文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China as the good neighbor who should harmonize that pro-China faction draws is an illusion

2020年05月22日 07時05分29秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the "Introduction" to Yoshiko Sakurai's book, which published on May 12 under the title "Lies of the pro-China faction."
She is a "national treasure" as defined by Saicho, and one of Japan's greatest treasures.
The employees of the Asahi Shimbun, NHK and other TV stations, if you want to be Japanese as a "national treasure" instead of a "traitor", you have to read them carefully.
It is except for those who are not Japanese and live by the anti-Japanese propaganda of the Korean Peninsula and China.
The emphasis in the sentence except for the headline is mine.
The Limits of the Chinese Communist Party 
The Chinese people are no less unhappy about this.
Now that economic growth is slowing down and the people's living standards are falling, public discontent is growing, and the Chinese Communist Party is in the midst of a crisis. 
To overcome this, he will have to come up with a policy that is roughly the opposite of what he did during his seven-year rule.
Expanding freedom of speech and expression and loosening centralized power.
The economy will shift from a state-owned enterprise focus to a free economy.
However, Mr. Xi would not be able to do it.
As soon as he changes direction, Xi is forced to lose ground in the tremendous tectonic shift by the Chinese people in their thirst for freedom. 
There are few countries in the international community that side with Mr. Xi's China.
Few countries, even those that follow China out of fear of China, would want to walk with him.
There is almost no country in the world that endorses China's national character, except Russia and North Korea.
China has no friends in the international community.
China is in a state of isolation.
As such, the Chinese Communist Party will be forced to be defeated as an inevitable part of history. 
In Japan and the United States, on the other hand, the decisions of individual citizens are the foundation of national policy-making.
One person's mindset is in pieces, public opinion is not cohesive, and as a political system, democracy is not efficient as opposed to a one-party dictatorship.
However, human happiness comes from being guaranteed freedom and respecting human rights.
Human life without freedom and human rights cannot be a lifetime of happiness.
A happy, open-minded group of people who think in their own way, and based on this idea, society will move, and the country will progress.
That is democracy. 
When I think of the many people suffering under the oppression of the Chinese Communist Party, including the Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongols, and other Han Chinese under oppression, I see the limits of the Chinese Communist Party that do not make anyone happy.
Any government or country that doesn't make people happy has no choice but to leave.
China as the good neighbor who should harmonize that pro-China faction draws is an illusion.




