This Is The Way I Am



2006年11月15日 02時44分13秒 | Weblog
drinkin EARLYTIMES like drinkin water

drunk drunk drunk


who can cure my pain

no one can

writing songs on the piano

writing words I want to hear


who can whisper those kind words to me

no one can

closing every door to myself

wanting for nothing nothing nothing


who can open those door and say that I'll be ok someday

no one can


drunk drunk drunk



mature or immature

2006年11月15日 00時52分49秒 | Weblog
mature or immature
I'm not sure

but I have this mask on my face

it's not that I'm hiding real me inside behind it
but it may be true that I don't have enough courage to expose myself out

since I was only a child
this kind of personality I have have caused many problems
and it still does

I wanted to be wanted
I needed to be needed
and I loved to be loved

well I'm not just talking about the past that is gone
I should confess that...

I want to be wanted
I need to be needed
and I love to be loved

but tell me somebody
who could teach me how to express those feelings?
who could blow away these fears I have in my mind?

mature or immature
I'm not sure

but I know I have to change myself
although it takes long time and I have this long way to go