文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The LDP politicians must be just as low a level of incompetence as these traitors. 

2023年07月08日 15時48分38秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter (from an important article by Yoshiko Ikeda, published in the monthly magazine Hanada Plus).

A "fake joint custody proposal" that completely skimps on substance


On April 18, various newspapers reported that "the Family Law Subcommittee of the Ministry of Justice is considering introducing a 'joint custody system.'

Based on this report, the paper stated, "We have never heard that North Korea has adopted a joint custody system. Some may argue that the criticism that the Legislative Yuan is planning to introduce a family law in North Korea is a false accusation.
However, this objection is false.

It is because the proposal put forward by the Legislative Council is a "fake joint custody proposal" that pretends to respond to the situation in which other countries denounce North Korea as a "child-abduction state.

On March 22, Australia's Sydney Morning Herald newspaper published an article titled "Australian Government Urges Japanese Government to Amend 'Sole Custody System'" denouncing the Japanese government's insistence on the sole custody system.
The article included photographs of children abducted by Japanese nationals.
In Australia, Japan's pre-modern family law system has been widely covered on television and other media, and the image of Japan as an "abducting nation" similar to North Korea is gaining ground.

Similar reports have also appeared in the BBC broadcast in the U.K. and the Washington Post in the U.S. The EU also passed a condemnation resolution on child abduction in Japan in 2020 with an overwhelming majority. For some reason, the major media in Japan rarely report on this issue, so many Japanese are unaware of it, but anti-Japanese sentiment is increasing in other countries.

Kaino and Akaishi recognize that it is difficult for Japan to maintain sole custody under such circumstances.
All developed countries except Japan have adopted the joint custody system, and only a few countries, such as India and Turkey, have not yet adopted it.

Nevertheless, Kaino and Akaishi want to introduce family laws similar to those in North Korea to Japan at all costs.
So, they devised an extremely clever plan in cahoots with LDP lawmakers who advocate joint custody.

At the Legislative Council, they prepared a "proposal to maintain sole custody" as a throwaway. At the same time, they designed a "fake joint custody" proposal that was completely stripped down and decided to put both proposals out for public comment.

The plot of Tamie Kaino and Chieko Akaishi et al.
Kainou and Akaishi ostensibly support the "proposal to maintain sole custody."
When the Legislative Council decides to adopt the "fake joint custody proposal" due to the public comments, they will show their support for the proposal reluctantly after a brief outburst of "such arrogance is unacceptable" and other such comments.

No one doubts that Kaino, Akaishi, and some LDP lawmakers had the intention from the beginning to push for the "fake joint custody" plan.
One lawyer has exclaimed on YouTube, "The Legislative Council of the Ministry of Justice's joint custody proposal is a lottery with no winners.

A closer look at the Legislative Council's proposal shows that "joint custody is only possible if the couple can agree," "in cases of domestic violence (including psychological domestic violence), it is legal to kidnap the biological child (when one parent takes the child without the other's consent) and deprive the child of parental rights," "depriving the parent who has joint custody of custody is possible," and so on. The proposed law, when combined with the Law for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, which allows for the fabrication of any number of false DV cases, is a clever device that can, in effect, maintain the single-parent custody system.

Therefore, even if this proposal is made into a law, kidnapping of biological children will not be eliminated, and the current situation where a parent deprived of their child due to kidnapping is deprived of custody and parental rights will not change at all.
In addition, there continues to be no end to the number of parents who commit suicide because they cannot see their children or their children who commit suicide. After all, they cannot see their parents.

Parents deprived of their rights after the law went into effect may realize they have been cheated! 
It is too late for them to realize they have been cheated.
Since the joint custody system has been adopted, even if it is a sham, it is difficult for foreign countries to criticize the Japanese government.
Further reform of the system by foreign pressure cannot be expected.
However, if there is a silver lining, the "fake joint custody proposal" has been pointed out as physically unfeasible because it would require hundreds of amendments to laws and regulations if it were to become law.
One reason for this is that they tried to forcefully embed North Korean laws and regulations into Japanese law without considering consistency with Japanese law.

Naturally, they also did not consider consistency with the Constitution.
For example, the proposal would force parents deprived of parental rights to pay child support at the time of divorce. It may conflict with the Japanese Constitution, which stipulates the inviolability of property rights.
Note that this is constitutional in light of North Korea's socialist Constitution ("North Korean Constitution"), which in principle denies private property ownership.

A similar story can be told about the "Law on Support for Women with Difficulties" with which Kaino was involved.
Although this law is suspected of violating the Japanese Constitution, which stipulates equality before the law, it is constitutional in light of the DPRK Constitution, which defines "special protection for mothers" to realize de facto equality for women, taking into consideration women's cultural fallibility and other factors.
This article continues.

*The LDP politicians must be just as low a level of incompetence as these traitors. 
What a reality!


