Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (292)

2017-11-11 20:08:12 | 日記
Moto HAGUIO was called "御モー様" or O-Mou-sama, by her fanatic believers. They love to put 御 and 様. Miyuki was accused by EBISAWA, or 海老沢, ex-NHK emperor, who robbed our precious money under the name of public fare, or 公共料金, in short. He was one of the owners of Kyorin properties, as family. His family rented the land for the evil versity, and the land belonged to Ministry of Postal Service, before WWII, and it was ceded to EBISAWA family for free. Idiocracy, already. Thus, Japanese Empire existed for the bosses, not for the people.

EBISAWA was hired at Kyorin Versity, soon after being accused by the people, who got in rage of his ego-sentric management of NHK, Nihon Housou Kyoukai, or Japan Broadcasting Association. He did as he liked, and he was called Emperor of NHK, in his hay day. 紅白歌合戦 or Red and White Singers' battle, was his favorite, and all of participants should follow his instruction entirely.

Miyuki sent him some documents, as a duty of her versity business. his secretary sent her a message, saying, "Mr.Ebisawa is in rage. You put 殿 or DONO, as his honorific title, and he dislikes to be called like this. You are so ignorant at not knowing the difference between 殿 and 様. He is a respectful guy, thus, he required you to be called EBISAWA 様、not 殿, you, stupid! You are so so imprudent to call him DONO, instead of 様, you stupid!"

Thus, Miyuki nicknamed him, 様様 or SAMA-SAMA. Miyuki did know well such kind of guys, already. 殿 and 様 are almost in the same rankings. They have some different history, however, just the matter of each guy's inclination. Not the matter of which is superior or inferior type. However, this type is so persistent in insisting the usage, thus, he is EBISAWA SAMA-SAMA, Miyuki made a fool of this stupid idiot.

He recommended his syphilis suffering niece to be hired at the same versity. She was ugly, physically rottened, mentally skewed, and unkind, in every activity. No value, harmful attacker, she was. Just like HARUMI and YUKARI, this female bitch called EBISAWA was.

EBISAWA was TAKEUCHI in NHK, presumably. Rich boy type, and totally erotic Alzheimer satan, he was. Idiot without limit type. And he himself believed that he were superior to others, against the fact.

Alex is amusing YUKARI's servicer mode. He asked oil heater's oil charging, however, YUKARI tried to think milk putting, because the latter is more easy for her. She tried to replace his request so many times, however, he didn't change his mind at all.

And then, disaster. Alex asked yogurt drink, and YUKARI brought yes, yogurt drink, however, she mixed two different drinks, and put into one glass. Alex claimed the strange taste, however, she said, "I don't know well. Your grand mother bought them. I am free from your accusation."

Alex laught at her chicken attitude. Always being claimed by Alex, "Not my fault, but others." was YUKARI's standard mode. Tomatoes' case, she put the dirty name on his grand father. how, in yogurt case, on HARUMI.

YUKARI is not accustomed to be accused by others, while, she is habitual accuser against others, especially Miyuki. Miyuki should not use toilet at all! She occupies the space so much! She is mentally illed, thus, she should be caught by the police! She should be killed soon! YUKARI in enthusiastic voice, insisted like that.

YUKARI is the trigger of rottening process of Sato Family, yes. Is this guy capable?, all of us should suspect her mental sanity, yes. So so evident her mentally illed situation. However, inside her, only Miyuki is mentally illed, and YUKARI is totally normal and good girl, in every meaning.

YUKARI wanted to avoid oil charge, in short. During warm daytime, it is rather her liking job, while, at cold night, for her, it is cruel difficult job, thus, she tries to avoid it as much as possible. Liking job only, YUKARI did, and against her sensation, the guy is targetted as nasty beast. Thus, Miyuki is again the targetted guy for her side. YUKARI is female type YOUJI, in short. And for her, Jason should not be restrained by any guy. Her pursue for happiness is killing Miyuki, in short. Thus, any guy should not stop her Miyuki catch business at all.

It is fun to listen to YUKARI's illogical ridiculous conversation with Alex. Alex refered to oil heater's oil charge, however, so many times, YUKARI refered to milk, to replace his insist on charge. "Oh, do you want to drink milk?", YUKARI asked him several times, and Alex kept silent. "I didn't say anything on milk at all!", was his reason of the silence. Naoko BAACHAN fenomenum, it is called. In case of inconvenient remarks, YUKARI tries to change the phase, and ejects non related questions, as if she were totally deaf.

When Miyuki was kid, she used this skill to make the atomosphare get amusing. She was always thinking some strange plan in her mind, thus, other's voice was heard so differently for her, thus, she took advantage of this "Some guy said something to me. However, the words are so similar to different words, more strange and unusual type. Thus, probably, replacement would cause their laugh, without doubt! Thus, I will ask in this way!" and she asked on it, with the latter words, and so many times, she gained big laughs from audience.

The most unusual words were intentionally chosen to ask toward them. Unusual, however, so similar, thus, they recognized that Miyuki was flamboyant when they told the story to her. Almost always she was out of mind, thus, so so far from her place.

The worse happened on YUKARI. うっかりユカリ, or UKKARI-YUKARI, Miyuki nicknamed her younger sister. UKKARI is UKATSU or stupidly erroneous, in short. Always her mind is absent, it meant.

YUKARI couldn't concentrate on anything at all, Miyuki perceived. And always with vague feeble smile. Nasty, and irresponsible. Thus, as far as Miyuki can, she tried to be away from YUKARI! Disaster! Caramity. Unhappiness inducing tool. Anyway, unlucky always with her. Thus, Miyuki wants to live so away from the both unlucky ladies, of course!

Now, Miyuki caught another proof of HARUMI's primitive unkindness. Instinctively, HARUMI is unkind, in short.
While Miyuki was cleaning up the toilet, HARUMI popped out from bath room, and came to the toilet, and from outside, she yelled to the some guy inside the toilet. "Now, the light of the toilet is on. May I turn off the light?" Miyuki chackled in her belly. Some guy is using the toilet now, thus, the light is on. However, toward some guy, HARUMI expressed her intention to turn off the light, despite of this guy's presence there. She wants to induce darkness, to induce nasty disaster caused by artificial blindness, it means. Fatal for some guys, yes, and HARUMI, under the name of kindness, she was habitually trying to do so, her attitude showed up.

In Miyuki's case, she just ignored HARUMI, and continued to clean up the floor, in calm mind. However, in case of kids, sometimes, they would have turned to be shocked, and to get in panic, with HARUMI's intentionally caused darkness, and made some mistakes. And then, HARUMI accused them, on behalf of the panic, and the nasty disaster. HARUMI was such a guy, in short. So evil, and she sold faked kindness and reliance, during her life.

Japanese DDMs are like that. Domestic torturing machines, they are. And now, harshed punishing toward both of them. These guys triggered the death inside the house, probably. So many times, in Japan, rightous brothers were killed in this way. Heaters were stopped in this way, and sometimes it was fatal for old guys.

Inferno producing machines, they are. They are belivers of some satanic religions. Satans should be killed, our team leaders yelled, and Miyuki declared it in this line. Our team leaders are in the same opinion. Satanic side should know their own limit. Faked kindness is worse than unkind attitude itself. They want to gain reliance from others, and others, sometimes, relied on them, and the families are composed for this cruel behaviour.

In Japan, so many families are killed by the family members, in short. Thus, the figure was informed. Miyuki was so chocked that 2/3 of the reasons of death of old guys happened inside their own houses. OMANKO ASAHI Shimbun informed it, and Miyuki read it, and thought. Oh, so many dangerous products and equipments inside the house, and old guys are not good at new products, thus, it happens so often. Despite of their careness, they died, unfortunately by some accidents, Miyuki caught wrongly.

Inaware of the dried fass in the small ditches between lumbers on the floor of the toilet, they are. No guy would not have recognized the existance, thus, we just pretend to work in the toilet. Sly and dirty. Just faking to clean the floor is enough. The stupid guys believe it, and Miyuki is non reliable guy no.1 in Shirakawa. Thus, we can say just, "Oh, she is already dead, practically way of saying. She quitted her job, already, and now, she cleans the floor of the toilet as our slave." Thus, they were praised so much by their team mates.

Toilet matter should be avoided by their team mates. However, they told and they were considered so evil by others, at all. Into the ditch, would be fine for Miyuki to put, HARUMI and YUKARI planned, and now, so sleepy, her eyes are.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (291)

2017-11-11 09:39:19 | 日記
11/11/2017, Saturday, 9:40 morning, cloudy,

Miyuki got up at 7:30, and she started her toilet cleaning job, and found that so many dried up fass were inside between the wooden slumbers used for the floor. She started to take it by Japanese small stick called 楊枝 or YOUJI, a gift inside the paper packed chopstics, disposable type, provided at any Supermarkets in Japan. No use for her mouth, however, old guys used it as substitute of brush in Japan.

Miyuki remembered the illustration of SAIKAKU series on YOUJI venders. In EDO era, it was just teeth brush, and it worked so much. No needs to wash after the use, and no water is necessary for the cleaning. However, for some erroneous guy like Miyuki, it was dangerous. Already Miyuki tried to use it, and sometimes she hurt her meat of the bottom of the teeth, called Teeth Stalk or 歯茎 or SHIKEI, and bleeded a bit. Thus, she prefers using plastic brush for the same purpose. The same as her preference of body brush. Easy and quick, however, needs to use water type.

However, she uses in the modest way. Thus, for her, time consumption avoiding tool, the body brush is.

YUKARI, this morning, appeared at 9:00, almost, and she was with a big plastic bag in her hands, both, and she, when she was passing through the back of Miyuki, who was waiting for her soup in front of the micro-wave oven, hit Miyuki in the most slightest way with the bags. Unnecessarily YUKARI approaches and tries to attack MIYUKI, despite of total incapability entirely. She could't put up with the sansation to kill Miyuki, probably.

In her inner side, "Why you are so stupid, and try to immitate my precious life? I lost so many things on behalf of you. For example, my precious data! You destroyed whole my life! Your stupidity caused unhappiness for us all! I need to punish you, instead of others. I am totally rightous to do it! Gods of Justice, I should kill Miyuki, immediately! Give me your power, Gods of Justice!" was her real voice.

On the contrary to us all, She is just immitating Miyuki's life, however, for her understanding, Miyuki does the same of hers. Ultra abuser is Miyuki, and Miyuki is now substituting YUKARI's role in the slightest way! Terrible danger, she caught, and all of us laught at her useless attempt to show up her power in this way.

Physical only type, turned to be faking intellectual. No brain, no judging ability type, they all categorized her, however, she insisted that I am good at any subjects, especially math, in front of others. Math Genus YUKARI was born now!!!

Thus, as always, she tried to study cramschool questions by way of Alex and Clare's textbooks. Alex was in wonder, where were his textbooks, after YUKARI's leaving to Shirakawa from HACHIOJI residence. Miyuki recommended him to study any subjects, using the past textbooks gained in public schools. More effective rather than any reference books or question and answer type studies. However, he just said, "I can't find any textbooks in this residence at all." Thus, Miyuki was obliged to buy some Question and Answer type test short books for him, according to his requirement.

YUKARI started to stury math by way of the kids' textbooks, yes. Miyuki recognized it, from the discriptions left on the table. How useless, however, for her brain exercise, probably, it would be necessity, like 100 square calculation training, of KAGUEYAMA. Better than any pastime, however, instead of necessary domestic tasks, she got absorbed in this time consuming useless working to regain her memory functioning.

Laughing story, for us all. And no attacker, at least, in the house, type, pastime for DDM, Miyuki and her faily categorized. However, in YUKARI's case, torture for others. "I need to resolve the problem. You don't do it, before I resolve it. I will teach you, after I learn, OK, kids?" was her preference.

So many repetitive training, she gained the power to resolve some forms of calculations. Just it. For 30 years of training, she reached the level. Alzheimer calculation, it was called. No use at all. However, she keeps her BLA-BLA-BLA ability, with this training.

Today, after 9:00, so many times, YUKARI entered into the office room, pretending to push the trash away into the bin. More than 5 times, already. And Miyuki felt that she used amphetamine today. And her blowing running nose is less noisy today. PErsonal change happened again. However, always attacker, she is. Slightest way, however, she always wants to attack us all, confirmed.

Miyuki was good at math, thus, her kids should not be good at math. Long long period, she planed the strategy, and gained the success. Auntie, who wanted to give a big damage toward the nephew and the niece, we all yelled.

Terribly passive in front of others, while dreadfully arrogant in front of families, was YUKARI and HARUMI's main character. The contrary to Miyuki and us all. Chickens, they are, however, they attempt to attack us all, with their abnormal arrogance. No choice at all, and they want to show up with their total faked powers.

yell in a loud voice, and scolding others in public, accusing others as much as possible, disturb other's productive activities as much as possible, etc. Japanese DDMis way of life, they spend.

Even now, they refuse to go to clinics, yes. however, today, it's Saturday, and good for their appearance in the hospital. KOUSEI Hospital is open even on Weekends, in case of emergency. Clare went there to check her brain damage. Miyuki remembered it, in detail.

She regretted the judgement, however, we need to take advantage of the situation. Miyuki was already trapped so many times. Probably more than 100 times, she was taken Xrays, in her whole life, unnecessarily. Thus, see you soon! Miyuki wants to get out of the place near YUKARI, the Crazy Jason Monster!!!

15:41, cold, cloudy

Miyuki made a short trip to WASHIO, and bought a package of petit garlics and three packages of meat, at US$2 per each, almost, and a mango at US$1.

Miyuki found snow predicting clouds over NASU Mountain range, and thought of the necessity of the protection agains snow. Thus, she came back to the south courtyard, and she tapped all of the patches, and two Pyramids.

One spoke of Pyramid Khufu broke. However, she would repair it soon. Not yet, however, at least, it would be sustainable, at least. Thus, she would repair outside, when it is necessity.

The snow turned to be so few rain drops in the air. Better, however, cold snowy days are near us, Miyuki felt.

This morning, YOUJI visited her father, for a while. He stopped his vehicles, small silver track or jeep, in the parking lots of Shirakawa III, and he popped out. And his cousin and Miyuki's father, talked with him from inside of the rope gate. From outside the rope, YOUJI said something, and Miyuki, who was in her farming business on the third patch, started to sing, "Big City" of Crystal King, a middle aged guys' band.

Oh, far away, far away, now, he is running away! ♫

At the same time, "Tokyo Desert", commercial song for DAIKYO construction company.

"I am lonely, in Tokyo Desert" ♫ in sad melody.

Abruptly, in a loud voice, she sang, and YOUJI ran away, immediately. Probably, "Oh, this Tokyo Versity graduate is really mad! She is so dangerous!"

GUTS did know how he was chiken...YOUJI, I didn't expect it...Miyuki is less harmless attacker among us all!!!

Torturous situation for GUTS and KATSUMI. Why she sang this song, repeatedly. Another song, you should sing!, thus, Miyuki chose "Tokyo Desert". And GUTS and KATSUMI way for her. Another song, please...However, their yell fainted. OK, MIYUKI, your turn!

Punching way, anyway, and so so similar to the singers, who came with intention to be bigger, and failed. Her song, yes, not our song, yes...

Spooky. However, Ultra Q, in short. Thus, it happens. For them, Miyuki's way of singing is abnormal, yes, thus, refraining from this mad guy would be the best policy.

Their way of existance is totally different from us all. And their way to judge others, also. Miyuki got to know that in really, YUKARI came to close the windows, on the contrary to Miyuki's way, soon after Miyuki's opening and closing. Miyuki was in the toilet, and doing her cleaning up job, as usual, using small Japanese sticks called YOUJIs to pick up dried up fass between the wooden lumbers. Nasty, however, necessity to live here. I am business person, thus, this cleaning up job is necessity for our clean cozy life.

Thus, Miyuki gained the prizes so much. Cozy at appearance, was DDMic way. Miyuki got upset at HASE-Byo cleaning. The cleaners did the worst, as they liked. Fass put mop was used to wipe the floor of her individual room, at Room Number 420. Death inducing number, it was. After Miyuki, a lady, who had violent yelling and spooky dreadful crying, "Skeltons are comming to attack me! Help! Help! Give me medicine, Nurse! Please!!!"

Miyuki was treated like fass, in short. And the disposable paper cups were obliged to use for more than 10 days, and finally, it started to leak from the surfice.

Dirty, nasty and anti-hygine. Their way of life was like that.

And YUKARI didn't clean up the toilet at all, and wanted to replace Miyuki's posistion without anything at all. Magic power holder, she confessed to Clare. I move, yes, however, Miyuki, instead of me, works. A kind of recognition problem, she has, thus, she should obey our instruction, you know!

And Clare didn't believe her remarks. Arrogant and feeble minded. Miyuki ignores two Alzheimer ladies, and she does know so well that we should life away from satans, of course!

Thus, no choice for YUKARI at all. She came to open and close the windows, just contrary to Miyuki's way, in vain. No time for them both, however, their preference is just torture others.

Non reliable guys no.1, and now, YUKARI wanted to get married with YOUJI. As they like, and their honey moon journey should be going to INFERNO!

Best couple among satans. YUKARI and YOUJI. Why not? Thus, replacement. Alex wants to get out of YUKARI's world, now. She is "Shoka, IKO-IKO" mode toward Alex today. While toward Miyuki, nudging and hitting, yes. One year ago, the same. Miyuki sighed, in depth.

Miyuki did tap all of the patches as much as possible, and she planted the petit garlics, and found that almost all of them were rotten and with green moss.

Oh, I lost 30 cents! WASHIO sold them, and they should refrain from our society immediately. COSTOCO market, it turned be, however, they treated COSTOCO as celebrity only high brow gorgeous department store! 10 times more, they put the price, and gained by their explanation, entirely.

OPPABU-BABAA day, today is. Thus, so many milk feeding middle aged ugly bitches at the shop. No time for the shopkeepers, at all!

Goddamnit rotten place, and Miyuki got trapped, in short.

Miyuki could protect her pots against coldness, and now, new disaster. A spole broke. However, she has another stick, thus, she put it to strengtthen the spoke, from outside. Not so difficult, thus, so easy job for her.

She made a semi-transparent vinil plastic cloth, for the third patch. however, a bit smaller. Thus, she would increase the size, adding other sacs, of course. Thus, a bit a bit strategy, it worked.

Toilet is the same. Now, she enhanced her target even inside the holes between slumbers. More clean and neat and cozy. Comfort, yes. For her, anyway, she wants to take any smell of the toilet! She targets the smell!

YUKARI replaces her role as toilet cleaner with Miyuki's working, yes. However, she confessed that she can't smell well, again and again. however, when she criticises others, "You are smelly, Clare! You would be disliked by your friends with this nasty smell!"

For DDMs, smell comes from appearance. Thus, Miyuki is smelly and nasty. Thus, no way. Terrible! Thus, ignoring them both is the best policy. Satanic existance, they are. and no choice for them at all.

rotten garlics has entirely normal surfice from outside. however, after peeling a surfice skin, the green moss appeared. This is the situation of Shirakawans, in short.

At surfice, so normal, however, inside, already almost dead. Shirakawans are so so rotten. Thus, we should live in another dimension, in short.

They can't stop their wrongdoings, thus, we live different from their society. And Miyuki should ask others help to know the reality of Shirakawa. Now, in the worst ending for them all. Rain drops should not be! Snow, they expected. However, it turned to be few rain drops.

Miyuki found white snowy clouds, thus, she came back to the courtyard, to protect all of our soldiers, yes. And now, no man's land, again and again. YUKARI avoided to serve to Alex and Clare, and now, with reluctance, she expects that Alex doesn't require anything at all toward YUKARI. Alex asked her a bit more KIMUCHI or Korean Pickles, however, YUKARI tried to persuade him to change the idea. However, Alex wanted more. And then, Alex wanted to eat yogurt more. Thus, YUKARI responded not to ask yogurt to her, any more. However, Alex required insistently, thus, YUKARI refrained from the scene.

No choice for her at all. Only refusal, now YUKARI does. Thus, no domestic work, please, was done by YUKARI soon. Good grief. Semi-Goddesses, the Alzheimer Queens are. Thus, they should not do any domestic tasks at all.

17:33 rain dropping, cold

Miyuki made an errand trip to Benimaru-Yokomachi, and found the distinctively nasty harasment done by Shirakawans. Now, "Before Miyuki, no consumers at all in front of cashers, while so many consumers after her in the same place" fenomenum. On the contrary to the previous pattern.

Shirakawans are all Alzheimers, and selfish nasty stupid idiots. Miyuki yelled at the supermarket, and gained a big success. Oh, vomitting samples they are providing! And only for their relatives! Oh, not sermon! Just cheapish fish cake! She contemted the shopkeepers and consumers, all in a body! And she used the cashing machine in her slowest mode. Oh, I dropped my garlic packages, and gingers, and horseradish's ones! Oh, how I should do! Of course, be thrifty!!! Thus, Ultra slowly, she picked up all of the packages, and yelled to the infant bringing mother, "Kill your kid, immediately!", and she left the nasty supermarket.

When she came back, she was attacked by YUKARI. She used her magical illusional power, and oral torture, consecutively. All, up to the last measure, we need to resist against our team!

When Miyuki came back from the errand trip, she found a pair of black sandals in the office entrance. And then, she entered into the office. Then, she put two milk cartons and a package of ham, and the tiny packages of spices above, into the fredge. Suddenly, YUKARI popped out with a bandage from the toilet, and she did her standing stopping pose, in front of Miyuki.

And then, Miyuki watched that Alex was at his desk, in the office room. Oh, it was Alex, not YUKARI?, Miyuki got confused. Anyway, Miyuki went to her space, in the bottom of the office room. Then, she decided to do her two jobs. One, heating up a cup of milk for cafe au lait, while another, toilet use and cleaning. She didn't want to lose her precious time, thus, she did the both, at the same time.

During her cleaning toilet job, YUKARI came to attack on MIYUKI. She knocked the door violently, and Miyuki got chilled, and YUKARI started to claim to Alex, in her threatening voice, "This crazy guy is occupying the toilet for many hours, and disturbing us all! Stupid! She should be caught by the police, immediately!"

Miyuki used the toilet at maximum, only 5 minutes, however, YUKARI threatened in this way, and Miyuki was cleaning the floor as usual. Dirty fass, dried up type, was put when Alex and Clare were infant, probably. And for more than 10 years, they left the marks as they liked. Dusty, and smelly. However, Miyuki goodgrieved, rather. "I couldn't clean up these, because I was so busy at that moment. I was obliged to work in Hachioji, and only on Sunday, I could pass time here in Shirakawa with my kids. Thus, now, as jobless farmer, I have a plenty of time, thus, now, I can clean up the job, in the delayed way." Thus, Miyuki wanted to continue the cleaning up job rather more cheerful thanking mode, however, YUKARI's remarks got her in fear, and she was obliged to stop working in the toilet.

In the middle, Miyuki quitted the cleaning up job, and opened the door of the toilet. YUKARI dashed into the toilet, and closed the window, and BUM!, she closed the door.

Miyuki felt roast fish smell during her cleaning up job. So so strange. Why, at first, YUKARI was in the toilet with tray with foods? Unusual.

Probably, YUKARI is in total confusion, nowadays. yes, she can preach, however, her remarks are totally ridiculous. And Miyuki's attempt were claimed like that. Any her attempt would be accused by them both, and sometimes, they consulted on it to the police. Alzheimer Crazy ladies, they are. However, they are citizens, and they popped out to the police to talk on their problem, so so family type.

At first, laughing story, yes, however, gradually, Shirakawans turned to get into the degrading process. Miyuki was in the center of strange rumours, like swirl of storm!

For YUKARI, Miyuki's usage of toilet is out of mind type. Why Miyuki uses the toilet for so long long hours?, YUKARI got in wonder, in reality. Dashing mode, today, YUKARI was in, and so often, she used the toilet. Does she have some addictive problem actually?, Miyuki recognized.

YUKARI was crazy mad lady, yes. However, at least, she was kind to the kids, was Miyuki's primitive understanding. However, totally different. How selfish she was. She just wanted to live in the new sun room put modernized house in Tokyo, in short. No measure, except Miyuki's capital, thus, she decisively declared that "I will kill MIYUKI, yes!" and she behaves like that.

Show up your hay day, was devine order. Thus, for Miyuki, power regaining process, yes. And ADACHI was put as her power enhancing guy. Thus, a bit strange, and for ADACHI...Ummm...she is rather male, while I, rather...Auntie...

Thus, recognition, yes. And Miyuki regained the power, thus, fass problem, in the smelly toilet, she wanted to resolve, yes. And the main physical factor, she recognized, and could take fass, a bit a bit. Better tapping before recognition with fass. Thus, whole cleaning up process would be fine before reforming job. Yes, cleaning is rather interesting job. So fresh for Miyuki, because for her, new in this area.

Todai related, and 55 years old, already. And female. Oh, Oh, Oh! She should not be! She should not be!!! However, she is like that. New on this field. Thus, 爪楊枝 or TSUMA-YOUJI, she gained as attacking tool, and it works so much. Each time, she could clean the space, and nice to work under cold frosty outside days, yes.

Thus, every place, such kind of nasty dusty dirty marks, yes. Thus, good to cleaning, before the adding jobs on the house, yes.

The main house would be reformed completely, yes. Miyuki would be DIY cheif, and she herself would gain several houses, and she wants to cultivate in each field, a bit a bit. A kind of resort houses, and probably, her friends come to see us all, and she left them for their staying, and sometimes, in case of their request or allowence, Miyuki provides her dishes or food materials for them. Thus, always, she needs to clean in these houses. A kind of cycling usage of old houses. Modest type would be fine, because so small. Neat way, she can keep, and some warehouse, she needs, yes, to keep her objects all inside.

Miyuki found that the ally between SHIBUKI and Sato family was open. Thus, Miyuki thought, "Oh, SHIBUKI invided our courtyard, and declared that this were their place. So obvious, because the trees were Sato house's courtyard type.

Probably, in ancient age, Sato Family recided in Yaoya-cho, as grocery producers combined with sellers. And she lost their richness, trapped probably. Thus, they came to invide the place. And now, they couldn't produce anything at all in this place.

Productive should be, however, as much as possible, we want to enjoy our life, entirely! All visitors want to appreciate her own MISO soup! OK, too too easy for Miyuki's side! And meat put type also delicious. It is called IMO-NI or 芋煮, and it came from YAMAGATA prefecture. With sliced pork, generally, however, if you have beef, also it would be delicious ingredient!

For collective, yes. And for individual type, also, delicious. Miyuki liked SUITON or 水飩 a no meat only wheat flouer Gyouza, in short, was put in the IMO-NI soup!

Japanese curry is also good for collective meal, yes! Delicious, and it's difficult to fail type.

And more rural elegant type exist. Thus, welcome, guys! Miyuki is now waiting for you! However, she needs to prepare for welcoming them! Thus, now, she is in training!

Thus, a bit a bit, she is learning, some crues to live better. Thus, 爪楊枝 is good tool. She used it as for cleaning nails...really 爪 or nail use only.

Miyuki put a seal, which says, "Don't enter" in front of her space. On the surfice of the wooden board, she put, to counterattack against the evil existance. However, one day after the putting, the seal was stolen. Satanic technic was used, probably.

Acid and Alcari, is difficult to know which is which, per material. Thus, she should learn the effect of rottening process. Tea leaf fermented would be substitute of ash? Miyuki thought, Alcari. Reason? Ummm...a kind of bit.

Thus, potatoes claimed. Not with tea bag, please! Just cut the package and only the leaves, yes. With paper bags, not at all. OK, wait up to tomorrow, or so. As soon as possible, Miyuki will resolve the problem.

And rotten petit garlics? Miyuki thinks that some ob them would survive, even after suffering rottening process. Oh, fertilizer, they would turn to be. A kind of. Not all, please. Cut the moss part, all. Thus, almost so tiny part, it would leave. Anyway, OK, Miyuki will dig the soil, and tried to arrange them again.

Easy and quick job, she does, yes. And each time, she learns, a bit a bit. Thus, she is model farmer, KOSAKU type. No debt at all, however HARUMI said several times, that the property were in pledge. Miyuki didn't know well on the legal matter of the property, and for her, anyway, not mine, thus, any rightous result should be accepted, yes.

And Miyuki is free from anxiety at all. Ministry of Justice is totally non reliable. They just existed. No working type no.1 among public agencies.

Preparation at night for the next stage. Oh, YOSAKU or 与作, in short. In a oven place, it would be fine. Warmed up kitchen would be the ideal place for her craftmanship and agricultural preparation. The kitchen combined with living room type, yes.

And the rest, a kind of writing place, and warehouse, in short. Not so much difficult to image her future houses. Warehouse should be twp. For fredge, and for stockrooms. For fredge, Japanese KURA or 蔵 would be fine. Miyuki thinks the thickness is similar to Alfama type buildings' wall. Thus, the end. Electricity works sometimes so well. However, with her, just "Oh, convenient" type. Not necessity. thus, sometimes, popps out type electricity is enough, yes. Generator system would be fine, as some cycling generators. Miyuki already experienced this type, in several places. In NASU area, in Shirakawa Health Center, and so on. Just stabled cycling machines, they are.

Thus, battery would be fine to accumulate the power. YOWAMUCHI-PEDAL costume play, ADACHI would like to do. Oh, I did already, without helmet type. Miyuki rode on bicycle in Tokyo, with this costume. Sporty, in short. Easy, and she could be thrifty because she economized the transportation fare, totally.

On rainy days, it didn't work, however, generally speaking, we used it, as much as possible.

And so many bicycles were broken, with some strange reasons. Once, stolen by some guys, and it was broken completely. The wheels turned to be squares...She couldn't use it any more.

And one, a big tree along the road, abruptly fell down, and the bicycle was broken, completely. Crashed, in short. Miyuki parked it near HIROO or 広尾 station, in the morning, and when she came back from Todai to the station, she found the crashed bicycle, in front of her, and...Ummm...disaster, yes, however, at least, I was not there at that moment...Good grief.

And so on. Thus, totally broken cycle problem holder no.1, she is already. Just like ANIME comic, all of them yelled. Always, "Oh, it happened on least, I am safe, in the end..." like Charlie Brown.

Thus, Miyuki is safe now. However, satans always attack like that. Their inside is already so rottened, however, they want to show up as if they were powerful. Thus, they faked so often.

Miyuki got so astonished, that YUKARI popped out from toilet with a tray in her hands, and it was replaced by Alex. Totally different, however, they appeared in the same moment, and only one pair of sandals were on the entrance.

And the knocking, in the violent way. BUM!, BUM!, BUM!, she hit the door of the toilet, while Miyuki was cleaning up the floor. Why they want to disturb our task in such wild way? We don't ask them to work at all. We just do our own jobs, in the most peaceful way. However, they behave in this way. Why they are so disturbing? Terrible recognition problem holder, Miyuki is, they yelled. And they are all Alzheimer problem holders, confirmed.

And they just disturb our life, as their own only one type job, in short. Satanic play is always anti-productive, and so so ridiculous, and costive.

Now, new way to appreciate her cafe au lait. It works for Miyuki type. Coffee is smell, at first. The pleasure of tongue is second matter type, in short.

Last night, Miyuki recognized that puttin spices into hot milk should be on the surfice, namely, no mix by spoon!, in short. It produces more delicious smell for her sensing. Thus, today, she applied it on her cafe au lait. And she enjoyed entirely the flavour, namely, pleasure of nose holes, and the unusual moving marble design of coffee brown. Oh, Jin of Aladin's appearing scene! And he came with the smell! Luxury combined with thrifty! Oh, I didn't know this super skill, up to my 55 years old! As thrifty guy, I have committed super error at this field!!!

So primitive, however, "Oh, I didn't know it at all!" type recognition every day. DDMs said, "I am already 50 years old. Thus, my hay day passed already. Thus, only degradation process. Downward only, in short." For DDMs, they were perfect existance, from the begining, and at 25 years old, they entered into another phase to be feeded by husbands, and then, they reproduced their evil seeds, and at 50 years, they are rolling stones on the slope, already. Alzheimer disease starts at 25, and after, all downward life, they all spend, and after 50, they are all Alzheimers, just staying in the world type, and in DDMis world, they should be treated as respectful mothers, in this terriblly forgetful stage.

Thus, YUKARI and HARUMI are not "early Alzheimers" not at all. Just averege Alzheimers, they are. And all Shirakawans are the same stage, yes.

Visual illusion, DDMs can use, yes. However, it costs so much. Thus, hush-hush mode only for the Alzheimer ladies. Non reliable, yes, however, at least, loved their own families, Miyuki imaged, and failed. They loved their own super indulged dirty nasty snag life, entirely. Others should be their slaves, yes. And Miyuki refused to be so. And now, others, just the same as Miyuki. Why we need to be slaves of them both? No reason at all, and they just pretend as if they were superior to us all. OMONI or オモニ, in Korean way of saying.