文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Would he refuse to do the same if he were dealing with the US?

2021年06月13日 07時01分26秒 | 全般

Japanese Soldiers Killed and Ate Chinese Children," wrote Nicholas Kristof and others in an outrageous lie on the front page of the New York Times,
2021-02-14 20:51:04 | General
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's latest book, See things on 5WIH, The Big Bad Corona Taught Me, published on 2021/1/15.
This book is also one of the best books in the world, just like his previous books.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore and buy it right now.
I will make the rest of the world know as much as I can.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
Today, another falsehood is being spread by the "Harmful People's Press Association." 
When I arrived in Los Angeles as a correspondent, there were quite a few "must-do" procedures waiting for me before I could start my work. 
First, I had to go to the State Department, register my eye color, skin color, and even my mother's maiden name, and get a nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN). 
Without that number, I couldn't open a bank account, and I couldn't get a Visa or other credit card.
You can't get a driver's license, and you can't rent a house.
It's a number that proves you're a decent citizen. 
On top of that, the correspondent goes to the LAPD headquarters to register as a reporter.
Their mug shot and fingerprints are taken, and they are issued a press card with both printed on it. 
Well, that's normal.
It was only with this that I was able to attend press conferences with dignitaries and interview Prince Charles and Lee Teng-hui during their visits to the United States. 
When the space shuttle was launched, I entered Cape Canaveral and went to the launch pad to cover the launch.
My press pass and SSN assure me that I am a more decent person than citizens everywhere. 
I thought it was the same in Japan.
When you come to Tokyo as a correspondent, you have to follow the law and apply for an alien registration card.
On top of that, I was supposed to get their numbers as proof of being healthy citizens and be registered with the Foreign Correspondents' Club. 
The reality was different.
For example, Pio Demilia, a correspondent for a left-wing Italian newspaper, refused to be fingerprinted, requiring alien registration.
He made the same argument as the Koreans, who claimed that it was a violation of human rights. 
He says he has no intention of obeying Japanese law.
He was also alleged to have links to a terrorist organization that has repeatedly assassinated former prime ministers and other important people. 
When he was denied entry to Japan, he sued the Minister of Justice and appealed to the court.
He has been sitting in Japan for a long time now, pretending to be a foreign correspondent, until the decision is made. 
Would he refuse to do the same if he were dealing with the US?
I don't think so. 
Italy switched sides from the Axis alliance to the Allied forces during the last war.
That alone is shameful, but after the war, Italians claimed that they fought against fascism in the latter half of the war and took a large amount of wartime compensation from Japan forcibly.
So how much did they get from Germany, the home of fascism?
According to Romano Vulpitta, professor emeritus at Kyoto Sangyo University, "We didn't claim even one mark." 
When it comes to white countries, they take a weak stance, but they change their response to the Japanese.
Demilia is probably one of them. 
The Japanese side is also to blame.
They don't treat such anti-Japanese foreigners lightly.
In his case, the nightmare Naoto Kan took over as his protector. 
He put Demilia as his special advisor, gave him a treat at the government's expense.
With his advice to "stop the nuclear power plant in imitation of Italy," he really stopped nuclear power plants all over Japan. 
It is a folly worthy of the death penalty. 
Even more troubling than Kan is the Foreign Press Club.
They did not expel this illegal alien but kept him as a member. 
If you belong to the Foreign Correspondents' Club, you can meet VIPs.
In fact, Demilia was present at the prime minister's press conference when the state of emergency was declared.
He took the liberty of asking questions and scolded the ignore whites, saying, "Why don't you imitate the West and seal off the cities?" 
He then asked the same stupid question as Renho, "How will you take responsibility if you fail? 
Why doesn't Japan, with its lax regulations, overshoot?
Isn't that what your foreign correspondents are supposed to cover?
If you had done that, you would have noticed the "level of the people" before Aso told you. 
I doubt the quality of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan for having such a person as a full member. Still, in retrospect, many of its members have been selling Anti-Japanese propaganda. 
Volk and others of the South German newspaper who wrote "impossible" on the Emperor's pants, Nicholas Kristof and so on who wrote outrageous lies on the front page of the New York Times that "Japanese soldiers killed and ate Chinese children.
They think that it is their job as correspondents to despise the Japanese. 
The Foreign Correspondents' Association magazine published a design with corona protrusions on the emblem of the Tokyo Olympics on the cover page.
Underneath it was "COVID-19," which hides "Wuhan.
No matter how you look at it, it seems like a harassment campaign in favor of China. 
In the end, they apologized, but members are now getting excited about criticizing the Aichi Triennale, saying that it is the fault of Japanese people who do not understand parody.
They say without shame.
Even a schoolchild could come up with the idea of a corona if it were round and had a projection. 
It is a hundred harms and not a single gain.
I have often heard it called the "Harmful Press Association.                             
(June 25, 2020 issue)
