文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Who would have thought that the Ministry of Finance would join them?

2023年03月08日 11時41分50秒 | 全般

The chapter was transmitted on 2/16/2023 and is being re-submitted with revised particles and paragraphs.
The following is a rough draft.
It is an undeniable fact that the Ministry of Finance (MOF) practically dominated and controlled the "nightmare Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration," which was the worst administration in history.
Furthermore, it is no exaggeration to say that the cabinet of Eijiro Katsu, the head of the Ministry of Finance at the time.

Mutuo Mabuchi, who graduated from Kyoto University, joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, served as ambassador and retired from the ministry, refers to the existence of the "Deep State."
The Davos meeting, started by a German, who was Kissinger's number one disciple (a nightmare, so to speak), is now setting the world's current trends bizarrely.

Last year, I watched a TV program with a big smile.
Her father is a German professor at Kyoto University.
In particular, TV Tokyo = Nihon Keizai Shimbun suddenly emphasized a female university student named Naomi Trauden and started to lead the world with strange and beautiful phrases about sustainability, SDGs, etc.

Recently, I watched a TV program that made me laugh out loud.
It was a TV program with Naomi Trauden as a reporter, based on Japan's Edo period, and created by them from the viewpoint of SDGs, aiming to criticize and destroy Japan.

However, Japan's Edo period was a wonderfully sustainable and SDGs society. 
The leftist pedophiles started to achieve their ambition of world domination, which would make a kindergartner's essay about sustainability and SDGs look like a joke.
Everything was ideally reused, down to the manure in Japan's Edo period.
So Japan was the cleanest city and country in the world at that time.
Naomi Trauden and the program producers wanted to criticize Japan, and they covered themselves with shame and left the show.

Now, many people must have been stunned to learn that the creator (general producer) of NHK's historical drama "What to do Ieyasu" is a Korean living in Japan who has a history of saying such things as "The Emperor should be the king," which Koreans use to insult the Emperor.
No wonder the Kiyosu Castle looked so filthy.
In the current development, they are in the mood to undermine Japan anyway.
They portrayed the Iga ninjas in a bizarre and filthy manner, making Hattori Hanzo and other significant characters.
Those who know the reality of the production must have watched the film thinking, "I see.

It is no exaggeration to say that the massive amount of ODA from Japan to China is one of the biggest follies in history. Only last March, Japan finally stopped its ODA, the most enormous economic and technological aid from one country to another.
During this period, China was engaged in an extraordinary military buildup, controlling the United Nations and spreading money to Africa and Latin America to expand China's interests.
The climate change issue initiated by the UN was a scheme hatched by China and Canadian international fraudster Maurice Strong, with the complicity of US Democrat Al Gore, to make it a global trend (Masayuki Takayama).

These aspects prove that Mr. Mabuchi's editorial hits the nail on the head.

The title of Yoshiko Sakurai's column in the latter part of today's weekly Shincho is Abe's "Memoirs," a record of a life of continuous battles.
Many people must have been convinced from the recent Diet deliberations and other events that the Ministry of Finance was, in fact, the source of the "Morikake" issue that the Asahi Shimbun fabricated to attack the Abe administration.

Mr. Abe's "Memoirs" reveals that he was an irreconcilable enemy not only of China and the Korean Peninsula, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world but also of the Ministry of Finance.
It was completed by Goro Hashimoto, a leading Yomiuri Shimbun reporter, after a lengthy interview with Mr. Abe while he was still alive.

However, Mr. Abe stopped its publication.
It is clear that the stress caused by the relentless and vicious attacks from the Asahi Shimbun and others aggravated Abe's chronic illness, leading to his resignation.

It is a well-known fact that Mr. Abe recovered and became the head of the largest faction of the LDP and reigned as the most influential person in the political world.

Many people hoped and were convinced that Mr. Abe would be reinstated.
As long as Mr. Abe was alive and well, Japan would be fine; most public thought so.
The mass media, the worst left-leaning press in history, fabricated the voices of a few leftist pedophiles as if half of them existed and were exposed in the light of day the other day.

They repeatedly reported that about half of the public opposed Abe's state funeral.
It was a fabricated figure of a small number of anti-Japanese who repeatedly and abnormally posted their opinions alone.

In the postwar crunch, many zainichi Koreans and leftist pedophiles infiltrated the Japanese media.

Leftist pedophiles still control universities.
It is no exaggeration to say that many who subscribe to and read the Asahi Shimbun, studied at the Red University of Tokyo, graduated from law school, and joined the Ministry of Finance have leftist sympathies.

A certain transcendence came to me this morning when I read the above article by Yoshiko Sakurai.
In addition to China and the Korean Peninsula, the Ministry of Finance?
As readers know, I have been saying for some time now that the Ministry of Finance is the Asahi Shimbun of the Kasumigaseki area.
Even an elementary school-level brain can understand that the real perpetrators of Mr. Abe's assassination were the Asahi Shimbun, China, and the Korean Peninsula.
Those who created the motive and had 100% reason to kill him all have one thing in common: evil, twisted, and childish ideology.
Who would have thought that the Ministry of Finance would join them?
This article continues.

March 7, 2023, in Kyoto


