文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a video of anti-Japanese agent lawyer Mizuho Fukushima, before she became a Diet member,

2023年07月24日 15時16分46秒 | 全般

Nishimura Kohyu
Now we upload a video of anti-Japanese agent lawyer Mizuho Fukushima, before she became a Diet member, appearing on NHK with an anti-Japanese comedian called Matsuo just before the Kono statement.
Of course, what did the anti-Japanese agents within NHK who made this program do afterward?
Anyone can imagine.
Indeed, the spread of anti-Japanese falsehoods by the media gave birth to the virtual reality of the 'military comfort women.'


返信先: @YzypC4F02Tq5lo0さん
ただ、残念な事にYoutubeに 福島みずほ氏の慰安婦に関する動画が 複数上がっていて、見ると矛盾点や ツッコミどころが満載ですが 果たしてどれぐらいの人が見たか…
