文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Consequently, it is not a matter for us to impose conditions on them.

2022年06月15日 10時58分32秒 | 全般
The following is from a tweet by Hiroshi Yamada, a member of the House of Councilors of the LDP (proportional to the whole country), which I just discovered.
GSOMIA was destroyed by the ROK side on its own accord, intertwined with the issue of export control.
It has nothing to do with export control, conscription, or comfort women.
I was the Parliamentary Secretary of Defense then, and GSOMIA is not an essential agreement for our defense but a symbolic one.
Therefore, it is up to the South Korean side, which broke the agreement on its own, to decide for itself. Consequently, it is not a matter for us to impose conditions on them.

Quoted tweet
Nana Kosaki.
South Korea is poised to press Japan to abolish export controls and make concessions on the comfort women and conscription issues on the condition that GSOMIA is "normalized.
The ROK Ministry of National Defense stated, "We will consider the normalization of GSOMIA in light of the progress of issues of concern between Japan and South Korea."
We must not overlook that the ROK side has broken agreements and treaties.
And yet they are saying, "It will not protect Japan's safety." 
We must not give in to a country that demands such unreasonable demands from Japan.
