文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was probably the most "constant hindrance" statement for Xi Jinping.

2024年07月10日 11時54分09秒 | 全般

China stole Japan's bullet train technology and built a train in China.
Now, they plan to export the Shinkansen to countries worldwide, claiming that it is China's technology.
At that time, China's biggest obstacle was the overwhelming myth of the safety of Japan's bullet train.
Then, all of a sudden, a fire broke out in a Shinkansen train car, with a sociopath hiding in Tokyo spraying gasoline inside the train.

Xi Jinping has repeatedly made statements as if the invasion of Taiwan is his absolute lifeline.
The only Japanese politician who said and pointed out a wholly legitimate and perfectly natural fact was Shinzo Abe, still the best politician in the postwar world.
"The Taiwan contingency is a Japan contingency."

It was probably the most "constant hindrance" statement for Xi Jinping.
Shinzo Abe suddenly changed his plans and went to Nara Prefecture.
Nara Prefecture was a man who had served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force for three years from 2005 and now inhabited the area as a social misfit.
He was a former member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, and now he is a social misfit.
There is no way that China, a dictatorship, would not take notice of him as a target for manipulation.

To write the previous chapter, I searched for the name of the religious group this criminal had a grudge against, but for some reason, it did not appear.
Something is wrong with this case.

I was watching NHK's Saturday watch9.
I saw the scene of President Trump's speech on Abe's behalf, but the coverage of the incident was so crazy and messed up that I thought it would be better if the President's speech came on.
I thought President Trump's speech would come on, but I couldn't hear it because strange music drowned out it.
When I thought I could finally hear his speech properly after the music ended, NHK cut off the video and switched to the scene in Nara. 
The kind of news coverage should have been left to the subtitles.
One can only assume that the people involved in the production of this program must be highly anti-Trump.
It was as if the "hatred of Trump" was as extreme as the "hatred of Abe" of the Asahi Shimbun.

Now, the most recent employers of the criminal, who are the ultimate in stupidity and weakest in information, are appearing on the screen.
It should be evident that when his real name is reported, the name of his most recent employer should be the first to be known.
As I am sure all Japanese citizens know, the information immediately after his real name was reported was that he had been working for the Maritime Self-Defense Force for three years.
His most recent place of employment has just now been revealed, and the first thing to come out is that he served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force for only three years from 2005.
The Japanese government.
Can we leave the investigation of this case in the hands of such a sloppy Nara Prefectural Police Department?
Moreover, the most critical and valuable politician, not only to Japan but to the world, was killed strangely by a strange sociopath with security issues and a manner in which the name of his religious organization was not mentioned.
The media's description is accurate in that respect. 
Still, you can't leave the "biggest political case of the postwar era" in the hands of Nara Prefectural Police in such disarray!
Detective Columbo would have already been dispatched to this case as he found it strange.


2024/7/8 in Akashi


