文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If so, what was the qualitative difference between Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire?

2020年06月22日 23時32分44秒 | 全般

Many passages in this month's Sound Argument, the monthly magazine, that I have not read.
This morning, when I was reading the serial (long) article by Dr. Sukehiro Hirakawa, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, there was a part that made me think that this is today's China itself.
In the last part of his notes, which he summarized and published, there was a part that proved that I had hit the bull's eye.
Mr. Hirakawa's article is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people worldwide.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Is Japan an Asian version of Nazi Germany? 
But here's the question.
Can we forever just follow the picture that that war was a war of democracy versus fascism and that the victorious Allied side was justified?
Can we put liberal democracy and people's democracy in the same category and judge history as such?
Is it okay for our children to be told that they should share the same view of history as President Xi Jinping preaches?
If Nazi Germany was the evil empire and Hitler was its mastermind of evil, can we allow our children to interpret militaristic Japan as the evil empire and Emperor Showa as the mastermind of evil? 
If so, what was the qualitative difference between Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire?
I have already mentioned that the Allies during the war were generally unfamiliar with Japanese affairs, and therefore tried to understand Japanese militarism by analogy with Nazi Germany.
It was the case when they regarded Emperor Showa as the Hitler of Japan. 
However, I would like to ask such a question, and also reverse the position and ask the following question.
Then, if there is a question about the history Recognition of the victorious nation, which has It has been commonly called the "Tokyo Court of Justice," can it be said that the war was a war of justice for the Liberation of the Greater East Asia?
Can such correction be made?
What was "that war" in the first place?
This article continues.


