Miyuki bought one package of crackers of Malaysia, at DAISO US$1 shop, and gained plastic sheets at Cainz Home Center, and several transparent venil sacs at Beisia. She also bought 2 cartons of milk at KAWACHI Drugstore at Shouwa-machi area. Already almost prepared for coldness, however, gradually, Miyuki put more strength on the two pyramids.

Today, so many consumers were there at Beisia Shopping Mall and MEGA-Stage Shopping mall. And on the parking lots, so many vehicles with the numbers of いわき or IWAKI, and 宇都宮 or UTSUNOMIYA, and so on. Why on the way from such distant places, the vehicles came?

And at 業務スーパー or Gyoumu Supermarket, Miyuki found a black vail wearing middle aged lady as nun. Check mackinshosh, also, she wore. And she started to compliment toward the shelves as shopkeeper!!! Strange monotonous days make her a monstrous confusional existance, a nun clothing wearing common middle aged lady, who likes to make an errand near this area, like Miyuki.

The nun clothings wearers are all short, as far as Miyuki knows. And when Miyuki was in the graduate school, Miyuki was thought as a kind of nun like existance. Okiyoshi TAKEDA said so directly to her. Why? Probably Miyuki was a-sexual at that period. Thus, some satanic errors happened, and the nun style wearing short ladies popped out from INFERNO, so many times, in front of Miyuki.

And for two consecutive days, Miyuki caught several ladies came from Bell Vie Wedding Hotel on a hill called 与惚山小屋 or Yoso-Yama-Goya, or Love Poison Hut, by cars, per each, or on foot, in one case, with carry cart for travelors. All females, they were. Thus, FEMI-LES BUSU bitches, and all of them are middle aged. PTA, was Miyuki's impression.

Miyuki recognized that there is the big full moon, shining in the east low sky, in the evening. Oh, Full Moon Wild Party, Miyuki remembered satanic festival for MEGA-DEATH. Tsukiyomi-no-Niwa, or 月夜見の庭、Shirakawa has in Tenjin-machi area. Every month, once at night, in the full moon, the couples are allowed to do it, by their bosses. Oh, TAKAHARA, thus, you were that type!!!

Some animals have the same habit. Especially, ocean turtles and sea creatures. Too too related with the moon's bright light. Mary Poppins danced in a party of Big Wave in the full moon night. Thus, some creatures are fated to do it, only once per month.

Rabbit tribe are also the same. Thus, they planed School Festival in these three consecutive holidays. Thus, a kind of wild party is expected among satans. Thus, yesterday, Alex was so enthusiasmatic. No reason for being so, however, we feel to do it, Clare confessed. Oh, shaking in the bottom part. Satanic shaking makes us active, probably.

Thus, satans came from other rural towns and villages to do it this night. So many family faked guys were in simple Shopping malls in Shirakawa, an isolated rural village. What attracts them?, Miyuki got in wonder.

Miyuki recognized that these several months YUKARI dyed her hair. Whitish Gray, her hair was. Grisly like impression, last year, and up to recently, Miyuki caught from her appearance. However, she is interested in showing up younger, recently. Cosmetics also. Some yawning she catches inside her belly, probably. Replacement was done like that.

Miyuki recognized that HARUMI changed completely. Miyuki found clues so many:
1. Before: Garlic lover ⇒ After : Garlics got to be disliked by her.
2. Before: NATTOU or fermented soy beans were rather liked by her ⇒ After : NATTOU turned to be hatred of HARUMI.
3. Before: HARUMI taught Miyuki to broil dried sea weeds called 海苔 or NORI, before eating, when Miyuki was kid. ⇒ After : HARUMI accused Miyuki because of Miyuki's broiling the dried sea weeds.
4. Before: Salt was less used than Shirakawans ⇒ After : Salt is so much used as always.
5. Before: She could recognize the difference between genuine leather and artificial one. ⇒ After: She bought artificial leather hand bag, considering as if it were genuine leather made.
6. Before: In the kitchen, any guy was allowed to brush the teeth. ⇒ After: Even while Miyuki was cooking, HARUMI started to brush her teeth with tooth paste, mint type.
7. Before:Kitchen Towels were only for Kitchen use, and the new ones were used, exclusively. ⇒ After:Used Towels were applied for Kitchen Use, and sometimes, after the usage of HARUMI's bathing.
8. Before: HARUMI loved to wash the dirty clothings. ⇒ After:HARUMI rarely washes her dirty clothings.
9. Before: HARUMI liked meat, especially chiken leggs. ⇒ After: HARUMI prefers eating only rice and some salty dish.
10. Before: HARUMI liked to make an errand. ⇒ After : HARUMI rare makes an errand.

And so on. Personal change, so easily. Especially, her likeliness changed so much. Degradation from the basic points of each personality. Each time, more audacious, or, shameless.

Who is HARUMI?, is common question from our side. She is not HARUMI any more. Just satanic bride. YUKARI and HARUMI are the twin satans, now. We know well on them both. Non working idol idiots, they are! And they love to accuse others, as always.

Miyuki watched marvelous red maple leaves in NANKO silver lake area. Variety of reddish leaves welcomed Miyuki's arrival! Just like flowers! Cherry Blossomes in Spring, while Red Maple leaves in Autumn. Special thanks for others, from maples' side! Good to see their so pretty gradational red turning process. And the combination with green leaves of other trees, also! Variety of Mohair like colourful mountains, this area turned!

And Miyuki remembered that in her house, in the living room, there was a painting in a flame of DOBUTSUKA or SUGOUDATE slope. Between Green tree hills, there was a dasty brown road. Miyuki didn't know who painted, however, any guy, who liked the scene, Miyuki presumed. A small painting, yes. Only few colour tubes were used. Brocorli like trees, Miyuki thought. And black shadow in the depth. No sand, nor pebbles, on the slope.

Thus, the end of YUKARI and HARUMI. They were totally replaced by others. No reason to live here. And diapers for babies were bought by them, erroneously. Cheap, they thought, and bought, and in the house, they found that they were for babies, not for adults. They are preparing for their custody or hospitalization. They need to be treated as serious brain disease holders.

Amirodosis is fine for them to accept their forgetful situation. YUKARI is crazy now, Alex deeply sighed. He asked to check his products for School Festival. A TSUNAGUI, or a big working clothing of whole in one type. Big Baby Wear, was Miyuki's impression. Uniform, yes. Salopet with sleeves, in short.

YUKARI wanted to reform it for Alex, and she took whole snaps and put bottons, instead, because it looks funny, like staffed bear???

YUKARI thought that the repair is necessity. And she started to take whole buttons from the uniform. And then, she forgot what it was??? What she should do?, she asked to Alex, and Alex ordered her to put all of buttons again. And YUKARI could do it, and she obliged to praise her effort as much as possible, and said to Alex clearly,"I took so many hours to do so. Thus, you should pay, because I did it for you, Alex", in her threatening voice.

She is strange, Alex does know well. And Clare laught at Alex. "You did recognize now! We already know well, from the begining! Alzheimer ladies, YUKARI and HARUMI are!" Thus, no choice at all.

Thus, Alex is thinking of changing his working place. Alzheimer driving she does. Thus, he wants to turn to be 18 years old so much. I want to drive a car. And I can drive, better than HARUMI, of course! She passes red signals, without knowing the colour. She is so absorved in preaching to Alex, and did, "ooops, I passed the cross, already!", and always she yells, "You obliged me to pass the cross, not my failure."

Always others' failure fenomenum, like Mari KAWAMURA.

yesterday, Miyuki couldn't use her PC mouse at all. Thus, she used finger pad to move the carsol. Today, she can use the mouse. Why? What happened on my mouse?

Miyuki really thinks that so many birdies could survive, despite of nasty situation in Shirakawa. At least, so many guys could eat sufficiently.

Today, Miyuki met with HITAKI or Muscicapini, and MISHIKUI or Warbler. HITAKI was orange brown brest type, while MUSHIKUI was greenish gray type, and similar to Sylviidae. Sparrow's kins, they are! and HITAKI is symbol bird of this region.

They were standing on two stomps, cut illegaly by satans. And MUSHIKUI was eating MUSHI or eal like warm, at that moment. MUSHI is insect, while KUI is eater. Thus, just the name! They were plump, round type, and the sparrows also plump this year. At least, their foods or rather, insects came back, good grief.

And so many crows were flying, also today. Crows are now safe in Shirakawa. Also, Good Grief.

MUSHIKUI was singing, with the worm in his beak. And then, he ate it! Snag? Oh, worrier, he is!

for him, squid!!! Oh, that's it! Nice! We are recruiting such brave guys! Thus, he turned to be team leader. Agreed! He showed his bravery, yes, however, Miyuki thought so so nasty imagination...From her sight, a round ball like black shadow on his beak, Miyuki watched. Thus, "Oh, birdy, are you all right? Your beak is with some wart, isn't it? You have disease? Oh, your beak shape is unusual, just it?" And Miyuki found that it was just a warm.

Oh, Good grief, not disease, you suffered from. Not only worm, but because snags! Oh, they ate the nasty snag satans! Thus, they got so staffed! Plump means rich, of course, in this case. Miyuki remembered ふくらスズメ or Plamp Sparrow, a ORIGAMI form, which she leaned from her grand mother UME-san. Box like Baloon with bird, it is. Miyuki can't remember now the way to fold it, well. However, similar to crane's making.

Miyuki liked to fold tiny silver cranes with the wrapping paper on chocolate box caleld Hi-Crown. Each chocolate was wrapped by almost 8 cm x 6 cm silver paper, thus, Miyuki cut at 6cm x 6cm, and made so tiny silver cranes, watching TV. A decorative spare time, yes, however, a kind of craftwork, and easy and amusing job, for her.

She made a zoo with tiny 5 coloured cray tablet. Crocodile, Elephant, birdy, Hippo, and so on. only 1cm at hight, at max, and she showed the zoo to YUKARI, and she liked it. When Miyuki was primary school, YUKARI was infant. Thus, it was easy to forget from her memory. Oh, YUKARI doesn't remember, probably.

Miyuki liked to make green crocodile with yellow eyes. Black Hippo. Gray Elephant yes. Pink Birdy, yes. Miyuki leaned that the mixing colours of cray should be minimum, or, the whole cray turns to be disaster.

Always, watching TV. And always from 16:00 to 19:00. And then, dinner time, watching News on NHK. Patternized TV life, she spent. Hero series, mainly. And mini-American ANIMEs, also. America ANIMEs were interesting on stories, while their way of moving was not smooth. Just like wooden dolls. However, always with good tempo, and the situation changed so swiftly.

Japanese ANIME, especially Gibri type is trash for us all. Slow, and storyless. Not satisfaction, but frustration, it caused.

Thus, the end of the sotry. HARUMI agreed to move to Tokyo, now! Good Grief. YUKARI also. Good Grief, double type! Too too rare disease, they were talled by their medical doctors per each, and for Miyuki, nothing at all. AMIRODOSIS, in short. Both, mother and daughter. Thus, good target of their search. Thus, they would be put in the hospital for free.

Closure of companies would cause jobless, OMANKO journalists say, erroneously:

Anyway, continue your business, despite of accumulation of debts, bacause we want to conceal of the lack of industry, rather, no Japanese financial system at all!, OMANKO governments think, and OMANKO journalists follow their instruction. Confirmed.