文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In the meantime, he completely discerned and trusted the behavior and propensities of the Japanese

2020年06月03日 18時10分31秒 | 全般

The following is a chapter that I discovered and transmitted online on April 10, 2014.
Baron Danetan of Belgium.
Can Belgium again see through the barbarity of China?
April 10, 2014, MSN Sankei News
I was under the impression that the etymology of the word "panda" was "propaganda," which also meant to induce international public opinion.
The "panda diplomacy" that Chinese President Xi Jinping, 60, displayed in Belgium at the end of March during his visit to Europe was eerie enough to be misunderstood.
The classification of "good" as "white propaganda," which is based on factual information, and "bad" as "black propaganda," which lurks false information, reminds me of the panda with its black and white features.
Japan has experienced this, but the adorable pandas are so close to China that they arbitrarily foster a peaceful impression.
However, Belgium is the country that produced Baron Albert Danetan, a special envoy to Japan, not swayed by black propaganda.
I hope that once again, they will see through the barbarity of China hiding behind a panda, slaughtering minorities, and taking away the freedom of its own people.
I would like to see the dignity of a modern European nation that is sensitive to human rights oppression.
Baron Dhanetan's Wise Eyes
Baron Danetang lived in Japan for many years (1893-1910).
In the meantime, he completely discerned and trusted the behavior and propensities of the Japanese.
During the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95), he had the foresight not to be misled by the black propaganda that drove the Japanese Empire into a crisis of international isolation.
The crisis was mainly caused by the proliferation of fabricated stories in the U.S. newspapers.
During the occupation of Lüshun Military Port, "The Imperial Army massacred 60,000 non-combatants, women, girls and infants in the Qing Empire. Only 36 people were able to escape," he reported.
The baron who knew the Imperial Army's military discipline must have intuited the obvious phantasm in the figure of 60,000, even in light of the area and population of Lüshun.
Start an investigation and send a report to the home country.
《Japan considers victims, the Red Cross does its job entirely under the patronage of Her Majesty (Japan joined in 1886 to protect victims in the land war), and complies with the Geneva Convention Has been.》
He was told directly by Viscount Labrie, a French military officer present at the scene, that it was a soldier who had taken off his military uniform who was killed, and it was not true that the woman and girl were killed. The inhabitants were evacuated before the occupation, and the only people left were soldiers and arsenal workers. The Japanese soldiers, looking at the carcasses of their brutally treated comrades, managed to keep the enemy as prisoners of war.
Qing Guo generals killed Imperial Army generals, cut their bodies, and hung them on trees and eaves.
To be sure, the Imperial Army officers continued to fight, dragging their rage at the humiliation.
Meanwhile, the Qing Guo generals who had begun their crushing run stripped off their military uniforms and broke into private houses to change into civilian clothes.
It is 'soldiers disguised in civilian clothes.'
Soldiers disguised in civilian clothes, holed up in a private house, sniped an imperial army officer, looking for an opportunity to escape.
Dr. Nagao Aruga (1860-1921), an international jurist who served as a legal advisor to the Sino-Japanese Army, pointed out that "the Qing government does not observe the laws of war at all.
And he also declared gun down to be legal in the Regulations of Land Warfare of the Universal War Gazette during the Sino-Japanese War.
Some foreign newspapers misreported that the fire on soldiers disguised as non-combatants and disguised in civilian clothes was a "massacre."
This article continues.



